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L.伊里加蕾  刘岩 《世界哲学》2012,(3):102-117,161
本文的核心主题是如何建立同他者的交互关系。作者认为,伦理行为应该从呼吸开始,这是人类最为原初的举动,但在西方文化中一直未得到尊重。忘却呼吸的结果造成了精神和身体的分离,也形成了二元对立的文化传统。要建立二者的伦理关系,首先就要拥有自我爱慕的能力,这是一种栖居在自我状态、能够主宰自己行动和思维的能力,是维持自己家园的前提。在此基础上,作者认为应该开放自我的世界迎接他者的到来,把自己封闭在自我世界的结果将导致对他者异质性的排斥。同时,有必要保持沉默,要耐心倾听,更要换一个方式讲话,充分开发知觉感受,以尊重他者完成自我的超越。二者关系也因此得以建立,这一尊重差异基础之上的二者关系不仅适用于处理性别关系,也可以应用于处理其他文化差异中的二者关系,而无数的二者关系最终组成了多元的世界。  相似文献   

The manifold functions of a supervisor in following the course of complex processes together with the trainee, are: ? to keep the goals of the supervision in view, ? to establish a teaching alliance and to support the wish and ambitions of the candidate to learn, ? to build a platform for the complex interactions with the trainee with regard to the dynamics of the training situation and keeping in mind the institutional influences, ? to lay down the setting for the work, ? to explore and to reflect how transference and counter-transference influence the interaction between patient and analyst as well as between trainee and supervisor, ? to examine these interactions together focussing continuously on the interaction between candidate and patient, and to encourage the candidate to do the same on his own, ? to continuously formulate hypotheses about the core conflict, the transference phenomena and resistance of the patient, ? to explore and reflect on the cooperative work.  相似文献   

H. Paul Santmire 《Dialog》2018,57(1):18-22
Christians attuned to ecological and eco‐justice issues typically welcome the thought that they are called by God to protect and to serve nature, as well as to respond to the needs of the poor and the oppressed. Drawing on Martin Buber's I‐Thou and I‐It conceptuality and highlighting Jesus’ command about the lilies of the field, this article argues that Christians also are called to enter into an I‐Ens relationship with nature, that is, to behold or to contemplate, as well as to protect and to serve nature, as they continue to address ecojustice issues.  相似文献   

In a recent study, Rude, Gortner, and Pennebaker (2004) found word use to be related to depression and vulnerability to depression in the essays of college students. We sought to replicate and extend these findings in a clinical sample. Written essays of 304 psychiatric outpatients with a personality disorder and a mixed psychiatric profile on DSM-IV axis-I and 108 healthy controls were examined with word count software. Data on the tendency to be discrepant about the current self compared to a more ideal self were also gathered. We found that psychiatric outpatients in general used more words referring to the self and negative emotion words and fewer positive emotion words, compared to healthy controls. However, word-use proved unrelated to depression specifically. Actual-ideal self discrepancies were related to patient status and to current depression. Contrary to our hypothesis, these discrepancies did not correlate with the use of words referring to the self. We conclude that the negative content and self-focus of written essays and high levels of discrepancy reflect a negative thinking style that is common to a range of psychiatric disorders rather than being specific to depression.  相似文献   

Using data collected from 1,987 employees at several locations of a large firm, this study investigates relationships between these employees' cognitive and attitudinal perceptions of an employee assistance program (EAP) and their propensity to use it. Familiarity with the program, perceived accessibility of it, and perceived managerial support for it are hypothesized to affect both employees' confidence in the program and their propensity to use it, and confidence in the EAP is further hypothesized to affect propensity to use. LISREL analysis supported the overall model, but the direct paths from the cognitive variables to propensity to use were not supported and confidence in the program was therefore indicated to be an essential mediating variable. Propensity to use an EAP is argued to be an important indicator of effective EAP implementation and suggestions are offered to management for promoting employee confidence in an EAP and ultimately their propensity to use it.  相似文献   

In their article, Hours and Mayers make the case that in the imaginary world of fairy tales children have an opportunity to engage and symbolize and also to reflect on the experiences and motives of imaginary characters. This was the case with 8-year-old Barbara who responded to the fairy tales that were narrated to the group by joining in and beginning to share her ideas and reactions. In this commentary, it is argued that it was not just the experience of enchantment that enabled Barbara to begin to listen more attentively to the stories and to engage with her peers. It was also her experience of the narrator's gaze, the therapist who wanted to tell a story to her to make her feel enchanted by all the images and emotions stories can evoke to anyone who listens to them.  相似文献   

Different movement patterns have evolved as a response to predictable and unpredictable variation in the environment with migration being an adaptation to predictable environments, nomadism to unpredictable environments and partial migration to a mixture of predictable and unpredictable conditions. Along different movement patterns, different cognitive abilities have evolved which are reviewed and discussed in relation to an organism’s ability to respond to largely unpredictable environmental change due to climate and human-induced change, and linked to population trends. In brief, migrants have a combination of reliance on memory, low propensity to explore and high avoidance of environmental change that in combination with overall small brain sizes results in low flexibility to respond to unpredictable environmental change. In line with this, many migrants have negative population trends. In contrast, while nomads may use their memory to find suitable habitats, they can counteract negative effects of finding such habitats disturbed by large-scale exploratory movements and paying attention to environmental cues. They are also little avoidant of environmental change. Population trends are largely stable or increasing indicating their ability to cope with climate and human-induced change. Cognitive abilities in partial migrants are little investigated, but indicate attention to environmental cues coupled with high exploratory tendencies that allow them a flexible response to unpredictable environmental change. Indeed, their population trends are mainly stable or increasing. In conclusion, cognitive abilities have evolved in conjunction with different movement patterns and affect an organism’s ability to adapt to rapidly human-induced changes in the environment.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》2002,17(2):1157-1183
Four experiments examined whether spatial reasoning about non-spatial concepts is based on mapping concepts to space according to similarities in relational structure. Six- and 7-year-old children without any prior graphing experience were asked to reason with graph-like diagrams. In Experiments 1 and 2, children were taught to map time and quantity to vertical and horizontal lines, and then were asked to judge the relative value of a second-order variable (rate) or a first-order variable (quantity) represented in a function line. Children’s judgments indicated that they mapped concepts to space by aligning similar relational structures: quantity judgments corresponded to line height, and rate judgments corresponded to line slope. These correspondences entail a mapping of first-order concepts to first-order spatial dimensions and second-order concepts to second-order spatial dimensions. Experiments 3 and 4 investigated the role of context in establishing relational structure. Children were taught to map age and rate (Experiment 3) or age and size (Experiment 4) to vertical and horizontal lines, and were then asked to judge the rate or the size represented by a function line. In this context, both rate and size were first-order variables, and children’s judgments corresponded to line height, also a first-order variable. The results indicate that spatial reasoning involves a structure-sensitive mapping between concepts and space.  相似文献   

We investigated the gap between parents’ willingness to seek help for their children and their willingness to refer other parents to help, and the relationship of this gap to gender. Two hundred and eleven parent couples with elementary-school children reported their willingness to seek help from professional and informal sources for a hypothetical problem with their child, and their willingness to refer a friend’s child with an identical problem to similar help. Attitudes toward help seeking and parental behaviors were also measured. Findings revealed that parents were more willing to refer a friend’s child to professional help than they were to seek such help for their own child, although no gap was found regarding informal help. No gender differences were found regarding willingness to seek help or to refer another, although gender was related to variables that predicted help seeking.  相似文献   

In this paper the author shows that human beings have two quasi‐instinctual primitive tendencies – namely, the compulsion to confess and the compulsion to judge (to condemn or to absolve). These compulsions are originally unconscious and become conscious during the course of the analytic process. The compulsion to judge is a natural consequence of the compulsion to confess. These two tendencies are intensified by the analytic situation. The patient has a compulsion to confess to the analyst and to himself, and likewise the analyst has a compulsion to confess to himself and to the patient. The patient therefore has a compulsion to judge himself as good or bad and to judge the analyst as good or bad while, on the other hand, the analyst has a compulsion to judge himself as good or bad and to judge the patient as good or bad. The task of analysis is to make both patient and analyst conscious of their compulsions to confess and to judge (to condemn or to absolve). The compulsion to judge in the analyst, particularly if unconscious, may give rise to mistakes in diagnosis, technique, treatment, and the assessment of analysability. The requirement of analytic neutrality in the analyst constantly conflicts with his compulsion to judge. If we are profoundly involved in our patient's dramatic conflict, we are bound to pass a judgement (condemnation or absolution); however, when we judge, we are not neutral and therefore become incapable of intellectual consciousness of the patient's conflict. Conversely, if we do not judge, we are neutral, but are then relatively uninvolved in the patient's conflict and are hence virtually unable to achieve emotional consciousness. The author attempts to show that neutrality cannot and must not be a preconstituted attitude in the analyst, but can and must be a point of arrival following a profound, intensely felt existential experience based on an attitude of non‐condemnation and non‐absolution.  相似文献   

生态学的马克思主义基于对人类命运的关照,立足人道主义,反对以单纯保护生态为目的的生态中心主义和企图转嫁生态矛盾的生态帝国主义;认为资本主义的生产、分配和消费方式是引发生态危机的根源;要想摆脱已经上升为人和自然之主要矛盾的生态危机,不仅需要建立“无增长的”经济模式,倡导“劳动闲暇一元论”和日常生活的“简朴主义”,根除虚假需求,克服异化消费,使生产过程分散化、民主化和管理科学化,变控制自然为解放自然,提倡技术为全人类服务,使生态学充满人道主义,而且需要根除资本主义生产的利润动机,杜绝独裁主义的政治和生产逻辑,反对技术法西斯主义,最终废除资本主义制度,建立非极权的、更易于生存的、以实现生态与社会和谐发展为目标的“稳态社会主义”。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the sequence of skills recovery during post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) in children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Setting: Fifty children aged 8 to 15 years consecutively admitted to a children’s hospital with TBI and PTA>24 were tested in a retrospective cohort study where the main measure was the Westmead PTA Scale (WPTAS). The group analyses show that orientation to time took longer to recover than orientation to person and place, but not memory, while the individual analyses revealed that when orientation to time was grouped with memory, 94% of children recovered orientation to person and place before orientation to time and memory (examiner and pictures). Correlation coefficients between age and the number of days taken to recover skills were not found to be significant. It was established that, in terms of the natural sequence of skills recovery in children aged 8 to 15 years following moderate to severe TBI, recovery of orientation to time is more closely aligned to memory than to orientation to person and place. It was also established that WPTAS items are developmentally appropriate for children aged 8 to 15 years who have sustained TBI. These findings are clinically important because monitoring recovery from PTA both impacts the rehabilitation offered to individuals during acute care and aids discharge planning.  相似文献   

Examination is made of a range of cyborg solutions to bodily problems due to damage, but here with particular reference to aging. Both technological and animal implants, transplants and prosthetic devices are phenomenologically analyzed. The resultant trade-off phenomena are compared to popular culture technofantasies and desires and finally to human attitudes toward mortality and contingency. The parallelism of resistance to contingent existence and to becoming a cyborg is noted.  相似文献   

A multiple baseline design across 3 children with autism was used to assess the effects of prompting and social reinforcement to teach participants to respond to an adult's bid for joint attention and to initiate bids for joint attention. Participants were taught to respond to an adult's bid for joint attention by looking in the direction of an object at which the adult pointed, by making a comment about the object, and by looking back at the adult. Additional training and reinforcement were needed to teach the participants to initiate bids for joint attention. Findings are discussed in terms of the social relevance of teaching children with autism to respond to and initiate bids for joint attention.  相似文献   

Mary Gentile’s Giving Voice to Values presents an approach to ethics training based on the idea that most people would like to provide input in times of ethical conflict using their own values. She maintains that people recognize the lapses in organizational ethical judgment and behavior, but they do not have the courage to step up and voice their values to prevent the misconduct. Gentile has developed a successful initiative and following based on encouraging students and employees to learn how to engage in communication or action to express their values within an organization’s formal and informal value system. The purpose of this analysis is to examine the Giving Voice to Values approach to empowering the individual to take action to deal with lapses in organizational ethics. We examine the role of Giving Voice to Values in business ethics education, considerations for implementing GVV, and recommendations for business educators and corporate ethics officers. We conclude that while GVV is an effective tool, it is not a comprehensive or holistic approach to ethics education and organizational ethics programs.  相似文献   

Students increasingly appear anxious, risk‐averse, and worried about getting things “wrong.” They may appear to lack intellectual curiosity, and be unwilling to engage in independent study. This essay explores how teaching and assessment in theology and religious studies might help students learn to take intellectual risks, and increase their resilience. One approach is to encourage students to experiment and “fail safely,” to increase their confidence that they understand what is expected of them, and to help them begin to understand learning as more broadly formational, not always directed toward a grade. I suggest three strategies: more formative assessment; a stronger narrative about the purpose of formative assessment; and an appeal to values, virtue, and the cultivation of character. Via these approaches, students might be encouraged to understand assessment in less utilitarian terms and increase their resilience for a world characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, prepared both critically and dispositionally to thrive and contribute positively to society.  相似文献   

Research evidence has shown that in childhood, a secure attachment to a reliable caregiver is important for future mental health and well-being. The theoretical and research basis for attachment theory continues to grow. As attachment theory has become more widely adopted there are challenges and opportunities both theoretically and in terms of its clinical use. Disordered attachment has been linked to psychopathology including internalising and externalising disorders. However, there are ongoing implications for researchers and clinicians as only the most extreme forms of attachment disorders are included in the current diagnostic systems. A wide range of reliable and validated observational assessments to classify attachment are available. Owing to the growing popularity of attachment-based interventions there is a need to develop assessments which are practical for use in clinical settings. The use of attachment-based parenting interventions in clinical settings is increasing as they have been found to be effective and relevant. This growth presents opportunities to further refine these interventions, so they are easy to deliver in clinical practice and tailored to different populations. Attachment-based interventions are being widely used in Australia, and this has led to a need to understand and adapt the theory, assessments, and interventions to this context. Attachment-based interventions demonstrate the importance of relationships and provide an important tool to support children and families. For psychologists here in Australia there are many opportunities to develop measures and interventions based on attachment theory that fit into the Australia context.  相似文献   


Three major personality dimensions were identified: extroversion, neuroticism and psychoticism. According to the theorizing, extraversion and psychoticism were predicted to be negatively related to religiosity, whereas neuroticism was positively related. The evidence has generally failed to support the predictions with respect to extraversion and neuroticism. However, low psychoticism is consistently related to religiosity, and this relationship is stronger with respect to the personal rather than public orientation to religion. Most of the available evidence is correlational in nature, so it is very difficult to explain this relationship. Future research should be broadened to include longitudinal studies and mood manipulations in order to clarify the processes underlying the potentially important links between psychoticism and religiosity.  相似文献   

Assessing treatment fidelity is a core methodological consideration in the study of treatment outcome; it influences both the degree to which changes can be attributed to the intervention and the ability to replicate and disseminate the intervention. Efforts to increase access to evidence-based psychological treatments are receiving unprecedented support; but pressures exist to adapt treatments to service settings, running the risk of compromising fidelity. However, little evidence is available to inform the necessary conditions for the transportation of interventions to service provision settings, and the degree to which fidelity is even evaluated or emphasized in dissemination and implementation programs varies dramatically. Moreover, adaptation is associated with several benefits for dissemination efforts and may address relevant barriers to adoption. A particularly promising strategy for maximizing the benefits of both fidelity and adaptation is the use of transdiagnostic interventions. Such treatments allow for greater flexibility of the pacing and content of treatment, while still providing structure to facilitate testing and replication. Preliminary evidence supports the efficacy of this strategy, which may be particularly conducive to dissemination into service provision settings. At this time, further research is needed to evaluate the relationships among fidelity, adaptation, and outcome, and to determine the potential for transdiagnostic treatments to facilitate dissemination.  相似文献   

Autonomous Vehicle (AV) research has focused on public acceptance of and intention to use AVs, with trust emerging as important to these variables. Research on AV trust has centered on trust in vehicle performance. However, trust evaluation may include AV manufacturers and developers, and regulation pertaining to AVs; thus, we expand our measurement of trust to include beliefs based on manufacturers and regulation. In this experiment, we manipulate information regarding manufacturer focus (i.e., an emphasis on standards, regulations, and research (SRR) versus speed to market) to determine its effect on trust. When information focused on SRR, we found higher levels of trust in AV performance and in manufacturers, compared to when it focused on speed to market. In addition, information regarding passenger control (i.e., the ability to take over for the vehicle and to determine privacy settings) was manipulated to yield either high or low passenger control conditions. Behavioral Intention (BI) to use AVs was lowest when speed to market was emphasized and when passenger control was low. Furthermore, trust was tested as a mediator between perceived risk and BI. Trust in AV performance partially mediated the relationship between perceived AV performance risk and BI. In addition, trust in AV regulation partially mediated the relationship between AV privacy/security risk and BI. Researchers should continue to examine trust beyond the AV itself to encompass trust in manufacturers and regulations. Those designing and marketing AVs should carefully consider decisions that influence manufacturer/developer reputation and passenger control due to their effect on intention to use AVs.  相似文献   

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