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This study evaluates the differential effectiveness of six different anti-litter procedures in two neighborhood theaters. The procedures used to encourage individuals in attendance to pick up litter and deposit it properly included: providing litterbags, providing litterbags with instructions to use them, providing extra trash cans, showing a special anti-litter film before the feature film, and providing incentives for the appropriate deposit of litter. In both theaters, the incentive procedures resulted in the removal of over 90% of all litter by the children in attendance, a figure far above that achieved by the other procedures investigated.  相似文献   

Three experiments attempted to replicate Manabe, Kawashima, and Staddon's (1995) finding of emergent differential sample behavior in budgerigars that has been interpreted as evidence of functional equivalence class formation. In Experiments 1 and 2, pigeons initially learned two-sample/ two-alternative matching to sample in which comparison presentation was contingent on pecking one sample on a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate (DRL) schedule and the other on a fixed-ratio (FR) schedule. Later, two new samples were added to the task. Comparison presentation on these trials occurred after the first sample peck following a predetermined interval (Experiment 1) or after completion of either the DRL or FR requirement, whichever occurred first (Experiment 2). Experiment 1 found no evidence for emergent spaced versus rapid responding to the new samples as they established conditional control over the familiar choices. By contrast, differential responding did emerge for some pigeons in Experiment 2, with responding to each new sample coinciding with the pattern explicitly conditioned to the original sample occasioning the same comparison choice. This emergent effect, however, disappeared for most pigeons with continued training. Experiment 3 systematically replicated Experiment 2 using differential peck location as the sample behavior. Differential location pecking emerged to the new samples for most pigeons and remained intact throughout training. Our findings demonstrate a viable pigeon analogue to the budgerigar emergent calling paradigm and are discussed in terms of equivalence- and non-equivalence-based processes.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study investigated the development of reaching behavior in the seated position in preterm infants at the ages of 5–7 months by analyzing kinematic variables (straightness and adjustment indexes, movement unit, mean and final velocities). The correlation between kinematic variables and grasping was verified. The participants were nine low-risk preterm infants with no cerebral lesions. Ten fullterm infants served as control. In both groups, kinematic variables remained unchanged over age, except for the adjustment index, which was higher at 6 months in the preterm group. Successful grasping increased in both groups over age and it was shown to be negatively correlated with mean velocity in the preterm infants. At the ages of 6 and 7 months, preterms showed lower mean and final velocities and higher adjustment index when compared with fullterms. The relative constancy in the kinematic variables suggests that, after having explored the action possibilities during the acquisition phase, the infants selected an adaptative pattern to perform the reaching movements. Slower movements and greater adjustments may be functional strategies of preterms to achieve successful grasps.  相似文献   

This research provides a systematic analysis of the nonverbal expression of pride. Study 1 manipulated behavioral movements relevant to pride (e.g., expanded posture and head tilt) to identify the most prototypical pride expression and determine the specific components that are necessary and sufficient for reliable recognition. Studies 2 and 3 tested whether the 2 conceptually and empirically distinct facets of pride ("authentic" and "hubristic"; J. L. Tracy & R. W. Robins, 2007a) are associated with distinct nonverbal expressions. Results showed that neither the prototypical pride expression nor several recognizable variants were differentially associated with either facet, suggesting that for the most part, authentic and hubristic pride share the same signal. Together these studies indicate that pride can be reliably assessed from nonverbal behaviors. In the Appendix, the authors provide guidelines for a pride behavioral coding scheme, akin to the Emotion Facial Action Coding System (EMFACS; P. Ekman & E. Rosenberg, 1997) for assessing "basic" emotions from observable nonverbal behaviors.  相似文献   

The relationship context of human behavior and development   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The influence of social relationships on human development and behavior is receiving increased attention from psychologists, who are central contributors to the rapidly developing multidisciplinary field of relationship science. In this article, the authors selectively review some of the significant strides that have been made toward understanding the effects of relationships on development and behavior and the processes by which relationships exert their influence on these, with the purpose of highlighting important questions that remain to be answered, controversial issues that need to be resolved, and potentially profitable paths for future inquiry. The authors' thesis is that important advances in psychological knowledge will be achieved from concerted investigation of the relationship context in which most important human behaviors are developed and displayed.  相似文献   

This study identified events in the competitive process that could be employed to discriminate between competition and individual, non-social behaviors. When children competed they overtly sought out information on how they were doing vis-à-vis their fellow competitor. In addition, their performance was a function of some competitive contingency: a reward for surpassing another. The procedures developed in this study were designed to manipulate competitive contingencies while observing their effects on task performance and social comparisons. The investigator could thus infer that competition was present when (1) subjects sought out information on how they were doing, as well as how another was doing on comparable tasks during competitive contingencies, and (2) their task performance was a function of the competitive contingency.  相似文献   

Traditionally, forensic mental health services have focused on the assessment and treatment of offenders with serious mental disorders. In recent years, there has been growing recognition that forensic clinicians have an important role to play for those offenders who engage in criminal acts driven by psychological or/and social problems, which may, or may not, occur in conjunction with a major mental disorder. This is especially true for specific offenses such as stalking and threatening. This article describes the innovation of the problem behavior model. This model uses a reductionist approach and the nexus between psychiatry and psychology to address the complex phenomena associated with specific problem behaviors that often culminate in offenses. The model is illustrated by describing the development of specialist clinics for the problem behaviors of stalking and threatening.  相似文献   

The development of concern for others in children with behavior problems   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The development of concern for others and externalizing problems were examined in young children with normative, subclinical, or clinical levels of behavior problems. There were no group differences in observable concern for others at 4-5 years of age. Children with clinical behavior problems decreased significantly in their concern by 6-7 years of age and were reported to have less concern at 6-7 years by mothers, teachers, and the children themselves, relative to other groups. Boys with clinical problems were more callous to others' distress at both time points. Girls showed more concern than boys across risk, time, and measures. Greater concern at 4-5 years predicted decreases in the stability and severity of externalizing problems by 6-7 years, and greater concern at 6-7 years predicted decreases in the stability of problems by 9-10 years. Finally, maternal socialization approaches predicted later concerned responding.  相似文献   

Male mice of the CF-1 strain (Mus musculus) were allowed to take up lone residence in a small territory consisting of a 60-cm enclosure attached by a tubular runway to a standard mouse cage with food, water, and bedding. A group of ten mice, each of which resided in its own separate enclosure for 24 hours, were more aggressive toward intruders than other groups of ten mice following six-hour residence periods, or no such residence. Aggression toward intruders increased in repeated weekly tests of the six-hour residents, but after four weeks of testing did not reach the maximum stable level displayed by the 24-hour residents over four weeks of testing. In another experiment, the 24-hour residence period of groups of 20 CF-1 male mice was disturbed by briefly removing the mouse from the enclosure, before introducing the intruder, at various intervals prior to testing. Removal of the resident five minutes before testing resulted in a marked decrease in aggression toward intruders. Although lesser decreases in aggression followed intervals of 30, 45, and 60 minutes, a 180 minute interval resulted in no appreciable effects compared to undisturbed controls. It is concluded that exposure to the stimuli provided by the enclosure results in an aggressive readiness in the resident mouse which reaches a high level within a 24-hour period.  相似文献   

The normative development of child and adolescent problem behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to identify normative developmental trajectories of parent-reported problems assessed with the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; T. M. Achenbach, 1991) in a representative sample of 2,076 children aged 4 to 18 years from the general population. The trajectories were determined by multilevel growth curve analyses on the CBCL syndromes in a Longitudinal multiple birth-cohort sample that was assessed 5 times with 2-year intervals. Most syndromes showed a linear increase or decrease with age or a curvilinear trajectory, except for thought problems. Trajectories for most syndromes differed for boys versus girls, except those for withdrawn, social problems, and thought problems. These normative developmental trajectories provide information against which developmental deviance in childhood and adolescence can be detected.  相似文献   

The intertroop agonistic behavior of a troop of Macaca mulatta villosa was studied in both forested and urban areas. Intertroop contacts lasted longer and were more likely to involve aggression in the town than in the forest. In particular, adult males and adult females when in urban areas showed a significantly higher rate of the most extreme forms of agonism, such as attacks, chases, and fights, than when in the forest. Data are explained in relation to feeding patterns and environmental differences and show the great flexibility of social behavior in these primates. Genetic selection for a high level of aggression in an urban population of macaques is not considered likely.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence suggests that women have added the role of worker to their characteristic adult roles of wife and mother. The inclusion of a work cycle in the female life course is a significant alteration of traditional roles, and is likely to have a major impact on both individual lives and the social structure. However, little has been done to incorporate these changes into theoretical perspectives on occupational development. This paper examines the literature on women and work by reviewing, at the societal level, the trends in female labor force activity since 1900 and, at the individual level, theories of the development of occupational behavior. An integration of these two areas is then suggested through an evaluation of their relevance to the human development paradigm.  相似文献   

亲组织非伦理行为(UPB)作为一种非利己型的非伦理行为正逐渐受到学界的关注,当前研究大多围绕UPB的前因和形成机制展开,但缺乏对UPB结果变量的探讨。本研究通过对92名主管与399名员工的数据进行跨层次分析,探讨UPB对职业发展的影响机制。研究发现:UPB显著正向影响职业发展,上下级关系在UPB与职业发展之间起着部分中介作用,伦理型领导负向调节上下级关系对UPB与职业发展关系间的中介作用。  相似文献   

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