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The Hand Test was administered to 34 eating-disordered and 26 noneating-disordered college-age women to determine discriminating projective personality features. Eating-disordered women scored higher on response time, overall pathology, and passivity. Anorexics present more tension, aggression, and acting out potential whereas bulimics demonstrate significantly more passive responses. The more severely affected women scored higher on crippled, passive, and withdrawal variables. Similarities as well as differences between the groups may have important implications for the diagnosis of subgroups of eating-disordered women and for treatment planning.  相似文献   

The complaint of fatigue is common in community, primary care, and psychiatric settings. Fatigue is often associated with depression and psychosocial stress. This report investigated the role of alexithymia and depression in fatigue as reported in a sample of 151 psychiatric outpatients (75 men and 76 women) who completed all scales. The mean age of the sample was 45.5 yr. (SD= 12.5), and mean education was 16.2 yr. (SD=2.4). Fatigue was inversely correlated with education (-.16) and positively correlated with depression (.44), anxiety (.30), and alexithymia (.35). However, in a multivariate regression analysis, only depression and alexithymia remained significant (p < or = .01).  相似文献   

Substantial evidence shows that extraversion is related to positive affect (PA) and neuroticism is related to negative affect (NA), and there are several possible explanations for these relationships. The current paper replicates these findings and examines relationships between the other Big Five traits with general positive and negative states (N = 257). Agreeableness was negatively related to NA, while conscientiousness and openness were positively related to PA. Next, affect was induced and extraversion and conscientiousness predicted changes in affect following an affect-induction (N = 262). The current findings support some theoretical understandings of broad personality traits and their relationships to general affect, and also suggests some refinements.  相似文献   

Elderly outpatients were assessed to clarify relations between symptoms of depression and physical illness, disability, pain, and selected psychosocial variables. Three types of assessments were made: (a) medical evaluations by physicians, (b) self-reported symptoms of depression and physical health, and (c) demographic and psychosocial data relating to participants' life circumstances. Both objective (physician-rated illness symptoms) and subjective (self-reported health, activity restriction, and use of pain medications) indicators of health accounted for independent variance in symptoms of depression. After controlling for these factors, additional variance was explained by health-related concerns (e.g., health care expenses, service needs), social support, and "other worries" (e.g., feeling useless, becoming a burden to others).  相似文献   

Recognition of facial affect in depression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
25 depressed patients recognized a sad face with more errors than 25 normal persons and labeled other expressions as sadness when affective content was not recognized. Correct recognitions for 6 affects were related to the portion of the face depicted. Comparisons of responses of 25 patients diagnosed as having anxiety neuroses showed differences in responses from the depressed patients and normal persons.  相似文献   

Recognition of facial affect in Borderline Personality Disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) have been described as emotionally hyperresponsive, especially to anger and fear in social contexts. The aim was to investigate whether BPD patients are more sensitive but less accurate in terms of basic emotion recognition, and show a bias towards perceiving anger and fear when evaluating ambiguous facial expressions. Twenty-five women with BPD were compared with healthy controls on two different facial emotion recognition tasks. The first task allowed the assessment of the subjective detection threshold as well as the number of evaluation errors on six basic emotions. The second task assessed a response bias to blends of basic emotions. BPD patients showed no general deficit on the affect recognition task, but did show enhanced learning over the course of the experiment. For ambiguous emotional stimuli, we found a bias towards the perception of anger in the BPD patients but not towards fear. BPD patients are accurate in perceiving facial emotions, and are probably more sensitive to familiar facial expressions. They show a bias towards perceiving anger, when socio-affective cues are ambiguous. Interpersonal training should focus on the differentiation of ambiguous emotion in order to reduce a biased appraisal of others.  相似文献   

MMPI profiles of 22 chronic arthritic patients were compared to 22 control pain (nonorganic) patients. While elevations were noted in the HS, D, and Hy scales for the rheumatoid patients, the over-all profiles differed from controls on the PA scale.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the relationship between personality and smoking status in a random sample of 1257 adults. A broad sample of personality constructs were assessed to cover the major dimensions of personality. These included the EPQ, MMPI MacAndrew and Ego Strength scales, the Vando augmenter-reducer scale, the trait subscale of the STAI and the Rosenberg self-esteem scale. Factor analysis suggested that trait anxiety, neuroticism, self-esteem and ego strength could be grouped into a construct analogous to Esysenck's notion of neuroticism. Extraversion, augmenting-reducing, and the MacAndrew scale were grouped into a construct called extraversion. Results showed that smokers were the most extraverted group. Gender differences in the relation between smoking and neuroticism were found. Male smokers were much more neurotic than non-smokers and men who quit smoking, whereas there were no group differences in neuroticism for women. Both male and female smokers were high on psychoticism.  相似文献   

A great deal of parapsychological research has investigated the effect, upon extrasensory perception (ESP), of the so-called ‘sheep-goat variable’ (SGV), that is, belief in the existence of ESP, either in the abstract or with respect to one's own psychic ability. However, very little purely psychological research has examined the question of possible personality differences between ‘sheep’ (the ‘believers’) and ‘goats’ (the ‘disbelievers’). Personality factors are important both as potentially confounding variables, and as independent predictors of psi-scoring which could be used in combination with the SGV.This paper reports two sets of experiments of the pilot-confirmation type: a grand total of 552 subjects were administered various personality tests plus one or other of two ‘sheep-goat scales’. Replicated results indicated that the SGV was related to extraversion-introversion and to conservatism-radicalism: sheep tend to be more extraverted and more conservative than goats, who tend towards introversion and intellectual skepticism.  相似文献   

This study examined whether certain personality characteristics are associated with susceptibility to false memories. Participants first answered questions from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in order to measure various personality characteristics. They then watched a video excerpt, the simulated eyewitness event. They were next encouraged to lie about the videotaped event during an interview. A week later, some participants recognized confabulated events as being from the video. Two personality characteristics in particular--the introversion-extroversion and thinking-feeling dimensions--were associated with susceptibility to false memories.  相似文献   

18 Ss dependent on opiate drugs completed three personality trait questionnaires, and were compared with 18 controls matched for demographic variables. The drug dependent sample were significantly higher than controls in psychoticism, but lower in extraversion and telic dominance. No difference between the groups was found in locus of control. These data are compared with existing research.  相似文献   

A group of juvenile delinquents, classified as neuroticdisturbed, unsocialized-psychopathic, and socializedsubcultural, were compared on the MMPI. The results provided support for the initial classification and yielded MMPI profiles suggestive of two personality types: a conflicted, weakego delinquent with considerable intrapsychic conflict, and a more traditional psychopathic type, with little apparent anxiety or neurotic symptomatology. These results were replicated with a crossvalidation sample.  相似文献   

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