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Aging-associated brain changes include functional alterations that are usually related with memory decline. Epidemiological reports show that a physically and intellectually active life provides a protective effect on this decline and delays the onset of several neurodegenerative diseases. The cellular mechanisms behind the behavioral-based therapies, such as environmental enrichment (EE) exposure, as a method for alleviating age-related memory impairments, are still unknown. Although some reports have shown the benefits of EE exposure in cognitive outcomes in old mice and in animals with experimental neurodegenerative conditions, the effects of lifelong animal exposure to EE have not been explored in detail. In the present work we tested in a rat model the effects of intermittent lifelong exposure since youth to EE on behavioral performance, object recognition memory and anxiety level, as well as on some morphological and biochemical markers of brain plasticity such as hippocampal neurogenesis, synaptophysin content and synaptic morphology. We found that environmental factors have a positive impact on short-memory preservation, as well as on the maintenance of synapses and in the increase in number of new generated neurons within the hippocampus during aging.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous (sc) administration of the tetradecapeptide bombesin (BN) (1-10 mg/kg) elicited grooming in rat pups of 1-10 days of age and the magnitude of this response decreased as a function of age. The form of grooming induced was qualitatively different from that seen following central injection of BN to adult rats. Subchronic neonatal exposure to BN (5 or 10 mg/kg; sc, twice daily for the first 8 postnatal days) had no effect on subsequent adult behavior displayed under mildly stressful or novel conditions, in the open field or in an elevated plus maze. However, both saline and the high dose of BN (10 mg/kg) pretreatments increased adult sensitivity to central BN (0.1 micrograms; icv) as compared to noninjected but neonatally handled controls or those rats neonatally pretreated with the lower dose of BN (5 mg/kg). This was best demonstrated by increases in scratching activity at the 0.1-micrograms dose of icv BN. Neonatal pretreatments had no effect on later adult sensitivity to BN injected intraperitoneally (ip). These data indicate that BN receptors in the rat central nervous system are pharmacologically functional from an early stage in ontogeny. Systems utilizing BN-like peptides are, to a degree, plastic early in ontogeny and altered adult sensitivity to BN icv can be achieved via subchronic exposure to BN during infancy. Endogenous BN-based mechanisms did not appear to play a role in the development and/or expression of behavior(s) elicited under mildly stressful or novel conditions.  相似文献   

To assess the behavioral effects of preoperative differential housing male rats were placed in either enriched or isolated environments at weaning prior to receiving either sham operations or septal lesions when 57 days of age. Rats with septal lesions showed reduced habituation of ambulation and initially made fewer rears in an empty open field but made more object-contacts coupled with a lack of habituation in the object-filled field. Septal rats also showed severe impairments when tested in a 12-arm radial maze with 7 arms baited and 5 arms unbaited. Preoperative enrichment did not significantly affect these lesion-induced changes. Nevertheless, enrichment significantly lowered ambulation (but did not affect habituation) in the open field and increased the number of manipulatory relative to nonmanipulatory contacts. However, preoperatively enriched septal rats showed a deficit in spontaneous alternation (45%) in contrast to the high levels (83%) shown by intact enriched rats, whereas both intact and septal isolated rats showed similar levels of spontaneous alternation (68%). These results conflict with earlier reports that preoperative enrichment "protects" rats against the deficits produced by septal lesions.  相似文献   

A young boy's stereotypy was first evaluated in two daily 30 min sessions (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) during a free operant (FO) condition. Results from the two daily sessions during FO showed that stereotypy was lower during the second session of the day, suggesting that prior access had affected later engagement in stereotypy. The effects of environmental enrichment (EE) with music, EE music plus a guitar, and EE music plus a guitar plus contingent music loss on stereotypy were also evaluated. Unexpectedly, the results showed that the presence of music increased stereotypy during both daily sessions; however, contingent music loss decreased stereotypy and simultaneously increased untargeted guitar play. Increases in stereotypy during both daily sessions suggest that music may have increased the reinforcing value of stereotypy. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hypothesized circuitry enabling information storage can be tested by attempting to implant memory directly in the brain in the absence of normal experience. Previously, we found that tone paired with activation of the cholinergic nucleus basalis (NB) does induce behavioral memory that shares cardinal features with natural memory; it is associative, highly specific, rapidly formed, consolidates and shows intermediate retention. Here we determine if implanted memory also exhibits long-term consolidation and retention. Adult male rats were first tested for behavioral responses (disruption of ongoing respiration) to tones (1-15 kHz), yielding pre-training behavioral frequency generalization gradients. They next received 3 days of training with a conditioned stimulus (CS) tone (8.0 kHz, 70 dB, 2s) either paired (n=7) or unpaired (n=6) with moderate electrical stimulation of the nucleus basalis (~ 65 μA, 100 Hz, 0.2s, co-terminating with CS offset). Testing for long-term retention was performed by obtaining post-training behavioral frequency generalization gradients 24h and 2 weeks after training. At 24h post-training, the Paired group exhibited specific associative behavioral memory, manifested by larger responses to the CS frequency band than the Unpaired group. This memory was retained 2 weeks post-training. Moreover, 2 weeks later, the specificity and magnitude of memory had become greater, indicating that the implanted memory had undergone consolidation. Overall, the results demonstrate the validity of NB-implanted memory for understanding natural memory and that activation of the cholinergic nucleus basalis is sufficient to form natural associative memory.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans is a simple soil-dwelling nematode which has two sexes, hermaphrodite and male. The male C. elegans is differentiated from the hermaphrodite by the presence of 14 sensory structures in the tail. In this study, we compared the behavioral responses of males and hermaphrodites to head-touch and to tap. We hypothesized that the anatomical difference in sensory structures might result in behavioral differences in the reversal response to vibratory stimulation (a tap to the side of the holding dish). In the response to increasing intensities of tap, both sexes showed an increase in response magnitude, with the males showing larger responses than hermaphrodites. In addition, the male was shown to be capable of simple nonassociative learning: it demonstrated habituation and recovery from habituation in a similar manner as the hermaphrodite. Tail-touch-induced inhibition of the reversal response appeared to be similar in males and hermaphrodites. The evidence suggests that the touch withdrawal circuit in hermaphrodites is also present in the male C. elegans, and that the subtle differences in response to tap seen in males may result from the additional sensory receptors of the copulatory bursa of the tail. It seems clear from these studies that these structures do not play a key role in the male worm's response to tap.  相似文献   

Environmental enrichment (EE) increases dentate gyrus (DG) neurogenesis and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels. However, running is considered an element of EE. To dissociate effects of physical activity and enrichment on hippocampal neurogenesis and BDNF levels, young female C57Bl/6 mice were housed under control, running, enrichment, or enrichment plus running conditions, and injected with bromodeoxyuridine. Cell genesis was assessed after 12 d and differentiation was analyzed 1 mo later. In addition, locomotor activity in the open field and hippocampal mature BDNF peptide levels were measured. Open-field adaptation was improved in all groups, compared to controls, but more so with running. New cell proliferation, survival, neuron number, and neurotrophin levels were enhanced only when running was accessible. We conclude that exercise is the critical factor mediating increased BDNF levels and adult hippocampal neurogenesis.  相似文献   

We reviewed studies that used environmental enrichment as treatment for problem behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement. A search of behavior analytic journals produced 71 publications with a total of 265 applications of environmental enrichment used alone or in conjunction with alternative behavior manipulations (e.g., prompting, reinforcement) and problem behavior manipulations (e.g., blocking, restraint). Environmental enrichment, as a sole intervention, was efficacious in 41% of the sample. Alternative behavior manipulations, problem behavior manipulations, and a combination of both improved the overall efficacy of environmental enrichment. We discuss factors that may influence the efficacy of environmental enrichment, current trends in research on this topic, and implications for both practitioners and researchers.  相似文献   

To assess temporal variations in the perception of "phasic" heat pain stimuli a psychophysical tracking procedure was developed that enables repeated assessment of the pain threshold at short intervals. This "double-tracking" procedure produces two tracking curves simultaneously, one that approaches the pain threshold gradually from above, the other from below. The threshold for phasic heat pain was measured in 80 tracking trials with stimuli at temperatures near the pain threshold. Concurrently, the threshold for "tonic" heat pain was determined after every 20 tracking trials with a stimulus adjustment procedure. Eleven healthy subjects (age: 26.4 yr. +/- 6.0) participated in 2 sessions each. Phasic stimulation near the pain threshold did not produce any trends in either of the two threshold measures. Hence there was no long-term adaptation or sensitization. However, there were random variations (random walks) in the tracking curves, which we interpret as resulting from a stochastic relationship between stimulus and sensation. In agreement with other reports, discrimination seemed to be better at painful than at nonpainful temperatures.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of habituation may be interpreted as a process that has evolved for filtering out iterative stimuli of little present relevance. That habituation is seen in aneural as well as neural organisms throughout phylogeny with remarkably similar characteristics suggests that its role is an important one in animal survival. If habituation is to be viewed as a process to filter out iterative stimuli that have no significant consequences, then how is sensitization to be viewed? One way of viewing these two behavioral changes, i.e. habituation and sensitization, is that they are homeostatic processes which optimize an organism’s likelihood of detecting and assessing the significance of a stimulus in a new iterative series or a change in it. If one views the level of initial responsiveness to a new stimulus as a function of an organism’s threshold just prior to stimulus occurrence, then “high responders” (i.e. those who initially react more strongly) are assumed to have a lower threshold for detecting and assessing the significance of this stimulus than are the “low responders” (i.e. those who initially react more weakly). Thus, high-responders would initially receive more sensory input and progressively decrease their responsiveness to a non-threatening stimulus (habituation). Likewise, initial low-responders would receive less sensory input followed by a decreased threshold and an increased response to the next stimulus occurrence (sensitization). The level of responsiveness achieved in both habituaters and sensitizers, as an asymptote is approached, is a balance between being too sensitive to an unimportant stimulus (and possibly missing other significant stimuli) and being too insensitive, and missing a change in the relevance of the present stimulus. These response changes can be taken as indices of the organism’s mechanisms for achieving an appropriate threshold level to an iterative stimulus in order to accurately assess its present significance and then eventually to asymptote at an optimal stable response level. This approach toward an asymptote is a behavioral homeostatic process that reflects the accumulated significance of the iterative stimulus at each occurrence. The purpose of adding “behavioral” to the term “homeostasis” is to extend the usual meaning of the concept from primarily internal processes to also include (a) iterative external stimulation, (b) the organism’s initial threshold to the initial stimulus as well as (c) the behavior which results from it. Since we are discussing organisms that range from intact, single-celled protozoa to intact mammals, as well as surgically simplified preparations, the termsstimulus, response andbehavior will be used broadly. While other investigators have focused on specific cellular mechanisms underlying habituation and sensitization in a given organism, this paper focuses on the adaptive significance of these two behavioral processes viewed across phylogeny.  相似文献   

To assess a possible role for serotonin in the mediation of the behavioral changes induced by enriched housing conditions (EC), adult female Long-Evans rats sustaining a serotonin depletion (150 microg of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine, icv) and sham-operated rats were housed postoperatively for 30 days in enriched (12 rats/large cage containing various objects) or standard housing conditions (2 rats/standard laboratory cage). Thereafter, anxiety responses (elevated plus-maze), locomotor activity (in the home-cage), sensori-motor capabilities (beam-walking task), and spatial memory (eight-arm radial maze) were assessed. Monoamine levels were subsequently measured in the frontoparietal cortex and the hippocampus. Overall, EC reduced anxiety-related responses, enhanced sensori-motor performance and improved the memory span in the initial stage of the spatial memory task. Despite a substantial reduction of serotonergic markers in the hippocampus (82%) and the cortex (74%), these positive effects of EC were not altered by the lesion. EC reduced the serotonin levels in the ventral hippocampus (particularly in unlesioned rats: -23%), increased serotonin turnover in the entire hippocampus (particularly in lesioned rats: +36%) and augmented the norepinephrine levels in the dorsal hippocampus (+68% in unlesioned and +49% in lesioned rats); no such alterations were found in the frontoparietal cortex. Our data suggest that an intact serotonergic system is not a prerequisite for the induction of positive behavioral effects by EC. The neurochemical changes found in the hippocampus of EC rats, however, show that the monoaminergic innervation of the hippocampus is a target of EC.  相似文献   

The recently proposed error-likelihood hypothesis suggests that anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and surrounding areas will become active in proportion to the perceived likelihood of an error. The hypothesis was originally derived from a computational model prediction. The same computational model now makes a further prediction that ACC will be sensitive not only to predicted error likelihood, but also to the predicted magnitude of the consequences, should an error occur. The product of error likelihood and predicted error consequence magnitude collectively defines the general “expected risk” of a given behavior in a manner analogous but orthogonal to subjective expected utility theory. New fMRI results from an incentive change signal task now replicate the errorlikelihood effect, validate the further predictions of the computational model, and suggest why some segments of the population may fail to show an error-likelihood effect. In particular, error-likelihood effects and expected risk effects in general indicate greater sensitivity to earlier predictors of errors and are seen in risk-averse but not risktolerant individuals. Taken together, the results are consistent with an expected risk model of ACC and suggest that ACC may generally contribute to cognitive control by recruiting brain activity to avoid risk.  相似文献   

The present study compared the effects of environmental enrichment on spatial memory, glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) activity, and synaptophysin levels in middle-aged male and female mice. Prior to testing, a subset of 18-month-old male and female C57BL/6 mice was housed with two to three toys and a running wheel in the home cage for up to 29 d. Adult mice (7 mo) of both sexes and the remaining middle-aged mice were group (social) housed, but not exposed to enriching objects. After the enrichment period, all mice were tested in a 1-day version of the Morris water maze, in which both spatial and nonspatial memory were assessed. Immediately after testing, the hippocampus and frontoparietal cortex were dissected, and GAD activity and synaptophysin levels were measured. Environmental enrichment reduced the age-related impairment in spatial acquisition and retention; relative to adult social controls, middle-aged enriched mice were unimpaired, whereas middle-aged social controls were impaired. This reduction was similar in middle-aged males and females. Enrichment did not affect cued memory in either sex. Although hippocampal GAD activity was increased by enrichment in males, all other neurochemical measurements were unaffected by enrichment or aging in either sex. These data suggest that environmental enrichment initiated at middle age can reduce age-related impairments in spatial memory in males and females, although the underlying neurobiological mechanisms of this effect remain unknown.  相似文献   

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