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Although it is well documented that cultures influence basic cognitive processes such as attention, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We tested the hypothesis that self-concepts that characterize people from different cultures mediate the variation of visual attention. After being primed with self-construals that emphasize the Eastern interdependent self or the Western independent self, Chinese participants were asked to discriminate a central target letter flanked by compatible or incompatible stimuli (Experiment 1) or global/local letters in a compound stimulus (Experiment 2). Experiment 1 showed that, while responses were slower to the incompatible than to the compatible stimuli, this flanker compatibility effect was increased by the interdependent relative to the independent self-construal priming. Experiment 2 showed that the interdependent-self priming resulted in faster responses to the global than to the local targets in compound letters whereas a reverse pattern was observed in the independent-self priming condition. The results provide evidence for dynamics of the scope of visual attention as a function of self-construal priming that switches self-concept toward the interdependent or independent styles in Chinese.  相似文献   

Recent work suggests that a dose of 200–400 mg caffeine can enhance both vigilance and the executive control of visual attention in individuals with low caffeine consumption profiles. The present study seeks to determine whether individuals with relatively high caffeine consumption profiles would show similar advantages. To this end, we examined the effects of four caffeine doses (0 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg) on low- and high-level visual attention in individuals with high consumption profiles (n = 36), in a double-blind study using a repeated measures design. Results from the Attention Network Test indicated that caffeine enhanced both vigilance and the executive control of visual attention, but only at the highest administered dose (400 mg). We demonstrate that in habitual consumers high doses of caffeine can produce beneficial changes in visual attention. These results carry implications for the theorized interactions between caffeine, adenosine and dopamine in brain regions mediating visual attention.  相似文献   


The functioning of spatial attention and its effects on visual processing are typically studied using chronometric and accuracy measures of behaviour. However, a growing body of literature has studied the attentional repulsion effect (ARE). Simply put, when attention is focused on one location in the visual field, stimuli appearing nearby the attended location are perceived as being located further away from the attended location than they physically are. The ARE is particularly compelling, as it is best explained by considering the receptive field properties of visual cells, thus allowing for more direct comparisons between behaviour and neural functioning. Nonetheless, most research testing the ARE has manipulated spatial attention exogenously. Furthermore, for studies that have explored endogenous attention and the ARE, empirical evidence is conflicting. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to address this inconsistency by testing the effect of voluntary attention on spatial repulsion using an optimal operationalization of endogenous attention. Centrally presented, highly informative double-cues were used to shift attention, and placeholders were included in the display to help anchor attention. Overall, we observed strong spatial repulsion effects when attention was shifted endogenously, providing compelling evidence that voluntary deployments of attention can cause perceptual distortions of space.  相似文献   

While the capability of visuospatial attention decreases with advanced aging, exercise is an effective primary prevention strategy to ward off the progression of such cognitive declines among the elderly. However, no studies have yet been conducted on the relationship between exercise type and visuospatial attention in the elderly. This study was thus carried out to explore the effects of open- and closed-skill exercise modes on visuospatial attention in the elderly using behavioral and cognitive electrophysiological measurements. Sixty elderly participants were divided into open-skill (n = 20), closed-skill (n = 20), or control (n = 20) groups according to their exercise-participation experience in the previous 24 months, and performed a visuospatial attention task with concomitant electrophysiological recording. The results showed that the two exercise groups (i.e., open- and closed-skill) exhibited shorter reaction times (RTs) and larger P3 amplitudes across conditions compared with the control group. Although the open- and closed-skill groups only showed approaching between-group significance on the RTs in the invalid condition and on the P3 amplitudes across conditions, only the open-skill group showed better inhibitory control of attention relative to the control group. These findings reveal the presence of neurocognitive effects on the visuospatial attention task in the two exercise groups, with significantly better performances in the open-skill group, demonstrating that regularly participating in such an exercise mode, as compared to the closed-skill one, could have more beneficial effects on visuospatial attention.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the mechanisms of brain activity, as revealed by a combination of the visuospatial attention shifting paradigm and event-related potentials (ERP) in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and typically developing children. Twenty-eight DCD children and 26 typically developing children were recorded with regard to their behavioral performance and ERP measures during a variant of the endogenous Posner paradigm, in which they should react to visual targets preceded by spatial cues or presented uncued. Children with DCD showed longer reaction time and a deficit in inhibitory response capacity when compared to typically developing children. The electrophysiological characteristics also showed distinct modulatory effects upon attentional orienting, anticipatory mechanisms, and cognitive-to-motor transfer in children with DCD: longer cue-P3 and target-N1 latency, smaller target-P3 amplitude, an elongated interval between N2 and the motor response (N2-RT), and small areas on contingent negative variation (CNV). The combined analysis of behavioral performance and ERP data suggested that children with DCD had deficits of slower target identification (N1), less ability in interhemispheric (P3) and cognitive-to-motor transfer speed (N2-RT), as well as a less mature anticipatory and executive process (CNV).  相似文献   

Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to the larger response time to cued targets appearing at long cue-to-target intervals. Given emotion–attention interactions and associated visual field (VF) asymmetries, we examined the effects of emotions and hemispheric processing on object- and location-based IOR. We expected reduced IOR and right hemispheric bias accompanied by differences in event-related potentials (ERPs) including lack of suppression of cued N1 and enhancement of Nd components for sad targets. Reaction times and ERPs were recorded in an exogenous cuing detection task using happy and sad schematic faces. Results revealed reduced IOR for left compared to right VF with sad faces but no such asymmetry for happy faces. Cued N1 amplitudes were suppressed for happy targets but not for sad targets presented to the left VF. Nd amplitudes were enhanced for right-hemispheric sad faces especially with object-based IOR. The results indicate right-hemispheric advantage in the capture of attention by negative emotion especially with object-based selection.  相似文献   

An “affective” go/no-go task was used in the different episodes of bipolar patients (euthymic, depressed, and manic) to examine (1) the presence of a mood-congruent attentional bias; and (2) the patients' ability to inhibit and invert associations between stimuli and responses through blocks. A group of healthy individuals served as controls. Results revealed a mood-congruent attentional bias: patients in the manic episode processed positive information faster, whereas those in the depressive episode processed negative information faster. In contrast, neither euthymic patients nor healthy individuals showed any mood-congruent biases. Furthermore, there was a shift cost across blocks for healthy individuals, but not for the patients. This may reflect a general impairment at selecting relevant information (e.g., in terms of disability to inhibit and invert associations between stimuli and responses) in bipolar participants, regardless of their episode. This state/trait dissociation in an episodic and chronic disorder such as bipolar disorder is important for its appropriate characterisation.  相似文献   

In order to address previous controversies whether hand movements and gestures are linked to mental concepts or solely to the process of speaking, in the present study we investigate the neuropsychological functions of the entire spectrum of unimanual and bimanual hand movements and gestures when they either accompany speaking or when they act as the only means to communicate in the absence of speech. The results showed that the hand movement activity regarding all types of hand movements and gestures stayed constant with and without speaking. The analysis of the Structure of hand movements showed that executions shifted from in space hand movements with a phase structure during the condition without speech to more irregular on body hand movements without a phase structure during the co-speech condition. The gestural analysis revealed that pantomime gestures increase under conditions without speech whereas emotional motions and subject-oriented actions primarily occur when speaking. The present results provide evidence that the overall hand movement activity does not differ between co-speech conditions and conditions without speech, but that the hands adopt different neuropsychological functions. We conclude that the hands primarily externalise mental concepts in conditions without speaking but that their use shifts to more self-regulation and to endorsing verbal output with emotional connotations when they accompany speech.  相似文献   

Recent studies in neurophysiology suggest that astrocytes—a specific type of glial cells in the central nervous system—perform dynamical signaling, integrating neural inputs and regulating synaptic transmissions. This work presents a mathematical model for bidirectional signaling between astrocytes and neurons, investigating the functional role of such glial cells in a neural network that simulates the influence of nicotine on attentional focus. Considering the neurons’ firing frequency as an indicator of analysis, our results indicate that the tripartite synaptic transmission substantially changes the network activity, in comparison to the bipartite synapse. In addition, we show that this effect occurs specifically due to inclusion of astrocytes, corroborating experimental findings that show astrocytes improve of transmission performance in neural networks. Moreover, our simulations contribute to a better understanding of the astrocytary role in brain function and of synaptic transmission in a neuroglia network.  相似文献   

A difference in the perception of extrapersonal space has been shown to exist between dextrals and sinistrals. On the classical line bisection task, this difference is evident in a greater left bias for dextrals compared to sinistrals. Different modalities and regions of space can be affected. However, it has not yet been investigated whether a systematic bias also exists for the perception of personal or body space. We investigated this by using three tasks which assess different aspects of personal space in an implicit and explicit way. These tasks were performed by strongly right-handed (dextrals), strongly left-handed (sinistrals) and mixed-handed participants. First, a task of pointing to three areas of one’s own body without the use of visual information showed dextrals to have an asymmetric estimation of their body. In right hemispace, dextrals’ pointing was at a greater distance from the midsagittal plane compared to pointing in left hemispace. No such asymmetry was present for sinistrals, while mixed-handers’ performance was intermediate to that of strong right- and strong left-handers. Second, a task of recovering circular patches from their body surface whilst blindfolded also showed superior performance of sinistrals compared to dextrals. On these two tasks, there was also a moderate relationship between handedness scores and performance measures. Third, a computer-based task of adjusting scaled body-outline-halves showed no handedness differences. Overall, these findings suggest handedness differences in the implicit but not explicit representation of one’s own body space. Possible mechanisms underlying the handedness differences shown for the implicit tasks are a stronger lateralization or a greater activation imbalance for dextrals and/or greater access to right hemispheric functions, such as an “up-to-date body” representation, by sinistrals. In contrast, explicit measures of how body space is represented may not be affected due to their relying on a different processing pathway.  相似文献   

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