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The Office for Civil Rights on May 25, 1970, issued a Memorandum to school districts designed to prohibit discrimination against national origin minority children which results from a failure school districts to the recognize the differing linguistic characteristics and cultural identify of such children in the planning and operation of education programs. Specifically, the Memorandum prohibits the assignment of children to classes for the mentally retarded on the basis of criteria which essentially measure or evaluate English language skkills. A task group was appointed by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to develop educational policy to implement this antidiscrimination provision.

This task group recommended that additional policies be developed by the Office for Civil Rights to notify adequately school districts and members of the general public of the types of discriminatory practices that might be occuring and to set forth model procedures which school districts could follow in an effort to eliminate discriminatory practices which might currently exist. This paper discusses those procedures recommended by the committee.  相似文献   

The Office for Civil Rights on May 25, 1970, issued a Memorandum to school districts designed to prohibit discrimination against national origin minority children which results from a failure school districts to the recognize the differing linguistic characteristics and cultural identify of such children in the planning and operation of education programs. Specifically, the Memorandum prohibits the assignment of children to classes for the mentally retarded on the basis of criteria which essentially measure or evaluate English language skkills. A task group was appointed by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare to develop educational policy to implement this antidiscrimination provision.This task group recommended that additional policies be developed by the Office for Civil Rights to notify adequately school districts and members of the general public of the types of discriminatory practices that might be occuring and to set forth model procedures which school districts could follow in an effort to eliminate discriminatory practices which might currently exist. This paper discusses those procedures recommended by the committee.  相似文献   

Considering the opposite: a corrective strategy for social judgment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is proposed that several biases in social judgment result from a failure--first noted by Francis Bacon--to consider possibilities at odds with beliefs and perceptions of the moment. Individuals who are induced to consider the opposite, therefore, should display less bias in social judgment. In two separate but conceptually parallel experiments, this reasoning was applied to two domains--biased assimilation of new evidence on social issues and biased hypothesis testing of personality impressions. Subjects were induced to consider the opposite in two ways: through explicit instructions to do so and through stimulus materials that made opposite possibilities more salient. In both experiments the induction of a consider-the-opposite strategy had greater corrective effect than more demand-laden alternative instructions to be as fair and unbiased as possible. The results are viewed as consistent with previous research on perseverance, hindsight, and logical problem solving, and are thought to suggest an effective method of retraining social judgment.  相似文献   

Processing dimensional stimuli: a note   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

D M Rafky 《Adolescence》1979,14(55):451-464
Pathanalysis is applied to survey data bearing on Arthur Stinchcombe's model of student rebellion. The linear causal model hypothesizes that school rebellion is due directly to expressive alienation and indirectly to strain in three systems: poor articulation regarding status allocation, claims to cultural symbols of adult rights, and unrealizable internal standards. Support for the model is not obtained. An alternate model is tested and verified in which political efficacy is an important antecedent of school disruption. The major implication is that school rebellion is not a response to the school experience itself. Other findings are presented concerning the scalability of school disruption items, the nature of expressive alienation and its components, and the impact of sex, race, and neighborhood on school rebellion.  相似文献   

A brief historical overview of inductive logic is presented, and the logic of enumerative induction is discussed in its two generalized forms: rule-derivative and event-predictive. The psychometric tradition and experimental studies in induction are briefly recapitulated to indicate that they have not included event-predictive induction, that probabilities have not been prevalently included in rule-generative induction, and that the linguistic medium might be utilized more fully in the inductive area. An experimental test model designed in order to address these considerations is discussed. This test model of event-predictive induction in the linguistic medium was administered to a large sample of college graduates. Statistical characteristics of the tests and items were very satisfactory when compared to operational subtests. The theoretical significance of the study for future psychometric and experimental investigations in induction is discussed.  相似文献   

Some current investigators have made direct comparisons of recognition performance with cued recall. In other instances, indirect comparisons of recognition and recall have been made by observing the difference in recognition performance with different types of target material, for example, high- and low-frequency words; this difference has been then compared with the difference obtained when recall is used to measure retention of the same type of target materials. Finally, some experimenters have examined how recognition performance is related to the type of target material that is used, for example, words, pictures, and so on. The results obtained from all of these studies have been used to make inferences about the nature of the memorial process. We have attempted to call attention to the generally accepted but neglected finding that performance on any recognition test can be manipulated by changing the characteristics of the distractors, thus casting doubt on the generality of the experimental findings as well as their theoretical implications.  相似文献   

Emotional processing of fear: exposure to corrective information   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  

An existential approach to family psychotherapy should be cognizant of both individual human development and family life cycle growth. In Existential Family Therapy a family developmental challenge often occurs when the developmental progression needs of one family member challenge the pace of total family developmental progression. In such a situation intervention by the therapist should occur in a way that facilitates both individual and family developmental growth. Such interventions often best occur through the creative and controlled use of the family therapist's countertransference feelings in a way that helps the family accept and master its developmental challenges. Case material is provided to illustrate the described intervention approach.  相似文献   

This study is focused on the capacity of preliterate children to learn explicit phonetic segmentation. In Experiment 1, subjects were induced through examples to delete the initial consonant in consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) utterances. Performance was very poor at the beginning of the test but large improvements were observed in 5-year-olds when corrective feedback was provided. Four-year-olds did not on the average show a similar effect of feedback, but when tested again in Experiment 2 with a free segmentation procedure the majority proved capable of decomposing CVC syllables into smaller units and also displayed significant transfer from the earlier experience. In Experiment 3, fresh groups of children, aged four and five, were tested for either initial or final consonant deletion with immediate feedback. Improvements were observed at both ages and for both manipulations, although performance on initial consonant deletion was poorer than on final consonant deletion. Most children as young as 4 years can thus learn new segmentation games quite rapidly. The finding is discussed in relation to the notion that phonetic analysis is an important stumbling block in reading acquisition.  相似文献   

There is a body of knowledge about elderly crime victims, but we know little about the characteristics of elderly perpetrators, especially of homicide. The few studies that have been published are based on small samples and are somewhat dated. In an examination of homicides committed in Chicago over a 31-year period, we compared cases involving perpetrators aged over 60 years (n = 443) with those involving younger perpetrators (n = 24,066). There were a number of significant differences. Elderly killers were more likely to be White and to commit suicide afterwards. Their victims were more likely to be spouses, females, and aged over 60 years. Inter-racial homicide was more common for younger offenders. The low number of homicides involving the elderly is explained by reference to routine activity theory.  相似文献   

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