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It is argued that the analysis-of-variance model is inappropriate for assessing treatment effects in single-subject designs. In particular, such designs are demonstrated to violate the crucial assumption concerning the statistical independence of observations. Alternative methods of data analysis are suggested.  相似文献   

The fixed effects ANOVA procedure utilized by Gentile, Roden, and Klein (1972) for single subjects is found inappropriate. Hartmann's proposal of a one-way fixed-effect ANOVA model is also considered. Time series analysis that takes serial correlation effects into account is recommended.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the application of fixed-effect one-way analysis-of-variance procedures to learning data from a single subject. Procedures more appropriate for data obtained from intrasubject replication designs are briefly described.  相似文献   

The present investigation draws on the judgment research tradition in order to examine the causal attributions made by individual subjects in an often used attribution task. Formal empirical tests of Kelley's (1967) attribution theory have demonstrated that attributions are influenced by the interaction of consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency information. None of these studies, however, have separately examined attributions made by individual judges. Implicit assumptions about individual differences, for example, have been made by the template-matching model of causal attribution (Orvis, Cunningham, & Kelley, 1975) but have not been scrutinized at the intrasubject level. Log linear modeling of attributions in the present research showed that while subjects were influenced by the causal information in the task, the relation between this information and attributions was more importantly characterized by individual differences than by uniform patterning. The nature of these individual differences and the significance of an idiographic approach to causal analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

Possibly, the replication crisis constitutes the most important problem in psychology. It calls into question whether psychology is a science. Existing conceptualizations of replicability depend on effect sizes; the larger the population effect size, the greater the probability of replication. This is problematic and contributes to the replication crisis. A different conceptualization, not dependent on population effect sizes, is desirable. The proposed solution features the closeness of sample means to their corresponding population means, in both the original and replication experiments. If the researcher has specified the sampling precision desired, it is possible to calculate the probability of replication, prior to data collection, and without dependence on the population effect size or expected population effect size. In addition, it is not necessary to know population means or standard deviations, nor sample means or standard deviations, to employ the proposed a priori way of thinking about replicability.  相似文献   

The cognitive interview developed by Geiselman and co-workers is a set of memory retrieval aids to enhance recall in memory tasks such as eyewitness reports. This research is a replication of the study of Geiselman, Fischer, Firstenberg, Hutton, Sullivan, Avetissian and Prosk (1984) with a German version of the cognitive interview. Twenty-nine subjects participated and saw a short film in an incidental learning situation. Approximately 6 days later the participants were questioned about one scene of the film. Fourteen subjects received the cognitive interview instructions and 15 were questioned without special instructions. First, subjects gave a written free report of the scene and subsequently answered more specific questions concerning details. The results clearly indicate that the cognitive interview enhances memory retrieval in free recall conditions but this effect is reduced to specific questions. The effects are discussed in terms of a possible underlying memory organization and the use of retrieval strategies.  相似文献   

A sound counselor accountability system would collate counselor accomplishments with costs. Better decisions could then be made about effective methods, staffing, student needs, and training. The system would define the domain of counselor responsibilities, use student behavior changes as evidence of counselor accomplishments, state counselor activities as costs, promote self-improvement, permit reports of failures and unknown outcomes, be designed by users, and be subject to revision. An illustrative accountability report shows how the cost, but not the value, of an outcome can be estimated. Experimentation is needed in order to answer the practical implementation problems of the system.  相似文献   

Conjoint measurement tests which are applicable to a (2 × 2) × (2 × 2) experimental design for the study of the general bilinear model are developed. The tests permit detecting the cause of each failure of the data to satisfy the model, and of measuring the tradeoffs between variables when the model is satisfied. All tests and analyses are illustrated with an application of the model to the assessment of the riskiness of gambles. The method is compared with the use of duplex gambles and other compound and contingent compositions in terms of their appropriate roles in the study of the decision process.  相似文献   

An information-theoretic model for the serial position effect   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Maximum likelihood estimation is computationally infeasible for latent variable models involving multivariate categorical responses, in particular for the LISCOMP model. A three-stage generalized least squares approach introduced by Muthén (1983, 1984) can experience problems of instability, bias, non-convergence, and non-positive definiteness of weight matrices in situations of low prevalence, small sample size and large numbers of observed indicator variables. We propose a quadratic estimating equations approach that only requires specification of the first two moments. By performing simultaneous estimation of parameters, this method does not encounter the problems mentioned above and experiences gains in efficiency. Methods are compared through a numerical study and an application to a study of life-events and neurotic illness.The authors would like to thank Bengt Muthén for many helpful discussions and Scott Henderson for generously providing the Canberra data set. This work was supported in part by grant number GM49909 of the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Blocker's article described the implications of an ecological perspective in the elementary school setting. Banning and his colleagues at WICHE have been interested in institutional change in higher education. While this article does not describe a “program” per se, it does describe in some detail a methodology for change. After discarding traditional student personnel perspectives (unenlightened, adjustment, and developmental), Banning and Kaiser push out the frontier with their concept of “ecosystems.” An ecosystem is one in which there is a true transaction between mutually dependent partners, with the assumption that either may change so that mutual benefit may result. A model for bringing about such change is presented, and a methodology for using the model is described.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive optimal designs for the Rasch Poisson counts model and its extended version of the (generalized) negative binomial counts model incorporating several binary predictors for the difficulty parameter. To efficiently estimate the regression coefficients of the predictors, locally D-optimal designs are developed. After an introduction to the Rasch Poisson counts model and its extension, we will specify these models as particular generalized linear models. Based on this embedding, optimal designs for both models including several binary explanatory variables will be presented. Therefore, we will derive conditions on the effect sizes for certain designs to be locally D-optimal. Finally, it is pointed out that the results derived for the Rasch Poisson models can be applied for more general Poisson regression models which should receive more attention in future psychological research.  相似文献   

A model for memory search is proposed in which S first forms an “expectancy” regarding the item to be tested on the next trial, then carries out a memory search. It is proposed that an expected item is encoded faster (or perhaps responded to more quickly), but the memory scanning process for expected and nonexpected items is otherwise identical. Assuming a serial exhaustive scanning process, we were able to fit much of the data in the literature. In addition, we tested the model by having S give his expectancy aloud before each trial. The data showed about a 100-msec advantage for expected items that did not interact with memory load. The model fit this data reasonably well.  相似文献   

An attribute frequency model for the abstraction of prototypes is proposed as an alternative to the prototype-plus-transformation model. A specific model is tested in a Franks and Bransford visual pattern paradigm under conditions in which the two models generate contrasting predictions. The results support the attribute frequency model. Application of the model to reported data obtained in other paradigms is illustrated and discussed.  相似文献   

It has recently been argued that psychopathy can be understood and represented using common dimensions of personality taken from the Five-factor model (FFM). In this research, we examined this possibility by using the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R; Costa & McCrae, 1992) to assess psychopathy in an undergraduate sample. Specifically, we matched individuals' NEO-PI-R profiles with an expert-generated psychopathy prototype to yield a psychopathy score. These scores were correlated with self-reports of drug use, delinquency, risky sex, aggression, and several laboratory tasks. FFM psychopathy was significantly related to all forms of deviance, although the effects tended to be small in size. Moreover, individuals who more closely resembled the prototypic FFM psychopath were more aggressive in a laboratory aggression task, less willing to delay gratification in a time discounting task, and demonstrated a preference for aggressive responses in a social information-processing paradigm.  相似文献   

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