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Shamai S  Yardeni E  Klages B 《Adolescence》2004,39(156):765-778
This study probes a unique case of multicultural education of Israeli and German students regarding the Holocaust. Their knowledge level of German history leading to the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party to power, knowledge about the Holocaust, the relation between their knowledge of attitudes toward the "other" (German/Israeli) group, and their reaction to a racist-dictatorial regime are explored. The findings were that German adolescents (high school students) knowledge regarding the events leading to the rise of the Nazi party was greater than that of the Israeli adolescents. However, the knowledge of Israelis was greater regarding the Holocaust. A positive correlation was found between the knowledge levels and their attitudes toward the other groups (German/Israeli) and toward resistance to the possible rise of a dictatorial regime. The findings point to the fact that multicultural education, which combines attitudinal, cognitive, and instrumental goals, can succeed in promoting nonracist views.  相似文献   

This paper examines grandparents in various multicultural settings. A review of selected studies from Australia, Canada and the United States attempts to look at types and roles of grandparenthood including ethnic variations. The discussion includes a short review of grandparents raising grandchildren, divorce and grandparenting and volunteer grandparent programs. The results of a Canadian study related to Jewish-Ashkenazic and Sephardic grandmothers, who came to join their families in Canada as seniors is reported. Suggestions for further research and family life education are made since we have few studies completed in the 1990's on the topic of grandparenthood.  相似文献   

Human services and educational agencies frequently lack qualified behavior analysts, often because of the insufficient availability of training in behavior analysis. This paper describes the statewide implementation of a distance-education-based training program to help remedy the problem.  相似文献   

Background. Interview‐based research has shown that students in higher education hold a number of different conceptions of learning and of themselves as learners. There is debate about whether these conceptions constitute a developmental hierarchy. Aims. This study evaluated the Mental Models section of Vermunt and van Rijswijk's (1988) Inventory of Learning Styles (ILS) as a measure of students' conceptions of learning and sought to identify conceptions of learning as qualitatively different patterns of scores. Sample. A random sample of 1,000 students who were taking courses by distance learning with the Open University in the UK. Method. A translated and adapted version of the Mental Models section of the ILS was administered in a postal survey. Complete data were obtained from 441 students and were subjected to principal component analysis, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis. Results. The five scales in the Mental Models section of the ILS were homogeneous and achieved a satisfactory level of internal consistency, but two of the five scales could not be differentiated from each other in the students' responses. A cluster analysis identified four subgroups of students who had different patterns of scores on two discriminant functions. Conclusion. The four mental models identified in this study were broadly similar to those identified by Vermunt (1996) in an interview‐based study. However, these do not seem to constitute a developmental hierarchy, and, following Vermunt, it is suggested that they are better interpreted as aspects of four over‐arching ‘learning styles’ or ‘learning patterns’.  相似文献   

Appalachians have been referred to as the forgotten people and are often overlooked in multicultural counseling. A case study is presented using the extended case method to enhance counselor awareness and demonstrate how counselors can apply knowledge of the Appalachian culture in the provision of best practices for this population. Los Apalaches se han referido como la gente olvidada y se pasan por alto a menudo en el asesoramiento multicultural. Un estudio de caso es presentado usando el método extendido del caso para realzar conocimiento del consejero y demuestre cómo los consejeros pueden aplicar el conocimiento de la cultura Apalache adentro de la disposición de las mejores prácticas para esta población.  相似文献   

Multicultural Democracy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This study examined adult learners’ ability to engage in critical reflection concerning their own learning in a graduate-level online instructional technology course. The online course was facilitated through asynchronous discussions, and the course topic was about the design and delivery of distance education. The data for this study consisted of four critical reflection papers about students’ perception of their learning. The Periodic Reflection Tool, based on activity systems analysis, was introduced to participants as a guide for engaging in in-depth reflection about their learning process and completing their course assignment. After course completion and during data analysis, we applied instrumental learning and communicative learning theories to evaluate how participants used the tool to reflect on their personal learning in the course. At the conclusion of an analysis of their reflection statements, it was found that purposeful reflections guided by the Periodic Reflection Tool could help guide adult learners to reflect on many aspects of their learning and we suggest that the tool could be used to examine adults’ transition from traditional to online settings.  相似文献   

A national survey of practicing school counselors (N = 755) revealed significant differences between participants’ perceived multicultural competence based on the type of multicultural training received. Participants who took infused multicultural coursework had significantly higher mean scores in multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills than participants who reported taking a single multicultural course. Una encuesta nacional de consejeros escolares en activo (N = 755) reveló diferencias significativas en la competencia multicultural percibida de los participantes según el tipo de capacitación multicultural recibida. Los participantes que tomaron cursos que incluían contenidos multiculturales obtuvieron puntajes medios significativamente más altos en consciencia, conocimientos y habilidades multiculturales que aquellos participantes que indicaron haber tomado un único curso multicultural.  相似文献   

Multicultural counseling has been a major source of diversity. Recently, however, it has been recognized that multicultural counseling is generic in nature, and therefore that all counseling is multicultural. Thus multiculturalism has joined the movement toward a universal system of counseling.  相似文献   

This article addresses multicultural counseling competencies from the perspective of quantitative assessment. A conceptual review of the current measures identifies 4 relevant issues: (a) diverse factor structures, (b) the working definition of multicultural awareness, (c) test takers' frame of reference, and (d) the implications of an inclusive definition of culture for assessment. Este artículo se dirige aconsejar las capacidades multiculturales de la perspectiva de la evaluación cuantitativa. La revisión conceptual de las medidas actuales identifica 4 asuntos pertinentes: (a) factor de estruturas diversas, (b) preparaciones de la definición del conocimiento multiculturales, (c) tomadores de examenes marco de referencia, y (d) las implicaciones de una definición inclusiva de la cultura para la evaluación.  相似文献   

Respect for the dignity and autonomy of patients has long been a fundamental principle of ethical decision making. As a practical matter, a primary way of maintaining this ethical standard is by obtaining an individual’s informed consent prior to intervening or collecting data. By giving individuals clear information about alternative treatments and potential risks and benefits, the practitioner tries to ensure that the patient can make an informed choice. However, there are cases in which those seeking informed consent have very different values and belief systems from those whose consent is being sought. In this article we explore such discrepancies using informed consent with Navajo clients as an example, illustrate potential challenges with case examples, and propose ways in which ethical dilemmas may be successfully navigated.  相似文献   

This study extends and tests a theory of binocular distance perception that has been shown to give a good account of performance in relative distance tasks. Here the theory is tested in two experiments in which the observer directly indicates perceived egocentric distance of targets (perceived distance from himself or herself) by means of a verbal report or manual pointing response. In the first, the distance to two targets is varied while maintaining a constant disparity between them. In the second, one target is held fixed while the distance to a second target is varied. In each case, the observer indicates the perceived distance of each target. Manual and verbal responses are found to agree with each other to within a linear transform. Both sets of data are shown to be consistent with the theory and are used to estimate the parameters of the theory. There is no other theory that predicts these results.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):27-61

Psychological theory needs to be representative of the full range of human experience by being based in the experience of all groups of people. The women honored in this chapter, Jean Lau Chin, Lillian Comas-Diaz, Oliva Espin, Beverly Greene, and Monica McGoldrick, are all feminist therapists, researchers, scholars, clinicians and writers who have directed some substantial portion of their professional attention toward understanding the critical nature of minority and dominant group status on the development of psychological and feminist therapy theory. Together, their professional contributions and personal stories provide a powerful understanding of the nature of the intersection of race, culture  相似文献   

This article examines the dynamic relationship between gender and ethnicity. The socialization effects of ethnic culture are considered in conjunction with the “self-in-relation” theory of gender development and the implications of status to gender. Specific focus is given to the influence of these three factors on Mexican American and African American women and men. Este artículo examina la relación dinámica entre género y etnicidad. Se consideran los efectos de la socialización de la cultura étnica junto con la teroría “self-in-relation” del desarrollo del género y las implicaciones del estatus con el género. En este artículo se pone énfasis en la influencia de estos tres factores en mujeres y hombres mejicano-americanos y africano-americanos.  相似文献   

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