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McIntyre and Farr (1979), Hanser, Mendel, and Wolins (1979), and Lissitz, Mendoza, Huberty, and Markos (1979) comment on the repeated measures Analysis of Variance design suggested by Arvey and Mossholder (1977) to detect job differences and similarities. These authors propose alternative procedures to determine job differences. We, in turn, point out here that the problems specified by these critics may not be as severe as they indicate, and that some problems are even nonexistent. Moreover, the alternative solutions they suggest also have their own limitations. Finally, we propose an additional procedure–a multivariate approach to repeated measures data–which might be useful in the context of detecting job differences. It appears as if there are assumptions and limitations to both the univariate and multivariate approaches to the problem; these assumptions and limitations are delineated more precisely in the present paper.  相似文献   

The determination of job similarities and differences is important for several reasons. First, to satisfy legal requirements concerning validity generalizations and second, to justify in some circumstances, collapsing across jobs for validational purposes. The proposed Analysis of Variance procedure allows researchers to test for significant differences among jobs. Moreover, the procedure permits the calculation of variance estimates to estimate the relative degree of similarities and differences among jobs. An example is presented.  相似文献   

Several potential problems are noted with the recent proposal of Arvey and Mossholder (1977) to use analysis of variance technique to determine similarities and differences among jobs. Cluster analytic techniques are suggested as an adjunct to other procedures.  相似文献   

There has been a recent trend in research seeking the most appropriate statistical technique for determining job similarities/differences. Monte Carlo methods were used to analyze more closely the repeated measures analysis of variance and the multivariate analysis of variance in order to add further insight into the viability of these techniques for this purpose. The conventional univariate analysis of variance, the ε-adjusted univariate F test, and the ε-adjusted univariate F test were compared to three multivariate tests (Roy's largest-root criterion, Wilk's likelihood ratio, and the Pillai-Barlett trace) in terms of power and control for Type I error when (1) circularity and homogeneity were met, (2) homogeneity was met but circularity was violated, (3) homogeneity was violated but circularity was met, and (4) both homogeneity and circularity were violated. The efficacy of the techniques was shown to be contingent upon whether the assumptions were met or not. The univariate test proved to be the better technique when circularity was met. The multivariate technique proved to be the better test when homogeneity was met while circularity was violated. The results were mixed when both circularity and homogeneity were violated. Guidelines for selecting a statistical technique which tests for job differences are offered.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported concerning performance differences and similarities across cultures. Pascual-Leone's tests of mental attention/energy (M-power) were administered to Zulu-speaking township children aged from 7 to 12 years. In study 1, the Compound Stimulus Visual Information task (CSVI) was used to determine whether children (N = 292) performed at theoretically predicted levels previously obtained with middle-class Canadian children. In study 2, the children (N = 252) were required to complete the Figural Intersection Test (FIT) four times. Unlike the CSVI, in which learning is controlled by training prior to testing, the FIT assumes basic familiarity with the general test requirements. The purpose of repeated testing was to assess the extent of learning across trials. The results for study 1 indicate that subjects do perform at the predicted levels on the CSVI and have the same M-power as Canadian children. The results for study 2 indicate that the subjects underperform on trial 1 of the FIT but overperform on trial 2 relative to Canadian children. Deux études sont rapportées concernant des différences et des similarités inter-culturelles de performance. Les tests de l'attention mentale/énergie (‘M-power’) de Pascual-Leone ont été administrés à des enfants âgés de 7 à 12 ans provenant de communautés d'expression Zulu. Dans la première étude, la tâche d'information visuelle du stimulus composé (CSVI) a été utilisée pour déterminer si les enfants (N = 292) pouvaient performer aux niveaux prédits théoriquement qui avaient été préalablement observés chez les enfants Canadiens de classe moyenne. Dans la seconde étude, les enfants (N = 252) devaient compléter quatre fois le test de l'intersection des figures (FIT). Contrairement au CSVI, dans lequel l'apprentissage est contrôlé par l'entraînement qui précède l'administration du test, le FIT assume une familiarité de base avec les prérequis généraux du test. Le but visé par la répétition du test était d'évaluer l'étendue de l'apprentissage en fonction des essais. Les résultats de la première étude indiquent que les sujets obtiennent les performances prévues au CSVI et possèdent le měme niveau de ‘M-Power’ que les enfants Canadiens. Les résultats de la seconde étude indiquent que, par comparaison avec les enfants Canadiens, les sujets livrent une performance inférieure au premier essai du FIT, alors qu'ils obtiennent une performance supérieure au second essai.  相似文献   

尹文清 《心理学报》1988,21(2):32-39
本文试图寻求一种新的研究模式,来探索王充的心理学思想。这个模式主要包括两个方法论原则,即:(一)置于思想群系的原则;(二)依据自身逻辑的原则。在这一研究模式引导下,作者发现“唯实唯验”是王充心理学思想的基点。并由此推论出(一)王充心理学思想的本质是“心理即力”;(二)其特征是“心理外显”,而这两者是分别体现在他的人论和心论的思想之中。  相似文献   

This study sought to demonstrate that turnover and retirement intentions were distinct forms of organizational withdrawal and to empirically examine the similarities and differences between their antecedents. In a sample of 375 (126 men and 247 women) working adults, a confirmatory factor analysis supported the contention that items measuring turnover intent and retirement intent were related to 2 separate constructs. In addition, the correlation between the 2 measures was low and not significant. The influence of common and unique variables that influence turnover intent and retirement intent were then examined. The results suggested that there were significant differences between the predictors of turnover intentions and retirement intentions. These findings suggest that there are important differences between turnover and retirement and it is necessary to treat them separately for some purposes.  相似文献   

A monte carlo computer study was conducted where the statistical power of the univariate repeated measures ANOVA design proposed by Arvey and Mossholder (1977) to detect job differences was investigated. Also investigated was the relative value and usefulness of omega-squared estimates to indicate job similarities and differences. Job profile means and covariance structures were generated by using data from six relatively similar jobs and six dissimilar jobs based on Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) data bank information. Different combinations of job differences (4 conditions), number of job raters (2 conditions), and violations of statistical assumptions (3 conditions) were generated (1000 sets for each of the 24 combinations) and each data set analyzed using the ANOVA design. Results indicate that testing for statistical significance is not as useful in determining job differences as examining the omega-squared estimates. Specifically, the omega-squared estimates for the interaction of the Jobs × Dimension effect is a relatively sensitive and stable indicator of job differences regardless of the number of raters and violations of the statistical assumptions.  相似文献   

测定光谱光效率的一些方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文比较了一些有关测定光谱光效率函数的方法,概述了这些方法的各自特性及其优缺点。文章提请有关工作者注意:光谱光效率函数的各种测定方法还有从各方面继续深入探讨的必要。  相似文献   

Only a few studies have examined the characteristics of sexual assault based on the tactics used by the perpetrator. In this study we compared the experiences of women who were forced to engage in vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse due to verbal coercion, physical force, or intoxication. Random-digit dialing was used to obtain a sample of 272 single African American and Caucasian women between the ages of 18 and 49 from the Detroit metropolitan area. Participants completed a computer-assisted self-interview that asked detailed questions about a past sexual assault and their reactions to it. Among the 139 women who were forced to engage in vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse, sexual assaults that involved physical force produced the most severe negative outcomes. Situations that involved the woman being too intoxicated to resist differed from others primarily in terms of how much alcohol the man and woman consumed. Although all types of sexual assault were perceived as being at least moderately serious, verbally coerced assaults were on average perceived as being least serious. These findings suggest that the perpetrators' tactics affect women's responses to sexual assault.  相似文献   

The compensatory and spillover models of adjustment to work are described. Data from a pharmaceutical firm and two different research and development organizations are examined to illustrate the operation of these two models. Evidence of both the compensatory and spillover models were found for several different groups of workers. Furthermore, some groups of workers displayed complex combinations of both compensatory and spillover adjustments to their work experiences. Implications of these results for job re-design efforts are described.  相似文献   

本文试图探求人们在进行三段论推理加工时是否存在形式和内容双重标准。由既掌握形式逻辑推理规则又知道构成推理题的两个前提是否正确的被试所进行的推理结果支持下述观点:人们在进行三段论推理过程中,在判定推理结论的正误时,存在着与试题结构相应的两种内在的判定标准,即“形式标准”和“内容标准”。  相似文献   

Joseph A. Bracken 《Zygon》2019,54(3):575-587
Science and religion are the two strongest influences on the conduct of human life, yet their respective truth claims frequently clash. To facilitate better communication between scientists and theologians on these rival truth claims, the author recommends that Christian theologians use the language and current methodology of science as far as possible so as to present the content of Church teaching in an idiom that would be intelligible not only to scientists but to the educated public as well. In this way, the rival truth claims might complement rather than compete with one another. That is, clothed in the language of science, the truth claims of religion would gain in rational coherence and intelligibility. Natural scientists in turn would have conversation partners better able to deal with philosophical and ethical issues arising out of new scientific discoveries.  相似文献   

This study examined cross-cultural similarities and differences in beliefs about men and women of the past, present, and future. These dynamic stereotypes , or beliefs that a group's present characteristics differ from its past or future characteristics, correspond to the actual role change experienced by the group ( Diekman & Eagly, 2000 ). Participants in Germany and the United States perceived that women were increasing in their masculine characteristics from the past to the future, whereas they perceived comparatively more stability in men's characteristics. The largest cross-cultural difference stemmed from beliefs about 1950s women, who were perceived as possessing greater positive masculine personality, negative feminine personality, and less feminine physical traits in Germany than in the United States. This greater nontraditionalism of postwar German women reflects their assumption of stereotypically male-dominated roles immediately after World War II. Consistent with social role theory, perceived role nontraditionalism mediated the relationship between time period and levels of gender-stereotypic characteristics.  相似文献   

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