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Social greeting responses of three withdrawn, chronic schizophrenics were experimentally modified. Initially, none of the subjects spoke to an experimenter. Prompts and cigarette reinforcement were employed to produce increases in the rates of greetings. Then, the prompts were faded so that the greetings came under the control of the presence of the experimenter. Reversal and subsequent reinforcement procedures were employed to demonstrate that the responses were controlled by their consequences. Next, the schedule of cigarette reinforcement was leaned out so that greetings continued to occur in the absence of cigarette reinforcement. However, low or zero rates of greetings occurred in the presence of a second experimenter. Five new experimenters employed the prompting, fading, reinforcement, and schedule-leaning procedures. Subsequently, all subjects emitted appropriately high rates of greetings in the presence of the second experimenter. Without further application of the experimental procedures, greetings were still occurring in the presence of both the first and second experimenters almost three months later.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of modeling versus instructions on the choices of 3 typically developing children and 3 children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) whose academic responding showed insensitivity to reinforcement schedules. During baseline, students chose between successively presented pairs of mathematics problems associated with different variable-interval schedules of reinforcement. After responding proved insensitive to the schedules, sessions were preceded by either instructions or modeling, counterbalanced across students in a multiple baseline design across subjects. During the instruction condition, students were told how to distribute responding to earn the most reinforcers. During the modeling condition, students observed the experimenter performing the task while describing her distribution of responding to obtain the most reinforcers. Once responding approximated obtained reinforcement under either condition, the schedules of reinforcement were changed, and neither instruction nor modeling was provided. Both instruction and modeling interventions quickly produced patterns of response allocation that approximated obtained rates of reinforcement, but responding established with modeling was more sensitive to subsequent changes in the reinforcement schedules than responding established with instructions. Results were similar for students with and without ADHD.  相似文献   

In three experiments, behavior maintained by fixed-interval schedules changed when response-independent reinforcement was delivered concurrently according to fixed- or variable-time schedules. In Experiment I, a pattern of positively accelerated responding during fixed interval was changed to a linear pattern when response-independent reinforcement occurred under a variable-time schedule. Overall response rates (total responses/total time) decreased as the frequency of response-independent reinforcement increased. Experiment II showed that the response-rate changes in the first experiment were controlled by the response-reinforcer relation, but the changes in patterns of responding were similar whether concurrently available reinforcement at varying times was response-dependent or response-independent. In the final experiment, the addition of response-independent reinforcement at fixed times to a fixed-interval schedule resulted in changes in both local and overall response rates and in the occurrence of positively accelerated responding between reinforcements. These results suggest that the temporal distribution of reinforcers determines response patterns and that both the response-reinforcement dependency and the schedule of reinforcement determine overall response rates during concurrently scheduled response-dependent and response-independent reinforcement.  相似文献   

In three experiments, human subjects were trained on a five-component multiple schedule with different fixed intervals of monetary reinforcement scheduled in the different components. Subjects uninstructed about the fixed-interval schedules manifested high and generally equivalent rates regardless of the particular component. By comparison, subjects given instructions about the schedules showed orderly progressions of rates and temporal patterning as a function of the interreinforcement intervals, particularly when feedback about reinforcement was delivered but also when reinforcement-feedback was withheld. Administration of the instructions-reinforcement combination to subjects who had already developed poorly differentiated behavior, however, did not make their behavior substantially better differentiated. When cost was imposed for responding, both instructed and uninstructed subjects showed low and differentiated rates regardless of their prior histories. It was concluded that instructions can have major influences on the establishment and maintenance of human operant behavior.  相似文献   

Learning and memory are central topics in behavioral neuroscience, and inbred mice strains are widely investigated. However, operant conditioning techniques are not as extensively used in this field as they should be, given the effectiveness of the methodology of the experimental analysis of behavior. In the present study, male C57B1/6 mice, widely used as background for transgenic studies, were trained to lever press on discrete-trial fixed-ratio 5 or fixed-interval (11 s or 31 s) schedules of food reinforcement and then exposed to 15 extinction sessions following vehicle or chlordiazepoxide injections (15 mg/kg i.p., administered either prior to all extinction sessions, or prior to the final 10 extinction sessions). Extinction of operant behavior was facilitated by drug administration following training on either schedule, but this facilitation only occurred once a number of extinction sessions had taken place. The extinction process proceeded more rapidly following fixed-interval training. Resistance to extinction was equally high following training with either schedule type, and was reduced by drug administration in both cases. These phenomena were evident in individual cumulative records and in analyses of group data. Results are interpreted in terms of phenomena of operant extinction identified in Skinner's (1938) Behavior of Organisms, and by behavioral momentum theory. These procedures could be used to extend the contribution of operant conditioning to contemporary behavioral neuroscience.  相似文献   

Contrast, component duration, and the following schedule of reinforcement   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Experiment 1 investigated component duration in a four-component multiple schedule designed to separate the effects of the preceding schedule of reinforcement from those of the following schedule of reinforcement. The preceding schedule in the preceding component had no consistent effect regardless of component duration. The following schedule was a powerful determinant of behavior, however, with higher response rates resulting from a following period of extinction. Moreover, the effect of the following schedule was greater with short component durations, which strongly suggests that component-duration effects previously found with multiple schedules are due generally to variation in the degree of control by the following schedule. Experiments 2--4 investigated the basis of the effects of the following schedule. In some situations differential responding in the following component was the controlling variable, but in others it was differential reinforcement in the following component. The results are consistent with the view that response rate during a stimulus is inversely related to the "value" of the following component, where the calculation of value must include both primary and conditioned reinforcement.  相似文献   

In Experiments 1 and 2, lever pressing by rats was reinforced on a cyclic ratio schedule of food reinforcement, comprising a repeated sequence of fixed-ratio component schedules. Reinforcement magnitude was varied, on occasional sessions in Experiment 1 and across blocks of sessions in Experiment 2, from one to two or three 45-mg food pellets. In the one-pellet condition, post-reinforcement pauses increased with component schedule value. At higher magnitudes, post-reinforcement pauses increased, and overall response rates declined. Response rate on component schedules was a decreasing linear function of the obtained rate of reinforcement in all conditions. Plotted against component schedule value, response rate increased exponentially to an asymptote that decreased when reinforcement magnitude increased. These findings are consistent with regulatory accounts of food reinforced behaviour. In Experiment 3, rats were trained under a cyclic ratio schedule comprising fixed-ratio components including higher values, and some inverted U-shaped response functions were obtained. Those rats that did not showthis relationship were trained on cyclic ratios with even higher values, and all showed inverted U-shaped response functions. This suggests that behaviour on cyclic ratio schedules can reflect activating of reinforcement as well as the satiating effects seen in Experiments 1 and 2.  相似文献   

A nonsense word was paired with reinforcement to determine if pairing affected emission of a response that produced the word in the signalled absence of reinforcement. Children were trained on a multiple schedule that consisted of a reinforcement component, conditioned reinforcement component, and control component, each set of contingencies being signalled by a different colored light. In the primary reinforcement component, lever presses produced reinforcers which, in some phases, were paired with a word. In the other two components, lever presses were not reinforced and a button was made accessible. Button presses in the conditioned reinforcement component produced the word to be (or being) paired, e.g., "yafeh", while button presses in the control component produced another word, e.g., "grunch". Button pressing increased when one of the words was being paired and decreased when pairing was discontinued, but directly related rate changes occurred also in the control component. The order of components was shown to be a contributing variable.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the schedule of reinforcement on a pentobarbital discrimination in rats. Five rats were trained to discriminate 10 mg/kg pentobarbital from saline under a multiple fixed-interval 180-s fixed-ratio 20 schedule of reinforcement. During both saline and pentobarbital training sessions, subjects emitted a higher percentage of correct responses under the fixed-ratio component as compared to the fixed-interval component of the multiple schedule. Determination of the pentobarbital dose-response curve under the fixed-ratio component resulted in a steep curve characterized by responding on the saline lever at low doses and on the drug lever at higher doses. Under the fixed-interval component, a graded dose-effect curve was produced, with considerable responding on both levers after intermediate doses of pentobarbital. The administration of phencyclidine and MK-801 resulted in an intermediate level of drug-lever responding for some subjects. Administration of d-amphetamine resulted in saline (nondrug) appropriate responding. The results of this study demonstrate that the schedule of reinforcement is a determinant of drug stimulus control, just as it is a determinant of other drug effects.  相似文献   

A temporally defined reinforcement schedule within the tau system of classification was studied, with pigeons as subjects and with cycle length as the independent variable. As cycle length decreased, response rates increased, responses-per-reinforcement went through a maximum, while the number of reinforcements-per-session increased. The first two functions are attributed to changes in the discriminability of the τD and τΔ components of the cycle, while the latter seems to result from changes in the relative durations of reinforcement time and τΔ time.  相似文献   

Preschool children in day schools were given instructions to complete certain tasks. Four tasks were given of two types and two levels of difficulty. In each condition compliance with at most one instruction (one task) was reinforced. In two similar experiments, with six children, general results were: compliance with easy tasks was maintained without reinforcement when any task compliance was reinforced; compliance for hard tasks remained high only when that specific task was reinforced. Thus, generalization of compliance with instructions varied with task difficulty. The setting and procedure for both studies were designed to reduce possible coercive features of laboratory studies of generalized performance. Results show generalized performance can occur under naturalistic conditions. The effect of effort, as a response characteristic affecting generalized performance, is discussed.  相似文献   

In contrast to a recent finding (Macdonald, G. E., & De Toledo, L. Learning and Motivation, 1974, 5, 288–298.) the results of three experiments investigating various partial reinforcement (PRF) manipulations under conditions of thirst motivation demonstrated strong similarity to analogous manipulations involving food reward. Specifically, for animals receiving water reinforcement, PRF was shown to generate greater resistance to extinction than continuous reinforcement (Expt 1 & 3), the schedule of reinforcement was shown to interact with level of acquisition (Expt 1 and 2), and the magnitude of the partial reinforcement extinction effect was shown to be a function of reward magnitude (Expt 3). These results provide strong evidence that mechanisms which operate in partial reinforcement situations are highly similar, regardless of the type of appetitive reinforcement.  相似文献   

Key pecking by pigeons was maintained on a chained fixed-interval 4-min (12-min for 1 subject) fixed-ratio 1 schedule of food presentation. Attacks toward a restrained and protected conspecific were recorded. In the first experiment, the amount of food presented per interval was manipulated across phases by varying the number of fixed ratios required in the terminal link of the chain. Measures of attack for all pigeons during the fixed-interval component increased monotonically as a function of food amount. In the second experiment, two different food amounts alternated within each experimental session under a multiple schedule. For both pigeons in this experiment, measures of attack were higher during the component that delivered the larger food amount per interval. The differences in levels of attack induced by the two food amounts in Experiment 2, however, were not as great as in Experiment 1; apparently this was because attack during the first interval of each component was controlled in part (P-5626) or entirely (P-7848) by the reinforcement amount delivered at the end of the previous component. Attack was also a function of the location of the interfood interval within the session. For both pigeons, attack tended to decrease throughout the session. The results of both experiments suggest that attack is an increasing function of reinforcement amount under fixed-interval schedules, but that this function may be influenced by the manner in which reinforcement amount is manipulated, by the duration of the interfood interval, and by the location of the interfood interval within the experimental session. In general, these results are compatible with theories of induced attack and other schedule-induced behavior that emphasize aversive after-effects of reinforcement presentation.  相似文献   

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