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上海地区青少年道德判断能力测验的编制及常模制定   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
顾海根  李后黍 《心理科学》1997,20(3):197-201
上海地区青少年道德判断能力测验量表共有四个道德行为故事,分别反映自由与自律、公与私、义与利、平等与公正四对道德冲突中的一对矛盾。常模样本系随机选取上海市区、郊区四所完全中学,每校从初一至高三年级各一个班共1324名学生。常模形式包括总分常模、P分常模和道德判断能力水平等级划分三种。其信度和效度均令人满意。本量表适用于12-17岁青少年学生。  相似文献   

情绪状态对大学生道德判断能力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王云强  郭本禹  吴慧红 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1324-1327
采用道德判断测验(MJT中文版),以300名大学生为被试,考察了情绪状态对大学生道德判断能力的影响。结果发现:(1)大学生道德判断能力的年级差异显著;(2)情绪状态对大学生道德判断能力具有显著影响,快乐状态下的道德判断能力高于悲伤状态,这与国外的研究结论正好相反;(3)道德判断任务的自我相关性对大学生道德判断能力的影响不显著。  相似文献   

从科尔伯格提出道德认知发展概念至今,已经出现对道德认知发展的几种不同解释,其中较为著名的包括阶段论、水平论和认知图式论.本研究通过对一份道德判断测验的数据进行分析,采用建立模型的实证方法,试图验证已有的几种道德认知结构理论的正确性.研究表明:道德发展过程的确包含六个阶段,它们是按照一定顺序发展的.同时,道德发展过程中还出现三个水平,并先后建立了三种不同的认知图式.  相似文献   

通过对756名青少年的问卷调查,考察了道德判断在青少年道德推脱与攻击行为之间调节作用的性别差异。结果发现:(1)道德推脱会对青少年的攻击行为产生显著的正向影响,道德判断不会对青少年的攻击行为产生显著的影响,但是道德判断可以显著地调节道德推脱与攻击行为之间的关系;(2)道德判断在调节道德推脱与攻击行为之间的关系时存在明显的性别差异,较高的道德判断能力难以削弱道德推脱对男生攻击行为的正向影响,但可以明显地削弱道德推脱对女生攻击行为的正向影响。  相似文献   

道德伪善(moral hypocrisy)是对道德知行脱离进行反思的产物, 反映了道德心理学和社会认知领域的最新进展。从社会学习理论、认知失调理论、社会影响理论和双加工理论四个理论来对道德伪善产生缘由进行了探讨, 并在此基础上对其产生机制进行了阐述。为了避免道德伪善的消极效应与不良后果, 进一步从个体和群体两个层面来探讨了道德伪善的影响因素。考虑到现实生活中过分强调道德伪善的负面价值, 研究积极地审视了道德伪善在诱导认知失调、塑造和培养亲社会行为以及促进组织发展等领域的应用。未来研究需在现有研究基础上, 进一步借鉴反应时和内隐测量技术来对道德伪善进行本土化和跨文化研究, 并对其应用性开展更深入和系统的探讨。  相似文献   

道德判断的分级现象   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Blair(1996)发现即使没有心理理论的孤独症儿童,也具备道德判断能力。而Kahn(2004)认为没有心理理论就不可能完成道德判断。已有研究表明,道德判断可能需要一定程度的心理理论。孤独症儿童心理理论存在困难,影响他们理解道德情景并进行正确的道德判断,但这是否与任务的要求道德判断能力的程度不同有关呢?研究增加道德情景的复杂程度,进一步考察儿童道德判断规律。结果发现,道德判断有分级现象,第一级是直接对道德行为进行判断,孤独症和正常儿童都能完成该任务,可能是以原始情绪为基础的;第二级道德判断是对简单道德情景进行判断,需要以心理理论为基础,只有正常儿童才能完成;而对行为与意图不一致的复杂道德判断则需要以更加丰富的经历或者经验为基础,但其属于三级道德判断还是二级道德判断的高级形式还需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

道德判断中的性别差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢强 《心理学探新》2005,25(4):67-69
通过问卷形式呈现给被试道德两难故事,对491名大学生的道德判断进行了研究,发现:1)人类道德判断存在着结果主义和非结果主义两种不同的倾向;2)在小范围内道德判断可能存在性别差异,但在大多数情况下,男女道德判断是极其相似的;3)男女道德判断的性别差异更大程度上是研究所假设的情境引起的,而不是真正的道德判断差异。  相似文献   

青少年道德判断发展及其与家庭亲密度的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本研究根据吉伯斯等人(Gibbs,etal,1992)发展的社会道德反应测验(SRM-SF)对我国青少年的道德判断发展水平进行了比较研究。结果发现小学高年级学生的道德判断水平处于二、三转折阶段,以第二阶段为主,未达到成熟水平;中学生处于第三阶段;大学生处于三、四转折阶段,已有相当程度的第四阶段倾向,大多数大、中学生已达成熟水平。本研究还考察了大学生的道德判断水平与其家庭亲密度之间的关系。  相似文献   

道德理论的新进展--道德判断的社会直觉模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何亚云  冯江平 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1190-1191
道德判断的研究一直遵循皮亚杰和柯尔伯格的理性主义模式.但随着人们对认知双重过程论的逐渐认可,传统的道德判断理论受到了挑战。本文介绍了道德判断的一种新的理论模式——道德判断的社会直觉模式。该理论认为,道德判断是由迅速、自动的评价(直觉)所导致。  相似文献   

本研究探讨恐惧管理理论对道德五种基本准则以及道德判断的影响。85名被试随机分配到实验组与控制组。全部被试首先完成道德五基准问卷。实验组被试接受死亡凸显提示后观看短片并完成一系列道德两难问题的判断;控制组接受一般负性事件提示。研究结果显示,相对于控制组而言,实验组被试倾向于作出直觉而非理性判断,并且死亡凸显对道德直觉判断的影响受到厌恶情绪的中介作用。同时,当故事情节发生转换时,实验组被试倾向于作出与原有道德直觉规范相一致的道德判断。本研究从恐惧管理理论出发,为道德判断的情理之争提供了启示。  相似文献   

This study investigated the application and justification of three principles of harm in a cross-sectional sample of adolescents in order to test recent theories concerning the source of intuitive moral judgements. Participants were 46 early (M age = 14.8 years) and 40 late adolescents (M age = 17.8 years). Participants rated the permissibility of various ethical dilemmas, and provided justifications for their judgements. Results indicated participants aligned their judgements with the three principles of harm, but had difficulty explaining their reasoning. Furthermore, although age groups were consistent in the application of the principles of harm, age differences emerged in their justifications. These differences were partly explained by differences in language ability. Additionally, participants who used emotional language in their justifications demonstrated a characteristically deontological pattern of moral judgement on certain dilemmas. We conclude adolescents in this age range apply the principles of harm but that the ability to explain their judgements is still developing.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the psychometric quality of a scale to measure adolescents' preferences and moral judgements of media portraying antisocial, risky and norm-crossing behaviours, titled the Media, Morality, and Youth Questionnaire (MMaYQue). We applied confirmatory factor analyses with two independent samples of adolescents (N = 666 and 780). A model with method effects and two correlated constructs (i.e., media preferences and moral judgements), fitted the data best and measurement invariance was confirmed. In addition, the MMaYQue successfully discriminates between groups and significantly correlates with relevant personality traits and related measures, supporting good discriminant, convergent and criterion validity of the MMaYQue. Findings provide evidence for the validity and applicability of the MMaYQue in various research designs, including experiments, to incorporate media use in research regarding youth and adolescent development.  相似文献   

关于道德唤起与道德行为关系的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过一个关于测验作弊的实验研究,揭示了道德唤起与道德行为之间存在的一定关系,即不同的道德唤起水平会对道德行为产生一定的影响。通过实验后的个别访谈,我们分析了道德认知、道德情感与道德唤起之间的关系。最后,我们提出了本实验研究的不足之处和可能存在的后续研究。  相似文献   

本研究以青少年群体为样本,在Aquino和Reed的道德自我认同问卷(Moral Identity Measure,MIM)基础上,进行问卷的修订。方法:对935名青少年进行原始问卷的测量,采用探索性因素分析。结果:与MIM原问卷相比,修订后的问卷包含了16个项目。因素分析表明,二个维度能够解释总方差41.68%的变异,各个项目的载荷在0.57~0.71之间,分半信度为0.69,同质信度达到了0.85。结论:经修订后,青少年道德同一性问卷具有较为满意的心理学测量指标,可以在青少年中推广使用。  相似文献   

This introduction to the special issue on empirically informed moral theory sketches the more important contributions to the field in the past several years. Attention is paid to experimental philosophy, the work of philosophers like Harman and Doris, and that of psychologists like Haidt and Hauser.  相似文献   

张振新  徐宪斌 《心理科学》2012,35(1):153-159
两个实验用于研究情绪对学习判断的影响及其机制,结果表明:(1)首轮回忆测验成绩可以通过影响个体的情绪状态来影响后继的学习判断以及回忆测验和学习判断的绝对准确性。(2)情绪可以影响学习判断和个体对学习内容的加工深度,加工深度的提高有利于个体的回忆成绩,学习判断和回忆成绩共同影响着学习判断的准确性。  相似文献   

Why do people act morally – when they do? Moral philosophers and psychologists often assume that acting morally in the absence of incentives or sanctions is a product of a desire to uphold one or another moral principle (e.g., fairness). This form of motivation might be called moral integrity because the goal is to actually be moral. In a series of experiments designed to explore the nature of moral motivation, colleagues and I have found little evidence of moral integrity. We have found considerable evidence of a different form of moral motivation, moral hypocrisy. The goal of moral hypocrisy is to appear moral yet, if possible, avoid the cost of being moral. To fully reach the goal of moral hypocrisy requires self-deception, and we have found evidence of that as well. Strengthening moral integrity is difficult. Even effects of moral perspective taking – imagining yourself in the place of the other (as recommended by the Golden Rule) – appear limited, further contributing to the moral masquerade.  相似文献   

Researchers have been emphasizing the importance of moral emotions for young children's moral self. However, the relationship between children's moral self and moral emotions has never been investigated empirically. The present study examined the relationship between children's self-representations about (im)moral behaviour and moral emotions attributions in a sample of 132 elementary-school children (M age = 8.39 years, SD = 2.50). Participants were presented a newly developed moral self measure, along with a measure of moral emotion attributions. Two dimensions of children's moral self-concept were identified: preference for prosocial behaviour and avoidance of antisocial behaviour. Results revealed a slight decrease in preference for prosocial behaviour with age, as well as an increased correlation between preference for prosocial behaviour and moral emotion attributions. Overall, findings suggest that moral emotions do not play a pivotal role for young children's moral self-concept. Children's moral self-concept becomes increasingly coordinated with moral emotions as they approach adolescence.  相似文献   

墨家也和儒家一样,具有非常明显的道德至上的思想倾向。他们倡导如下基本道德精神:反对不劳而获,提倡“为人犹为己”,强调义利统一、志功统一。  相似文献   

The 2008 Presidential Address presents the theory of ethical perspective, an identity theory of moral psychology designed to detect the psychological influences on moral choice. Part 1 treats findings on altruism and genocide as an analytical lens through which we can gain insight into political and moral behavior. Part 2 describes moral psychology as a field, presenting a new and broader conceptualization for the discipline. Part 3 outlines an identity theory of moral choice that focuses on the critical role of the ethical perspective, to suggest how an empirically based theory of moral choice looks in practice. Part 4 concentrates on the basic assumptions underlying the theory of ethical perspective. It presents empirical evidence that supports this theoretical framework, from fields as diverse as neuroscience and primatology to child development and linguistics, thus demonstrating political psychology's important links to other disciplines. In addition to presenting a new theory of moral psychology, designed to fill an important gap in the literature on ethics and moral choice, the Address treats studies of altruism and genocide as an illustration of research that reveals broader insight into the nature of political psychology as a discipline.  相似文献   

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