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The impetus for curriculum change should ultimately be to improve student learning. Implementing change can be very stressful and diminish a teachers’ sense of well‐being and thereby minimise the chances of successful or effective change. Drawing on a recent study that investigated how faculty leaders managed curriculum change in religious education this paper reports on one key finding which suggested that attention to the spiritual dimension can help teachers to overcome feelings of anxiety and stress and lead to effective change management. In particular this paper identifies some characteristics of connectedness as expressions of the spiritual dimension within an educational context. This paper will situate the findings and provide a brief background to the study and the role of faculty leaders in managing curriculum change. It will then proceed to give an account of the spiritual dimension and how it may be fostered through experiences of connectedness within the educational setting. An overview of some characteristics of connectedness used by the faculty leaders are then outlined and conclusions drawn.  相似文献   

This article proposes the establishment of a curriculum that will engage students in a study of the future. The goals of this curriculum are: to help students examine their views, assumptions, and values regarding the future; to help them develop a sense of personal agency toward their futures; and to help them acquire the skills involved in planning and decision making. Described in the article are several activities—including brainstorming, futures windowing, and scenario writing—designed to help achieve these learning goals. The author indicates that leading this learning process of exploring the future should be an inherent function of counselors, in their role as persons who help students make plans and decisions for their futures.  相似文献   

Learning progressions have been demarcated by some for science education, or only concerned with levels of sophistication in student thinking as determined by logical analyses of the discipline. We take the stance that learning progressions can be leveraged in mathematics education as a form of curriculum research that advances a linked understanding of students learning over time through careful articulation of a curricular framework and progression, instructional sequence, assessments, and levels of sophistication in student learning. Under this broadened conceptualization, we advance a methodology for developing and validating learning progressions, and advance several design considerations that can guide research concerned with engendering forms of mathematics learning, and curricular and instructional support for that learning. We advance a two-phase methodology of (a) research and development, and (b) testing and revision. Each phase involves iterative cycles of design and experimentation with the aim of developing a validated learning progression. In particular, we gathered empirical data to revise our hypothesized curricular framework and progression and to measure change in students. thinking over time as a means to validate both the effectiveness of our instructional sequence and of the assessments designed to capture learning. We use the context of early algebra to exemplify our approach to learning progressions in mathematics education with a focus on the concept of mathematical equivalence across Grades 3-5. The domain of work on research on learning over time is evolving; our work contributes a broadened role for learning progressions work in mathematics education research and practice.  相似文献   

Family therapy has enthusiastically taken up certain concepts for adult education but has not benefited from the full range of ideas that are now both available and compatible with current epistemologies. Good practice in formulating learning objectives is discussed and the objectives of this article are specified. Areas of psychology that are relevant to adult learning are reviewed, and concepts of adult education that are important in the training of family therapists are considered. A model of a spiral process of learning that has been developed within the Leeds Family Therapy and Research Centre is proposed. The model coordinates the principles of adult learning described in the article and may be used as a framework for considering whether training will achieve its learning objectives as well as allowing people engaged in learning to gain further insight into how they learn. Readers are encouraged to use the principles of active reflective learning during their processing of the article.  相似文献   

Design-based research (DBR) is an emerging methodology in teacher education research that researchers claim has strong potential in systematically designing and using instructional strategies and tools to develop, enact, and sustain effective learning environments. Studies have been conducted employing this methodology, but very little research has been made on the process of engaging in DBR for designing curriculum. Through a self-study, I found that using DBR as a model for creating curriculum draws from personal meaning-making, where I tapped on my own education, background, and experiences in literacy instruction to create curriculum. The other dimensions to the DBR process were more intangible and thus harder to negotiate. These included the political aspects, where decision-making was needed regarding course components. Keeping positive relationships with stakeholders was another challenging dimension in order to achieve a collectively meaningful curriculum. Finally, dispositions on literacy instruction also implied tension on the process since dispositions are not necessarily aligned with some DBR principles.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that sound sequence discrimination learning requires cholinergic inputs to the auditory cortex (AC) in rats. In that study, reward was used for motivating discrimination behavior in rats. Therefore, dopaminergic inputs mediating reward signals may have an important role in the learning. We tested the possibility in the present study. Rats were trained to discriminate sequences of two sound components, and licking behavior in response to one of the two sequences was rewarded with water. To identify the dopaminergic inputs responsible for the learning, dopaminergic afferents to the AC were lesioned with local injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). The injection attenuated sound sequence discrimination learning, while it had no effect on discrimination between the sound components of the sequence stimuli. Local injection of 6-OHDA into the nucleus accumbens attenuated sound discrimination learning. However, not only discrimination learning of sound sequence but also that of the sound components were impaired. SCH23390 (0.2 mg/kg, i.p.), a D1 receptor antagonist, had no effect on sound sequence discrimination learning, while it attenuated the licking behavior to unfamiliar stimuli. Haloperidol (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.), a D2 family antagonist, attenuated sound sequence discrimination learning, while it had no clear suppressive effect on discrimination of two different sound components and licking. These results suggest that D2 family receptors activated by dopaminergic inputs to the AC are required for sound sequence discrimination learning.  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS poses grave risk to human development in sub-Saharan Africa. Evidence-based interventions that are rooted in local culture could help efforts to prevent threats to human development from HIV/AIDS. We used concept mapping (Concept System, 2006 ) to construct the components and content of a locally developed HIV/AIDS curriculum for use by secondary schools in Lusaka, Zambia. Participants were school counsellors (n = 14), youth health program officers (n = 7), and regular education teachers (n = 3) from the education, health, and youth development agencies in Lusaka, Zambia (males = 11; females = 13; mean age 38; SD = 15 years). Concept mapping yielded six statement clusters defining preliminary components of a locally grounded in-school HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum and the content items that define these components: (1) life skills education (18 items), (2) sexuality and reproductive health (10 items), (3) treatment, care and support (13 items), (4) counselling (12 items), (5) basic facts about HIV/AIDS (11 items), and (6) dissemination of information about HIV/AIDS (11 items). Zambian locally constructed constructs for an HIV/STD prevention curriculum overlap those promoted by public health programs in the country and internationally.  相似文献   

We discuss an emerging program of research on a particular aspect of mathematics learning, students’ learning through their own mathematical activity as they engage in particular mathematical tasks. Prior research in mathematics education has characterized learning trajectories of students by specifying a series of conceptual steps through which students pass in the context of particular instructional approaches or learning environments. Generally missing from the literature is research that examines the process by which students progress from one of these conceptual steps to a subsequent one. We provide a conceptualization of a program of research designed to elucidate students’ learning processes and describe an emerging methodology for this work. We present data and analysis from an initial teaching experiment that illustrates the methodology and demonstrates the learning that can be fostered using the approach, the data that can be generated, and the analyses that can be done. The approach involves the use of a carefully designed sequence of mathematical tasks intended to promote particular activity that is expected to result in a new concept. Through analysis of students’ activity in the context of the task sequence, accounts of students’ learning processes are developed. Ultimately a large set of such accounts would allow for a cross-account analysis aimed at articulating mechanisms of learning.  相似文献   

This article uses an account of dwelling to interrogate the concept of curriculum making. Tim Ingold??s use of dwelling to understand culture is productive here because of his implicit and explicit interest in intergenerational learning. His account of dwelling rests on a foundational ontological claim??that mental construction and representation are not the basis upon which we live in the world??which is very challenging for the kinds of curriculum making with which many educators are now familiar. It undermines assumptions of propositional knowledge and of the use of mental schemas to communicate and share. At the level of critique, then, dwelling destabilizes contemporary ideas of curriculum as textual, pre-specified content for transmission or pre-defined objectives or standardized activity. The positive claims of dwelling are equally challenging, for these are that the world is a domain of relational entanglement in which an organism can be no more than a point of growth for an emergent ??environment??, and meaning only inheres in these relations. The paper articulates how differentiation (of learner, salient meanings, knowledge, skill and place) are possible in such an ontology, and how curriculum making can be understood from this perspective as being the remaking of relationships between these.  相似文献   

Quality of Life (QoL) is a concept widely used in gerontology, as well as in other fields such as anthropology, health sciences, psychology, sociology and political sciences. Historically, although Aristotle is considered as an antecedent, the term QoL emerged in about the sixties in scientific literature. In the field of ageing, it is considered as an outcome of projects, programmes, services or policies and is used for describing populations, contexts and individuals. QoL is considered by most experts as a multidimensional concept involving multiple domains (health, psychological, social and environmental), containing objective and subjective components. Nevertheless, in recent years, QoL has been reduced to the subjective appraisal, to health or to subjective psychological attributes such as well-being, happiness or life satisfaction. Moreover, conceptual confusions can be found between QoL and other concepts related to positive ageing. In this conceptually-driven paper, after reviewing a set of expert and lay conceptualizations of QoL and identifying the diversity of its components, three critical issues will be discussed: its reduction to health or to the subjective appraisal of a set of domains, the confusion of QoL with other subjective or positive concepts and, finally, its methodological reductionism to self-reports as an exclusive procedure for QoL data collection. From these criticisms some conceptual and methodological suggestions are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper outlines an alternative approach to curriculum design in higher education focusing in particular on the introduction of personal growth into the programme, and on facilitating the selection by students of the optimal choice of options. It is argued that models of curriculum design need to take cognizance of at least four interested parties; and that in the resolutions of their divergent interests, curriculum designers must make clear their most potent values, as well as their theories and assumptions about the nature of learning. A brief outline follows of two courses based upon these propositions. Finally, evaluations by both trainers and students involved in these courses are presented.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of group learning in asynchronous distributed learning groups depends on the social interaction that takes place. This social interaction affects both cognitive and socioemotional processes that take place during learning, group forming, establishment of group structures, and group dynamics. Though now known to be important, this aspect is often ignored, denied or forgotten by educators and researchers who tend to concentrate on cognitive processes and on-task contexts. This "one-sided" educational focus largely determines the set of requirements in the design of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments resulting in functional CSCL environments. In contrast, our research is aimed at the design and implementation of sociable CSCL environments which may increase the likelihood that a sound social space will emerge. We use a theoretical framework that is based upon an ecological approach to social interaction, centering on the concept of social affordances, the concept of the sociability of CSCL environments, and social presence theory. The hypothesis is that the higher the sociability, the more likely that social interaction will take place or will increase, and the more likely that this will result in an emerging sound social space. In the present research, the variables of interest are sociability, social space, and social presence. This study deals with the construction and validation of three instruments to determine sociability, social space, and social presence in (a)synchronous collaborating groups. The findings suggest that the instruments have potential to be useful as measures for the respective variables. However, it must be realized that these measures are "first steps."  相似文献   

Practice of different tasks in a random order induces better retention than practicing them in a blocked order, a phenomenon known as the contextual interference (CI) effect. Our purpose was to investigate whether the CI effect exists in sequence learning, such that practicing different sequences in a random order will result in better learning of sequences than practicing them in blocks, and whether this effect is affected by aging. Subjects practiced a serial reaction time task where a set of three 4-element sequences were arranged in blocks or in a random order on 2 successive days. Subjects were divided into 4 groups based on a 2-GROUP (young or old) by 2-ORDER (random or blocked practice) between-subject design. Three days after practice (Day 5), subjects were tested with practiced and novel sequences to evaluate sequence-specific learning. The results replicate the CI effect in sequence learning in both young and older adults. Older adults retained sequences better when trained in a random condition than in a blocked condition, although the random condition incurs greater task switching costs in older adults during practice. Our study underscores the distinction between age-related effects on learning vs. performance, and offers practical implications for enhancing skill learning in older adults.  相似文献   

Many reports have indicated that implicit learning of sequences in a choice response time task is primarily perceptual; subjects learn the sequence of stimuli rather than the sequence of motor responses. Three experiments tested whether implicit motor sequence learning could be purely perceptual: no support was found for that hypothesis. Subjects who merely watched stimuli did not learn the sequence implicitly (Experiment 1), and sequence learning transferred robustly to a different set of stimulus cues (Experiment 2). In the final experiment, the stimulus-response mapping was changed at transfer so that one group of subjects pushed the same sequence of keys but saw new stimuli, whereas another group pushed a different sequence of keys but saw the same stimuli. Transfer to the new mapping was shown only if the motor sequence was kept constant, not the perceptual sequence. It is proposed that subjects learn a sequence of response locations in this and similar tasks.  相似文献   

Learning sequential structures is of fundamental importance for a wide variety of human skills. While it has long been debated whether implicit sequence learning is perceptual or response-based, here we propose an alternative framework that cuts across this dichotomy and assumes that sequence learning rests on associative changes that can occur concurrently in distinct processing systems and support the parallel acquisition of multiple uncorrelated sequences. In three experiments we used a serial search task to test critical predictions of this framework. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that participants learnt uncorrelated sequences of auditory letters and manual responses, as well as sequences of visual letters, spatial locations, and manual responses simultaneously, as indicated by a reliable response time (RT) cost incurred by occasional deviants violating either of the sequences. This RT cost was reliable even when participants showing explicit knowledge were excluded. In Experiment 3 learning of spatial and nonspatial sequences was functionally dissociated: whereas a spatio-motor distractor task disrupted learning of location but not of letter sequences, a phonological distractor task had the reverse effect. The distractor tasks thus did not reduce unspecific attentional resources, but selectively disrupted the formation of sequential associations within spatial and nonspatial processing dimensions. These results support the view that implicit sequence learning rests on experience-dependent changes that can occur in parallel in multiple processing systems involved in spatial attention, object recognition, phonological processing, and manual response selection. The resulting dimension-specific sequence representations support independent predictions of what will appear next, where it will appear, and how one will have to respond to it.  相似文献   

I believe that the purpose of history in a medical school can be related to two simple goals: first, to make students a bit skeptical about everything else they are to be taught in the other lectures--skepticism fosters humility and life-long learning; second, to make them aware that medical history is a research discipline as compelling as any of the basic and clinical sciences they are traditionally taught. In the fall of 1988, I was given an opportunity to build a "course" in history for medical students--a course with no fixed time slot, no fixed syllabus, and no fixed content. I wanted to teach history of anatomy during anatomy sessions, history of pathology during pathology, history of obstetrics during obstetrics, and so on. I hoped to end each session with a disciplinary controversy that extended into present practice. The ultimate manifestation of infiltration would be to have one question on every exam that the students would write during their medical school experience. This is the story of how my medical history teaching moved from nothing to a program integrated throughout four years of medical studies, complete with goals and objectives and two questions of every exam. The content, advantages, and problems of the approach in the Queen's University experience will be presented.  相似文献   

The crisis in mathematics education is likely to grow. One of the targets for reform is the math textbook, which largely defines the math curriculum. Several aspects of math textbooks that strongly influence student learning are explained: the organization of lessons, the use of time, the rate of introducing new concepts, the quality of instructional activities, the nature of the examples, and the provision of guided and independent practice. Excerpts from math texts illustrate these factors. Research findings on an alternative to basais, represented by the Direct Instruction math curriculum, illustrate how conceptual understanding and proficiency can be developed for a full spectrum of students.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether effects of implicit learning (IL) are due to well-learned and explicitly represented parts of the stimulus material ("chunks"). To this purpose, event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded during an oddball-version of a serial reaction time (RT) task: At unpredictable positions within a 16-item letter sequence, single deviant items replaced an item of the repeatedly presented standard sequence. After acquisition, the "process dissociation procedure" (Jacoby, 1991) was adopted to identify explicitly learned sequence parts for each participant. Acquisition of sequence knowledge was reflected in faster RTs for standard items than for deviant items and in enhanced N2b and P3b components for deviant items. While the ERP effects were obtained for explicitly represented sequence parts only, RT effects were independent of subsequent reproduction performance. These results indicated that (1) ERPs are a valid measure of explicit knowledge, (2) implicit and explicit knowledge coexist in serial RT tasks, and (3) chunking processes play a major role in the acquisition of explicit knowledge about event sequences.  相似文献   

Counselor educators, while conscientiously preparing students to be sensitive to others through traditional courses and examinations, also communicate an important set of informal, covert attitudes—the silent curriculum. Rapid changes in our social system and in student attitudes are altering one source of this silent curriculum, the teaching-learning relationship. This article suggests possible changes in the counselor education process to encourage individualized instruction, experimentation, and student involvement in departmental decisions, field work, and teaching.  相似文献   

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