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建立和完善新型农村合作医疗制度是新时期农村卫生工作的重要内容.金州区在新型农村合作医疗管理中,探索出一条自己的模式.这种模式既有可资借鉴的地方,如管理与监督分离、多方参与、服务方便快捷等;也存在着不少问题,如群众对农村合作医疗仍存在认识上的误区、用药品种太少、报销比例太低;经办人员的编制等.建议政府制定政策要有持续性和稳定性,广泛宣传,提高参合农民健康意识;增加基本药物目录的范围,适当情况下,可采取二次救助;确定合适编制,建立一支稳定、高效的新型农村合作医疗管理队伍.  相似文献   

《Media Psychology》2013,16(2):113-135
A growing body of research has linked the reading of women's beauty and fashion magazines with the presence of eating-disordered thinking. Most of this research has focused on the relationship between the frequency with which women read and their potential anorexic risk. In the present study, the authors explore the connection between the motivations for reading and the presence of anorexic cognitions. Specifically, this study of 536 college-age women sought to determine which reading motivations might be the most p redictive of anorexic risk and whether those motivations would be differentially related to reading frequency and to scores on the Mizes Anorectic Cognitions Scale (MACS). To test the simultaneous contribution of the possible reading motivations on the two outcomes of interest, a structural equation model using AMOS 4.0 was generated. The findings from the model indicate that reading frequency and anorexic risk are largely predicted by divergent motivational factors. The reading frequency of beauty and fashion magazines was most strongly predicted by a woman's desire for selfimprovement. Anorexic risk, as measured by MACS scores, was best predicted  相似文献   

Ofelia Schutte's relationship to Nietzsche is contentious. Sometimes she identifies him as an ally. Sometimes she calls him an enemy. Appealing to Nietzsche's abolition of the appearance reality distinction and to his discussions of women as skeptics, I turn to Ofelia's discussions of the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo to suggest that their protests can be understood as a Nietzschean politics of transvaluation where the myth of the mother and the materialities of women's bodies become the ground of the demand for justice.  相似文献   

和谐是礼的最高境界,温柔敦厚是《诗经》和谐美的集中体现。《齐风》的和谐美,在社会生活方面,表现为女子个性的自由张扬,男人气度的雍容豪放;在诗歌形式方面,表现为声韵节奏的和谐舒缓。而春秋时期,齐国泱泱的大国气象,正是《齐风》和谐美建构的社会基础。  相似文献   

Not all those who write philosophy are recognized as philosophers. In this paper I argue that Dutch writer Isabelle de Charrière, usually known as a novelist, is actually engaged in doing moral philosophy. In the second half of the eighteenth century, Charrière wrote novels about characters who endorsed moral theories and commitments. Her novels track the dilemmas that these characters face in trying to live according their moral theories and commitments. I consider the case for treating fiction as philosophically valuable, and argue that Charrière's novels fall into the category of philosophically valuable fiction.  相似文献   

康德把审美对象区分为自然美、艺术美和道德美,而黑格尔只承认艺术美。康德还区分了优美和壮美,黑格尔对此几乎完全忽略。在这两方面,黑格尔有失偏颇。壮美作为道德美的本质特征是孔子所说的从心所欲不逾矩,对应于康德所说的自由的自律。黑格尔把美定义为理念的感性显现,强调了美是理性和感性的统一。对于审美的感性直观的特征,康德有所忽略,因而有失偏颇。  相似文献   

The study investigated 142 college men's reactions to a vignette in which they were to imagine receiving a physically forceful sexual advance from a female casual acquaintance. Participants were predominantly middle-class Caucasian students from psychology classes. Results revealed that men with more restricted sexual standards had significantly more negative reactions to the advance than did men with less restricted standards. Further, only 16% of men with more restricted sexual standards, compared to 34% of men with less restricted standards, said they would consent to sex with the vignette woman. Men who were instructed to assume that they had a girlfriend in the scenario situation had more negative reactions to the advance than did men who assumed that they did not have a girlfriend. Evidence was found for a beauty bias: men who read that the initiator was average looking had less positive reactions than did men who read that the initiator was very attractive. Results add support to the authors' Sexual Opportunity Model explaining men's reactions to coercive sexual contact with women.  相似文献   

论庄子思想之美   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《庄子》文本中直接论述美的内容虽然不是很多,但是庄子哲学和《庄子》一书始终都贯穿着一种心学与泛审美主义的美学精神。或许正因为此种思想特色,李泽厚干脆说庄子哲学即美学(李泽厚,第178页)。对庄子思想作美学探讨,大体可以从庄子美学与庄学之  相似文献   

This is an edited translation of an address given on 20 July 2017, the 73rd anniversary of the bomb plot against Adolf Hitler, at the Adam von Trott Foundation in Imshausen, Germany. It recalls the contacts of Willem A. Visser 't Hooft, the first general secretary of the World Council of Churches, with the German resistance during the Second World War, discusses the relevance of their vision of the post‐war future to contemporary politics, and highlights the significance of Visser 't Hooft for the ecumenical movement.  相似文献   

Philip Clayton 《Zygon》2000,35(3):699-704
The author expresses appreciation to Professor Drees for his careful and mostly accurate reading of God and Contemporary Science. The exchange provides the opportunity to step back from the specifics of the debate and clarify what it is that gives rise to the increasing talk of panentheism within religion‐science discussions today. What is the central challenge that the natural sciences raise for theistic belief? How far does panentheism go toward answering this challenge, and what work still needs to be done? Locating the book in this way clarifies questions of where the burden of proof lies, especially with regard to the relation of physical, mental, and spiritual qualities.  相似文献   

MacKay  Natalie J.  Covell  Katherine 《Sex roles》1997,36(9-10):573-583
The present study extends existing research showing a link between images of women in advertisements and sexual attitudes. We examined also the impact of seeing sex image and progressive advertisements on attitudes toward feminism and the women's movement. Ninety-two undergraduate academic and technology white middle-class students were assigned to one of two conditions: rating either sex image or progressive advertisements. All participants then completed four subscales of M. R. Burt's [(1980) “Cultural Myths and Supports for Rape,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 38, pp. 217-230] Sexual Attitudes Survey and R. E. Fassinger's [(1994) “Development and Testing of the Attitudes Toward Feminism and the Women's Movement (FWM) Scale,” Psychology of Women Quarterly, Vol. 18, pp. 389-402] Feminism and Women's Movement Scale. Major findings include replication of previous data showing a relation between viewing sex image advertisements and reporting attitudes supportive of sexual aggression. Those seeing sex image advertisements also showed lower acceptance of feminism. It is suggested that continuous presentation of such advertisements undermines women's striving for equality.  相似文献   

This paper addresses two key works in the eighteenth-century debate on the problem of taste: the Abbé Du Bos's Réflexions critiques sur la poésie et sur la peinture (1719) and David Hume's 'Of the Standard of Taste' (1757). A successful solution to the 'paradox of taste' should sustain the democratising impulse behind Du Bos's appeal to the judgment of the 'public' whilst, at the same time, acknowledging the role of learning and discovery which underpins Hume's recourse to the opinion of the best qualified critics. This can be achieved, it is argued, by taking up a standpoint which is internal to our actual arguments or disputes about art, drawing upon and recommending a set of practices which allow for the development and revision of our judgments about works of art.  相似文献   

传世《六经图》,唯《四库全书》所收一种。近得外祖父所藏《六经图》碑本拓片一套,与四库所收,多所不同。考《六经图》首撰为宋人杨甲,其后,历朝多有增删补缀,大体沿两条线索发展:一从昌州石本到信州石本,为碑本体系;一从程森刻本到吴继仕刻本,为书版体系。书版体系经明清学者“臆为窜乱”已非杨甲原本;碑本体系则保存了宋元体格,更具有史料价值。  相似文献   

张燕 《中国宗教》2021,(2):56-57
中唐以后,随着中国化的佛教宗派——禅宗的影响逐渐扩大, “悦禅之风”不但在佛教僧人中广为盛行,在文人士大夫阶层也流传甚广.到了宋代,禅宗和净土宗更是成为当时佛教的主流宗派.在此阶段,佛教与中国传统的儒家、道教文化进一步融合,极大推进了佛教中国化的进程. 这一思想潮流也表现在当时的佛教艺术之中,直观地体现在宋代画僧的作品...  相似文献   

In the Sleeping Beauty problem, Beauty is uncertain whether the outcome of a certain coin toss was heads or tails. One argument suggests that her degree of belief in heads should be 1/3, while a second suggests that it should be 1/2. Prima facie, the argument for 1/2 appears to be stronger. I offer a diachronic Dutch Book argument in favor of 1/3. Even for those who are not routinely persuaded by diachronic Dutch Book arguments, this one has some important morals.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(4):11-28

Women in prison represent a neglected population. The facilities and the services offered to female inmates are based primarily on models derived from male inmates. The need for this approach to change is increasingly recognized because the number of women in the correctional system is increasing at an alarming rate, the criminal profile of female inmates is distinct, and independently because the racial and ethnic composition of the female prisoners is shifting. In the present study, the needs of women prisoners were studied from a variety of theoretical perspectives: relational, diversity, and developmental. Focus groups and questionnaires were conducted with 54 women incarcerated in a minimum security correctional facility for men and women in a Northeastern state. The women's developmental histories reflected high-risk conditions and early trauma. From the ease with which these women responded to questions about their main relationships (i.e., closeness and mutuality) with visitors and other inmates, it is clear that they are struggling but maintaining a relational context in their lives despite being incarcerated. Most women had children, and retained custody of their children, which has strong implications for their children's development. The findings suggested a number of important policy and service implications which differed for ethnic/racial groups.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence that the objectification of women by other women can be attenuated by drawing attention to their competence. Primarily European American female undergraduate participants (N?=?154) from the Midwestern part of the United States rated photographs of college-aged female models dressed provocatively a) standing against a plain background (control condition), b) showing athletic competence (standing near a swimming pool holding a trophy), and c) showing academic competence (solving a math problem on a whiteboard). Results showed that compared to the control condition, the models showing competence were rated lower on objectification variables and higher on capability variables regardless of their provocative manner of dress.  相似文献   

Biomedical literature suggests that menopause primarily represents negative change in women’s lives. Feminist literature on menopause proposes that it can represent positive change or is a neutral experience for individual women. Conflicting characterizations result from different empirical emphases; biomedical research has focused on bodily change, and feminist research has highlighted social contexts for menopause. Results from interviews with a snowball sample of 61 women in 2001 illustrate how a change discourse on menopause and gendered beauty ideals combine to create a context within which some women believe that changes in their physical appearances can be attributed to menopause and that bodily change is problematic. In addition, during focus groups and in-depth interviews, women suggested that, in the face of these discourses or ideologies and changing external bodies, they face a “category crisis.’’ Interviewees also discussed how they attempt to prevent/mask bodily change in order to remain attractive, visibly feminine, and desirable in the eyes of men. Findings from this qualitative study illustrate that we must continue to explore women’s perceptions and experiences of bodily change during menopause, as we lack a full understanding of this developmental transition and its biosocial contexts.  相似文献   

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