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This study investigated the effect of repeated evaluation and repeated exposure on grammatical acceptability ratings for both acceptable and unacceptable sentence types. In Experiment 1, subjects in the Experimental group rated multiple examples of two ungrammatical sentence types (ungrammatical binding and double object with dative-only verb), and two difficult to process sentence types [center-embedded (2) and garden path ambiguous relative], along with matched grammatical/non-difficult sentences, before rating a final set of experimental sentences. Subjects in the control group rated unrelated sentences during the exposure period before rating the experimental sentences. Subjects in the Experimental group rated both grammatical and ungrammatical sentences as more acceptable after repeated evaluation than subjects in the Control group. In Experiment 2, subjects answered a comprehension question after reading each sentence during the exposure period. Subjects in the experimental group rated garden path and center-embedded (1) sentences as higher in acceptability after comprehension exposure than subjects in the control group. The results are consistent with increased fluency of comprehension being misattributed as a change in acceptability.  相似文献   

The present study examined the cortical processes that mediate cognitive regulation in response to emotion-eliciting stimuli, before and after anxious children participated in a cognitive behavioral therapy program. Electroencephalographic activity was recorded from anxious children (n?=?24, 8 males) and comparison children (n?=?16, 7 males) at pre-and post-treatment sessions. The change in anxiety T-scores from pre- to post-treatment was used to signify clinical improvement among anxious children (Improvers: n?=?11 vs. Non-improvers: n?=?13). Event-related potential components were recorded while children performed a Go/No-go task using emotional facial expressions. For the P1 component, believed to reflect attention and/or arousal processes, Non-improvers had greater activation levels relative to Improver and comparison groups at both sessions. Greater P1 amplitudes at pre-treatment predicted non-improvement following treatment. For the frontal N2 component, thought to reflect cognitive control processing, Improvers recruited greater activation from pre- to post-treatment, a change in activation that was predictive of treatment outcome. Non-improvers showed increased cortical activation within the time window of the P1, whether at pre- or post-treatment. These data suggest that heightened perceptual vigilance may have led to poorer outcomes. Improvers showed increased prefrontal activation within the time window of the N2 from pre- to post-treatment. These data suggest that increased cognitive control may have led to improved treatment outcomes. In sum, P1 activation may serve as a predictor of treatment outcome, while N2 activation may serve as an indicator of treatment response.  相似文献   

“Transportation into a narrative world” is a state of immersion into a story (Green & Brock, 2000 Green, M. C. and Brock, T. C. 2000. The role of transportation in the persuasiveness of public narratives. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79(5): 701721. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Transportation entails imagery, emotional response, and attentional focus. Two studies investigated whether transportation was affected by the medium of story presentation, especially when the narrative was experienced for a second time (e.g., watching the movie version of a previously read story). Study 1 (N = 88) showed that people who read a novel before viewing the film version were more transported into the film compared to nonreaders. In Study 2 (N = 71) participants came to the lab on two separate occasions to either read a passage or watch a movie clip. Reading followed by watching provided the greatest transportation. Furthermore, high need for cognition individuals were more transported when reading, whereas low need for cognition individuals were more transported when watching a narrative.  相似文献   

Several countries have introduced graphic warning images aimed at discouraging smoking. However, the images may be subject to an habituation effect. This study examined the effects of repeated exposure to an image of smoking-related mouth cancer in 24 smokers, 20 ex-smokers, and 39 individuals who had never smoked regularly. Participants viewed the warning image seven times over 7 to 14?days. Trend analysis showed that the smokers had high distress initially when viewing the image, followed by a significant lessening of image-related distress that leveled out over time. Nonetheless, viewing the image had a significant linearly increasing positive effect on their intention to quit smoking, with no sign that the effect of the image on intention was wearing out. The two groups of nonsmokers showed response patterns different from those of the smokers, including signs of habituation to the image. Other results showed a significant relationship between experiencing a high level of distress when viewing the image and having a negative attitude toward smoking. The implications of these findings are discussed in light of anti-smoking campaigns.  相似文献   

潘禄  钱秀莹 《心理学报》2014,46(12):1860-1870
在没有轮次限制的轮盘赌任务中考察了先前一轮及多轮的决策结果对后续决策风险偏好的影响模式, 结果表明:(1)无论盈亏, 前一轮获益或损失的程度越大后一轮的风险偏好越大; (2)先前获益后, 接下来的下注投入的金额小于先前一轮的获益金额, 先前损失后, 接下来的下注的潜在获益金额大于先前一轮的损失金额。实验结果定量地验证和拓展了私房钱效应(house money effect)和保本效应(break even effect), 在此基础上归纳出了动态重复决策中“决策前景与先前结果合并后规避损失”的决策标准, 即当决策情景具有重复性且可以自由制定决策方案时, 决策的标准是使得先前一次的获益(或损失)与下一次决策的潜在损失(或获益)合并后可以规避损失。实验结果还表明决策者仅合并最近一次的先前结果而不会合并先前连续获益或损失的结果。  相似文献   

A growing body of literature has established robust relations between trauma and a variety of adverse physical health outcomes. In both retrospective and prospective research, adults with a history of self-reported or court-substantiated maltreatment report significantly more health concerns than those without maltreatment histories, in both clinical and community samples, whether health problems are self-reported or physician-diagnosed. Two pathways by which poor health outcomes are theorized to occur include the biological pathway, which largely implicates severe stress and subsequent dysregulations in central stress-response systems as the underlying cause of health problems, and the behavioral pathway, which suggests that health risk behaviors are largely responsible for the relations between trauma and health. This article reviews the research evaluating the relations between various types of trauma, particularly physical and sexual abuse in childhood, and three such health outcomes: pain, gastrointestinal disorders, and cardiovascular disease. Evidence to support the biological and behavioral pathways is also reviewed.  相似文献   

The present study testcd the hypotheses that crowded subjects would evidence higher levels of arousal than uncrowded subjects and that the arousal of crowded subjects would not habituate with the passage of time. In a laboratory setting, subjects were exposed three tinies over a 3-week period to either crowding with physical contact or an uncrowded environment. A high degree of convergence in support of the experimental hypotheses was provided by behavioral, physiological, and self-report measures. Crowded subjects were more physiologically aroused; rated by confederates to be more tense, uncomfortable, and annoyed; and reported more negative affect than uncrowded subjects. No evidence for habituation of. response to crowding was found.  相似文献   

Eyewitnesses may be asked to identify the same suspect from a lineup on successive occasions. This study explored the effects on eyewitness decisions of repeated same‐suspect lineups, within a 2 × 2 × 2 mixed‐model factorial design. Witnesses to a video crime attempted to identify the culprit from two same‐format lineups (simultaneous or sequential) separated by a 2‐week retention interval (Lineup1, Lineup2) in which a suspect (guilty or innocent) was common to the lineups. We predicted two components of a posited repeated lineup effect: that positive identification errors made at the first lineup would be carried forward rather than corrected at the second lineup and that the number of false identifications of the innocent suspect would rise from first to second lineup. Predictions were supported, with a stronger negative impact of repeated lineups for simultaneous than sequential lineups. Additionally, witnesses who made selections of the guilty suspect and of the innocent suspect at Lineup2 were equally confident and were significantly more confident than witnesses who declined to pick. The results underscore concerns about possible negative outcomes from repeated lineups. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The authors trained 21 participants by using blocked-and-mixed exposure to right-side slips and then caused them to slip unexpectedly on the untrained left side. Authors retested participants with a right slip and a left slip at 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, and 4 months. The authors found that preslip stability on the first untrained left slip improved and was significantly greater than that on the first right slip, which probably contributed to the reduction in incidence of falls from ~30% to ~10%. Postslip stability and base of support (BOS) slip velocity were similar to those on the first right slip and much lower than those on the last right slip. Increases in pre- and postslip stabilities and BOS slip velocity during the left slip led to reductions in backward balance loss (BLOB) from ~95% on initial left slip to ~60% and to ~25% on the 1st and 3rd retest sessions, respectively. In contrast, BLOB remained at a constant ~40% level on the right slip of the same retest sessions. The results indicate a partial immediate transfer and a possible latent transfer.  相似文献   

朱磊  郭秀艳  杨治良 《心理学报》2010,42(6):633-639
人们总是会根据他们对记忆工作模式的原有假设或图式来进行源检测, 这使得图片—文字源检测测验中出现图片偏向, 即人们更多倾向于将以文字方式呈现的项目错误归源于视觉图像形式呈现, 而不是将图像形式呈现的项目归于文字形式呈现。实验采用标准的源检测范式, 考察了学习次数对记忆源检测图片偏向的影响。结果发现随着学习次数的增加, 记忆源检测的图片偏向越发明显。  相似文献   

Locomotion requires both proactive and reactive control strategies to maintain balance. The current study aimed to: (i) ascertain upper body postural responses following first exposure to a forward (slip) support-surface perturbation; (ii) investigate effects of repeated perturbation exposure; (iii) establish relationships between arms and other response components (trunk; center of mass control). Young adults (N = 11) completed 14 walking trials on a robotic platform; six elicited a slip response. Kinematic analyses were focused on extrapolated center of mass position (xCoM), bilateral upper- and forearm elevation velocity, trunk angular velocity, and step parameters. Results demonstrated that postural responses evoked in the first slip exposure were the largest in magnitude (e.g., reduced backward stability, altered reactive stepping, etc.) and preceded by anticipatory anterior adjustments of xCoM. In relation to the perturbed leg, the large contra- and ipsilateral arm responses observed (in first exposure) were characteristically asymmetric and scaled to the degree of peak trunk extension. With repeated exposure, xCoM anticipatory adjustments were altered and in turn, reduced posterior xCoM motion occurred following a slip (changes plateaued at second exposure). The few components of the slip response that persisted across multiple exposures did so at a lesser magnitude (e.g., step length and arms).  相似文献   

In an A‐B‐A‐B‐A single‐case research study of 3 incarcerated offenders with mental illness, repeated exposure to the pilot Adult Recidivism Reduction Alternatives (ARRAY) group counseling intervention was an effective or very effective treatment for anxiety, depression, and associated somatic symptoms.  相似文献   

Acute stress disorder (ASD) was included as a diagnosis to the 4th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) as a way of describing pathological reactions in the first month following a trauma. Since that time, ASD has been the focus of some controversy, particularly regarding the theoretical basis and practical utility of the disorder. Despite this controversy, ASD has demonstrated usefulness in identifying individuals experiencing a high level of distress in the acute aftermath of a trauma as well as those at risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This paper reviews the clinical application of ASD, the current controversy surrounding its conceptual basis, and then discusses the dilemmas regarding this diagnosis that might occur in clinical practice. A review of the randomized control trial treatment outcome literature for ASD is also included in an effort to assist clinicians selecting interventions for clients recently exposed to traumatic events. Throughout this paper, the relationship between research and applied clinical practice is highlighted.  相似文献   

Although research suggests that stress exposure and family functioning are associated with internalizing problems in adolescents and caregivers, surprisingly few studies have investigated the mechanisms that underlie this association. To determine whether family functioning buffers the development of internalizing problems in stress-exposed families, we assessed the relation between stress exposure, family functioning, and internalizing symptoms among a large sample of inner-city male youth and their caregivers living in poverty across five waves of data collection. We hypothesized that stress exposure and family functioning would predict development of subsequent youth and caregiver internalizing problems and that family functioning would moderate this relation, with higher functioning families demonstrating greater resiliency to stress exposure. We used a longitudinal, prospective design to evaluate whether family functioning (assessed at waves one through four) activated or buffered the effects of stress exposure (assessed at wave one) on subsequent internalizing symptoms (assessed at waves four and five). Stress from Developmental Transitions and family functioning were significant predictors of depressive symptoms and anxiety in youth; however, family functioning did not moderate the relation. Family functioning mediated the relation between stress from Daily Hassles and internalizing outcomes suggesting that poor parenting practices, low structure, and low emotional cohesion activate depression and anxiety in youth exposed to chronic and frequent everyday stressors. Surprisingly, only family functioning predicted depressive symptoms in caregivers. Results validate the use of a comprehensive, multi-informant assessment of stress when investigating internalizing outcomes in youth and support using family-based interventions in the treatment and prevention of internalizing.  相似文献   

王轶楠 《心理科学进展》2016,24(9):1422-1426
自尊是社会心理学领域的经典核心概念之一, 近年来也备受认知神经科学领域的关注。已有的脑成像与神经分泌研究结果显示, 特质性自尊和情境性自尊拥有既各自独立又相互共享的神经机制, 更为重要的是, 特质性自尊会通过影响个体在社会排斥情境中的大脑活动与神经内分泌反应, 调制他们的情境性自尊。为了全面而系统地揭示自尊的内涵与机制, 未来的研究亟需一个整合性的理论框架, 能够将不同类型的自尊, 应激反应模式, 以及大脑特征间的关系加以综合分析。  相似文献   

神经质作为一种人格特质, 核心特征是具有负性情绪体验的倾向。高神经质个体表现出更强的情绪反应、更差的情绪感知和应对, 因而体验到更多的负性情绪, 进而容易形成一系列精神障碍和身体疾病。因此, 神经质成为精神病理学中一个重要的风险因素。来自自主神经系统、神经内分泌系统和脑的证据发现, 高神经质个体心血管灵活性降低、HPA轴基线活动增强、EEG活动增大以及负性情绪引起的杏仁核活动增强, 其中杏仁核的自上而下和自下而上通路可能是整合多方面证据的关键。进一步研究应致力于将遗传学、电生理学、生物化学、脑成像技术等相结合, 构建神经质产生、形成的神经生理模型。  相似文献   

Insomnia is a symptom, a syndrome and a comorbid disorder. Its diagnosis relies on subjective reports from the afflicted individual and is defined as difficulties in initiating sleep, maintaining sleep, waking up too early or non-restorative sleep. However, insomnia and especially, primary insomnia, has received much attention in insomnia research with the use of objective measures. Insomnia, its peculiarities, most frequent subtypes and two most prominent models will first be briefly introduced. Then, insomnia will be reviewed according to results obtained with the use of neurophysiological measures as basic/traditional as polysomnography to more sophisticated ones such as power spectral analysis, neuroimaging, cyclic alternating patterns and event-related potentials. In addition, a review of the discrepancies between subjective and objective reports of cognitive alterations through neuropsychological testing is offered. The need to combine measures is then highlighted in conclusion.  相似文献   

Hippocampal extracellular acetylcholine (ACh) and choline levels were evaluated using in vivo microdialysis in male Fischer 344 rats before, during, and following an 80-min exposure to two different stress conditions. Measurements were taken in rats restrained and immersed in a water bath containing either 37 degreesC (normothermic-restraint) or 20 degreesC (cold-restraint) water. Results were compared to normothermic-freely-moving rats. Cold-restrained rats displayed decreased ACh levels during cold exposure relative to both normothermic-restrained and normothermic-freely-moving rats. By the end of the cold exposure period and following removal from cold, ACh levels had returned to near-baseline values. Normothermic-restrained rats had levels similar to those of normothermic-freely-moving rats, except for a marked increase in ACh following removal from restraint. Cold-restrained rats displayed a gradual elevation in choline levels during cold stress, followed by a gradual decline after stress termination, whereas both normothermic-restrained and normothermic-freely-moving rats displayed gradual decreases during the microdialysis session. These findings demonstrate that central cholinergic neurotransmission can be altered by the application of, and removal from, acute stressors. In addition, the results suggest a possible relationship between the magnitudes of both the stressor and its cholinergic consequences.  相似文献   

在动物社会依恋的神经生物学研究基础上,研究者对人类依恋的神经生理机制进行了初步探讨,一致的结论是无论婴儿还是成人,不安全依恋个体的心率、皮质醇水平高于安全依恋的个体。而在依恋系统激活时婴儿和成人的脑电活动和大脑的功能定位研究却发现了不一致:较之安全依恋婴儿,不安全依恋婴儿的左侧前额大脑区域显示了较少的活动;成人依恋类型的脑机制研究并无定论。所有这些研究多为相关研究,今后有待于在神经生物水平上对依恋的基本理论问题如内部工作模式的意识和无意识性、母婴依恋与成人依恋的关系(特别是一般依恋表征和特殊依恋表征)以及母婴依恋对婴幼儿大脑发育的影响等问题展开深入研究  相似文献   

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