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A chain-pulling response was initially developed under a shock-postponement (avoidance) schedule with two squirrel monkeys. Few responses occurred on a lever where responding initially had no scheduled consequence or, subsequently, when a 3-minute fixed-interval shock-presentation schedule was concurrently arranged for lever responses. Appropriate rates and patterns of lever responding developed and were later maintained under the fixed-interval 3-minute shock-presentation schedule alone when the chain and shock-postponement schedule were removed. When both the shock-postponement and shock-presentation schedules were again simultaneously in effect, steady rates of chain pulling were maintained by the shock-postponement schedule and positively accelerated rates and patterns were maintained on the lever by the shock-presentation schedule. Response rates under both schedules were directly related to shock intensity. A history of exposure to a shock-postponement schedule, even though with a topographically different response and manipulandum, was sufficient for the development and eventual maintenance of responding by the presentation of shock. Further, differential performances can be maintained simultaneously by the presentation and postponement of electric shock.  相似文献   

The effect of primary reinforcement on initial-link responding under concurrent-chains schedules with nondifferential terminal links was assessed in 12 pigeons. The iniitial and terminal links were variable-interval schedules (always the same for both alternatives). The positions (left or right key) of the initial-link stimuli (red or green) were randomized while the correlation between color and food amount remained constant within each condition. The terminal-link stimuli were always presented on the center key. Except in two control groups and conditions, the terminal-link stimuli were the same color (nondifferential, blue or yellow). Over six conditions, the differences in food amont and the durations of the initial- and terminal-link schedules were manipulated. In 57 of 60 cases, birds generated choice proportions above .50 in favor of the initial-link stimlus that was correlated with the larger reinforcer. There was some indication that preference increased with shortened terminal-link durations. Because the terminal-link stimuli were nondifferential, differential responding in the initial links cannot be explained easily by conditioned reinforcement represented by the terminal-link stimuli. Thus, primiary reinforcement has a direct effect on initial-link responding in concurrent-chains schedules.  相似文献   

Fixed-ratio food-reinforced responding in rats was studied alone and with concurrent shock avoidance or with concurrent response-independent shocks matched to those that occurred in the avoidance condition. Under each condition, fixed-ratio size was increased over successive daily sessions. Fixed-ratio response rate generally passed through a maximum as a function of fixed-ratio size. Decreased fixed-ratio responding at values beyond the maximum occurred when (1) the time to complete a fixed ratio approximated the response-shock interval of the avoidance schedule, (2) the shock rate increased, and/or (3) the ratio requirements were so high that ratio strain occurred. Avoidance rates decreased slightly as fixed-ratio size increased.  相似文献   

Response latency as a function of reinforcement schedule   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Four Ss were trained to press and hold down a telegraph key in the presence of a light. Subsequent release of the key during a tone was followed by water reinforcement. The schedule of reinforcement for key release was varied, and its effects on the latency (RT) of key release to the tone were studied. Both median RT and variability of RT were found to be inversely related to frequency of reinforcement as determined by the schedule.  相似文献   

The behavior engendered by the fixed-interval schedule is characterized by its variability within and across intervals. The present experiment was designed to assess further the magnitude of interval-to-interval dynamics and to explore conditions which might enhance control by response number for subsequent output. Pigeons were exposed to three experimental manipulations after responding had stabilized under a fixed-interval five-minute schedule. First, a discrete five-stimulus counter was added so that the key color changed after a fixed number of responses. Then additional grain presentations were made at the end of the interval so that high response output was differentially reinforced in the presence of the counter stimuli. Finally, the counter stimuli were presented as an irregular clock (i.e., independently of responding), but the durations were yoked to performance under the counter condition. The data show that response number can exert influence from one interval to the next, but this source of control is weak and not influenced by the experimental manipulations. Results from the clock arrangement indicate that behavior is controlled largely by the stimulus conditions prevailing at the time of interval onset.  相似文献   

Siamese fighting fish were trained to emit an operant response that was reinforced by the opportunity to view a motion picture film image of another fish. Performance under various schedules of reinforcement was examined. When reinforcement followed every response and when reinforcement was delivered after every second response, the number of responses per session was higher than during operant level or during extinction. Reinforcement delivered following intervals of no responding (differential reinforcement of other behavior) markedly decreased responding. Light from a projector without film was found to be as effective a reinforcer as film reinforcement. Responding when projector light reinforcement followed every response was maintained at approximately the same level as that obtained under film reinforcement. Responses per session decreased when only the light was delivered on a differential-reinforcement-of-other-behavior schedule. The behavior of the fish during presentation of the film was markedly different from their behavior while the projector light was being presented.  相似文献   

Drug discrimination under a concurrent schedule.   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Three pigeons were trained to discriminate a 5.0 mg/kg dose of pentobarbital from saline under a two-key concurrent schedule with responding on the key associated with the presession injection, under both stimulus conditions, producing four times as many reinforcers as responding on the other key. This concurrent schedule resulted in approximately 70% responding to the higher reinforcement key under the pentobarbital stimulus and approximately 30% responding to that key under the saline stimulus. During testing, then, the pigeons were able to dose-dependently emit higher (>70%) or lower (<30%) values than were established under the control conditions. Dose-response curves were determined for pentobarbital (twice), methamphetamine, phencyclidine, chlordiazepoxide, and the combination of pentobarbital and the barbiturate antagonist bemegride. The results obtained with pentobarbital and chlordiazepoxide showed that, as the dose increased, pentobarbital-appropriate responding also increased. Methamphetamine produced relatively flat dose--response curves, whereas phencyclidine administration produced inconsistent effects on responding. The combination of the training dose of pentobarbital with increasing doses of bemegride produced a decrease in pentobarbital-appropriate responding. The results also showed that the dose-response curves for pentobarbital and chlordiazepoxide, instead of being all or none, were graded functions of the drug dose.  相似文献   

The duration and frequency of food presentation were varied in concurrent variable-interval variable-interval schedules of reinforcement. In the first experiment, in which pigeons were exposed to a succession of eight different schedules, neither relative duration nor relative frequency of reinforcement had as great an effect on response distribution as they have when they are manipulated separately. These results supported those previously reported by Todorov (1973) and Schneider (1973). In a second experiment, each of seven pigeons was exposed to only one concurrent schedule in which the frequency and/or duration of reinforcement differed on the two keys. Under these conditions, each pigeon's relative rate of response closely matched the relative total access to food that each schedule provided. This result suggests that previous failures to obtain matching may be due to factors such as an insufficient length of exposure to each schedule or to the pigeons' repeated exposure to different concurrent schedules.  相似文献   

Subjects pressed a telegraph key to illuminate a meter dial on which pointer deflections appeared at fixed intervals. Upon detecting a deflection they were required to press another key to reset the pointer to zero. This detecting and resetting operation reinforced the behavior of pressing the light-flashing key (i.e., the observing responses). The usual pattern of responding on the light-flashing key was a long pause following the reinforcement and an abrupt transition to a steady response rate toward the end of the interval. When the subjects were required to perform a concurrent subtraction task, the pattern of responding changed in varying degrees, ranging from complete loss of typical fixed-interval behavior to a slight shortening of the post-reinforcement pause. These effects were attributed to the disruption of the self-produced verbal chains (counting or reciting) that ordinarily govern human behavior on this schedule.  相似文献   

When a variable-interval schedule of reinforcement was segmented into small fixed-interval components, with reinforcements following some components and brief blackouts following the others, rate of responding doubled and a positively accelerated pattern within each component was obtained. Presented according to this percentage reinforcement paradigm, the blackouts approximated the functions of a food reinforcer. These effects occurred only when the behavior sequence required to produce reinforcement was identical to that required to produce blackout. The quasi-reinforcing effects of these blackout stimuli suggest that a neutral stimulus need not occasion or accompany a primary reinforcer to acquire reinforcing properties.  相似文献   

During training sessions, pecks by pigeons on a response key illuminated by a vertical line of white light resulted in reinforcement and an ensuing blackout according to a fixed-interval schedule. Training sessions were followed by dimensional stimulus control test sessions during which the orientation of the line present throughout the fixed interval was varied. Inverted U-shaped (excitatory) gradients of responding, with maximum responding occurring in the presence of the vertical line, were observed during the terminal part of the fixed interval. U-shaped (inhibitory) gradients of responding, with minimum responding occurring in the presence of the vertical line, were observed during the early part of the fixed interval when the preceding interval had terminated with reinforcement and blackout but not when the preceding interval had terminated with blackout only. These results suggest that the dimensional control by the stimulus present throughout the fixed interval is of a conditional variety. Whether the fixed-interval stimulus exerts inhibitory or excitatory dimensional control depends upon the presence and absence, respectively, of stimuli associated with reinforcement.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained to discriminate between two intensities of white light in a symbolic matching-to-sample procedure. These stimuli were then used to signal which schedule was available on the main key in a switching-key concurrent schedule. The concurrent schedules led to a symbolic matching-to-sample phase in which the subject identified the concurrent schedule to which it last responded before a reinforcer could be obtained. The concurrent schedules were varied across conditions. Discriminability, measured during the symbolic matching-to-sample performance, was high throughout and did not differ across the two procedures. Performance in the concurrent schedules was like that typically obtained using these schedules. Delays were then arranged between completion of the concurrent schedules and presentations of the symbolic matching-to-sample phase. A series of conditions with an intervening delay of 10 s showed that both concurrent-schedule performance and symbolic matching-to-sample performance were affected by the delay in a similar way; that is, choice responding was closer to indifference.  相似文献   

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