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In recent years numerous operant language training programmes have been designed for teaching both receptive and expressive language to autistic and retarded children (e.g. Bricker and Bricker. 1970a; Bricker and Bricker, 1970b; Lovaas, 1968; Sloane et al, 1968). There have been suggestions that the content of such programmes should be to some extent dictated by the findings of psycholinguists, while the methods be designed along behaviour modification lines (Lynch and Bricker, 1972; Miller and Yoder, 1972). Certainly operant programmes have been shown to produce some improvement of language function in autistic and retarded children (Bricker and Bricker. 1970a; Sloane et al, 1968; Lovaas. 1968; Guesset al, 1968); but the problem of whether all retarded children can be taught some language by these means has not been tackled. Psycholinguists, following Chomsky (Chomsky, 1965) maintain that the development of language in children is dependent on the language acquisition device, or LAD. Unfortunately there are no independent means of determining the presence of LAD in a child, so that relating a child's inability to use language to the absence of LAD becomes a circular argument.It frequently seems to be assumed that, provided no perceptual deficits are present, language acquisition is as difficult in one medium as in another. Individuals who are deaf and retarded have been taught sign language with some success (Berger, 1972; Cornforth et al, 1974), and retarded children who are non-speaking have been taught symbolic languages (Bliss symbols in Vanderheiden et al, 1975; Premack symbols in Hollis and Carrier, 1975, and Hodges, 1976). It is unclear, however, whether those learning symbolic languages, but having no gross physical or perceptual handicap, could have learnt sign language or even spoken language with an equivalent method of training. The present study is a report of a retarded boy with unreliable hearing (which ruled out spoken language), who seemed unable to learn (receptive or expressive) sign language after extensive operant training, but who rapidly acquired a limited symbolic “language” using an identical training method. The symbols used were pictorial representations of the objects (cf. Bliss and Premack symbols).  相似文献   

Contingent lemon juice successfully reduced and maintained at zero levels, public masturbatory responses in a severely retarded boy with a four year history of this behavior. Previously, more common procedures (loud “no” plus hand spanking. ignoring) had proven to be ineffective. The lemon juice contingency was shown to be effective in a period of from 13 to 16 days (in both home and school settings) and was easily implemented by a parent, a teacher and a para-professional.  相似文献   

In a pilot study, a multielement design was used to assess the effectiveness of a response cost procedure on a 7-year-old child's hyperactive behavior and academic performance across days. The procedure was effective in reducing off-task behavior and in increasing academic assignment completion. In Experiment 2, three strategies were compared to a no-treatment baseline in treating an 8-year-old hyperactive child: drug (Ritalin) alone, response cost alone, and drug plus response cost. The cost program alone and the cost program combined with medication were effective in reducing off-task behavior and in increasing academic performance. In both studies, the procedure was viewed by the teachers as practical and effective for use in a classroom setting. The subjects liked the cost system and believed that they completed more academic work when it was operative.  相似文献   

The behavioral constructs that emerge from observers' openended impressions of methylphenidate effects on the social behaviors of hyperactive children were examined. Ninety-six undergraduates observed videotapes of two different hyperactive target boys, each playing an interaction game with three peers. One target was taking methylphenidate and the other was taking placebo. The valence and content of observers' social perceptions were analyzed. Overall, more negative than positive behaviors were detected, a pattern more pronounced for the placebo than for the medication condition. Interestingly, placebo targets received negative evaluations for poorly controlled behaviors such as noncompliance, aggression, and disruption, but medicated targets received negative evaluations for social inhibition—passive and submissive behaviors. In contrast, the boys' medication state did not consistently influence observers' perceptions of positive social behaviors. Discussion focused on the extent and consequences of medicationrelated increases in social disengagement and on the ultimate impact of stimulant treatment on hyperactive children's social worlds.A preliminary report of this study was presented at the 1990 meeting of the Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Costa Mesa, CA. We are grateful for the assistance of Pam Ajang, Keri Hom, and Scott Gutentag, and for support from the Fernald Child Study Center at UCLA.  相似文献   

Methylphenidate (Ritalin) has been shown to have differential effects on hyperactive children's behavior as a function of dose level. In the present investigation, a triple-blind, placebo-control, within-subject (crossover) experimental design was employed in which 12 hyperactive boys between 6 and 10 years received three different dosages of methylphenidate (5, 10, and 15 mg) in a randomly assigned sequence. Dosage effects were assessed on clinic(PAL-Paired Associates Learning test) and school-(percent on task, teacher ratings, work completion rates, and accuracy) related behaviors. For 10 of the children, classified as responders to medication by the PAL using the criteria of Swanson, Kinsbourne, and colleagues, a series of ANCOVAs with repeated measures showed significant dosage effects on teacher ratings (p 01), percent on task (p 01), academic accuracy (p 05), and assignment completion rates (p 05). PAL performance was also significantly enhanced (p 01) after optimal dose levels were considered. Subsequent trend analysis showed a significant positive linear relationship between dose and each of the dependent variables. A comparison of fixed-dose and miligram-per-kilogram plots showed that children's performance across the different dosages were clearly individualistic and task-specific, even when similar body weights were compared. The implications of using clinic-based testing to determine optimal medication responsivity were discussed.We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the following pediatricians for their valuable assistance: W. H. McDermott, D. J. Chronley, R. B. Trivett, F. J. Jehle, P. M. Small, and F. T. Leong. Grateful acknowledgement is also extended to the two anonymous reviewers whose comments contributed to the content of this paper, and to the undergraduate and graduate student members of the Children's Learning Clinic.  相似文献   

The development of independent sitting changes everyday opportunities for learning and has cascading effects on cognitive and language development. Prior to independent sitting, infants experience the sitting position with physical support from caregivers. Why does supported sitting not provide the same input for learning that is experienced in independent sitting? This question is especially relevant for infants with gross motor delay, who require support in sitting for many months after typically developing infants sit independently. We observed infants with typical development (n = 34, ages 4–7 months) and infants with gross motor delay (n = 128, ages 7–16 months) in early stages of sitting development, and their caregivers, in a dyadic play observation. We predicted that infants who required caregiver support for sitting would spend more time facing away from the caregiver and less time contacting objects than infants who could sit independently. We also predicted that caregivers of supported sitters would spend less time contacting objects because their hands would be full supporting their infants. Our first two hypotheses were confirmed; however, caregivers spent surprisingly little time using both hands to provide support, and caregivers of supported sitters spent more time contacting objects than caregivers of independent sitters. Similar patterns were seen in the group of typically developing infants and the infants with motor delay. Our findings suggest that independent sitting and supported sitting provide qualitatively distinct experiences with different implications for social interaction and learning opportunities.


  • During seated free play, supported sitters spent more time facing away from their caregivers and less time handling objects than independent sitters.
  • Caregivers who spent more time supporting infants with both hands spent less time handling objects; however, caregivers mostly supported infants with one or no hands.
  • A continuous measure of sitting skill did not uniquely contribute to these behaviors beyond the effect of binary sitting support (supported vs. independent sitter).
  • The pattern of results was similar for typically developing infants and infants with gross motor delay, despite differences in age.

The short-term memory for serial order of third and fourth grade normal and retarded readres (Ns = 13) was studied. Six pictures of common objects were spatially presented and subjects were required to reconstruct the sequence. On the first six trials, the same pictures were repeatedly presented in different sequences. On the seventh trial, a new set of stimuli was introduced. Analysis of short-term memory over trials showed that normal and retarded readers were similar on Trial 1 but the performance of retarded readers deteriorated more over trials than the performance of normal readers. Short-term memory of both groups improved on Trial 7. The results indicate a greater susceptibility to interference in the short-term memory of retarded readers.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present experiment was to investigate the efficacy of a goal orientation procedure in their treatment of apathy, isolation, and insufficient goal setting skills in chronic psychiatric residents. The experiment was conducted in a behaviorally-oriented deinstitutionalization program in a state psychiatric hospital. Three male and four female chronic psychiatric residents served as research participants. A group repeated measures design with four within-participant phases (ABA‘B’) was utilized. The goal orientation procedure included a written schedule that was completed by each research participant daily. This Daily Living Schedule required that a behavior be specified by the participant for every half-hour period during the day (8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.). During all four phases of the experiment, research participants were observed on the ward from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. for engagement in scheduled target behaviors. The daily scheduling procedure produced substantial increases in appropriate behavior such as social activities, ward jobs, and participation in treatment programs, whereas decrease were produced in inappropriate behavior such as isolation and day time sleeping.  相似文献   

Mood Induction Procedures (MIP's) requiring subjects to read depressing self-referent statements have recently been employed in laboratory analogues of depression. Although these procedures have been shown to effect mood, their effectiveness in producing more general changes in behaviour has been less consistent. An alternative MIP was used in this study. Thirty-two male and female students listened either to a depressing or an affectively neutral tape. The MIP produced significant mood disturbance and significant decrease in self-rated activation. However, during the test phase, the MIP group showed greater behavioural activation in a counting speed measure, and facilitated performance on a shuttlebox noise-escape task. Evidence is presented which suggests that this represented a characteristic initial response by depressed and helpless subjects on laboratory tasks.  相似文献   

Three groups of three boys referred to a hospital study unit for evaluation of hyperactive behavior were tested on a classification task involving selective attention while on either dextroamphetamine (D) or placebo (P). In two sessions, groups had D first, P second (DP), or PD, or PP. Amphetamine reduces response times in general and reduces interference due to orthogonally varying irrelevant information. Practice while on placebo improves performance in a subsequent placebo session. Practice while on amphetamine does not, however, improve performance in the subsequent session on placebo. Assessment of the extent of the drug-state-related practice effect is necessary for evaluation of long-term benefits of dextroamphetamine therapy in these children.Thanks go to Ramona Roberts for assistance in running subjects. The University of Maryland Computer Science Center provided the computer facilities for data analysis.  相似文献   

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to assess the acute effects of placebo and three doses of methylphenidate (MPH) (0.3, 0.6, 0.9 mg/kg) on cognitive flexibility and overt behavior in 28 children with a confirmed diagnosis of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. Two underlying cognitive processes (response inhibition and response reengagement) were assessed by measuring the probability and speed with which subjects could inhibit responses to a primary task (forced-choice letter discrimination) and immediately execute a response to a secondary task (simple reaction time) when given a signal to do so. Results indicated that MPH enhanced cognitive flexibility, although the high dose was less effective than lower doses in enhancing response inhibition. Dissociations of dose effects on cognitive function and behavior were demonstrated: Dose-response functions for changes in behavior were linear, whereas the function for response inhibition was U-shaped. Findings argue against the typical clinical practice of determining the response to stimulant treatment from a single measure such as parent report of child behavior.  相似文献   

This study considered the efficacy of a Successive Field procedure in revealing properties of iconic memory. 8 subjects were required to identify differences between sequentially presented stimulus and target arrays of letters. While results were broadly in line with previous estimates of the capacity and duration of iconic storage, there was also evidence that identification of target letters depended on their position in the array.  相似文献   

Thirty-one children, selected for marked inattention and overactivity, were studied in a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study of essential fatty acid (EFA) supplementation. Subjects received the active treatment and placebo conditions for 4 weeks each and were assessed on a variety of cognitive, motor, and standardized rating scale measures. EFA supplementation (evening primrose oil; Efamol®) resulted in significantly lower levels of palmitoleic acid (a nonessential fatty acid) and higher concentrations of dihomogammalinolenic acid, an EFA previously found to be deficient in some hyperactive children. Supplementation was also associated with significant changes on two performance tasks and with significant improvement to parent ratings on the subscales designated as Attention Problem and Motor Excess of the Revised Behavior Problem Checklist. However, a variety of eight other psychomotor performance tests and two standardized teacher rating scales failed to indicate treatment effects. When the experimentwise probability level was set at.05, only 2 of 42 variables showed treatment effects. Baseline EFA concentrations appeared to be unrelated to treatment response. It was concluded that EFA supplementation, as employed here, produces minimal or no improvements in hyperactive children selected without regard to baseline EFA concentrations.This study was supported by grants from Efamol Research Inc., and the Medical Research Council of New Zeland. We thank Messers. Patrick Flynn and Mark Norwood for carrying out the statistical analyses.  相似文献   

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