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Pigeons made observing responses for stimuli signalling the availability of either 10-sec or 2-sec access to grain on fixed-interval 1-min schedules. If observing responses did not occur, food-producing responses occurred to a stimulus common to both reinforcement magnitudes. When the stimuli remained on for the duration of the components and signalled differential reinforcement magnitudes, observing responses were maintained; however, when the stimuli remained on for 10 sec, observing responses decreased markedly. In addition, it was shown that the occasional presentation of the stimulus signalling 10-sec access to grain was necessary for the maintenance of observing behavior. A control condition demonstrated that when all the available stimuli signalled 6-sec access to grain, observing responses declined. Taken together, the results demonstrated that the occasional presentation of the stimulus that remained on for the duration of the component and signalled the larger reinforcement magnitude was necessary for the maintenance of observing behavior.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained under an observing response procedure in which pecks on one key (food key) were reinforced under a mixed fixed-interval 30-sec extinction schedule. A response on a second (observing) key replaced the mixed-schedule stimulus with either of two multiple-schedule stimuli (red and green keylights) for 5 sec. Observing response rates were positively correlated with food-key response rates in the presence of multiple-schedule stimuli and inversely related to food-key response rates in the presence of mixed-schedule stimuli. These results suggest that observing response output is controlled not only by the stimuli produced by observing responses but also by the stimuli in the presence of which observing responses occur. The possibility that observing responses alter the probability of reinforcement is advanced.  相似文献   

An observing procedure was used to investigate the effects of alterations in response-conditioned-reinforcer relations on observing. Pigeons responded to produce schedule-correlated stimuli paired with the availability of food or extinction. The contingency between observing responses and conditioned reinforcement was altered in three experiments. In Experiment 1, after a contingency was established in baseline between the observing response and conditioned reinforcement, it was removed and the schedule-correlated stimuli were presented independently of responding according to a variable-time schedule. The variable-time schedule was constructed such that the rate of stimulus presentations was yoked from baseline. The removal of the observing contingency reliably reduced rates of observing. In Experiment 2, resetting delays to conditioned reinforcement were imposed between observing responses and the schedule-correlated stimuli they produced. Delay values of 0, 0.5, 1, 5, and 10 s were examined. Rates of observing varied inversely as a function of delay value. In Experiment 3, signaled and unsignaled resetting delays between observing responses and schedule-correlated stimuli were compared. Baseline rates of observing were decreased less by signaled delays than by unsignaled delays. Disruptions in response-conditioned-reinforcer relations produce similar behavioral effects to those found with primary reinforcement.  相似文献   

Three pigeons were trained on oddity matching in which either 1, 4, 8, 16, or 32 sample-key observing responses were required to turn off the sample stimuli and turn on the comparison stimuli. Oddity accuracy increased when the observing-response requirement was raised and decreased when the requirement was lowered. Next, while the observing requirement was maintained at one response, the number of responses required to the comparison stimuli was either 1, 4, 8, 16, or 32. Under these conditions, choice was defined as the comparison that first accumulated the required number of responses. In general, increasing the comparison-response requirement decreased accuracy and lowering the comparison requirement increased accuracy. The fixed-ratio observing requirements appeared to facilitate control by stimuli serving an instructional function.  相似文献   

Three individuals with mental retardation exhibited stimulus overselectivity in a delayed matching-to-sample task in which two sample stimuli were displayed on each trial. Intermediate accuracy scores indicated that participants could match one of the samples but not both of them. Accuracy in a baseline condition was compared to accuracy with a differential observing response procedure. This procedure prompted participants to make simultaneous identity-matching responses that required observation and discrimination of both sample stimuli. These observing responses were never followed by differential consequences. When observing responses were prompted, participants' accuracy scores improved. In a return to the baseline condition, when differential observing responses were no longer prompted, accuracy returned to intermediate levels. The results show that stimulus overselectivity can be greatly reduced by a behavioral intervention that controls observing behavior and verifies discrimination, but that exposure to such procedures alone may be insufficient for lasting benefits.  相似文献   

An operant response in the pigeon, whose performance results in exposure to the discriminative stimuli, is described and suggested as an experimental analogue for “observing.” Such an operant response is then used to explore the relationship between observing responses and discrimination learning in a variety of discrimination situations, of progressively increasing complexity. In general, the results support the contention that the development and maintainence of observing responses is closely related to the degree of differential behaviour manifested toward the discriminative stimuli. Certain modifications are suggested in the theoretical formulation underlying the concept of “observing responses.”  相似文献   

Observing behavior and short-term recognition were studied in a training and test design. Preschoolers matched pictures from memory with training of a selective attending strategy or placebo practice. Both groups were then tested for retention of the strategies attained during training. For one-third of the subjects in each condition the relevant portions of the stimuli were made perceptually salient, for another third the irrelevant portions were salient, and for the rest no portions were salient. Strategy training enhanced relevant observing behavior and facilitated recognition accuracy in both training and test. The salient irrelevant cues interfered in training for the Placebo subjects. A second study examined the effect of three components of the strategy training procedure; verbal instructions, modeling, and fading. Verbal instructions, and to a lesser extent, modeling and fading, enhanced relevant observing behavior in both training and test but facilitated recognition accuracy only in training.  相似文献   

Phobias have been subject to more research by behavior therapists than any other psychiatric disorder. In 1975 Marks described more than 20 different techniques that have been developed for or used in the treatment of phobias.The technique to be described in this paper—fading—was first used by Barlow and Agras (1973) as an alternative to aversive techniques for homosexuals. Originally the technique was designed to change the stimulus control of sexual responsiveness by introducing or “fading in” heterosexual stimuli during periods of sexual arousal elicted by homosexual stimuli.One purpose of the single-case studies presented here was to explore the possibility of achieving a similar result with phobic clients. In other words, the aim was to create a state of calmness and positive sensations in the client and then to gradually “fade in” phobic stimuli. The hypothesis was that the stimulus control of anxiety exerted by the phobic stimuli would decrease and finally be extinguished due to the antagonistic effects of observing and imagining positive scenes.A second purpose of this application of fading was to develop a technique for reducing phobic anxiety which could give more control to the client than is the case in, for example, systematic desensitization.  相似文献   

Pigeons pecked a response key on a variable-interval (VI) schedule, in which responses produced food every 40 s, on average. These VI periods, or components, alternated in irregular fashion with extinction components in which food was unavailable. Pecks on a second (observing) key briefly produced exteroceptive stimuli (houselight flashes) correlated with the component schedule currently in effect. Across conditions within a phase, the dependency between observing and presentation of the stimuli was decreased systematically while the density of stimulus presentation was held constant. Across phases, the proportion of session time spent in the VI component was adjusted from 0.5 to 0.25, and then to 0.75. Results indicate that rate of observing decreased as the dependency between responses and stimulus presentations was decreased. Further, discriminative control by the schedule-correlated stimuli was systematically weakened as dependency was decreased. Increasing the proportion of session time spent in VI decreased the rate of observing. This effect was additive with the manipulation of the dependency between observing and presentation of the stimuli. Overall, these results show that conditioned reinforcers function similarly to unconditioned reinforcers with respect to response-consequence dependencies, and that stimulus control is enhanced under conditions in which the relevant stimuli are produced by an organism's behavior.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effect of observing responses that enabled college students to emit more efficient distributions of reinforced responses. In Experiment 1, the gains of response efficiency enabled by observing were minimized through use of identical low-effort response requirements in two alternating variable-interval schedules. These comprised a mixed schedule of reinforcement; they differed in the number of money-backed points per reinforcer. In each of three choices between two stimuli that varied in their correlation with the variable-interval schedules, the results showed that subjects preferred stimuli that were correlated with the larger average amount of reinforcement. This is consistent with a conditioned-reinforcement hypothesis. Negative informative stimuli--that is, stimuli correlated with the smaller of two rewards--did not maintain as much observing as stimuli that were uncorrelated with amount of reward. In Experiment 2, savings in effort made possible by producing S- were varied within subjects by alternately removing and reinstating the response-reinforcement contingency in a mixed variable-interval/extinction schedule of reinforcement. Preference for an uncorrelated stimulus compared to a negative informative stimulus (S-) decreased for each of six subjects, and usually reversed when observing permitted a more efficient temporal distribution of the responses required for reinforcement; in this case, the responses were pulls on a relatively high-effort plunger. When observing the S- could not improve response efficiency, subjects again chose the control stimulus. All of these results were inconsistent with the uncertainty-reduction hypothesis.  相似文献   

The effects of rate of conditioned reinforcement on the resistance to change of operant behavior have not been examined. In addition, the effects of rate of conditioned reinforcement on the rate of observing have not been adequately examined. In two experiments, a multiple schedule of observing-response procedures was used to examine the effects of rate of conditioned reinforcement on observing rates and resistance to change. In a rich component, observing responses produced a higher frequency of stimuli correlated with alternating periods of random-interval schedule primary reinforcement or extinction. In a lean component, observing responses produced similar schedule-correlated stimuli but at a lower frequency. The rate of primary reinforcement in both components was the same. In Experiment 1, a 4:1 ratio of stimulus production was arranged by the rich and lean components. In Experiment 2, the ratio of stimulus production rates was increased to 6:1. In both experiments, observing rates were higher in the rich component than in the lean component. Disruptions in observing produced by presession feeding, extinction of observing responses, and response-independent food deliveries during intercomponent intervals usually were similar in the rich and lean components. When differences in resistance to change did occur, observing tended to be more resistant to change in the lean component. If resistance to change is accepted as a more appropriate measure of response strength than absolute response rates, then the present results provide no evidence that higher rates of stimuli generally considered to function as conditioned reinforcers engender greater response strength.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 showed that the three stimuli associated with three chained fixed-interval links could be used to maintain observing behavior. Experiment 2 showed that three stimuli correlated with the passage of time since the last reinforcement in a fixed-interval schedule could be used to maintain observing behavior. In both experiments most observing responses occurred midway between reinforcements. Few occurred just before or just after reinforcement. Experiment 3 showed that the decline in the rate of observing behavior just before reinforcement was reduced when more stimuli could be observed. The relatively high terminal rate of observing behavior that resulted was maintained even when at least 4 sec intervened between the reinforcement and the last observed stimulus.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined relapse of extinguished observing behavior of pigeons using a two-component multiple schedule of observing-response procedures. In both components, unsignaled periods of variable-interval (VI) food reinforcement alternated with extinction and observing responses produced stimuli associated with the availability of the VI schedule (i.e., S+). The components differed in the rate of food arranged (Rich = VI 30 s; Lean = VI 120 s). In Experiment 1, following baseline training, extinction of observing involved removal of both food and S+ deliveries, and reinstatement was examined by presenting either response-independent food or S+ deliveries. In Experiment 2, extinction involved removal of only food deliveries while observing responses continued to produce S+. Reinstatement was examined by delivering food contingent upon the first two food-key responses occurring in the presence of the S+. Experiment 3 assessed ABA renewal of observing by extinguishing food-key and observing responses in the presence of one contextual stimulus (i.e., B) and then returning to the original training context (i.e., A) during continued extinction. Experiment 4 examined resurgence by introducing food reinforcement for an alternative response during extinction, and subsequently removing that alternative source of food. Across experiments, relative resistance to extinction and relapse of observing tended to be greater in the component previously associated with the higher rate of primary reinforcement. Relapse of observing or attending to stimuli associated with primary reinforcement appears to be impacted by frequency of primary reinforcement in a manner similar to responding maintained directly by primary reinforcement.  相似文献   

Observing behavior of two squirrel monkeys was examined under a multiple schedule of four components. Lever (observing) responses produced either a stimulus indicating the availability of food or another stimulus indicating food was not available. Key responses in the presence of the food-available stimulus produced food on a continuous reinforcement schedule. In the absence of food-available stimuli, responding on the key had no scheduled consequences. Observing responses produced food-available stimuli according to three different random-interval schedules with mean interstimulus availability times of 1, 2, and 4 min. In the fourth component of the multiple schedule (observing extinction) food-available stimuli never occurred. Each component of the schedule was correlated with a distinctive auditory stimulus. Observing rates decreased with decreasing frequency of the food-available stimulus. Observing rates during extinction continued decreasing when the brief stimulus indicating food unavailability was no longer produced by lever pressing. When the brief stimulus was reinstated response rates increased abruptly.  相似文献   

Drugs often disrupt the acquisition of new response sequences at doses that fail to disrupt the performance of a previously acquired response sequence. This selective drug effect may result from differences in the control exerted by the stimuli presented after each response in the acquisition and performance sequences. To examine the function of these stimuli, an observing procedure was incorporated into a multiple schedule of repeated acquisition and performance of response sequences, in which stimulus presentations were contingent upon an observing response. Three experiments were conducted with humans. Experiment 1 compared responding with and without the observing contingency. No difference was found in the overall percentage of errors across the two conditions. Within the observing condition, observing behaviour was maintained in the acquisition component as long as errors occurred, but was not maintained in the performance component. Experiment 2 examined whether a contingency that increased errors also would increase observing in both the acquisition and performance components. Specifically, reinforcer delivery in each component was contingent upon emitting 10 correct responses and one, two, or four errors. Observing responses increased in the acquisition component as the error requirement increased, whereas observing responses in the performance component increased only when the error requirement was four. Experiment 3 assessed the effects of diazepam (0, 7.5, 15, and 30 mg/70 kg, p.o.) and triazolam (0, 0.375, and 0.75 mg/70 kg, p.o.) on repeated acquisition and performance baselines with the observing contingency. Selective drug effects were obtained in this modified procedure; that is, the percentage of errors in the acquisition component increased at doses that failed to affect the percentage of errors in the performance components. Importantly, drug effects were selective, even though observing responses were not emitted in the performance component and, hence, the stimulus presentations did not occur in that component. These findings suggest that alternative explanations for these differential effects are needed; in that regard, a response-unit account of the selective drug effects is discussed.  相似文献   

English-Japanese bilinguals performed a Stroop color-word interference task with both English and Japanese stimuli and responded in both English and Japanese. The Japanese stimuli were either the traditional color terms (TCTs) written in Hiragana or loanwords (LWs) from English written in Katakana. Both within-language and between-language interference were found for all combinations of stimuli and responses. The between-language interference was larger for Katakana LWs (phonologically similar to English) than for Hiragana TCTs, especially with Japanese responses. The magnitude of this phonological effect increased with self-rated reading fluency in Japanese. Overall responding was slower and the Stroop effect larger with English than with Japanese stimuli. These results suggest that unintentional lexical access elicits automatic phonological processing even with intermediate-level reading proficiency.  相似文献   

Four squirrel monkeys were trained to press a lever, which produced stimuli indicating availability or non-availability of reinforcement for pushing a key. Food reinforcements were available for the key response at random intervals with an average rate of 1 per min. When food was available, a single lever response produced a red light behind the key. Reinforcement availabilities and red keylights remained until terminated by a reinforced key response. When reinforcement was not available, each lever response produced a 0.5-sec green light on the key. Except after lever responses, the key remained dark. Under this procedure, lever responses functioned as observing behavior in that they produced discriminative stimuli correlated with the availability or non-availability of reinforcement for key responses. The procedure generated a high rate of responding on the lever, short latencies of the key response after onset of red lights and few responses to the key in the absence of red lights. Intra-muscular d-amphetamine, in doses from 0.125 to 1.0 mg/kg, abolished both observing behavior and key responding for periods that increased as a function of dose. However, both observing and key rates were increased at the smallest dose in two subjects whose performances included responding to the key in the absence of red lights. Results are discussed in relation to previous findings regarding effects of amphetamines on operant behavior and on observing and monitoring performance.  相似文献   

The control exerted by a stimulus associated with an extinction component (S−) on observing responses was determined as a function of its temporal relation with the onset of the reinforcement component. Lever pressing by rats was reinforced on a mixed random-interval extinction schedule. Each press on a second lever produced stimuli associated with the component of the schedule in effect. In Experiment 1 a response-dependent clock procedure that incorporated different stimuli associated with an extinction component of a variable duration was used. When a single S− was presented throughout the extinction component, the rate of observing remained relatively constant across this component. In the response-dependent clock procedure, observing responses increased from the beginning to the end of the extinction component. This result was replicated in Experiment 2, using a similar clock procedure but keeping the number of stimuli per extinction component constant. We conclude that the S− can function as a conditioned reinforcer, a neutral stimulus or as an aversive stimulus, depending on its temporal location within the extinction component.  相似文献   

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