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A technique designed to provide an idiosyncratic representation of a client's personal socialization experiences and a reanalysis of these experiences from a social-learning-theory perspective reveals the interconnectedness of client cognitions, feelings, and actions that contribute to the client's self-image. These data are presented to the client visually in diagrammatic form and aid the process of restructuring the self-concept. A case study illustrating the use of the cognitive-templating technique is presented, and the advantages of the procedure are outlined.  相似文献   



There is increasing interest in relational depth and its relevance and benefits for clients receiving therapy in a number of different therapeutic orientations. This research set out to draw together the available evidence from a wide range of therapies about clients' experiences of relational depth. The aim was to identify approaches that create the conditions where relational depth is more likely to be facilitated. The research focused on clients' views, given the increasing emphasis on their experiences in therapy.


A systematic search of papers published in English between January 1996 and September 2022 was conducted using EBSCO Host, Google Scholar and citation chaining. Twenty-seven papers met the inclusion criteria, and a thematic analysis was conducted on these papers.


Six themes were identified: (1) establishing dialogue with the client's inner world, (2) working with attachment in therapy, (3) responding sensitively to the client's beliefs and values, (4) deepening the client's understanding of the therapist, (5) addressing ruptures in therapy and (6) the client's role in meeting at relational depth.


Facilitating the client's experience of relational depth can support and enhance many aspects of therapeutic practice and in itself may contribute to healing. Therapists who offer warmth and genuine engagement are more able to build confidence and trust, as long as these conditions are received by their clients. It is the clients who ultimately decide whether or not to share their deepest feelings.  相似文献   

This article recounts the author's counseling relationship with a client who was a nursing home resident. The article describes the client's spiritual experiences and their impact on both the client and the counselor.  相似文献   

This paper presents the concerns of a client diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder about completing outcome measures. He was asked to complete CORE‐10 each time he attended a therapy session with the first author. This paper takes an epistemological position of co‐production, and written in response to the client's concerns, but this is limited by the client's wish and capacity to be involved in the writing up of this article. Implications of his experiences are drawn out for both clients with this diagnosis and more generally for all clients. Recommendations are made to recognise the limitations of measures and how to use outcome measures with more validity.  相似文献   

In this article, we draw on our experiences as therapists and supervisors to highlight the errors new clinicians tend to make and how they can be avoided. A critical issue is how to approach the client's narrative. We propose a stance of “respectful skepticism,” in which the factors that shape the client's truth can best be appreciated. This represents a middle way between gullible listener and prosecuting attorney. We also discuss common problems with client motivation, as well as the changing role of feelings in therapy, the importance of the therapeutic contract, the high cost of defensiveness, the concept of conversational domains, and the advantages of avoiding therapeutic platitudes, explanatory fictions, and jargon.  相似文献   

How a counselor treats a client's religious beliefs may affect perceptions of the counselor. Participants (N =102) of either high or low Christian commitment rated a videotaped excerpt from counseling in which a client's religious belief was either supported, ignored, or challenged. Participants' religious beliefs did not affect participants' ratings of the counselor. Results suggested, however, that most college students expect counselors to support a client's religious beliefs or attend to psychological (rather than religious) beliefs rather than challenge a client's religious beliefs.  相似文献   

There have been many theories of the process of loss and bereavement, from Freud, to the present day. Early theories of bereavement described a process which, following various stages and associated tasks, ended at the relinquishment of the bond to the deceased. In more recent years theories have taken different directions, identifying how bereaved people re‐learn life, recreate biographies, and continue relationships to the deceased. Some research studies of bereavement have investigated the counsellors’ perspective, but there are very few studies of the client's experience and most studies have focussed on outcomes of counselling. This qualitative study, using semi‐structured interviews, provides an insight into the bereaved client's perspective on the content and process of their counselling experiences. Taking as its focus the client's sense of the presence of the deceased, this study aimed to identify whether or how counsellors facilitate exploration of this experience and which theories they use in client work. The main finding is that 80% of the counsellors were not perceived by participants to have worked with them satisfactorily in relation to their sense of presence of the deceased or in relation to the story of the death itself.  相似文献   

Web design is a complex problem in which designers have to consider the user's and the client's viewpoints to make satisfactory websites. Designers, particularly proficient ones, tend to privilege to the client's viewpoint to the detriment of the users' one. Consequently, websites often contain many usability violations and do not fit users' cognitive capacities, hence hampering navigation. The usability quality of websites may be proportional to designers' ability to switch between the client's and the user's viewpoints, which in turn may be influenced by designers' proficiency level. To explore the role of viewpoint switching in web design, performance was compared across three conditions emphasizing either the client's viewpoint, that of the user, or none of them in order to promote or hamper viewpoint switching. This manipulation had a significant effect on proficient designers' performance. Moreover, a significant relation between viewpoint switching and the usability quality of e‐mock‐ups was found. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The authors tested the hypothesis that regardless of whether a counselor self-discloses, a client's perceptions will be more favorable when the counselor's behavior is congruent with the client's precounseling expectations than when the client's expectations and the counselor's behavior are incongruent. Before listening to an excerpted interview, participants (a) were led to expect that counselors self-disclose, (b) were led to expect that counselors do not self-disclose, or (c) were given no expectation regarding counselor self-disclosure. Participants then listened to stimulus audiotapes in which the counselor did or did not reveal personal information. Dependent variables were participants' perceptions of the counselor on three social influence dimensions and two therapeutic relationship dimensions. Results indicated that the disclosing counselor was viewed more favorably than was the nondisclosing counselor, participants' expectations notwithstanding.  相似文献   

Cultural barriers in the counseling relationship are the counselor's and client's reciprocal racial attitudes, counselor's ignorance of client's background, language barrier of poor people in general, client's lack of familiarity with counseling, the Negro's reservation about self-disclosure, and the sex and race taboo. The article suggests in-service and preservice training designed to help counselors examine their attitudes toward the culturally different and expose them directly to the culture of their clients.  相似文献   

A constructivist model of posttraumatic psychotherapy is presented with particular attention to the metaphors of "narrative" and "audience." Metaconstruction, implicit construing, and narrative continuity are explored to conceptualize how persons story their experiences, and how some experiences (e.g., traumas) disrupt the storying process. Then the elements of posttraumatic psychotherapy are discussed with case examples illustrating how the therapist, as audience member and conarrator, facilitates the reconstruction and renarration of the client's life story.  相似文献   

Sharon's Journey     
This article describes an indigent, European American female client's spiritual issues concerning her relationship struggles and the lack of meaning in her life. The client's premonition of her death, a primary influence on her counseling, is discussed.  相似文献   

Seven self-defeating attitudinal factors contributing to client inaction and procrastination are discussed from the Morita therapist's perspective. Morita therapy is briefly described, and ways of facilitating desirable action and reducing self-preoccupations are suggested. The suggested approach challenges the client's assumption that resisting and removing the unwanted feelings and imperfect psychological conditions is a prerequisite for implementing necessary action. The counselor's reinforcement of clients' mood-governed action style is also discussed as a factor contributing to the client's inaction.  相似文献   

38 positively experienced episodes in brief person‐centred counselling with six clients were analysed. The Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) method was used as the prime research tool. Clients were asked to identify positively experienced moments in the counselling session during a post‐session review interview. Clients and counsellors were invited to report on the feelings, perceptions and intentions they recalled experiencing during these moments. Three analyses were used to categorise the meaning and feeling quality of these moments, and a taxonomy of types of positively experienced episodes was also created. The most frequently reported positive client experiences were associated with empowerment, safety and insight. Other significant themes emerging from the analysis included: freedom in the relationship, shortcomings of the relationship, assurance of the relationship, unfolding of the client's personal meaning, and the importance of the counsellor's presence. Taxonomy of episodes revealed nine categories: four of them focused on the strengthening of the therapeutic relationship, and five focused on the empowerment of the client's self. These findings are discussed, and implications for theory and practice explored.  相似文献   


The act of reiteration is viewed as a therapeutic reply that is especially responsive in the face of what Lacan (1977) and Heidegger (1927/1962) respectively refer to as “empty speech” and “idle talk.” By hearing and selecting those key signifiers and phrasings that bear the client's story of distress, the act of reiteration allows us to focus and address the “subject who speaks” rather than the commonsense storyline itself. As an active and continuing punctuation of the client's direct discourse at the level of the word, the act of reiteration is only the first moment of a more complete narrative reply. But in keeping the therapist ever grounded in the client's direct expressions, it is this first moment of reiteration that leaves the therapist positioned to be responsive to the client's discourse of “rhetorical displacements,” of intimation and allusion, as these “echo” from “elsewhere.”  相似文献   

This article suggests considerations and strategies for identifying and modifying a client's defense mechanisms in counseling. A systematic approach to a client's mechanisms of defense contributes to therapeutic gain. Inappropriate counselor responses intensify an individual's defenses and undermine the counseling relationship. Definitions of individual defenses and indicators for identifying the mechanisms are provided. A literature review focuses on the counseling implications of the defenses. The process of defense mechanism modification is illustrated through a case example.  相似文献   


This paper describes ‘forgetting between sessions’ by two borderline and one schizophrenic client in counselling. What was forgotten included: progress made, awareness of dependence, an experience of having a helpful and sympathetic counsellor, and the ability to think. Understanding of this phenomenon is explored in terms of schizoid mechanisms (Klein 1946), omnipotent narcissistic object relations (Rosenfeld 1987) and attacks on linking and thinking (Bion 1959, 1962). The need to avoid or evacuate painful experiences which are intolerable to the individual, or to recreate and remember existentially infantile traumata, are proposed to be some of the reasons behind this forgetting. The counsellor's capacity to remember, forget, contain, and think about the client's experiences is considered.  相似文献   

Counselling outcomes are often measured in terms of standardised questionnaires. Though efficient for large numbers of participants, this method cannot capture the unique and subtle ‘shifts’ that clients often report when qualitative methods are utilised. Further, such questionnaires usually focus on the individual, missing the wider social implications of therapy. This paper presents the preliminary findings from a study that utilises the client's own perceptions of changes in their “Life Space” to establish the significance of their change process. These results are compared and contrasted with a standard outcome questionnaire and the participant's experiences of using the two methods are explored.  相似文献   

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