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为了进一步探讨丧偶与抑郁水平之间的关系,讨论社会网络(包括家庭网络和朋友网络)在其中的作用机制,并比较丧偶与抑郁水平的关系及社会网络作用机制的性别差异,本研究对中国老年社会追踪调查(CLASS)2014年调查中7649名老年人(其中丧偶老人2149名,男性715,女性1434;在婚老人5500名,男性3398,女性2102)的数据进行分析。结果发现,丧偶对老年人抑郁水平有消极影响,但影响作用不存在性别差异;男性丧偶老人的朋友网络显著低于男性在婚老人,而女性老年人中无此差异;相对于在婚老人,家庭网络对男性丧偶老人的抑郁水平的缓解作用更大,而在女性样本未发现家庭网络的缓冲作用。应重视丧偶老年人,特别是男性丧偶老年人,家庭网络的建设与维护,从而缓解丧偶对老年人心理健康的消极影响。  相似文献   

应用多样本潜变量增长模型,探究空巢和非空巢老人抑郁情绪发展轨迹的差异以及社会参与对两者抑郁情绪发展轨迹的影响。结果表明:老年人抑郁情绪发展趋势遵循阶段化线性增长轨迹,空巢老人抑郁情绪初始水平及二阶段发展速度均高于非空巢老人;社会参与可以降低老年人抑郁情绪初始水平,对空巢老人而言,社会参与可降低抑郁情绪上升速度。结论:空巢老人是抑郁情绪高发人群,社会参与是降低和缓解老年人抑郁情绪的重要途径。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,以362名老年人为研究对象,考察亲子支持与老年人抑郁情绪的关系,同时探讨安全感的中介作用以及情绪表达的调节作用。结果发现:(1)亲子支持显著负向预测老年人抑郁情绪;(2)安全感在亲子支持与老年人抑郁情绪的关系中起部分中介作用;(3)情绪表达调节亲子支持与老年人安全感的关系,相较于高情绪表达能力老年人,低情绪表达能力老年人的安全感更易受亲子支持的影响。本研究的发现表明,增强老年人的安全感以及情绪表达能力有助于减缓老年期抑郁情绪和维护老年人心理健康。  相似文献   

采用UCLA孤独量表和18项简明症状问卷(BSI-18)对487名老年住院患者的孤独、焦虑、抑郁情绪进行调查分析。结果显示,(1)老年住院患者存在不同程度的孤独感、抑郁和焦虑情绪,男性患者的躯体症状、抑郁情绪和焦虑情绪重于女性患者。高学历患者躯体症状、抑郁情绪和焦虑情绪轻于低学历患者,有配偶患者孤独感低于无配偶的老年患者。(2)老年住院患者的孤独感与躯体症状、抑郁、焦虑呈正相关,且焦虑和抑郁能显著预测老年住院患者的孤独感。  相似文献   

本研究以老年抑郁量表、自评抑郁量表和汉密顿抑郁量表为工具筛选出老年抑郁个体和老年正常对照组为研究对象,通过空间线索化范式,以及分离的情绪Stroop范式考察了刺激呈现时间、线索呈现条件对老年抑郁个体注意偏向的影响,并探讨了老年抑郁个体注意偏向的发生阶段。研究结果表明:(1)在空间线索任务中,当刺激呈现时间为250ms或500ms时,老年抑郁组与老年正常组的返回抑制效应在各种情绪刺激下均无显著差异(P>0.05),即老年抑郁个体没有呈现出对任何情绪刺激类型的注意偏向现象;当刺激呈现时间为750ms或1000ms时,老年抑郁组的返回抑制效应在不同情绪刺激条件下差异显著,F(2, 66)=3.22,P=0.046,而老年正常组则不存在返回抑制效应在情绪刺激类型上的差异(P>0.05),提示老年抑郁组对不同情绪类型的刺激注意返回抑制能力不同;进一步检验得知:返回抑制效应在悲伤条件下,存在组间差异,分别是F(1, 33)=10.03,P=0.003;F(1, 33)=18.21,P=0.000,即老年抑郁组的返回抑制效应弱于老年正常组。(2)在Stroop实验中,老年抑郁组在单中性、双中性与单悲伤面孔、中性悲伤面孔、双悲伤面孔线索类型下的反应时差异显著;且当线索类型为单悲伤面孔、中性悲伤面孔、双悲伤面孔时,老年抑郁组与老年正常组的反应时差异均显著,即老年抑郁组的反应时明显长于老年正常组,F(1, 41) = 5.37,P=0.026;F(1, 41) = 7.08,P=0.011;F(1, 41) = 7.28,P=0.010;而当线索类型为单中性和双中性面孔时,老年抑郁组与老年正常组的反应时差异不显著(P>0.05);提示抑郁组可能在自动化注意选择分配期存在注意偏向。研究认为,老年抑郁个体的注意偏向可能发生在注意初始分配阶段和解释阶段,且受加工深度的影响。在刺激呈现时间较长的条件下,注意偏向的效应更明显。  相似文献   

史珈铭  刘晓婷 《心理科学》2022,45(5):1182-1189
考察中国文化背景下社会隔离对老年人认知功能的影响,并从认知功能心理影响机制的角度探究孤独感和抑郁的链式中介作用。基于中国老年社会追踪调查(CLASS),对5162名60岁以上老年人的社会隔离、孤独感、抑郁和认知功能进行研究。结果发现:(1)社会隔离显著负向预测老年人的认知功能;(2)社会隔离可以通过抑郁的独立中介作用以及孤独感和抑郁的链式中介作用间接预测老年人的认知功能,但是孤独感的独立中介作用不显著。研究结论对于减少社会隔离对老年人认知功能的消极影响具有积极意义。  相似文献   

城乡空巢老人的亲子支持及其与抑郁的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用老年人亲子支持问卷和流调中心用抑郁自评量表(CES-D),对196名老人进行问卷调查,考察城乡空巢老人亲子支持的特点及其与抑郁的关系.结果表明:(1)总体上,老人接受子女的社会支持与给予子女的社会支持差异不显著.(2)在接受子女支持上,服务支持最多,其次是情感和物质支持,非空巢与空巢老人,城市与农村老人均无差异.(3)而在给予子女支持上,情感和服务支持高于物质支持,非空巢与空巢老人无显著差异,而城市老人在各维度上均高于农村老人.(4)影响老人抑郁的亲子支持维度不同:对城市非空巢老人,给予子女的情感支持越多,抑郁水平越低;对城市空巢老人,给予子女的情感支持越多,物质支持越少,抑郁水平越低.农村非空巢老人接受子女的服务支持越多,抑郁水平越低;而对农村空巢老人,亲子支持可能不影响其抑郁.因此,为了提高老年人的心理健康水平,对待不同处境的老年人应采取不同的干预措施.  相似文献   

雾霾对地区GDP增长率的影响:抑郁情绪的中介效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林琳  朱旭  江光荣 《心理科学》2018,(3):627-632
环境污染导致的天气变化对人的身心健康和社会发展都会产生重大影响。本研究以心理学的视角探讨雾霾天气是否会使人产生抑郁情绪,降低工作效率,进而影响社会经济发展。方法:收集2013-2015年中国大陆27个省会城市及4直辖市的PM2.5浓度、抑郁指数及地区生产总值增长率。采用百度统计平台基于关键词“抑郁”搜索量合成的抑郁指数作为抑郁情绪指标。结果表明:(1)2013-2015年各地区的PM2.5浓度与抑郁指数正相关显著(r= .33, p< .01),抑郁指数与地区GDP增长率的负相关显著(r= -.37, p< .01);(2)抑郁指数在PM2.5浓度和地区GDP增长率间起完全中介作用。(3)当lag=-6时,上海市2013年1月到2015年12月PM2.5浓度和抑郁指数的互相关系数最大(rR = .38, p< .05)。结论:雾霾天气可能会使人产生抑郁情绪,进而对经济增长产生负面影响。  相似文献   

莫书亮  孙葵  周宗奎 《心理科学》2012,35(1):111-116
考察了日常人际问题解决中老年人的悲伤情绪体验和情绪调节策略与青年人的差异,以及年龄和人格特质的作用。共45名老年人和59名青年人接受半结构化访谈和人格特质测量。结果表明:(1)以教育水平为协变量的方差分析表明,老年人和青年人的悲伤情绪体验没有显著差异。老年人的被动情绪调节策略的使用和青年人存在显著差异;(2)老年人的被动情绪调节策略不但与年龄有关,而且与悲伤情绪体验有关。悲伤情绪体验可以显著预测其被动情绪调节策略使用;(3)老年人的悲伤情绪体验与人格特质神经质维度存在显著正相关;(4)老年人与年轻人的被动情绪调节策略都与悲伤情绪有关,但老年人的被动情绪调节策略不能由人格特质显著预测,而青年人的被动调节策略还可以由人格特质内外向维度显著预测。人格特质的内外向维度对老年人和青年人的前摄性情绪调节策略的预测效应是一致的。最后针对老年人的悲伤情绪体验和情绪调节策略的意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

老年公寓60岁以上老年人幸福感与应付方式调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
①目的:了解老年公寓老年人的幸福度、应付方式及其两者的相关性。②方法:采取随机整群抽样的方法,从西部欠发达地区和沿海发达地区各选取一个城市的两家老年公寓,对入住其中6个月以上150例60岁以上老年人用MUNSH量表、应付方式问卷逐个进行调查,将调查结果用SPSS统计软件进行分析。结果:四川南充老年公寓老年人幸福度(28.97±9.94)高于山东济南老年公寓老年人(23.95±8.97);老年男性和女性在幸福度各因子上得分均无显著性差异(P〉0.05);南充老人和济南老人在幻想、退避、合理化三因子上存在显著性差异(P〈0.05):合理化应付因子在老年男性和女性间有显著性差异(P〈0.05);幸福度总分与解决问题、求助两因子成显著正相关。结论:当前老年公寓老年人幸福度总体上处于中等左右水平,内地高于沿海;人口统计学变量对幸福感的影响十分有限;培养积极的应付方式是提高老年公寓老年人幸福度的途径之一。  相似文献   

Although people with depressive symptoms face criticism, hostility, and rejection in their close relationships, we do not know how they respond. Following interpersonal theories of depression, it might be expected that depressive symptoms would be associated with a tendency to receive and also to express criticism toward one's spouse, and that at least some of this criticism would be a contingent response to criticism received (i.e., “counter‐criticism”). However, other research has determined that depressive symptoms/behaviors suppress partner criticism, suggesting that depressed people might respond to partner criticism similarly, by subsequently expressing less criticism. In a sample of 112 married couples, partial correlations, regressions, and Actor‐Partner Interdependence Modeling indicated that lower criticism and counter‐criticism expression during a laboratory marital interaction task was associated with higher depressive symptoms, especially when such individuals were clinically depressed. Furthermore, during a separate and private Five‐Minute Speech Sample, lower criticism by partners was associated with higher depressive symptoms, especially when those who chose the interaction topic were also clinically depressed. All analyses controlled for relationship adjustment. These results suggest that spouses with higher depressive symptoms and clinical depression diagnoses may be suppressing otherwise ordinary criticism expression toward their nondepressed partners; furthermore, nondepressed partners of depressed people are especially likely to display less criticism toward their spouse in a private task.  相似文献   

This prospective panel study examined social support and social undermining from the spouse as moderators of the relationship between perceived stress and depressive symptoms. Participants were 181 married people who completed questionnaires at two points in time. The interval between time 1 (T1) and time 2 (T2) was approximately 6 weeks. Multiple regression analysis showed that T1 perceived stress and T1 spouse undermining, but not T1 spouse support, predicted increases in depressive symptoms from T1 to T2. T1 spouse undermining, but not T1 spouse support, moderated the association between T1 perceived stress and T2 depressive symptoms. These findings supported a stress-exacerbation hypothesis for the effect of spouse undermining on the stress process. Discussion focuses on possible mechanisms for the stress-exacerbation effect.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the extent and severity of depressive symptoms among adults (n=1015) in Armenia one year after the 1988 earthquake, using an Armenian translation of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-Arm). Earthquake surivivors had higher levels of depression than did their non-earthquake counterparts. For both the quake and non-quake regions, women were found to have higher scores on the BDI-Arm than men, and persons between the ages of 31–55 reported significantly higher depressive ratings than individuals who were 17–30. Interactions between the quake and non-quake areas and gender indicated that women in both areas reported significantly more depressive symptoms than men. The psychometric properties of the BDI-Arm compared favorably to those defined by North American studies.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(3):428-439
The dual-process model proposes that early and later bereavement involves different types of stressors and adaptation processes (Stroebe & Schut, 1999, 2010). It is thus possible that different factors facilitate adaptation during the early months versus subsequent years following widowhood. Elevated depressive symptoms, though prevalent after widowhood, may indicate problematic adaptation, as they are associated with poor long-term physical and mental health outcomes. We predicted that neutral death acceptance would be associated with less increase in depression during early widowhood (when confronted with loss-oriented stressors), whereas perceived control would predict depressive symptom decline during later widowhood (when adapting to controllable restoration-oriented stressors). Older adults (N = 265) reported on neutral death acceptance, perceived control, and depression before widowhood and on depression 0.5, 1.5, and 4.0 years after the death of their spouse. Bilinear spline growth modeling revealed that, on average, depressive symptoms increased from before to 0.5 years after spouse death and fell from 0.5 to 4.0 years after spouse death. Neutral death acceptance predicted a smaller increase in depression from before to 0.5 years after spouse death, as well as a smaller subsequent decrease in depression from 0.5 to 4.0 years after spouse death. Perceived control predicted a larger decrease in depression from 0.5 to 4.0 years after spouse death. Neutral death acceptance and perceived control had unique associations with resilience and recovery throughout early and later widowhood. These variables may be fruitful targets in interventions for depression throughout the full course of widowhood.  相似文献   

Recent reports indicate 97% of youth are connected to the Internet. As more young people have access to online communication, it is integrally important to identify youth who may be more vulnerable to negative experiences. Based upon accounts of traditional bullying, youth with depressive symptomatology may be especially likely to be the target of Internet harassment. The current investigation will examine the cross-sectional relationship between depressive symptomatology and Internet harassment, as well as underlying factors that may help explain the observed association. Youth between the ages of 10 and 17 (N = 1,501) participated in a telephone survey about their Internet behaviors and experiences. Subjects were required to have used the Internet at least six times in the previous 6 months to ensure a minimum level of exposure. The caregiver self-identified as most knowledgeable about the young person's Internet behaviors was also interviewed. The odds of reporting an Internet harassment experience in the previous year were more than three times higher (OR: 3.38, CI: 1.78, 6.45) for youth who reported major depressive symptomatology compared to mild/absent symptomatology. When female and male respondents were assessed separately, the adjusted odds of reporting Internet harassment for males who also reported DSM IV symptoms of major depression were more than three times greater (OR: 3.64, CI: 1.16, 11.39) than for males who indicated mild or no symptoms of depression. No significant association was observed among otherwise similar females. Instead, the association was largely explained by differences in Internet usage characteristics and other psychosocial challenges. Internet harassment is an important public mental health issue affecting youth today. Among young, regular Internet users, those who report DSM IV-like depressive symptomatology are significantly more likely to also report being the target of Internet harassment. Future studies should focus on establishing the temporality of events, that is, whether young people report depressive symptoms in response to the negative Internet experience, or whether symptomatology confers risks for later negative online incidents. Based on these cross-sectional results, gender differences in the odds of reporting an unwanted Internet experience are suggested, and deserve special attention in future studies.  相似文献   

Depressed and nondepressed elderly subjects recruited in the context of a large epidemiological study of health were compared on measures of self-reported memory disturbance and an objective index of memory performance (free recall). Three groups were studied including (a) subjects meeting Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) for major depression, (b) subjects with high levels of self-reported depressive symptoms who did not meet RDC for major depression, and (c) subjects with low levels of self-reported depressive symptoms. Subjects with high depression symptom levels reported significantly higher levels of memory complaint than did subjects with low symptom levels. However, there were no differences in self-reported memory disturbance as a function of depression diagnosis. Further, there were no significant differences between groups on the free-recall measure, either as a function of symptom level or diagnosis. It is argued that symptom severity rather than diagnosis of depression is important in determining impairment in depressed elderly people.  相似文献   

大连市抑郁障碍的现况调查   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
了解大连市18岁以上人群抑郁障碍的患病率和分布特点。采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,以复合性国际诊断交谈检查量表(CIDI3.0)对大连市5062名≥18岁城乡居民进行了调查。抑郁障碍的患病率为4.30%,其中男性为3.40%,女性为5.00%,女性高于男性(P0.01);重度抑郁障碍的男性患病率为2.90%,女性为4.40%,女性高于男性(P0.01)。城乡间患病率无显著性差异。不同收入水平的患病率存在差异,收入处于中等水平的人群患病率低于低、高收入者。目前抑郁障碍已经成为迫切需要解决的重大公共卫生问题,关注女性,关注低收入群体,进行健康宣传,提供支持,以便促进家庭及社会的和谐。了解大连市18岁以上人群抑郁障碍的患病率和分布特点。采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,以复合性国际诊断交谈检查量表(CIDI3.0)对大连市5062名≥18岁城乡居民进行了调查。抑郁障碍的患病率为4.30%,其中男性为3.40%,女性为5.00%,女性高于男性(P0.01);重度抑郁障碍的男性患病率为2.90%,女性为4.40%,女性高于男性(P0.01)。城乡间患病率无显著性差异。不同收入水平的患病率存在差异,收入处于中等水平的人群患病率低于低、高收入者。目前抑郁障碍已经成为迫切需要解决的重大公共卫生问题,关注女性,关注低收入群体,进行健康宣传,提供支持,以便促进家庭及社会的和谐。  相似文献   

Adolescents who experience depression have different attributional styles and may overestimate how much alcohol their friends consume. This misperception may increase binge drinking among adolescents with depressive symptomatology. The social networks of adolescents with depressive symptomatology are systematically different, providing different social learning opportunities. Using Add Health, we find that individuals who suffer from depressive symptomatology are more likely to have peers with higher depression scores. Adolescents with higher depressive symptomatology are more likely to perceive their peers as drinking alcohol. Our results suggest that normative beliefs are the key mediator in explaining the association between depressive symptomatology and binge drinking.  相似文献   

A sample of 1,411 older adults (age 55+) who had been interviewed both prior to and after bereavement were studied, allowing for pre-event controls. Those who had lost a parent, spouse, or child had the strongest depressive reactions, as predicted by an attachment-bonding hypothesis; however, material losses were also related to depression. Although bereavement/loss events were clearly related to subsequent depression even after pre-event depression, resources, and events were controlled, certain pre-event characteristics were predictive of the bereavement/loss events, including prior undesirable events, age, and urban/rural residency. A further analysis of 1,007 persons with two post-event interviews (at 6-month to 1-year follow-up) revealed an initial depressive reaction to a bereavement/loss event, which then dissipated completely within 1 year's time. Generally, bereavement appeared to have limited etiologic importance.  相似文献   

The study examined factors related to change in treatments for depression in couple therapy (CT; N = 29) and treatment-as-usual (TAU; N = 22). Treatments were adapted in accordance with the patient’s need. The patients’ depressive symptoms, general mental health and marital satisfaction were assessed at baseline and at 6 months post-baseline. The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Symptom Check List-90, and the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) were used for the patients. The BDI and the DAS were used for the spouses. The couples in CT group assessed their subjective distress (SD) at every session by using the Outcome Rating Scale. The results showed that the spouses’ gender, the spouses’ depressive symptoms at baseline, and the number of therapy sessions were related to differing changes in the CT and TAU groups at the 6-month post-baseline assessment. The spouses in the CT group demonstrated a higher treatment response than those in the TAU group. In the CT group, the spouse’s benefit from the treatment was related to SD at the outset on the part of either the patient or the spouse or both. The change in the patient’s SD predicted the patient’s change in depressive symptoms, general mental health, and was associated with the patient’s change in marital satisfaction. The study emphasizes the importance of the spouse’s involvement in the treatment of depression, the provision of feedback on SD, and discussion of individual well-being and relational issues, in addition to the focus on depression.  相似文献   

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