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Contrary to the notion that individual and group therapy tap differing psychic functions, developmental levels, or therapeutic goals, in this paper the two modalities are seen as parts of an integrated whole, to be understood via the metaphorical and symbolic communications in each; each is a holographic reflection of the whole, the two together being internally consistent. Different levels of defensive operations may be observable in each, but taken together they reflect the entirety of the patient's psyche. The group's developmental level as well as the active use of this integrative approach by the therapist are also important. Clinical illustrations are presented.Paper presented at the Xth International Congress of Group Psychotherapy, Amsterdam, August 1989. The author acknowledges with gratitude the numerous invaluable contributions by Ms. Anna Aragno in the preparation of this paper.  相似文献   

In 1920, 66 years ago, in Geneva, on Claparede's initiative, 16 psychologists coming from 7 countries met to discuss "Nature and Nurture in Aptitude Development". They had a fruitful meeting, decided to create IAAP, and immediately started to organise the second Congress of Applied Psychology which took place in Barcelona in 1921. IAAP is, therefore, the oldest international association of psychologists. Thirty-five years later, and after a period of inactivity due to the war, there was a big step forward. Five hundred psychologists from 29 countries met in London for the 12th IAAP Congress, and Dr. Frisby, opening the Congress, could already take pride in the diversification of our field, quoting educational, clinical and social issues.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - The number of new laws produced by the United States Congress has declined in recent years, with the 2013 Congress yielding the fewest new laws ever. A formerly reliable...  相似文献   

In this presentation, a seven stage model of divorce is presented that the author believes has universal applicability. None-theless, the specifics which characterize each stage may vary from country to country, from one socioeconomic class to another, and in accordance with the dictates of the church — if it is a dominant force in a given society. An historical perspective is taken throughout, and a family life cycle model is implicit. Both divorce therapy and divorce mediation are addressed.She is the immediate past-president of the International Family Therapy Association.Paper originally prepared for presentation as a plenary address for the 2nd World Congress of Family Therapy, Krakow, Poland, September 1990.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The suitable personality traits for optimal leadership may depend on the type of leadership, the criterion of leader effectiveness, and various situational constraints This point was illustrated via the specific area of presidential leadership The working relationship between the Chief Executive and Congress, as defined by regular vetoes and vetoes overturned, provided the criterion variables for a congressional time-series analysis (N= 99) of all 39 American presidents The impact of a single personality attribute, presidential inflexibility, was examined in the context of several variables suggested by past research The relation between inflexibility and willingness to exploit the regular veto varied according to the incumbent's electoral mandate, while the association between inflexibility and the propensity of Congress to override a veto depended on the extent to which the president's party controlled Congress—this last interaction was labeled the Johnson-Wilson effect In the context of the person-situation debate, these findings illustrate how certain situations can determine whether, and to what degree, a stable individual attribute will have behavioral manifestations  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(4):187-199
The political and scientific climate is ready for a change in perspective in the field of military personnel psychology. Although more than 200,000 of America's most fit young men and women pass through the military establishment each year, we know very little about the effects of their early military experiences on their life choices or on their subsequent military or civilian careers. Recent interest in these issues shown by Congress, the press, and the Department of Defense (DoD) strongly suggests that psychologists need to address research questions that can evaluate the real lifetime costs and benefits of military service. Current military personnel research approaches are inadequate for this task. Life-course theory is presented as a viable and vigorous conceptual and analytic framework for accomplishing this mission.  相似文献   

The addition of a psychologist to its staff provided the United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control with an opportunity to add survey technology to its traditional oversight information gathering armamentarium. Surveys of state and local drug abuse program managers, law enforcement and prosecutorial officials, state attorneys general, and members of congress itself provided the Select Committee with information that supplemented that obtained by hearings and congressionally sponsored conferences. Answers to different questions in the different surveys were in general agreement with each other and with information obtained through hearings, providing a rough measure of the reliability and utility of the technique for oversight purposes. Survey results were incorporated in committee reports and are credited with providing information necessary to sustain the Select Committee's recommendations for drug abuse and control to the Congress.  相似文献   

Equal employment opportunity (EEO) law is constantly evolving and many changes can happen in 50 years. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has always been the most comprehensive law related to workplace discrimination. Like all laws, Title VII has matured over time, including amendments by Congress, refinement by the courts, and creation and updates of regulations by enforcement agencies. However, there are several controversies that have endured during this maturation process, and this article focuses on four of them: (1) adverse impact theory, (2) reverse discrimination, (3) sexual harassment, and (4) retaliation. There are common issues across these controversies. However, for purposes of exposition, each one is treated as a separate entity. For each of the four controversies, we review historical context, recommend compliance strategies and share best EEO practice recommendations for practitioners and employers.  相似文献   

This paper was presented at the XIX World Congress of Philosophy, “Mankind at a Turning Point: Philosophical Perspectives” held in Moscow, August 22-28, 1993. The author, representing the International Association of Women Philosophers, criticizes the use of “Mankind” in the Congress title and incorporates a resolution, subsequently passed unanimously by the steering committee of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophic, that calls for the use of non-sexist language at future World Congresses.  相似文献   

The controversy surrounding B. Rind, P. Tromovitch, and R. Bauserman (1998) provides valuable lessons into scientific independence, politics, and organizational decision making. In an unprecedented action, the U.S. Congress officially condemned findings of Rind et al. Meanwhile, the American Psychological Association took similarly unprecedented measures in an effort to assuage its Congressional critics. This article, written from the perspective of a psychologist serving in Congress, discusses the various political and organizational dynamics that developed during the controversy. Understanding and learning from this incident can help psychologists and their professional associations better prepare for and respond to potential controversies arising from research or other publications.  相似文献   

Conclusion No doubt the Western conceptualization of the East generally served to subjugate the Indians to their colonial rulers, but it also provided a set of beliefs to which disgruntled Western occultists and radicals, and also Western-educated Indians, could appeal in order to defend the dignity and worth of Indian religion and society. No doubt the founding theosophists had no intention of promoting political radicalism on the subcontinent, but the discourse they helped to establish provided others with an instrument they could use for political ends. Indeed, the formation of the Indian National Congress shows how Western-educated Indians were able to join with Hume to promote their political ends using the particular advantages that involvement in the Theosophical Society had given them. The founders of the Indian National Congress relied on the contacts and commitments generated within the Society; they relied on a capacity for, and a belief in, cooperation, both at an all-India level and also between Indian nationalists and liberal Britons; and they relied on a background discourse that emphasized the strength and claims of India, its heritage and religion. Although we have focused on the origins of the Indian National Congress, the process we have uncovered continued to operate for much of the nationalist era. Annie Besant, like Hume and Sinnett, used theosophy to resolve the Victorian crisis of faith after she had spent some time investigating spiritualist phenomena, and her theosophy combined with her radicalism to take her into the nationalist movement, where she became the only Western woman ever to be elected as president of the Indian National Congress (Taylor 1992). Gandhi (1948), like Malabari, Rao, and Sen, used theosophy to help restore his pride in his native culture to support his vision of ancient India as a vital, rational, and moral society. British occultists such as Besant and Western-educated Indians such as Gandhi turned to theosophy for different reasons, but once they had done so, they shared practices and intellectual commitments that helped sustain the nationalist movement.  相似文献   

IUPS News     
During the 15th International Congress of Psychology (Brussels, 1957) the problem of publications favoring the efficient communication of scientific information in the field of psychology was given special attention. The International Union of Psychological Science expressed its major interest in this field. As a consequence, a report on this matter was prepared by the Union's Secretary General, Roger W. Russell, and during the next Congress (Bonn, 1960) the Assembly of the Union approved unanimously the recommendation of the report for establishing a Committee of Publication and Communication. Prof. H.C.J. Duijker (Amsterdam) was appointed its first chairman.  相似文献   


In 1978, Ermann and Lundman put forth the most sophisticated organizational deviance framework to date. They conceptualized organizational deviance as actions by an organization that interfere with the flow of benefits to actors with legitimate claims upon that organization. Further, they stipulated that these claims are protected by “controlling organizations.” We apply Ermann and Lundman’s framework to Congress and conclude that it is a deviant organization. We then contemplate the challenges to social control that congressional deviance poses, and contend that the “exempt status” enjoyed by Congress – in that it writes its own rules and polices itself – should be removed.  相似文献   

Voici un résumé et un compte rendu évaluatif du XXV Congrès International de Psychologie Appliquée (ICAP) qui s'est tenu du 7 au 12 juillet 2002 au Suntec Convention Center à Singapour. Ce sont au total 1659 personnes provenant de 66 pays qui se sont inscrites au Congrès. Le programme scientifique comprenait 54 communications de personnalités invitées, 884 propositions individuelles d'intervention orale ou de poster et 130 symposiums d'une demi-heure répartis dans 12 sessions parallèles. Différents critères peuvent être retenus pour évaluer le succés de cette recontre. Une première pour ce Congrès fut l'exploitation des nouvelles technologies dans la conception et al réalisation du programme scientifique par un comité international. Ce rapport examine les points où des améliorations seraient envisageables et conclut sur des recommendations dont les futurs Congrès pourront tirer profit.
This is a summary and evaluation report on the XXV International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP), held from 7 to 12 July 2002 at the Suntec Convention Center, Singapore. A total of 1,659 persons from 66 countries registered for the Congress. The scientific program included 54 invited addresses, 884 individual submissions for oral and poster presentations, and 130 1–2 hour symposia in 12 concurrent sessions. Various criteria are suggested as possible indexes to evaluate the success of the Congress. A first for this Congress was the harnessing of global electronic technology in the development and delivery of the Scientific Program by an international committee. The report details possible areas for improvement, and concludes with recommendations for future ICAP congresses.  相似文献   

In 1933 Hitler and the Nazi party came to power in Germany. At the same time, in Canada in general and in Montreal in particular, anti-Semitism was becoming more widespread. The Canadian Jewish Congress, as a result of the growing tension in Europe and the increase in anti-Semitism at home, was reborn in 1934 and became the authoritative voice of Canadian Jewry. During World War II the Nazis embarked on a campaign that resulted in the systematic extermination of millions of Jews. This article focuses on the Montreal Jewish community, its leadership, and their response to the fate of European Jewry. The study pays particular attention to the Canadian Jewish Congress which influenced the outlook of the community and its subsequent actions. As the war progressed, loyalty to Canada and support for the war effort became the overriding issues for the community and the leadership and concern for their European brethren faded into the background.  相似文献   

The relationship between the IAAP (International Association for Analytical Psychology) and the JAP (  Journal of Analytical Psychology ) in the course of their 50-year old existence is explored from historical, theoretical, institutional, personal and clinical perspectives. This relationship is seen to have been contentious as well as complementary in promoting an interdisciplinary approach to Jungian clinical practice. The complementary aspects are evidenced in the training programmes of IAAP constituent Societies and in papers presented at the Cambridge Congress of 2001 and the Barcelona Congress of 2004. The role of the Journal in holding together different, sometimes divergent, views relating to Jung's concepts and theories, and in subjecting these views to discussion, debate and assessment as to their clinical relevance and effectiveness, is explored.  相似文献   

J. Kraft 《Erkenntnis》1976,8(1):392-396
Ohne ZusammenfassungPaper sent in for the fifth International Congress for the Unity of Science (Cambridge, Mass. 1939).  相似文献   

Mexico City was the venue of the first Regional Congress of Psychology for Professionals in the Americas which was held from 27 July to 2 August 1997. This imaginative initiative was organized by the Instituto Mexicano de Investigacion de Familia y Problacion (IMIFAP) and the Associacion Mexicana de Psicologia Social (AMEPSO), and had the international support of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), the International Union of Psychological Science, the Interamerica Society of Psychology (SIP), and the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP). With a view to not only stimulating the development of professional psychology in Latin America but also strengthening the interface of the science and practice of psychology internationally, the Congress was an outstanding success as evidenced by the depth and quality of its scientific programme, the rich variety of its programme of social and cultural events, and its huge attendance.  相似文献   

Courts and the Congress have recently extended to school children safeguards encompassed by procedural due process in cases involving disciplinary suspensions and special education placements. The meaning of due process and its implications for psychologists are illustrated in a hypothetical dialogue between a constitutional lawyer and a school psychologist.  相似文献   

The present paper is thought as a formal study of distributive closure systems which arise in the domain of sentential logics. Special stress is laid on the notion of a C-filter, playing the role analogous to that of a congruence in universal algebra. A sentential logic C is called filter distributive if the lattice of C-filters in every algebra similar to the language of C is distributive. Theorem IV.2 in Section IV gives a method of axiomatization of those filter distributive logics for which the class Matr (C) prime of C-prime matrices (models) is axiomatizable. In Section V, the attention is focused on axiomatic strengthenings of filter distributive logics. The theorems placed there may be regarded, to some extent, as the matrix counterparts of Baker's well-known theorem from universal algebra [9, § 62, Theorem 2].The contents of this paper were presented in a talk at the 7th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science held at Salzburg, Austria, in July 1983. In abstracted form the paper was published in Abstracts of the 7th Congress, Vol. 2, pp. 39– 42. We take this opportunity to thank Professor Paul Weingartner and Doctor Georg Dorn from Salzburg for their (not fulfilled) wish to publish the present version in a special volume containing a selection of contributions to the 7th Congress.  相似文献   

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