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Three self-report anxiety questionnaires were administered to a sample of Lebanese undergraduates shortly before the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Six months after the disengagement of forces, the investigator located 20 Ss who had remained in West Beirut throughout the siege and 35 Ss who had evacuated to safer environs. The inventories were readministered to the Ss and the results revealed that: (1) there were no significant differences between the preinvasion scores of the evacuees and nonevacuees: (2) there were no significant differences between the postinvasion scores of the evacuees and nonevacuees: and (3) the aggregate scores of both groups vis-á-vis war-related stimuli were significantly lower at postassessment.  相似文献   

Objective: We examined the trajectories of sleep problems in adolescents after the Wenchuan earthquake, and assessed predictors such as posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Methods: We surveyed adolescents at 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 years after the Wenchuan earthquake. In total, 391 adolescents completed self-report questionnaires. Results: We identified five latent sleep problem trajectories, specifically, U-shaped (3.8%), low-stable (68.0%), high-stable (10.8%), increasing (8.7%), and decreasing (8.7%) trajectories. Additionally, we found that posttraumatic stress disorder hyper-arousal symptoms were more frequent in individuals who had non-low-stable trajectories. Adolescents in the U-shaped group were less likely to have intrusive symptoms. Conclusion: After natural disasters, consequent sleep problems in adolescents do not remain stable over time, and sleep problem trajectories had considerable heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Rorschach protocols from 35 children and adolescents with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and 35 with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) were compared. Both groups revealed significant differences from the normative tables on the same 12 variables: SCZI, DEPI, CDI, X + %, EgoC, Afr, T, EA, P, WSumC, RawSumSS, and WgtSumSS. However, as predicted, 4 of those variables, the Schizophrenic Index (SCZI) and 3 of the criterion tests that comprise it (X + %, RawSumSS, and WgtSumSS) were significantly different between the PTSD and ODD groups, with the PTSD group responding with more extreme scores. These findings contradict Exner's (1993) statement that only people with schizophrenia can be "defined or conceptualized as having both the problems of disordered thinking and inaccurate perception" (p. 356). Children and adolescents with PTSD also display these problems when trauma interrupts the child's naive belief that the world has predictable rules, the people in it are trustworthy and fair, and punishment and pain are consequences of bad behavior. When young victims cannot comprehend or make sense of what has happened to them, life becomes irrational, illogical, and confusing. Exner's SCZI does what it was designed to do: identify individuals with disordered thinking and inaccurate perception. Therefore, SCZI should be renamed the Perception and Thinking Index (PATI) to reflect its function rather than a diagnostic category.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 566 nurses from four urban hospitals, this study focused on role stress,conceptualized in terms of role conflict, uncertainty about acceptance of one's behavior by supervisors and peers, and role ambiguity. Results indicated that individual attributes, including education, locus of control, and professional commitment, predicted role stress, as did work content variables and leadership sensitivity. Interaction effects on individual performance were discovered between role-stress variables and education, feedback from others, and leadership sensitivity. This study did not contribute to understanding nursing turnover.  相似文献   

Utilizing the concept of race-based traumatic stress, this study tested whether posttraumatic stress symptoms explain the process by which perceived discrimination is related to health risk behaviors among Mexican American adolescents. One hundred ten participants were recruited from a large health maintenance organization in Northern California. Mediational analyses indicated that adolescents who perceived more discrimination reported worse posttraumatic stress symptoms, controlling for covariates. In turn, adolescents who experienced heightened posttraumatic stress symptoms reported more alcohol use, more other drug use, involvement in more fights, and more sexual partners. Perceived discrimination was also directly related to involvement in more fights. Results provide support for the notion of race-based traumatic stress, specifically, that perceived discrimination may be traumatizing for Mexican American adolescents. Counseling psychologists and counselors in schools and community settings should assess Mexican American adolescents for the effects of discrimination and provide appropriate interventions to reduce its negative emotional impact.  相似文献   

Total and factor scores of the Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI) were examined in relation to posttraumatic stress symptom levels within a community-based sample of 68 (43 females) traumatic event-exposed youth between the ages of 10 and 17 years (Mage=14.74 years). Findings were consistent with hypotheses; global anxiety sensitivity (AS) levels, as well as disease, unsteady, and mental incapacitation concerns, related positively to posttraumatic stress levels, whereas social concerns were unrelated to symptom levels. These results suggest that fears of the physical and mental consequences of anxiety are associated with relatively higher levels of posttraumatic stress subsequent to traumatic event exposure. Findings are discussed in terms of potential implications for the role of AS in developmentally sensitive etiological models of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology and suicidal behavior, specifically suicidal ideation and suicide attempt history, while controlling for depression and gender in 106 adolescents in an urban high school. Participants completed self-report measures of the Adolescent Psychopathology Scales-Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Subscale (APS-PTS), the APS-Suicide Attempt History (APS-SAH), the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire-Junior (SIQ-JR), and the Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale (RADS). Analyses were conducted using a hierarchical multiple regression design to account for the relationship between PTSD symptomatology and depression. Regression results showed that after controlling for depression and gender, PTSD symptomatology was significantly related to suicidal ideation and showed a trend toward suicide attempt history. In addition, adolescents with high levels of PTSD symptomatology were more likely than peers with "average" levels of PTSD symptomatology to be currently thinking about suicide and to have made a past suicide attempt. These findings show that PTSD symptomatology has a unique relationship to adolescent suicidal behavior that cannot be explained by depression or gender. The importance of these results and their implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate psychological, cardiovascular, and neuroendocrine reactivity to standardized stress tests (orthostatic challenge, Stroop Color Word Test) in drug-free adult women with chronic PTSD due to repetitive childhood sexual abuse. At baseline, the 11 patients showed significantly higher mean scores on the Symptom Check List-90 and the Profile of Mood States than 13 healthy female controls, whereas baseline cardiovascular or hormonal parameters showed no differences between the groups. Also, no significant differences were found between the two groups in cardiovascular and hormonal responsivity to the stress tests. Thus, in the presence of robust psychological differences, the patients with chronic PTSD due to childhood sexual abuse did not show alterations in baseline values of neurobiological parameters, nor did they react differently to a physical and mental stress test when compared to healthy controls.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative Block Design performance was examined in Vietnam combat veterans with PTSD diagnoses (n = 23) and Vietnam combat veterans without PTSD or other mental disorders diagnoses (n = 19). Results indicated that PTSD-diagnosed veterans committed more single block rotations than the comparison sample, and that their errors occurred more frequently in right hemispace than errors made by the comparison sample. The two groups did not differ in the number of configural errors made, errors committed in left hemispace, or in quantitative performance measures. Findings are suggestive of relative left hemisphere hypoactivation and are congruent with prior research documenting cerebral asymmetries in emotional disorders.  相似文献   


Two possible motives for sensation seeking behavior, escape from self-awareness and compensatory self-regulation, were investigated in two studies. In Study I a questionnaire was developed to identify the putative escape and compensation motives suspected to contribute to sensation seeking behaviors. In Study II the factor structure of this new measure, called the Risk and Excitement Inventory (REI), was cross-validated using confirmatory factor analysis, and construct validity was examined. Together these studies suggest that the REI comprises two reliable factors, compensation and escape from self-awareness. Study II showed that these factors have a reasonable degree of construct validity. Limits of the measure and the model are discussed, and suggestions are offered for future research.  相似文献   

This study compared the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-III (WISC-III) scores of traumatized youth with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to the scores of trauma-exposed and nonexposed comparison groups without PTSD. All groups were free of additional major childhood psychiatric disorders. The PTSD group scored significantly lower than the comparison groups on verbal subtests, but not on performance subtests. The scores of the trauma-exposed PTSD negatives and nontrauma exposed controls were not significantly different. Accordingly, PTSD and not a history of trauma exposure in the absence of PTSD was associated with lower verbal IQ.  相似文献   

Current research of posttrauma sequelae suggests that intrusive rather than avoidant-dissociative models more accurately represent the encoding processes of trauma cues. However, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is often conceptualized as a phasic phenomenon, altering between arousal and avoidance states. The failure to support a relationship between avoidant encoding style and PTSD may reflect this alteration. To explore this hypothesis, participants with PTSD and controls (no PTSD) completed an item-cued directed-forgetting task, following either a dissociative or a serenity (control) mood induction. Results suggested that, following the serenity induction, a standard directed-forgetting effect was observed. However, following the dissociation induction, this effect was not observed. The role of dissociation in impairing encoding via lack of selective rehearsal or source discrimination is discussed.  相似文献   

Cognitive models of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) assert that memory processes play a significant role in PTSD (see e.g., Ehlers & Clark, 2000). Intrusive reexperiencing in PTSD has been linked to perceptual processing of trauma-related material with a corresponding hypothesized lack of conceptual processing. In an experimental study that included clinical participants with and without PTSD (N = 50), perceptual priming and conceptual priming for trauma-related, general threat, and neutral words were investigated in a population with chronic trauma-induced complaints as a result of the Troubles in Northern Ireland. The study used a new version of the word-stem completion task (Michael, Ehlers, & Halligan, 2005) and a word-cue association task. It also assessed the role of dissociation in threat processing. Further evidence of enhanced perceptual priming in PTSD for trauma stimuli was found, along with evidence of lack of conceptual priming for such stimuli. Furthermore, this pattern of priming for trauma-related words was associated with PTSD severity, and state dissociation and PTSD group made significant contributions to predicting perceptual priming for trauma words. The findings shed light on the importance of state dissociation in trauma-related information processing and posttraumatic symptoms.  相似文献   

梁一鸣  杨璐溪  席居哲  刘正奎 《心理学报》2022,54(10):1206-1215
借助交叉滞后网络的分析方法, 探讨睡眠问题在创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的症状系统中与其他症状的格兰杰因果关系。以经历舟曲泥石流的1460名儿童青少年为研究对象, 在灾后3, 15和27个月对其PTSD症状进行测量。交叉滞后网络分析结果显示:3到15个月时的睡眠问题的发出预期影响最高; 而15到27个月时与他人疏离和线索引发生理反应的发出预期影响最高。结果表明了睡眠问题对PTSD症状影响的时间特异性, 并为儿童青少年的PTSD干预方案和诊断模式提供了启示。  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to investigate age and gender effects on coping with everyday stressors among children and adolescents with chronic illness and healthy controls. Patients (8–13 years of age) with asthma (n=47), atopic dermatitis (n=52), and cancer (n=57) were compared to healthy controls (n=158) matched by age, gender, and grade. Self-report data on coping with academic and interpersonal stressors were collected. The primary results indicated that coping with everyday stressors was improved in children and adolescents with chronic illness compared to healthy controls. Thus, patients reported less passive avoidance on cross-situational coping and tended to show more situation-specific coping with social and school-related stressors than healthy controls. Additionally, among the clinical groups, patients with atopic dermatitis and cancer scored higher on positive self-instructions than patients with asthma. Conclusively, the results suggest that coping with a chronic illness may lead to more effective coping with everyday stressors. Implications for evaluating coping styles in patients with chronic illness are discussed.  相似文献   

The psychological consequences of traumatic stress may last even into old age. In persons in their 60s and 70s who had been victims of political detention and torture four decades ago, we compared the outcome of narrative exposure therapy (NET) to that of psychoeducation (PED) only. From a group of 59 former political detainees, 18 who fulfilled the full PTSD criteria according to the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) were offered and accepted participation in the treatment study. The participants were randomly assigned to either one session of PED (n=9) or five sessions of NET (n=9). Symptoms of PTSD (CIDI) and depression (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI) were assessed prior to treatment and after a 6-month follow-up. NET but not PED produced a significant reduction in post-traumatic symptoms and depression scores. Four out of 9 of those who completed NET, compared to 8/9 of those within the PED group, still had PTSD 6 months after the treatment had ended. These results indicate that NET may lead to the alleviation of post-traumatic and depression symptoms even when the conditions persist for excessive time periods.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a prevalent anxiety disorder marked by behavioral, physiologic, and hormonal alterations. PTSD is disabling and commonly follows a chronic course. The etiology of PTSD is unknown, although exposure to a traumatic event constitutes a necessary, but not sufficient, factor. A twin study of Vietnam veterans has shown significant genetic contribution to PTSD. The fact that PTSD's underlying genotypic vulnerability is only expressed following trauma exposure limits the usefulness of family-based linkage approaches. In contrast to the other major psychiatric disorders, large studies for the search of underlying genes have not been described in PTSD to date. Complementary approaches for locating involved genes include association-based studies employing case-control or parental genotypes for transmission dysequilibrium analysis and quantitative trait loci studies in animal models. Identification of susceptibility genes will increase our understanding of traumatic stress disorders and help to elucidate their molecular basis. The current review provides an up-to-date outline of progress in the field of PTSD.  相似文献   

Although peritraumatic dissociation predicts subsequent posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), little is understood about the mechanism of this relationship. This study examines the role of panic during trauma in the relationship between peritraumatic dissociation and subsequent PTSD. Randomized eligible admissions to 4 major trauma hospitals across Australia (n = 244) were assessed during hospital admission and within one month of trauma exposure for panic, peritraumatic dissociation and PTSD symptoms, and subsequently re-assessed for PTSD three months after the initial assessment (n = 208). Twenty (9.6%) patients met criteria for PTSD at 3-months post injury. Structural equation modeling supported the proposition that peritraumatic derealization (a subset of dissociation) mediated the effect of panic reactions during trauma and subsequent PTSD symptoms. The mediation model indicated that panic reactions are linked to severity of subsequent PTSD via derealization, indicating a significant indirect relationship. Whereas peritraumatic derealization is associated with chronic PTSD symptoms, this relationship is influenced by initial acute panic responses.  相似文献   

This study examined (a) the relationships between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom clusters and marital intimacy among Israeli war veterans and (b) the role of self-disclosure and verbal violence in mediating the effects of PTSD avoidance and hyperarousal symptoms on marital intimacy. The sample consisted of 219 participants divided into 2 groups: ex-prisoners of war (ex-POWs; N = 125) and a comparison group of veterans who fought in the same war but were not held in captivity (N = 94). Ex-POWs displayed higher levels of PTSD symptoms and verbal violence and lower levels of self-disclosure than did controls. Although ex-POWs and controls did not differ in level of marital intimacy, they did, however, present a different pattern of relationships between PTSD clusters and intimacy. In ex-POWs, self-disclosure mediated the relations between PTSD avoidance and marital intimacy. Verbal aggression was also found via indirect effect of hyperarousal on marital intimacy. The results point to the importance of self-disclosure and verbal violence as interpersonal mechanisms for the relations between posttraumatic symptoms on marital intimacy of ex-POWs.  相似文献   

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