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Four groups of three subjects resided for 10 days within a continuously programmed environment. Subjects followed a behavioral program of contingently scheduled activities that determined individual and social behaviors. A triadic condition was in effect when all three subjects were required to select simultaneous access to a group area before it became available for a social episode. A dyadic condition was in effect when access to a group area was permitted to any combination of two, and only two, subjects. The effects of these two conditions on individual and social behaviors were studied in reversal designs with several successive days devoted to each condition. Results showed that durations of social activities and synchronization of individual activities were greater during triadic conditions than during dyadic conditions. Under both conditions, wake-sleep cycles departed from a typical day-night rhythm for most subjects. Instances when subjects did not respond to each others' attempts to initiate conversations using the intercom were generally more frequent during dyadic than triadic conditions. Physical distance during triadic social episodes was found to be related to sociability levels during dyadic conditions.  相似文献   

Pigeons pecked a key, producing food reinforcement on fixed-ratio (FR) schedules requiring 50, 100, or 150 responses. In each session, 30-second timeouts were inserted before a random half of the FR trials, whereas the other trials began immediately after reinforcement. In general, preratio pauses were shorter on trials preceded by timeouts. On these trials, the probability of a first response tended to be highest in the first 20 seconds of the trials, suggesting that the shorter pauses were the result of transient behavioral contrast. Direct observations and analyses of interresponse times (IRTs) after the preratio pause indicated that IRTs could be grouped into three categories: (1) IRTs of about .1 second, which were produced by small head movements in the vicinity of the key; (2) IRTs of about .3 second, which were produced by distinct pecking motions; and (3) IRTs greater than .5 second, which were accompanied by pausing or movements away from the key. At all ratio sizes, as a subject progressed through a trial, the probability of a long IRT decreased, whereas the probability of an intermediate IRT usually increased at first and then decreased. The probability of a short IRT increased monotonically across a trial. The results show that responding changes systematically as a subject progresses through a ratio on an FR schedule. Some characteristics of performance varied as functions of the absolute size of the response requirement, whereas others appeared to depend on the relative location within a ratio (i.e., the proportion of the ratio completed at a given moment).  相似文献   

An experimental analysis of the cost of food in a closed economy.   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Rats lived in individual chambers in which the only food available was delivered for lever pressing. During Stage I, a fixed number of presses was required for each food pellet. As this fixed ratio of presses per food pellet was increased daily, a rat's daily intake of food was reduced. During Stage II, the cost of a food pellet was increased by replacing each fixed ratio with its interval equivalent. Each interval was a rat's mean time between the first press of a ratio and the delivery of a pellet during Stage I. During Stage II, only two presses were every required for a food pellet: The first press initiated a delay and the second activated the pellet dispenser after that delay elapsed. Food intakes for the series of fixed ratios and a rat's series of delay equivalents were very similar when plotted as a function of delay, but not when plotted as a function of presses per pellet. Consequently, the fixed ratio reduced food intake because larger ratios increased delay to food from the first press of a ratio. Observations and an analysis of interresponse times further revealed that as the fixed ratio increased, and local as well as overall rate of food intake decreased, lever pressing became more stereotyped. Because this increased stereotypy resulted in greatly increased rates of lever pressing, delay to food was minimized, and perhaps more importantly, so too was the reduction of a rat's baseline daily intake.  相似文献   

Rats' presses on one lever canceled shocks programmed after variable cycles, while presses on a second lever occasionally produced a 2-min timout during which the shock-delection schedule was suspended and its correlated stimuli removed. These concurrent schedules of avoidance and timeout were embedded in a multiple schedule whose components differed, within and across conditions, in terms of the programmed shock rate associated with the shock-deletion schedule. Analyses based on the generalized matching law suggest that the reduction in the response requirement correlated with termination of the avoidance schedule was a more important factor in the reinforcing effectiveness of timeout than was shock-frequency reduction, at least in 2 of 3 rats. After training in each condition, responding on the timeout lever was extinguished by withholding timeouts in both components over seven sessions. Resistance to extinction varied directly with the rates of both shock-frequency reduction and avoidance-response reduction experienced during training. Although reduction in response effort appeared to dominate shock-frequency reduction in the maintenance of responding, neither factor had a clear advantage in predicting the course of extinction.  相似文献   

Three experiments conducted in an automated ten-compartment chamber recorded collateral activities of rats reinforced for lever pressing on differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedules. In Experiment 1, the rate of lever pressing increased when stimulus support for collateral activities was removed, thus confirming earlier findings. However, there were no temporal or sequential patterns of collateral activities that predicted operant responding. In Experiment 2, the rate of lever pressing increased only if (a) access to all stimulus support for collateral activities was simultaneously prevented, and (b) the rat was forced to remain in the presence of the lever and food tray. The availability of any of the stimuli related to collateral activity was sufficient to keep lever-pressing rates from increasing. Experiment 3 examined collateral activities under a signaled differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule. Preventing access to stimuli supporting collateral activities had little effect on stable lever pressing when the signal was maintained. When the signal was removed, collateral activities continued, but lever-pressing rates increased in three of the four rats and rates of food presentation declined in all rats. Hypotheses that collateral activities have (a) a timekeeping or discriminative function, or (b) directly inhibit operant responding were not supported. The results suggest that collateral activities may facilitate operant responding by simply removing the subject from the presence of reinforcement-related stimuli.  相似文献   

Sequential reacquisition as a function of timeout from avoidance   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Rats learned to reacquire four similar three-member response sequences. Each sequence member was associated with a different response lever, and the correct sequence of levers (i.e., 3-1-2, 2-1-3, 1-3-2, and 2-3-1) changed each session. The first two correct responses of each sequence postponed shock for a fixed period of time. The third correct response initiated a signalled timeout from avoidance. Incorrect responses did not affect the shock interval or reset the sequence. The effects of manipulating timeout duration on the sequential reacquisition baseline were investigated. All subjects displayed biphasic reacquisition performances similar to those controlled by food. The phases were characterized by an initial increase in accuracy, which reached a stable level during the latter portion of each session. Timeout duration affected rate of sequence completion and shock density, but not percentage of errors. Rate of sequence completion was fastest with intermediate timeouts (15 to 60 sec), and slowest with extreme durations (1 or 120 sec). Shock densities peaked with extreme durations and were at minimum with intermediate timeout values. The percentage of errors was the same across timeout durations. These data extend the generality of sequential reacquisition as a procedure for studying learning, and demonstrate timeout from avoidance to be a controlling variable.  相似文献   

A discrimination was established between two fixed-ratio schedules of reinforcement. In one, fixed ratio 25, the reinforcer was delivered on the twenty-fifth response; on the other, fixed ratio 50, the fiftieth response was reinforced. In the first component of a chain, either fixed ratio 25 or fixed ratio 50 was randomly programmed on the center key of a three-key pigeon box. Reinforcement of a single peck on the side key was contingent upon discriminating which schedule had just been completed on the center key. During test trials, a timeout was introduced after the first response on fixed ratio 25 and after either the first or twenty sixth response on fixed ratio 50. When the timeout followed the first response on fixed ratio 25 and fixed ratio 50, the accuracy of the discrimination was unaffected. When the timeout followed the first response on fixed ratio 25 and the twenty sixth response on fixed ratio 50, the accuracy of the discrimination decreased rapidly to chance as a function of the duration of the timeout. The loss of discrimination was primarily due to errors after fixed ratio 50 was completed. The timeout appears to weaken the control over the choice response by the response-produced stimuli which preceded the timeout. The results are consistent with the interpretation that the discrimination between fixed ratio 25 and fixed ratio 50 is maintained by chaining of response-produced stimuli within the ratio cycle.  相似文献   

Three pigeons were trained under a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedule of 20 sec, and then exposed to a schedule under which responses terminating interresponse times less than 20 sec produced timeout and responses terminating interresponse times greater than 20 sec produced reinforcement. Response-produced timeouts selectively decreased the probability of short interresponse times and thereby produced a higher frequency of reinforcement. The suppressive effect of timeout was independent of timeout duration, with timeouts of 5, 10, or 20 sec. Similar effects were found when the minimum interresponse time that could be terminated by response-produced reinforcement was increased to 30 sec. The suppressive effects of timeout on responding maintained by these schedules were similar to previous reports in which responding was punished with electric shock.  相似文献   

In two experiments a multiple-response repertoire of four free-operant responses was developed with university students as subjects using monetary gain as reinforcement. Following baseline, one of the responses was reduced either by making monetary loss contingent upon it (response cost) or by removing it from the repertoire (response restriction). In Experiment 1 a multielement baseline design was employed in which baseline and restriction or response-cost contingencies alternated semirandomly every 3 minutes. In Experiment 2 a reversal design was employed (i.e., baseline, restriction or response cost, then baseline), and each response required a different amount of effort. Both experiments had the following results: (a) The target response decreased substantially; (b) most nontarget responses increased, and the rest remained near their baseline levels; and (c) no support was found for Dunham's hierarchical, most frequent follower, or greatest temporal similarity rules. For several subjects, the least probable responses during baseline increased most, and the most probable responses increased least. Furthermore, in Experiment 2, responses with the lowest frequency of reinforcement increased most (for all 7 subjects), and those with the greatest frequency of reinforcement increased least (for 5 subjects).  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to peck a key under a multiple fixed-ratio 25 fixed-ratio 175 schedule of food presentation. In the first condition, either a mirror or the opportunity to produce a 30-second timeout were available. In a second condition, mirror and timeout availability were reversed for the two groups. Following a return to the initial condition, mirror and timeout keys were presented together for all birds. Mirror and timeout responses occurred predominantly in the pause in the larger fixed-ratio component, regardless of whether the opportunities for the two responses were available singly or together. Mirror responding occurred in a greater proportion of the pauses than did timeouts. When the opportunities for both mirror pecking and timeout were available concurrently, they occurred with probabilities similar to those under the single conditions. Within the pause itself, mirror responses most frequently occurred immediately after reinforcement. Timeouts occurred most frequently toward the end of the pause, and some timeouts occurred in the early part of the run. Longer preratio pausing occurred in the larger fixed-ratio component in the conditions in which the mirror was present, whether or not any mirror pecks were recorded.  相似文献   

This experiment attempted to bring behavior under joint control of two distinct contingencies, one that provided food and a second that extended the periods during which that food was available. Pigeons' responses on each of two keys were reinforced according to a single random-interval schedule of food presentation except during signaled timeout periods during which the schedule was temporarily disabled. By means of a conjoint schedule, responses on the initially less preferred key not only produced food but also canceled impending timeouts. When behavior came to predominate on this conjoint alternative, the consequences of responding on the two keys were reversed. Responding in 3 of 4 pigeons proved sensitive to the conjoint scheduled consequences, as evidenced by systematic shifts in response rates favoring the conjoint key. In 2 of these 3 pigeons, sensitivity to the conjoint contingency was evident under time-in:timeout ratios of 2:1 (time-in = 120 s, timeout = 60 s) and 1:5 (time-in = 30 s, timeout = 150 s), whereas for the other pigeon preference for the conjoint key was observed only under the latter sequence of conditions. There was only weak evidence of control by the conjoint scheduled consequences in the 4th subject, despite extended training and forced exposure to the conjoint alternative. The overall pattern of results is consistent with studies of timeout avoidance but also shares features in common with positively reinforced behavior.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of multiple treatment procedures, including simultaneous presentation of preferred foods, on the packing behavior of a 9-year-old girl with autism. A reversal design was used to assess the effects of differential reinforcement with response cost alone and with simultaneous presentation. In addition, simultaneous presentation was assessed independent of differential reinforcement with response cost. Results indicated that simultaneous presentation reduced packing and that differential reinforcement with response cost was not necessary to maintain these reductions. Results are discussed in terms of the use of simultaneous presentation for packing as an alternative to consequence manipulations.  相似文献   

In the current study, we examined the utility of a procedure consisting of noncontingent reinforcement with and without response cost in the treatment of inappropriate vocalizations maintained by automatic reinforcement. Results are discussed in terms of examining the variables that contribute to the effectiveness of response cost as treatment for problem behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement.  相似文献   

Response variability is sensitive to antecedent and consequent manipulations. Researchers have investigated inducement, direct production through reinforcement, and stimulus control of response variability. Recently, researchers have shown that lag reinforcement schedules reliably increase variability but may also produce higher‐order stereotypy. There has been limited investigation of appropriate variability levels and alternation between repetition and variation. In a three‐part study, we evaluated levels of variability across a group of children, the effects of various procedures on producing response variability and novelty, and the use of schedule‐correlated stimuli for producing rapid alternation between repetition and variation. In Study 1, there was a nearly bimodal distribution of children emitting either low or high variability. In Study 2, for most children, fixed lag 4 and variable lag 4 schedules produced the highest levels of variability and novelty. In Study 3, responding was brought under control of schedule‐correlated stimuli, allowing for rapid alternation between repetition and variation.  相似文献   

The occurrence, time course, and repeatability of response rate increases following the onset of extinction, the extinction burst, were studied in three experiments. Nine pigeons were exposed to at least 5 cycles of 5-session blocks of conditioning followed by 8-session blocks of extinction. In different experiments, conditioning sessions either were a fixed-ratio (FR) or variable-ratio (VR) schedule, and transitions from the last conditioning session in each cycle to the first extinction session were conducted between or within sessions. A single response rate increase occurred when overall response rates were considered. Restricting analyses to the first minute of extinction sessions sometimes revealed increases in response rates, although this finding was inconsistent. The frequency and magnitude of these increases differed across exposures to extinction both across and within pigeons. Additionally, how responding during extinction was measured (i.e., the level of analysis) influenced whether increases above baseline levels were observed. These results suggest that the extinction burst may be influenced by the manner of transition to extinction and the way in which early extinction responding is measured. Under the best conditions, the extinction burst does not appear to be a ubiquitous effect of extinction.  相似文献   

In a pilot study, a multielement design was used to assess the effectiveness of a response cost procedure on a 7-year-old child's hyperactive behavior and academic performance across days. The procedure was effective in reducing off-task behavior and in increasing academic assignment completion. In Experiment 2, three strategies were compared to a no-treatment baseline in treating an 8-year-old hyperactive child: drug (Ritalin) alone, response cost alone, and drug plus response cost. The cost program alone and the cost program combined with medication were effective in reducing off-task behavior and in increasing academic performance. In both studies, the procedure was viewed by the teachers as practical and effective for use in a classroom setting. The subjects liked the cost system and believed that they completed more academic work when it was operative.  相似文献   

Responding was maintained in squirrel monkeys under variable-interval schedules of electric shock presentation when a period of timeout followed each response-dependent shock. Response rate decreased when timeout duration was decreased, and responding ceased when timeout was eliminated. These results indicate that under certain conditions, a shock-free period following each response-produced shock is necessary to maintain responding.  相似文献   

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