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Inference deficits in right brain-damaged patients   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
The inferential reasoning ability of right hemisphere-damaged (RHD) patients was tested by presenting pairs of sentences which were to be treated as single, integrated units. The two sentences treated together made one interpretation likely (a correct inference); one of the sentences in isolation encouraged a different interpretation (an incorrect inference). The position of the misleading sentence was systematically varied. Results showed that, in contrast to normal controls, RHD patients have more trouble answering inference questions, especially those concerning incorrect inferences, than answering questions about the factual content of the passages. Also, RHD patients made significantly more errors when the misleading information was contained in the first rather than in the second sentence; this finding indicates that these patients have difficulty revising previously acquired knowledge in light of new information. These results suggest the impairment of several components of normal discourse processing subsequent to right hemisphere brain damage.  相似文献   

A method for the freehand drawing of anaglyphs is described. Usually textbooks cover the topic of stereopsis in an abstract way, making it difficult for students to grasp. The present method enables students to draw anaglyphs by hand and should make the concept of binocular disparity more easily learned.  相似文献   

Defects confined to spatial memory can severely affect a variety of daily life activities, such as remembering the location of objects or navigating the environment, until now the skills involved have been mostly assessed with regard to the visual domain using traditional pencil and paper tests. Our aim was to test the efficacy of a recently developed psychometric instrument (Walking Corsi Test: WalCT) to assess the specific contribution of spatial memory to the complex task of retrieving route knowledge. The WalCT is a 3 × 2.5-m version of the well-known Corsi Block-tapping Test (CBT), in which patients are required to memorize (and replicate) a sequence of body displacements. We assessed the ability of left and right brain-damaged patients, as well as healthy young and senior controls, to perform both the CBT and the WalCT. Results showed differences related to age in the healthy individuals and specific functional dissociations in the brain-damaged patients. The double dissociations found in this study demonstrate the importance of having a task able to detect navigational disorders, because virtual reality tasks are often much too difficult for aged brain-damaged patients to perform.  相似文献   


Defects confined to spatial memory can severely affect a variety of daily life activities, such as remembering the location of objects or navigating the environment, until now the skills involved have been mostly assessed with regard to the visual domain using traditional pencil and paper tests. Our aim was to test the efficacy of a recently developed psychometric instrument (Walking Corsi Test: WalCT) to assess the specific contribution of spatial memory to the complex task of retrieving route knowledge. The WalCT is a 3×2.5-m version of the well-known Corsi Block-tapping Test (CBT), in which patients are required to memorize (and replicate) a sequence of body displacements. We assessed the ability of left and right brain-damaged patients, as well as healthy young and senior controls, to perform both the CBT and the WalCT. Results showed differences related to age in the healthy individuals and specific functional dissociations in the brain-damaged patients. The double dissociations found in this study demonstrate the importance of having a task able to detect navigational disorders, because virtual reality tasks are often much too difficult for aged brain-damaged patients to perform.  相似文献   

Sign language displays all the complex linguistic structure found in spoken languages, but conveys its syntax in large part by manipulating spatial relations. This study investigated whether deaf signers who rely on a visual-spatial language nonetheless show a principled cortical separation for language and nonlanguage visual-spatial functioning. Four unilaterally brain-damaged deaf signers, fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) before their strokes, served as subjects. Three had damage to the left hemisphere and one had damage to the right hemisphere. They were administered selected tests of nonlanguage visual-spatial processing. The pattern of performance of the four patients across this series of tests suggests that deaf signers show hemispheric specialization for nonlanguage visual-spatial processing that is similar to hearing speaking individuals. The patients with damage to the left hemisphere, in general, appropriately processed visual-spatial relationships, whereas, in contrast, the patient with damage to the right hemisphere showed consistent and severe visual-spatial impairment. The language behavior of these patients was much the opposite, however. Indeed, the most striking separation between linguistic and nonlanguage visual-spatial functions occurred in the left-hemisphere patient who was most severely aphasic for sign language. Her signing was grossly impaired, yet her visual-spatial capacities across the series of tests were surprisingly normal. These data suggest that the two cerebral hemispheres of congenitally deaf signers can develop separate functional specialization for nonlanguage visual-spatial processing and for language processing, even though sign language is conveyed in large part via visual-spatial manipulation.  相似文献   

It was hypothesised that pictures drawn to represent active and passive sentences would reflect this syntactic difference. Specifically, it was predicted that the reversal of the order in which the logical subject (LS) and the logical object (LO) occur in the change from active to passive form of sentence will affect the order in which they occur in their pictorial representations. A significant directional preference was found for placing the LO to the left of the LS in the pictorial representations of passive but not active sentences. This was discussed in terms of the marked status of the passive in relation to the active. In the case of sentences differing only in lexical marking there was no asymmetric directionality effect corresponding to that found for actives and passives. A significant tendency to match the surface order of the sentences in the pictures was found for both lexically marked and unmarked sentences. The possibility that other spatial or physical dimensions might be used to express syntactic and semantic factors in the pictorial representation of sentences is considered.  相似文献   

Metaphor in pictures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J M Kennedy 《Perception》1982,11(5):589-605
Pictures can be literal or metaphoric. Metaphoric pictures involve intended violations of standard modes of depiction that are universally recognizable. The types of metaphoric pictures correspond to major groups of verbal metaphors, with the addition of a class of pictorial runes. Often the correspondence between verbal and pictorial metaphors depends on individual features of objects and such physical parameters as change of scale. A more sophisticated analysis is required for some pictorial metaphors, involving juxtapositions of well-known objects and indirect reference.  相似文献   

The understanding of stories requires sensitivity to structural aspects of narrative, the emotional content conveyed by the narrative, and the interaction between structural and emotional facets of the story. Right-hemisphere-damaged (RHD) and normal control subjects performed a number of different analytic tasks which probed their competence at story comprehension. Results revealed that RHD subjects perform at a level comparable to that of normal controls with stories that follow a canonical form and that they show few difficulties with structural aspects of narrative. Contrary to expectation, they are strongly influenced by the "interest" level of a story and by other factors that tap emotional sensitivity. Findings are discussed in terms of the processing and arousal mechanisms which may give rise to the observed pattern of difficulties in RHD patients.  相似文献   

Subjects adjusted a local gauge figure such as to perceptually “fit” the apparent surfaces of objects depicted in photographs. We obtained a few hundred data points per session, covering the picture according to a uniform lattice. Settings were repeated 3 times for each of 3 subjects. Almost all of the variability resided in the slant; the relative spread in the slant was about 25% (Weber fraction). The tilt was reproduced with a typical spread of about 10?. The rank correlation of the slant settings of different observers was high, thus the slant settings of different subjects were monotonically related. The variability could be predicted from the scatter in repeated settings by the individual observers. Although repeated settings by a single observer agreed within 5%, observers did not agree on the value of the slant, even on the average. Scaling factors of a doubling in the depth dimension were encountered between different subjects. The data conformed quite well to some hypothetical fiducial global surface, the orientation of which was “probed” by the subject’s local settings. The variability was completely accounted for by singleobserver scatter. These conclusions are based upon an analysis of the internal structure of the local settings. We did not address the problem of veridicality, that is, conformity to some “real object.”  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to explore the role of an explicit expression of macrostructure in facilitating performance on a Story Arrangement Task. Subjects were presented with a series of sentences which they were required to arrange into a coherent paragraph. Half of the items were preceded by a theme sentence containing the framework or macrostructure of the paragraph, while the items without theme sentences required subjects to formulate their own macrostructure in a bottom-up fashion. Results of the study support the hypothesis that the presence of a theme sentence facilitates performance on the Story Arrangement Task for non-brain-damaged individuals (NBDs) and left brain-damaged patients (LBDs), but not for right brain-damaged patients (RBDs). This suggests that RBDs are impaired in their ability to recognize and benefit from explicit thematic statements in narratives. Other discourse-level deficits in RBDs are discussed in the light of these findings. The performance of LBDs on such tasks is also discussed.  相似文献   

Subjects adjusted a local gauge figure such as to perceptually "fit" the apparent surfaces of objects depicted in photographs. We obtained a few hundred data points per session, covering the picture according to a uniform lattice. Settings were repeated 3 times for each of 3 subjects. Almost all of the variability resided in the slant; the relative spread in the slant was about 25% (Weber fraction). The tilt was reproduced with a typical spread of about 10 degrees. The rank correlation of the slant settings of different observers was high, thus the slant settings of different subjects were monotonically related. The variability could be predicted from the scatter in repeated settings by the individual observers. Although repeated settings by a single observer agreed within 5%, observers did not agree on the value of the slant, even on the average. Scaling factors of a doubling in the depth dimension were encountered between different subjects. The data conformed quite well to some hypothetical fiducial global surface, the orientation of which was "probed" by the subject's local settings. The variability was completely accounted for by single-observer scatter. These conclusions are based upon an analysis of the internal structure of the local settings. We did not address the problem of veridicality, that is, conformity to some "real object."  相似文献   

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