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Evaluating a primary prevention program for children of divorce   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effectiveness of a primary prevention program for children of divorce is evaluated. Subjects included 82 mother-child pairs. Mothers had been separated for 33 months or less and did not have prior histories of using mental health services. Subjects were assigned to one of four conditions: (a) the Children's Support Group alone (CSG), (b) the CSG and the Single Parents' Support Group (SPSG), (c) the SPSG alone, or (d) a no-treatment control group. Data collected before, after, and 5 months following intervention, were analyzed using analyses of covariance with preintervention scores as covariates and pre-post and post-follow-up difference scores as dependent measures. Children in the CSG-alone condition improved most in self-concept and parents in the SPSG-alone condition improved the most in adjustment. Improvements were either maintained or did not change differentially across groups at follow up. Adaptive social skills of CSG-alone children compared to children in the CSG/SPSG groups showed significant post-to-follow-up improvements.  相似文献   

An account is given of the inception and development of a counselling service for nurses in training at a large London teaching hospital. The aims of the service are described, as are the evolving role of the counsellor and the use made of the service both by student nurses and other members of the hospital organisation. Some recommendations are made concerning the future development of counselling services within National Health Service hospitals.  相似文献   

The influence of parental divorce on Swedish children's final grades from compulsory school was studied. The study group comprised all children (n = 74) of a 1-year-sample of divorcing parents, who finished school within 1 year before, to 5 years after the parental divorce. Each child was matched with two classmates of the same sex from nondivorced homes, born at approximately the same time (control group). Comparisons of grade point average were made among children with different socioeconomic status. The grades of the children of divorce and the controls were similar, but children of manual workers were found to have a lower grade point average than children of higher level nonmanual employees. Thus, the study indicates that parental divorce in itself does not imply a significantly detoriated outcome in final school grades among children.  相似文献   

Family ties after divorce: long-term implications for children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Drawing on the data from the longitudinal Binuclear Family Study, 173 grown children were interviewed 20 years after their parents' divorce. This article addresses two basic questions: (1) What impact does the relationship between parents have on their children 20 years after the divorce? and (2) When a parent remarries or cohabits, how does it impact a child's sense of family? The findings show that the parental subsystem continues to impact the binuclear family 20 years after marital disruption by exerting a strong influence on the quality of relationships within the family system. Children who reported that their parents were cooperative also reported better relationships with their parents, grandparents, stepparents, and siblings. Over the course of 20 years, most of the children experienced the remarriage of one or both parents, and one third of this sample remembered the remarriage as more stressful than the divorce. Of those who experienced the remarriage of both of their parents, two thirds reported that their father's remarriage was more stressful than their mother's. When children's relationships with their fathers deteriorated after divorce, their relationships with their paternal grandparents, stepmother, and stepsiblings were distant, negative, or nonexistent. Whether family relationships remain stable, improve, or get worse is dependent on a complex interweaving of many factors. Considering the long‐term implications of divorce, the need to emphasize life course and family system perspectives is underscored.  相似文献   

The Associates programme at the University of East Anglia is designed as an opportunity for self-development and as a testing ground for those who want to explore their own helping abilities. The structure and content of the programme are described; some examples are provided of the range of follow-up activities which have arisen from it; and attention is given to the potential of the programme as a contribution to the development of the institution as a community.  相似文献   

This paper describes a pilot program for school-based discussion groups for children of divorce. Relevant literature is reviewed and a model for a semistructured discussion group for latency-aged children is presented. Particular techniques used to engage children in discussion of relevant issues are described. While we have not conducted a systematic outcome study of these groups, our impression is that while some definite concrete changes have occurred for several children, for others, change has been located more in the representational than behavioral world. Children may remain unable to communicate angry feelings to the absent parent but as a result of the group experiences may be able to stop thinking of themselves as bad for harboring such feelings in the first place.Formerly an Elementary Guidance Counselor in the Brookline Public Schools, currently is an Educational Consultant in the Philadelphia area.  相似文献   

Voluntary sector low and no cost counselling services very often find themselves overwhelmed by clients. This paper describes how one agency decided to deal with this problem by introducing a system of assessment for differential contracts. A piece of action research enabled the development and introduction of a model of assessment that reflected the values of the agency. The guiding principle of the assessment was that the client's way of managing in the world was the best guide to clinical need. The different lengths of contract are described, together with the criteria for deciding which might be appropriate for a client. The model was introduced on the understanding that it could and would be continuously monitored. The reactions of counsellors and clients that were gathered in a review of the working of the model a year later are described.  相似文献   

The problems caused for the NBTS by the advent of HIV are reviewed, with particular reference to the impact on blood donor numbers, the strategies adopted to minimise the risk of HIV infection through blood transfusion, and the counselling dilemmas faced by the Service in the setting of the blood donor clinic. The notification procedure for blood donors found anti-HIV positive is described, with the importance of confirmation of such results before approach to the donor emphasised. Counselling issues arising from indeterminate and false positive lest results are explored and those arising from enquiries generated by cases of possible post-transfusion HIV infection are examined.  相似文献   

This study explores the effectiveness of a short-term counselling intervention model, with final year students, in reducing psychological distress and increasing students' ability to complete their degree programmes successfully. A clinical sample (final year students who consulted he counselling Service) was monitored before and after intervention using the psychometric instrument Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) (Derogatis, 1977). A significant reduction in levels of psychological distress was demonstrated with this sample. In contrast a parallel control sample (final year students who did not consult the Counselling Service but whose initial SCL scores were in the same range) showed no significant change in levels of psychological distress over the same time period. The clinical and educational implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A year's entries in the log-book of a Relate (Marriage Guidance) Helpline telephone service were examined and analysed. The data recorded there enabled the researchers to collect and evaluate information about the callers, their problems and the responses made by the counsellors. The aims of the service were to offer a prompt response to people whose relationships were in difficulty and were unable to wait for a face-to-face appointment, and to relieve the pressure on the normal counselling service. An assessment of the value of the telephone service is made in the light of these aims. Some of the results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper will describe one Clinical Psychology department's efforts to incorporate Counselling Psychology into the service. It is written from the experience of the Chartered Counselling Psychologist.  相似文献   

Counselling psychology is in its infancy in the National Health Service. There is a professional need to evaluate what its practitioners do and with what outcomes. This study is of the work of a trainee counselling psychologist, in a clinical psychology department, and covers his work over 30 months from first appointment. Numerical data were accessed from historical records relating to the author's three working areas: a psychiatric hospital's outpatient department; a university's student health service; and a short-contact primary care counselling clinic. A sample of closed-case clients from the hospital outpatients and the student health service was contacted, and sent questionnaires to elicit their views on the service received. Primary care clients were excluded from this part of the study because of service dissimilarity to the other working domains and access problems. Case loads, case types, frequencies and distributions of client attendances and non-attendances were examined, compared and contrasted using tables, graphs and statistical methods. Clients’ questionnaire responses were tabulated and commented on. It was apparent that although the same general pattern of anxiety-clustered cases predominated in each working area, in other respects the service demands were different. The data have relevance for service design, staffing and management.  相似文献   

Prevention programs in mental health theoretically can benefit from selecting participants who have a greater likelihood of developing psychological problems because of their exposure to the putative mediators targeted for change in an intervention. Screening on mediators may increase statistical power to detect program effects, enhance the cost-effectiveness of intervention trials, and decrease the possibility of iatrogenic effects. The circumstances that optimize the strategy of screening on the basis of mediating variables are discussed, and data are presented to illustrate the development of a mediational selection strategy to identify families who might best benefit from a preventive intervention for children of divorce. In addition, we present evidence that adjustment problems for children experiencing a divorce, as with most mental health problems, are not the result of one specific factor, but are jointly determined by several mediating processes that occur subsequent to the divorce. The mediational selection strategy developed illustrates the utility of measuring a set of mediational processes central to conferring risk for mental health problems to children of divorce.  相似文献   

An evaluation of a Fire Brigade counselling service examined the viewpoints of all three stakeholders (clients, counsellors and organization), using a multi-method approach using interviews, questionnaires and staff records. All parties expressed satisfaction with the provision, but noted the need for better communication and marketing. The counselling service was demonstrated to be needed and effective in both human and fiscal terms.  相似文献   

The availability of counselling services for employees has expanded significantly in recent years. However, despite an increase in appreciation of the value of counselling within the police service, there has been little research into the effectiveness of counselling with police personnel. The present study assesses an in‐house counselling service provided by the welfare and counselling department of a Scottish police force. Thirteen former clients (including both police officers and civilian support staff) were interviewed about their views on four areas of the counselling provision: how they entered counselling, the issues they brought, their experiences during counselling, and their assessment of the impact of counselling on their lives. Interviews were analysed using a grounded theory approach, which identified four main categories: initial engagement, learning by participating, experiencing moments of deep self‐examination, and moving beyond resolution of presenting problems. All of those who were interviewed appreciated the provision of a counselling service within their employment, and the majority reported that they had not only been helped to resolve their presenting problems, but had also made important gains in self‐awareness and work effectiveness. Findings are discussed in terms of implications for service delivery and future research.  相似文献   

Systematically evaluated the efficacy of a self-selection strategy to recruit elementary-aged children into a school-based prevention program for children of alcoholics. Recruitment involved: a film about parental alcoholism, a follow-up meeting, and an invitation to participate in a prevention program. Of the 844 4th-6th graders exposed to recruitment, 67% showed no interest in the program, 26% attended the follow-up meeting, and 11% obtained parental permission. Analyses focused on group differences according to selection classification on measures of symptomatology and resources available to the child. Significant differences were noted on level of concern about parents' drinking, depression, conduct disorder, and self-worth. Children interested in the program tended to score higher on measures of symptomatology. The potential of a self-selection model for identifying children at risk and areas for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Pupils (n=99) from two secondary schools in the UK were interviewed to investigate their views and experiences of the peer counselling for bullying service set up in their school. They were asked about various things concerning (1) the characteristics of the service and service providers that they valued and (2) their reasons for not using the service. Overall, a majority of participants reported a willingness to use this type of service and they identified numerous characteristics that they valued, including peer counsellors with good listening skills who were trustworthy and maintained confidentiality. A noteworthy proportion of participants also wanted the service to provide advice on solving bullying‐related problems. Some barriers to using the service were also identified, including fear of being stigmatised. Responses offered by girls and boys, and by users and non‐users of the service, were compared and several significant differences emerged. The results are discussed in terms of the implications for adults who run this type of service and the peer counsellors who deliver it.  相似文献   

Anxiety in children through separation from parents is one of the most frequent psychological problems in the infantile population. Children of divorce are more vulnerable to suffer this disorder due to the abrupt separation from one of the parents after the break-up, which they may experience as a traumatic event that predisposes them to react anxiously in daily separations. The purpose of this study is to examine the presence of symptoms of separation anxiety and general anxiety in a Spanish sample of 95 students of ages between 8 and 12 years. They were compared to a group of children of similar ages and sex whose parents are not divorced. The results show that children of divorce present higher levels of separation anxiety than the children whose parents remain together. Moreover, they show significant levels of generalized anxiety, but similar to that of the other group of children (undivorced parents). The clinical implications of these findings are discussed, emphasizing the importance of cooperation and frequent contact of the children with both parents to promote their security and autonomy.  相似文献   

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