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This study investigated the relationship between psychological distress and attitudes toward seeking professional help and whether the relationship was moderated by gender and student status (traditional vs. non-traditional) among Chinese college students in Taiwan. 961 first-year university students completed standardised measures of depression, anxiety, attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help, and a demographic questionnaire. Results from the multiple regression analysis found that while higher levels of depression were adversely correlated with help-seeking attitudes, gender was positively correlated with help-seeking attitudes. Chinese female students held more favourable attitudes toward seeking psychological help than their male counterparts. Additionally, gender interacted with depression and anxiety in affecting attitudes toward help-seeking. These results were discussed within the Chinese cultural context and recommendations were given for student outreach programme aimed at increasing utilisation of mental health services on campus.  相似文献   

The provision of counselling services for refugee and asylum-seeking patients is relatively new in the UK and their complex needs may present considerable challenges within primary care, where access to specialist support resources is often limited. As far as we know, no previous research has attempted to look at the experiences of the counsellors who do this work. We undertook in-depth interviews with 13 counsellors who provide counselling to refugees in primary care in north London. The findings of this study suggest that counsellors who work in a primary care setting find themselves conflicted, troubled and out of their depth by the experiences, narratives and distress presented by refugee and asylum-seeking patients. They also report an erosion of usual counselling boundaries. Thus, the problems presented by refugees seem to demand approaches which go beyond standard counselling practice and which create ambivalence and uncertainty. These counsellors express feelings of isolation and impotence. The paper concludes with implications for counselling practice and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

Objective: While the mental health of university students is recognised internationally as an important public health issue, more epidemiological data are needed that allows benchmarking with general population data. Methods: All enrolled students from two large Australian universities were invited to complete a web‐based survey. Anxiety‐mood disorders were assessed using the Kessler 10. A total of 6,479 students participated in the study with sociodemographics generally consistent with the university population. Results: The estimated prevalence for mental health problems was 19.2% with 67.4% reporting subsyndromal symptoms. These rates were significantly higher than the general population. Psychological distress was associated with disability and lower academic achievement. Predictors of distress included: full‐time status, financial stress, being aged between and 18 and 34 years, being female, and in a subsequent undergraduate year of their degree. Conclusions: The extremely high prevalence of mental health problems in university students provides evidence for this being an at‐risk population. Implications: The results highlight the need for universal early interventions to prevent the development of severe mental illness in university students.  相似文献   


Universities provide a range of problem-focused social support services to help students who are experiencing personal difficulties. The current study examines how the effectiveness of students' (N = 131) problem-coping style, experience of personal difficulty and psychological distress are associated with actual use of support services in the academic setting. Results indicate that students who experienced a personal difficulty and who had a more reflective problem-coping style were more likely to use student support services. In addition, students with less effective problem-focused coping styles (more reactive and suppressive, less reflective) reported greater psychological distress. The potential personal, psychological and academic benefits of the reflective problem-coping style are discussed.  相似文献   

All higher and further education institutions who reported having a student counselling service were surveyed, using a postal questionnaire, during 1985. Information from 212 institutions is presented. It describes what services exist, how long they have existed, their staffing and their workload (in terms of numbers counselled and type of service offered). Comparisons between universities, polytechnics and colleges of higher and further education are made. The stated objectives of the counselling services are summarised, together with identified priorities in counselling functions. Some of the characteristics of counsellors are outlined, including hours worked, training and qualifications.  相似文献   

社会比较是人类生活中的普遍现象。通过对701名大学生的问卷调查,研究分析了大学生社会比较、抑郁、人际自立以及性别间的影响关系,结果发现:大学生抑郁与能力比较显著正相关,与人际自立显著负相关。多重调节模型分析表明,人际自立显著调节能力比较与抑郁关系,且有性别差异。低人际自立男大学生,能力比较显著影响其抑郁程度。建议重点关注低人际自立男大学生,及时化解其由于社会比较产生的负性情绪,避免陷入抑郁“泥潭”。  相似文献   

Flett, Vredenburg, and Krames (1995) claim that their data support the view that the apparent instability in distress among college students is artifactual. However, they have merely demonstrated that distress among college students is an unstable phenomena. Their argument that changes in distress scores have statistical rather than substantive explanations erroneously assumes that instability in distress scores is equivalent to error of measurement.  相似文献   

A small pilot study was carried out to investigate whether college tutors' perceptions of students' counselling needs were dependent on the gender of the student. Twenty-five tutors were asked to read six vignettes describing composite case-studies of students showing overt distress. The vignettes were constructed to represent two of each of three types of problem (anxiety, depression and aggression). One of each clinical type depicted a female student and the other a male. The tutors were asked to evaluate each of the six vignettes along a visual analogue scale, according to the perceived urgency of the problem and its long-term nature. The results were then analysed using two-factor within-subjects anovas and unplanned multiple pairwise comparisons to establish whether there existed any differences on these dimensions. Of the analyses computed, it was found that depressive vignettes were considered to be in more urgent need of referral than were anxious or aggressive vignettes; that males were generally considered to have a more urgent need for referral than were females; that anxiety was construed as a less enduring problem than was depression or aggression; and that male aggressive vignettes were considered to be a longer-term problem than were females, anxious or depressive clients. These results indicate that some sex-role stereotyping exists with respect to psychological problems. This is discussed in terms of equal opportunities and access to student support systems.  相似文献   

The two-factor theory defines critical thinking skills as a combined effect of cognitive abilities and personality dispositions. Although the available research supports the association between critical thinking and measures of cognitive ability, the specific traits contained in the dispositional factor have not been clearly identified through empirical research. In Study 1,101 undergraduate students completed the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA), three subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition, and the revised NEO Personality Inventory. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that Openness to Experience scores accounted for significant incremental variance in WGCTA scores beyond that accounted for by Similarities subtest scores. In Study 2, similar analyses of data from 105 students also showed significant incremental effects for Openness to Experience, even after more variance in the cognitive factor was accounted for by the Verbal Comprehension Index. Implications of these findings for the enhancement of critical thinking skills in college students are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the validity of the General Ability Measure for Adults (GAMA) by comparing it to the WAIS-R using a sample of 80 college students reporting learning difficulties. Results indicated that the mean GAMA IQ score did not deviate significantly from the mean WAIS-R IQ scores. The GAMA Full Scale IQ correlated significantly with the WAIS-R PIQ, VIQ, and FSIQ scores. However, the obtained correlation coefficient for the GAMA and WAIS-R PIQ significantly differed from the observed correlation coefficient between the GAMA and WAIS-R VIQ, suggesting that the GAMA was more clearly associated with perceptual skills than verbal abilities. When the correlation coefficients between the GAMA and WAIS-R scores were corrected for the effects of range restriction, the correlation coefficients increased, yet demonstrated the same pattern (e.g., GAMA/PIQ,.69; GAMA/VIQ,.36; GAMA/FSIQ,.60). The GAMA s accuracy in predicting individual student performance on the WAIS-R FSIQ also was examined.  相似文献   

Research has provided inconsistent evidence for the relationship between psychopathy and facial affect recognition. We examined whether some of the previous findings could reflect a psychometric artifact in which deficits are more easily detected with very discriminating measures than with less discriminating measures, an issue not addressed in prior psychopathy studies. We developed measures of facial affect recognition matched in discriminating power and administered these measures to 194 college students who had also completed the Psychopathic Personality Inventory. Results indicate that high levels of Coldheartedness were associated with poorer recognition of the specific emotion of disgust. These findings demonstrate that some affective processing deficits associated with psychopathic traits cannot be attributed to psychometric artifacts.  相似文献   

The present study compared 6–11 years old with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and those with moderate learning difficulties (MLD) on measures of memory (verbal short‐term and working memory, visuo‐spatial short‐term and working memory), literacy and numeracy, and IQ. The findings indicate that children with DCD appear to be impaired in all four areas of memory function; in particular they performed at significantly lower levels than children with MLD in measures of verbal short‐term memory, visuo‐spatial short‐term and working memory. In contrast, performance of children with MLD in the memory measures was within age‐expected levels, with deficits observed only in verbal working memory tasks. There were also differential links between memory and attainment between the two groups, and these were significant even after statistically accounting for the contribution of IQ. Reasons for why working memory contributes to learning in these two developmental groups are discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The authors explored the influence of social class on identity formation in an interview study of 15 lower income students and 15 affluent students from a highly selective liberal arts school and 15 lower income students from a state college. Students ranked occupational goals as 1st in importance to identity and social class as 2nd. The affluent students regarded social class as significantly more important to identity than did the lower income students, were more aware of structural factors contributing to their success, and had higher occupational aspirations. Social class was an area of exploration for half the students, with higher levels of exploration shown by the lower income private school students than by the state college students. Lower income students developed an ideology that rationalized their social class position.  相似文献   

为探讨大学生学校认同对责任感的影响及其机制,本研究采用问卷调查与实验相结合的方法,通过系列研究揭示二者之间的相关与因果关系,并检验了集体自尊和个体自尊的中介效应。结果发现:(1)大学生学校认同对其责任感具有显著的正向影响;(2)集体自尊在大学生学校认同对责任感的影响中发挥完全中介作用,而个体自尊无显著中介效应。这表明大学生学校认同通过形成集体自尊而提升其责任感。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was twofold. First, to compare the effect of establishing a motivational context of values on pain tolerance, believability, and reported pain, with three experimental conditions: pain acceptance (ACT condition), pain control (CONT condition), or no values (untrained condition). Second, the study aimed to isolate the impact of adding the corresponding coping strategies to both the ACT and the CONT conditions. Thirty adults were randomly assigned to one of the three experimental conditions. The participants went through the pain task in two occasions (Test I and Test II). In Test I, the effects of the ACT-values protocol (which established pain as part of valued action), the CONT-values protocol (which established high pain as opposed to valued action), and the no-values protocol, were compared. In Test II, the effect of adding the corresponding coping strategy to each condition (defusion for ACT vs. suppression for CONT) was examined. Test I showed a clear superiority of the ACT-values protocol in increasing tolerance and lowering pain believability. In Test II, the superiority of the ACT protocol was replicated, while the CONT protocol proved useful to reduce reported pain, in accordance with previous studies.  相似文献   

The interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behavior (Joiner, 2005) proposes that the need to belong is fundamental; when met it can prevent suicide and when thwarted it can substantially increase the risk for suicide. We investigate one source of group-wide variation in belongingness among college students--changes in the social composition of college campuses across academic semesters--as an explanation for variation in suicidal ideation across the academic year. Our results indicate that in a sample of college students at a large southern state university (n = 309), suicidal ideation varied across academic semesters, with highest levels in summer compared to both spring and fall. Differences in suicidal ideation between summer and spring were, in large part, accounted for by belongingness. Theoretical, as well as practical, implications are discussed regarding mechanisms for seasonal variation in suicidal ideation.  相似文献   

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