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所谓实践功能度,是指人类社会主体总行为结构在特定历史情境中的功能运转机制,具体地说,是指人们在一定历史时期实践活动的特定有序性,即在什么程度上能动地改变、支配对象和自己的能力标定点。实践功能度是实践唯物主义功能特质的关键质点,它是我们建构哲学新框架的极重要的逻辑规定。首先,实践功能度是一种客观的主体创造能力的尺度。它是社会实践历史能力发展的客观标尺,具有客观性,它又是人的创造力的历史尺度、通道和透镜。  相似文献   

"什么是正义"与"正义如何产生"是两个不同的问题,前者追寻行为的正当性标准,表达主体的伦理意识;后者追寻正义赖以产生的基础和条件。试图给予"什么是正义"这个问题以永恒和普世的答案之所以不成功,是因为正义的形成逻辑预制了正义的相对性。正义是指一定社会结构中,在特定价值关系中人的言行方式及其后果所具有的正当性,是衡量和评价行动是否符合一定价值关系框架中的共享规则的结果。正义生成的基本条件是:实践主体拥有被限制和规范的自由;主体间存在一定的价值关系;在价值关系的基础上,实践主体以契约形式形成共享行为规则,从而推动正义由个体观念走向正义共识。当今中国社会道德困境的根源,在于规则理性和契约精神的匮乏。  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会明确提出让市场在资源配置中发挥决定作用的改革方向,这意味着政府、市场和社会的关系调整和优化已经成为改革和发展的新常态。本文以哈耶克的"大社会"理论作为分析框架提出,中国在社会转型过程中要正确地处理政府与市场的关系,需要将其置于"大社会"的组织架构下进行审视。"大社会"的分析框架为我们厘定政府的职能边界,明确市场资源配置的作用空间提供了依据。社会主体预期是"大社会"运行的核心,维护大社会的运行就是要保护社会主体预期的达成。社会主体预期达成取决于主体对社会秩序确信、信息掌握、运用资源能力、资源的有效保护以及交往基础设施的可及范围和便利性。政府职能设定应当体现为维护"大社会"机制的有序运行,立足于向社会主体提供信息,促进能力培育和提升,保护个体的权利和自由,以及促进交往设施的完善和发展。  相似文献   

儒学的现代转型,根本上是从传统儒学的母体中孕育出来的一种思想趋向。在这个意义上,我们需要重新认识宋明儒学的时代性,即一方面它是前现代的帝制儒学,但另一方面,它自发地孕育了现代性的根本观念——个体观念,因此成为儒学现代转型的一座"引桥"。按其逻辑推进,宋明儒学经过三个阶段的发展,逐步深入地促进了儒学的现代转型:前段,周敦颐提出"立人极",为个体价值的确立作了最初的理论铺垫;中段,程朱理学以"格物穷理"高扬了个人的经验认知,在客观上启发了个体主体意识的觉醒;后段,陆王心学提出"心即理",从理论上打开了个体价值消融天理权威的通道。当前,深入推进儒学的现代转型,需要基于现代生活批判地发展宋明儒学中所孕育的主体自觉意识,实现儒家主体观念的自我超越。  相似文献   

阿多诺和霍克海默认为,主体的诞生源于人对自然的恐惧。启蒙力图通过确立人的主体地位,对自然进行主体化、内在化的处理,使其成为一个可以控制和支配的对象。但这种基于"恐惧"而建立起来的建构型、支配型主体,由于与外在自然及其自身内部自然的双重异化,最终不仅无法实现启蒙"自立"的理想,反而会遭致主体的毁灭。为了对启蒙主体进行匡正,阿多诺最终发展出一种"去主体化"的思想,并重新勾勒了一幅"无畏而又消极"的新主体形象。他深刻地揭示了主体的矛盾特征,并展现了"主体"与"去主体"之间的辩证关系,为马克思主义哲学突破传统的主客体框架模式提供了新的指引。  相似文献   

本文根据佛教僧团主体的民族属性,提出胡族佛教和汉族佛教两个概念,进而构建了汉地佛教史的理论框架:以胡族僧团为主导的"前史"和以汉族僧团为主导的"正史"。在此框架内,考证、审视了属于汉地佛教"前史"范围内汉魏西晋时期都城洛阳的"市"、胡人聚落与佛教的关系,认为可以将该时期的佛教行事大致限定在胡人从事商业活动和日常生活的聚落空间内。  相似文献   

不同于以往的见解,马克思通常将资本主义以后的新社会称为"联合体"(Association),并且在资本主义自身中发现了它的萌芽。本文的目的在于阐明马克思是如何理解"联合体"的核心内容,资本主义社会自身又是怎样孕育了"联合体"的要素。本文首先从基础理论层面论述了联合体的概念。马克思认为联合体社会的"主体"不是"资本"或"国家权力"等外在力量,而是"联合起来的个人和生产者"。另外,联合体本质上是以相互主体地、能动地、有意识地联合在一起的生产者之间的关系为基础而形成的社会,这才是"一个更高级的、以每一个个人的全面而自由的发展为基本原则的社会形式"~①。在此基础上,资本主义社会自身怎样产生了联合体的要素(主体及物质条件),马克思又是怎样理解的?本文从此问题出发,并试图阐明这一问题的基本点。  相似文献   

李倩 《美与时代》2016,(10):20-21
在整个油画创作过程中,小稿具有很重要的地位。正视小稿的重要性并学会绘制小稿是非常重要的。我们应重视"小构图""小素描稿""小色稿"的应用,它不仅可以使我们在正稿绘制时少走弯路,而且能提高我们的构图能力、组织画面的能力,并且培养我们正确的观察方式,同时还能迅速地把开始的设想和感受快速地呈现在小稿上。小稿不仅对我们后期创作具有很大的帮助,其本身也具有较高的艺术价值。  相似文献   

田雨 《美与时代》2013,(1):93-95
"空"作为一种美学思想源远流长,其同样在艺术设计领域也得到了广泛运用。负空间的巧妙运用可以营造出简洁而又富有深层涵义的视觉形象,给人以深刻印象。平面设计中往往忽略了主体之外的负空间的设计和应用,当我们把空白空间作为视觉要素之一进行考虑时,它可以变得主动积极,使设计作品的视觉审美和表现手段更加灵活。人们的视觉审美水平在不断地提高,我们要摈弃传统的观念,重视负空间的运用,让其更好地衬托主体,使整个二维空间更灵动、更活泼,充满生机。  相似文献   

对《成实论》中出现的45处"真智",进行了初步地分门别类,从其概念、特性、标准和方法等几个方面进行了初步地探讨。认为"真智"即是"空无我智",它有能断无明、灭诸业、得解脱等特性,判断是否得到"真智"的根本标准在于是否对佛法有如实知见,而获得"真智"的根本方法就在"戒定慧"三学中。  相似文献   

The present research examined whether 9.5-month-old infants can attribute to an agent a disposition to perform a particular action on objects, and can then use this disposition to predict which of two new objects - one that can be used to perform the action and one that cannot - the agent is likely to reach for next. The infants first received familiarization trials in which they watched an agent slide either three (Experiments 1 and 3) or six (Experiment 2) different objects forward and backward on an apparatus floor. During test, the infants saw two new identical objects placed side by side: one stood inside a short frame that left little room for sliding, and the other stood inside a longer frame that left ample room for sliding. The infants who saw the agent slide six different objects attributed to her a disposition to slide objects: they expected her to select the "slidable" as opposed to the "unslidable" test object, and they looked reliably longer when she did not. In contrast, the infants who saw the agent slide only three different objects looked about equally when she selected either test object. These results add to recent evidence that infants in the first year of life can attribute dispositions to agents, and can use these dispositions to help predict agents' actions in new contexts.  相似文献   

Analyzing international 15 years experiences the authors characterize the present situation of knowledges and practical possibilities concerning brain death diagnostics. It must be differentiated between generally accepted obliging criterions and the remaining space of responcibility of the neurologist, who is acting as a member of a brain death commission. In this frame procedures have to be chosen, which allow to diagnosticate without any doubt and as early as possible. Further developmental possibilities are shown.  相似文献   

李小五 《现代哲学》2006,(1):122-132
首先,我们构造认知系统EK1-EK3,给出它们的一些证明论结果。其次,我们引入邻域语义,给出EK1-EK3的特征公理和规则的框架条件,证明EK1-EK3相对这些框架条件分别是框架可靠的。最后,我们证明EK1-EK3相对这些框架条件分别是框架完全的。  相似文献   

"中小学生心理健康"公众观的调查和分析   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
李凌  缪小春 《心理科学》2000,23(5):537-541
本研究调查分析了家长、教师对中小学生心理健康判断标准的认识.因素分析表明,家长主要强调四个因素"精神和神经病症"、"良好品行"、"健康人格"和"循环性";教师则强调五个因素"精神分裂症状"、"神经质"、"好学生标准"、"不良人格"和"不良品行".公众对于情、意、个性及社会适应等同心理健康的关系认识较为清楚,但对认知、品行及体征与之的关系认识则片面和模糊."好学生标准"对判断有重要影响.  相似文献   

Two resource dilemmas, the commons dilemma, in which individuals take from a common resource, and the public goods problem, in which individuals give to a common good, were experimentally compared. Although they provide equivalent outcomes, the two dilemmas involve different frames of reference and are not psychologically equivalent. We also examined sanction systems, which involve contributions by individuals in the dilemma to provide rewards and penalties for cooperation. The results of Experiment 1 supported the hypothesis that public goods problems ("give dilemmas") activate greater loss aversion and less cooperation than commons dilemmas ("take dilemmas"), and that this effect is moderated by sanction systems. No difference between dilemmas was obtained when either the reward or penalty sanction was present, indicating that sanctions cause a shift in frame of reference to the aspiration of obtaining the reward or avoiding the penalty. The penalty sanction and especially the reward sanction produced greater cooperation. Also, as expected, loss aversion heightened exploitation: when the others were cooperative, a give dilemma generated less cooperation than a take dilemma. In Experiment 2, we extended the concept of frame and loss aversion to the structure of sanction systems, finding that subjects were more likely to contribute to a "take sanction" than to a "give sanction." We discuss potential sources of reference points and loss aversion in resource dilemmas and the likely impact on cooperation.  相似文献   

Understanding a proposition for an intelligent agent is an important epistemic concept. We first discuss intuitively general logic characteristics of understanding, and give a language and a semantics containing understanding as a modal operator. Secondly, we develop the system LU for the operator, give some results of its proof theory, and then we prove the frame soundness and frame completeness of LU.  相似文献   

The starting point for this paper is that family therapy lacks a theoretical frame of reference of its own; thus a stepwise search for such a frame of reference is described. First, social systems are defined as communication systems. Second, it is shown in what way a family can be seen as a social system. With the help of the theory of social systems of the sociologist Luhmann, a theoretical frame of reference for systems therapy is drafted. Finally, we hint at the implications such a theoretical framework could have for clinical practice.  相似文献   

The visual system historically has been defined as consisting of at least two broad subsystems subserving object and spatial vision. These visual processing streams have been organized both structurally as two distinct pathways in the brain, and functionally for the types of tasks that they mediate. The classic definition by Ungerleider and Mishkin labeled a ventral "what" stream to process object information and a dorsal "where" stream to process spatial information. More recently, Goodale and Milner redefined the two visual systems with a focus on the different ways in which visual information is transformed for different goals. They relabeled the dorsal stream as a "how" system for transforming visual information using an egocentric frame of reference in preparation for direct action. This paper reviews recent research from psychophysics, neurophysiology, neuropsychology and neuroimaging to define the roles of the ventral and dorsal visual processing streams. We discuss a possible solution that allows for both "where" and "how" systems that are functionally and structurally organized within the posterior parietal lobe.  相似文献   

Most agents can acquire information about their environments as they operate. A good plan for such an agent is one that not only achieves the goal, but is also executable, i.e., ensures that the agent has enough information at every step to know what to do next. In this paper, we present a formal account of what it means for an agent to know how to execute a plan and to be able to achieve a goal. Such a theory is a prerequisite for producing specifications of planners for agents that can acquire information at run time. It is also essential to account for cooperation among agents. Our account is more general than previous proposals, correctly handles programs containing loops, and incorporates a solution to the frame problem. It can also be used to prove programs containing sensing actions correct.  相似文献   

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