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Interteaching is a new method of classroom instruction that is based on behavioral principles but offers more flexibility than other behaviorally based methods. We examined the effectiveness of interteaching relative to a traditional form of classroom instruction-the lecture. In Study 1, participants in a graduate course in special education took short quizzes after alternating conditions of interteaching and lecture. Quiz scores following interteaching were higher than quiz scores following lecture, although both methods improved performance relative to pretest measures. In Study 2, we also alternated interteaching and lecture but counterbalanced the conditions across two sections of an undergraduate research methods class. After each unit of information, participants from both sections took the same test. Again, test scores following interteaching were higher than test scores following lecture. In addition, students correctly answered more interteaching-based questions than lecture-based questions on a cumulative final test. In both studies, the majority of students reported a preference for interteaching relative to traditional lecture. In sum, the results suggest that interteaching may be an effective alternative to traditional lecture-based methods of instruction.  相似文献   

Researchers in the behavioural sciences have been presented with a host of pairwise multiple comparison procedures that attempt to obtain an optimal combination of Type I error control, power, and ease of application. However, these procedures share one important limitation: intransitive decisions. Moreover, they can be characterized as a piecemeal approach to the problem rather than a holistic approach. Dayton has recently proposed a new approach to pairwise multiple comparisons testing that eliminates intransitivity through a model selection procedure. The present study compared the model selection approach (and a protected version) with three powerful and easy‐to‐use stepwise multiple comparison procedures in terms of the proportion of times that the procedure identified the true pattern of differences among a set of means across several one‐way layouts. The protected version of the model selection approach selected the true model a significantly greater proportion of times than the stepwise procedures and, in most cases, was not affected by variance heterogeneity and non‐normality.  相似文献   

Intensive vs. reduced demand self-monitored pain levels were compared in nine pain patients. Each patient self-monitored pain intensity on a 6-point scale every 2 hr. Overall, daily mean and maximum pain levels were calculated for each patient (1) across all intervals (intensive self-monitoring) and (2) four times per day, at meal times and bedtime (reduced-demand self-monitoring). Differences were found to be negligible. The reduced-demand procedure produced data that were closely representative of pain fluctuations indicated in the more intensive bihourly ratings. Results are discussed in terms of the representativeness and standardization in pain self-monitoring as well as possible enhancement of recording compliance through the use of the less demanding four times per day procedure.Portions of these data were presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Dearborn, June 1979.  相似文献   

A within-subjects comparison was made of pigeons' performance on two temporal discrimination procedures that were signaled by differently colored keylight samples. During stimulus trials, a peck on the key displaying a slanted line was reinforced following short keylight samples, and a peck on the key displaying a horizontal line was reinforced following long keylight samples, regardless of the location of the stimuli on those two choice keys. During position trials, a peck on the left key was reinforced following short keylight samples and a peck on the right key was reinforced following long keylight samples, regardless of which line stimulus appeared on the correct key. Thus, on stimulus trials, the correct choice key could not be discriminated prior to the presentation of the test stimuli, whereas on position trials, the correct choice key could be discriminated during the presentation of the sample stimulus. During Phase 1, with a 0-s delay between sample and choice stimuli, discrimination learning was faster on position trials than on stimulus trials for all 4 birds. During Phase 2, 0-, 0.5-, and 1.0-s delays produced differential loss of stimulus control under the two tasks for 2 birds. Response patterns during the delay intervals provided some evidence for differential mediation of the two delayed discriminations. These between-task differences suggest that the same processes may not mediate performance in each.  相似文献   

Seventy-six students in a college-level course in human development were divided into an experimental and a control group of approximately equal size. Both groups were given a pretest composed of fill-in and multiple-choice items. The control group was exposed to conventional educational practices while the experimental group was treated in a manner similar to that described by Johnston and Pennypacker (1971), performing only on fill-in items. Post-test results showed significantly greater changes in the experimental group, regardless of the type of test item, although the difference was greater in the case of the fill-in items. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for both future research and tactics in the development of improved teaching technologies.  相似文献   

SCHMID J 《Psychometrika》1950,15(4):431-434
Alternative procedures for calculating discriminant function coefficients have been illustrated in reported research. One method proceeds from data which has been expressed in deviation score units, whereas the other method implies that the data has been expressed in standard units. It is shown algebraically that both procedures yield identical discriminant function coefficients, and therefore, the method involving less mathematical manipulation and computation is preferable.  相似文献   

We compared two procedural variations of response cost (RC) of preferred materials to increase mouth clean in a five‐year‐old boy diagnosed with autism. Noncontingent presentation of preferred materials (NCR) was compared to differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) when returning preferred materials once they have been removed for refusal or expulsion of food. Results indicated that both procedures increased swallowing and reduced problem behavior; however, NCR + RC was superior to DRA + RC with respect to overall mean and initial treatment measures. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) is commonly used to assess visuospatial skills, visuoconstruction, visual memory, and executive functioning. Two different methods are traditionally used to record the order in which the figure is drawn: the flowchart method and the pen-switching method. Although it has been suggested that pen switching may interfere with performance, to date no research has been conducted to assess whether ROCF performance significantly differs due to administration method. As part of routine neuropsychological evaluation, 100 inpatients and outpatients were randomly assigned to either method. Using the Boston Qualitative Scoring System and the traditional 36-point scoring method, the authors unexpectedly found that the pen-switching group generally performed better than the flowchart group, and productions drawn with pen switching were also significantly faster to score.  相似文献   

Choice between mixed-ratio schedules, consisting of equiprobable ratios of 1 and 99 responses per reinforcement, and fixed-ratio schedules of food reinforcement was assessed by two commonly used procedures: concurrent schedules and concurrent-chains schedules. Rats were trained under concurrent fixed-ratio mixed-ratio schedules, in which both ratio schedules were simultaneously available, and under a concurrent-chains schedule, in which access to one of the mutually exclusive ratio schedules comprising the terminal links was contingent on a single “choice” response. The distribution of responses between the two ratio schedules was taken as the choice proportion under the concurrent procedure, and the distribution of “choice” responses was taken as the choice proportion under the concurrent-chains procedure. Seven of eight rats displayed systematic choice; of those, each displayed nearly exclusive choice for fixed-ratio 35 to the mixed-ratio schedule under the concurrent procedure, but each displayed nearly exclusive choice for the mixed-ratio schedule to fixed-ratio 35 under the concurrent-chains procedure. Thus, preference for a fixed or a mixed schedule of reinforcement depended on the procedure used to assess preference.  相似文献   

Four procedures for eliminating an operant response were compared within a multiple schedule. Response reduction was most rapid when reinforcement was provided for a specific alternative response. The decline in responding produced by extinction and differential reinforcement of other behavior was similar. Responding initially increased and then gradually decreased when reinforcers were delivered independently of responding at fixed times. Removal of reinforcement from the alternative-response and DRO procedures did not result in recovery of the target response. However, the shift from response-independent dilivery of reinforcers to extinction caused an initial increase in responding.  相似文献   

The amounts of ipsilateral and contralateral masking obtained with a modified psychophysical procedure were compared for vibratory stimuli presented to different body loci. Results of a combined forced-choice localization task and a forced-choice detection task were similar to the results obtained in previous investigations which employed method of limits and two-alternative, temporal forced-choice procedures, respectively. Ipsilateral maskers produced similar amounts of masking in both the detection and localization tasks for fingertip and arm test sites. Contralateral maskers resulted in considerably more masking in the localization task than in the detection task for both fingertip and arm test sites. When large longitudinal distances were introduced between the test stimulus and masker, little masking was evident in either the localization or detection task. It was concluded that the differences in the amount of ipsilateral and contralateral masking obtained with different psychophysical procedures reflect different effects of a masker on the detectable attributes of a test stimulus. Implications of these results for the study of multiple tactile perception were discussed.  相似文献   

Within- versus across-subjects procedures for predicting behavior from attitudes were contrasted. Each procedure requires a comparison among attitudes in order to generate a prediction; the comparison is either among the same attitudes held by different people (across subjects) or among different attitudes held by the same person (within subject). It was hypothesized that the within-subject model provides a more adequate explanation of behavior from attitudinal constructs and, hence, more accurate prediction of behavior from attitudes than does the across-subjects model. To test this view, a sample of 349 married couples was administered a questionnaire containing measures of three attitudinal components--affect, cognition, and conation--toward each of four contraceptive methods--oral contraceptives, IUD, diaphragm, and condoms. Contraceptive behavior was assessed 1 year later. In support of the hypothesis, the within-subject predictions bore a significantly stronger relation to the behavioral criteria than did the across-subjects predictions. This effect was consistent for each of the three components of attitude, for the prediction of behavior and behavioral intention, for male and female respondents, and for a variety of contraceptive behaviors. In addition, both the within- and the across-subjects analyses demonstrated a clear rank ordering in the predictive validity of the three attitudinal components: Conation was a better predictor of behavior than was affect, which, in turn, was better than cognition.  相似文献   

Two procedures for assessing the social problem-solving strategies of young children were compared: a traditional measure using pictorial stimuli and an alternative measure in which problems were presented using three-dimensional props. Subjects were 48 preschool children ages 3, 4 and 5. Using a counterbalanced, repeated measures design, the two tasks were presented to the children on consecutive days. Children also received the PPVT, and teacher ratings of behavioral adjustment were completed. Children gave more responses and suggested a greater variety of problem-solving strategies when tested with props than when tested with pictures. Response differences to the two testing procedures were greatest for children who were rated by their teachers as impulsive. Results are discussed in terms of the representational competence of the preschool child. Implications of the findings for intervention strategies also are discussed.  相似文献   

We tested the efficacy of two types of educational materials for genetic counseling: a traditional information brochure and one adding a role model story. Brochures were alternated weekly at a prenatal genetics center. Subjects were asked to read the brochure and fill out a questionnaire covering demographics and variables from the health belief model (impact, barriers, motivation, susceptibility, knowledge, severity). A group of 409 pregnant women and 251 male partners participated. Study design was quasiexperimental, using a post-test only comparison group. The brochure with modeling enhanced the perception of both risk and the severity of the disease and was inversely associated with the assessment of barriers, but did not directly impact on the decision to pursue testing; only 12% chose to be tested, with no significant differences between groups. While suggestive, the study is not confirmatory and should be repeated with a more heterogenous group of women.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to determine the sources and frequency of children's subtraction errors and to examine four approaches to remediation. In Study 1, 56 third-grade children were asked to solve subtraction problems requiring borrowing (regrouping) and were questioned about their solution procedures. Ghildren who had difficulty either attempted to borrow incorrectly or made inversion errors. In Study 2, 80 third graders were promised rewards for correct solutions or were instructed to borrow on subtraction problems. Neither condition produced an increase in correct solutions, and instructions inflated incorrect attempts to borrow. In Study 3, 67 third-and fourth-grade children were assigned to one of three conditions: component skills for borrowing; feedback for performance; no training (control). Both treatment conditions resulted in a significant increase in the number of borrowing problems correctly solved, but neither condition produced a significant reduction in the number of computational, inversion, borrowing, or other errors. The results are discussed in terms of cost efficiency and constraints imposed by realities of today's classrooms. Future directions also are considered.  相似文献   

This study explores the performance of several two‐stage procedures for testing ordinary least‐squares (OLS) coefficients under heteroscedasticity. A test of the usual homoscedasticity assumption is carried out in the first stage of the procedure. Subsequently, a test of the regression coefficients is chosen and performed in the second stage. Three recently developed methods for detecting heteroscedasticity are examined. In addition, three heteroscedastic robust tests of OLS coefficients are considered. A major finding is that performing a test of heteroscedasticity prior to applying a heteroscedastic robust test can lead to poor control over Type I errors.  相似文献   

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