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情境主义国际 (SituationistInternational 1 957- 1 972 ,简称SI)是 2 0世纪中后期欧洲非常重要的一个社会文化思潮。它是直接影响到欧洲现当代先锋艺术和激进哲学话语的一个极其重要的思想母体。在法国 1 968年的“红色五月风暴”中 ,情境主义作为一种批判的艺术观念在西方近现代历史进程中第一次成为所谓新型“文化革命”的战斗旗帜。其主要代表人物德波[1] (GuyDebord)的著名论著《景观社会》[2 ] (1 967)和范内格姆[3] (RaoulVaneigem)的《日常生活的革命》 (1 967) ,深刻影响了后来的鲍德里亚和哈维等人 ,成为消费社会批判理论和…  相似文献   

高申春 《心理科学》2002,25(4):463-464
三千多年前,雅典帕台农神庙的石刻铭文就写出,“认识你自己”。这是人类试图理解自我的内在冲动的第一次流露。也是人类心理学思想的最初萌芽。几千年的人类文明史,正是人类对这一古希腊箴言之真谛的不断追寻的历程与结果。在这一历程与这些结果中。心理学及其思想的发展,始终构成人类自我认识的基本主线之一。无论是就其历史而言。还是就其学科性质而言。心理学作为直接以人性内在本质为对象的一门科学。应该在人类自我理解事业的整体中占有一个崇高的位置。  相似文献   

郑剑虹  黄希庭 《心理科学》2013,36(6):1491-1497
心理传记学是采用心理学的理论和方法来研究非凡人物生命故事的一门学问。文章对百余年来国际心理传记学的发展状况进行了回顾,将其发展分为三个阶段:案例研究阶段、理论探索阶段和学科发展阶段。该学科在传主资料的筛选与处理方法、解释模型等理论研究方面已获得了较丰富的成果,并已形成三个稳定的研究领域。在我国开展心理传记学研究,要避免人物研究的病理化倾向和艺术式的纯质化道路,并加强应用探讨以及着手进行中国杰出心理学家的心理传记研究。  相似文献   

通过对中国国际海外救援群体营养状况的分析,以研究特殊应急环境下的救援群体营养支持的手段.采用整群问卷调查方法对队员身高、体重、年龄、性别、平日膳食摄入量、救援日膳食摄入量进行调查.69名救援人员中男性体重、BMI均值下降(P<0.01),女性体重、BMI均值下降(P<0.05);男性、女性摄入热能、脂肪、碳水化合物、总蛋白明显增加(P<0.05或<0.01.特殊环境强体力消耗应急状态下应增加热能及优质蛋白的摄入,做好后勤保障,以充分保证救援群体良好战斗力.  相似文献   

Conflicts and wars often occur, with devastating consequences in society. Attaining reconciliation is a challenging task, especially if each side in the conflict articulates its identity in terms of victimhood through education, history, and memories. Can theology offer an adequate answer and help overcome conflicts and bring forgiveness? Each time we serve the liturgy, we are reminded to remember the future and remember Christ’s ultimate forgiveness. In that sense, worship as a communal and God-oriented event can remind us of our mission, which is participation in God’s salvific work. This paper offers some theological insights as guidelines for Christians and their respective communities to pursue. Hopefully, theology will prove its ability and strength to foster reconciliation and unity in a suffering world.  相似文献   

通过分析目前肺癌患者5年生存率徘徊在10%,这一现实问题,可以得到一些重要启示和思考.今后肺癌治疗发展方向将是完善个体化、多学科早期综合治疗模式;利用基因芯片技术开展肺癌早期诊断,对肺癌高危人群开展大规模普查;开展靶向性、高效低毒、抗耐药性的肺癌治疗药物研究,进行肺癌逆转的分子干预治疗和分子阻断治疗,要用早期综合地手段诊疗肺癌.  相似文献   

Mission and reconciliation are intrinsically connected because of the inherent vocational objectives of the two in human life. Both are meant to lead to some tangible transformation in the human ecosystem that fosters collegiality and fraternity between and among humans regardless of humanly set boundaries of race, culture, religion, and social classification. Both doubtless come with the massive task of making the objectives experienced by people. Neither are one-off assignments, but require lifetime engagement because of human frailty and susceptibility to do harm whether consciously or unconsciously, particularly the dimension of mission that focuses on reconciliation. Bringing about reconciliation is cumbersome in nature because it involves multilayered analysis and multidimensional approaches. These enable the processes to be deep and broad to avoid a situation where the healing being gained relapses and the building blocks of wholeness collapse. Achieving reconciliation between the victim and the perpetrator or the oppressed and the oppressor is often the most difficult task. Reconciliation is not as easy as it is expressed in biblical narratives. Jesus Christ's mission was to reconcile the world and humanity with the Godhead, and this was accomplished on the cross. That sounds more like a one-off task for Christ, but it was brought about by the ultimate sacrifice. His dying on the cross reminds everyone involved in the mission of reconciliation that it comes with enormous sacrifice, which may lead to the supreme price in some cases. This article engages with different themes, including African concepts of building and sustaining reconciliation and the reconciled as life-giving mission.  相似文献   

Popularly, theology and mission are understood as the works of words and language. Starting from the perspective of women with intellectual disabilities who experience trauma, this paper proposes an apophatic approach for theology and mission that gives the primacy of nonverbal self‐expression over verbal logocentrism. Such a proposal places vulnerability at the heart of the Christian mission.  相似文献   

This article discusses the message and ministry of reconciliation with a view to both its biblical content and its contemporary missional application. Within a salvation historical framework of missio Dei, the article outlines the biblical narrative about human beings created in the image of God for personal relationships with God, self, other people, and nature; the fall in sin and the human predicament that necessitate reconciliation; the historical reconciliation provided by God through the incarnation, atoning death, and victorious resurrection of Christ (the first stage); the message of reconciliation in the mission of the church; the present reception of reconciliation through faith in that message (the second stage); and the results of reconciliation both in relation to God (“vertical reconciliation”) and among human beings in the church and in the world (“horizontal reconciliation”), with an emphasis on peace, unity, love, forgiveness, righteousness, and freedom. Christ’s victory over and subjugation of all evil spirit powers are described as “cosmic reconciliation.” Because reconciliation may be partial in this world where sin still exists and evil powers are active, the eschatological hope is for a final reconciliation where the relationships to God, to other human beings, and to a recreated world are renewed and consummated.  相似文献   

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