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In this study the authors explored the relationship between five-factor model (FFM: Big Five) personality traits (J. M. Digman, 1990; R. R. McCrae & O. P. John, 1992; J. S. Wiggins & P. D. Trappnell, 1997) and universal-diverse orientation (UDO; M. L. Miville et al., 1999) in counselor trainees. FFM traits were measured using the NEO-Personality Inventory-Revised (P. T. Costa & R. R. McCrae, 1992). Statistically significant relationships were found between UDO and one of the Big Five personality traits (Openness to Experience) in counselor trainees. Further regression analysis suggested a relationship between UDO and a particular facet of Openness to Experience, Openness to Aesthetics. This finding suggests that counselor trainees who are open to the creative expressions of others may be comfortable working with a wide variety of clients. These results suggest that counselor training that encourages experiences of aesthetic diversity in addition to an exploration of values may promote trainees' ability to work with diverse clients.  相似文献   

The GAIT is a procedure for sampling and measuring communication behavior. Candidates for a counselor-training program (136 Ss; 86% women; average age 44 yr.) took the GAIT in 18 groups and completed written forms for staff screening. Data included pre-GAIT first impression peer ratings and GAIT Empathy. Acceptance, and Openness ratings by peers and by trained audiotape judges. After nine months of training, 26 remaining Ss were judged on a counseling readiness criterion. First impression and peer GAIT ratings were positively intercorrelated, but none predicted counseling readiness. The criterion was correlated with both trained GAIT Empathy (Kendall tau = .40) and staff ratings (.41. both ps less than .01). Suggestions were made for using the GAIT as a counselor selection instrument.  相似文献   

A cluster analysis of the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire, Hostility and Direction of Hostility Questionnaire and Psychological Screening Inventory scores from 181 delinquents at Deerbolt Borstal, England, revealed four personality types which were labelled ‘Withdrawn’, ‘Normal’, ‘Disturbed’ and ‘Truculent’. A 3-year reconviction follow-up showed that the groups differed in terms of recidivism. Sixty-four percent of the Withdrawn group reconvicted whilst 87% of the Normal, 79% of the Disturbed and 76% of the Truculent group reconvicted. Controlling for the influence of number of previous convictions the Withdrawn group differed significantly from the other groups in terms of recidivism. The results are discussed with reference to similar results obtained in a previously reported study in a detention centre.  相似文献   

Perceived sources and levels of stress were assessed with a rating scale describing the experience of stressors and stress responses and an unstructured self-report about the reasons of such ratings in 60 nursing students in their first and final year of hospital training. The results, which show a significantly higher report of stress in the latter group, also point to identifiable sources of stressors in hospital-based nursing training procedures. Several recommendations to alleviate these conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Aim: This study aims to explore if and how values and attitudes from trainees of different psychotherapeutic schools vary during training. Another aim has been to evaluate the extent of their therapeutic self-confidence during training. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 171 trainees in German institutes with different theoretical orientations (Psychoanalysis – PA, Psychodynamic Therapy – PT and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – CBT) participated. Results are reported for two questionnaires: Therapeutic-Attitudes-Candidate-Version (ThAT-CV) and Work-Involvement-Scales (WIS). Results: Therapeutic attitudes showed significant differences between trainees with different theoretical orientations but no significant difference between different levels of training within the same school. Whereas the PA and CBT trainees endorsed contrasting attitude profiles, the PT group displayed less differentiated attitudes in between those contrasts. Most trainees experienced their psychotherapeutic practice as challenging, and Stressful Involvement in therapy sessions was lower with more years in training. Female trainees reported more Healing Involvement and felt more competent in general than their male colleagues. Self-reported competence was higher the more congruent the trainees’ attitudes with their school's theoretical orientation. Conclusions: The ThAT-CV discriminates significantly between trainees of different therapeutic schools. Our sample demonstrates high identification with attitudes belonging to their theoretical orientation. This may account for high ratings of self-reported therapeutic competence. Attitudes seem to be formed before training and change little thereafter. Less differentiated attitudes may explain PT-trainees’ higher levels of Stressful Involvement.  相似文献   

In this study, which describes the evaluation of a structural family therapy training program, we developed an evaluation procedure that can be used with other similar training programs. Trainees were evaluated before and after training as to their improvement in cognitive, case-planning and in-therapy intervention skills. Results suggest a progression of skill learning, beginning with cognitive understanding, followed by case planning, and then intervention skills. Though trainees made significant progress in cognitive and planning skills, this was not the case with intervention skills. Trainees' self-evaluations were similar to their results on other measures.  相似文献   

Forty-six psychotherapy students in three groups at one training institute for psychoanalytic psychotherapy in Sweden were asked to fill out a questionnaire about important influences on their professional development during their three-year training and afterwards. The questionnaire was distributed on three occasions during the training program and on one later occasion. Twenty-one students responded to the questionnaire on all four occasions. Working with patients in therapy, getting supervision, and participating in personal psychotherapy were viewed as the three most important influences on the students. The importance attributed to specialist literature and technical skills seemed to increase over time during the training, while the influences of experiences in personal life and personal qualities decreased. These changes in reported views were reversed in the initial years after graduation. Concerning assets, the students valued the ability to be containing and emphatic as the most important, but in their first years as licensed psychotherapists assigned more importance to the ability to create contact. The training program led to a change over time in a higher rating for the importance of technical and methodological attributes and less emphasis on personal characteristics and experiences. Most of the changes reported during training tended to be reversed afterwards.  相似文献   

It is a common observation that certain kinds of patient-therapy (therapist) pairings are more beneficial than others. Attempts to find out why, through interactional research on therapy, have proven to be difficult. It is often suggested that one reason for this is the absence of an adequate theoretical framework within which such research can be conducted. However, in recent years, one theory, conceptual systems theory (CST), a cognitive personality theory, has developed to the stage where it appears to offer some promise in this regard. This article offers an evaluative review of the empirical studies, with relevance to therapy, which use CST as a basis for interactional research; an analysis of the conceptual and methodological problems inherent in its use; and a discussion of the implication of findings for therapeutic practice. Figures 1 and 2 originally appeared in Short, Edmund C., “Knowledge Production and Utilization in Curriculum: A Special Case of the General Phenomenon.”Review of Educational Research, Summer 1979, pp. 237-301. Copyright 1979, American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C. Reproduced with permission.  相似文献   

Results are summarized of an empirical study testing the associations among various academic, demographic, and personal characteristics and rated empathic understanding among 93 neophyte psychotherapy trainees from six universities. Multiple regression analyses suggested that completion of a graduate group counseling course with a specific personal growth component was the only characteristic significantly correlated with ratings of empathic understanding.  相似文献   

The problem of student protests provides a challenge to counselors because it indicates, among other things, that guidance has been ineffective. Five trends in student attitudes are described that seem to underlie widespread student unrest against the establishment. Then the role of youth in present-day social change is defined and related to activism, and suggestions are made for counselors interest***ed in channeling student protests into educational improvements. Finally, a more aggressive and active stance by the counselor is called for as part of a revamping of the priorities governing counselor activities.  相似文献   

This article describes some ways counselors can use their skills to help teachers individualize instruction. The author describes the four basic components of most programs of individualized instruction, suggesting tasks counselors could perform relating to each component. The author concludes that the interested counselor is able to contribute greatly toward the improvement of instruction and in so doing become substantially involved in helping pupils to meet their needs.  相似文献   

Counselors cannot look only to the law to solve their professional problems in dealing with information about students. Nevertheless, they must understand confidentiality, privilege, and privacy in the context of ethical standards and legal requirements if they are to meet their responsibilities to clients, the profession, and to themselves.  相似文献   

Although educators tend to talk positively about freedom, civil liberties are often denied to students as a matter of course. Since the counseling profession is committed to the concepts of individual development and human dignity, counselors have no choice but to stand firmly in favor of civil liberties and against repression. Their role should include working toward democratization of the environment, acting as civil liberties advocates for individual students whose rights are in jeopardy, and providing support for counselees who choose to dissent against conventionally accepted policies of school or society.  相似文献   

Young people considering enlistment in the armed forces often need objective assistance in the decision-making process. Recruiters themselves are under too much pressure to be able to provide that objectivity. The authors discuss how counselors are in a unique position to help: by increasing the scope of information available, by safeguarding the rights of potential enlistees, and by working to eliminate recruitment abuses.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between client dogmatism and perceptions of the counselor's empathy, level of regard, congruence, and unconditional positive regard. Counselor dogmatism was held constant. It was hypothesized that the client's dogmatism would be negatively related to his perceptions of these four counselor attitudes. The analysis revealed small but significant negative correlations between client dogmatism and three of the four counselor-expressed attitudes (congruence, empathy, and unconditional positive regard).  相似文献   

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