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以跨文化(中国人)个性测量表(CPAI-2)的成人版为基础,综合运用文化共通性(etic)和文化特殊性(emic)方法发展了相应的青少年版个性测量工具——CPAI-A,并在香港青少年人群中进行了标准化研究。结果表明CPAI-A有良好的信度和清晰的因素结构。文章从理论和实证两方面深入分析了学界日益关注的从青少年到成人人格的发展性与稳定性问题,以及人格特质评估的文化共通性与特殊性问题。最后建议CPAI-A量表发展的历程可能是融合本土化与跨文化人格评估发展过程中一条非常值得借鉴的思路  相似文献   

多元文化论与跨文化心理学的发展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
多元文化论强调文化因素对心理学研究的重要性。它主张文化的多元性和平等性,反对跨文化心理学研究中的“文化帝国主义”倾向。在多元文化论的影响下,跨文化心理学开始摆脱“欧美中心主义”偏见,出现了普遍性研究策略和特殊性研究策略相结合、跨文化心理学与文化心理学、本土心理学相结合的趋向。  相似文献   

中国人人格结构探索——人格特质六因素假说   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
研究人格特质背后潜在的结构一直是人格心理学家们工作的一项重要内容,因而存在着人格结构因素(维度)之争;而论证某一人格特质结构的文化普适性(etic)或者文化特殊性(emic),则成为当今人格特质研究者们工作的一个重要方向,因而存在着彼一人格结构与此一人格结构能否相容之争。文章回顾总结了20多年来有关《中国人个性测量表CPAI》的实证研究结果,提出了一个人格特质“六因素”假说(SFM),并通过比较中国人和美国人样本在“六因素”结构中的“人际关系性(IR)”和“开放性(O)”因素上的显性/隐性表现,指出人格因素数量及其理论定性之争很可能仅具有方法学意义,对于真正了解人格的本质并非关键。真正找到人类共有的和某一人群特有的人格特质结构的唯一途径,只能是各种文化背景下的人格心理学家超越各自理论、彼此平等接纳、从文化的、乃至遗传的角度共同探索  相似文献   

性格优势和美德是源于“价值实践分类体系”同一架构中不同层次的概念。过去十年的研究表明性格优势对个体身心健康和幸福感有积极贡献。但目前该领域绝大多数研究着眼于性格优势,而忽略了该体系中更普遍、更核心的美德。美德的结构差异性可能阻碍了相关研究的进行和比较。本文认为“兼顾文化共通性与文化特殊性方法”可能是解决途径之一,并引用已有研究进行佐证,发现亲和力、生命力和意志力可能是一个具有普遍意义的美德结构。  相似文献   

文化与人格研究中的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“文化与人格”包含着“文化中的人格”和“人格中的文化”两个命题。当今人格与文化研究中存在几个问题:人格特质的跨文化普遍性问题;人格与文化研究中的文化问题;人格与文化的作用机制问题。要解决这些问题:1.将主位研究与客位研究结合起来;2.将文化看作动态的过程;3.考虑到文化与人格之间起作用的中间机制;4.加强人格心理学与其它学科的联系。  相似文献   

人类自我概念的心理表征在心理学和哲学有深入的研究, 跨文化心理学研究揭示了东西方文化自我概念的结构差异。近年来神经科学借助脑功能成像开始研究自我相关信息加工过程的神经机制, 并探讨是否存在文化特异的自我概念的认知神经表征。跨文化神经成像研究表明自我概念在知觉水平和人格特征表征方面都存在文化差异, 本文综述该领域的研究进展。跨文化和文化启动神经成像研究结果有助于我们理解自我概念表征文化差异背后的神经机制。这些研究推动了文化神经科学的发展。  相似文献   

用中国人个性量表(CPAI)预测国有企业中高层管理者的绩效   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究用中国人个性量表 (CPAI)测量了某国有企业的 3 8名中高级管理人员 ,并获得了他们最近的上司评定绩效资料。相关分析表明 ,CPAI的和谐维度与工作能力和工作态度的多个指标有正相关 ,CPAI的领导维度与沟通能力有正相关。与假设相反 ,老实 -圆滑和务实与沟通能力有负相关 ;越外控的员工 ,其合作态度的评价越高。这可能表明了国企管理的某些特点对人格—绩效关系的影响。本研究揭示了一些被西方心理学家忽视的人格维度对于中国企业人力资源管理的重要意义。  相似文献   

在积极心理学视野下,宽恕这一主题日益受到心理学界的关注,西方心理治疗领域发展出一项针对受冒犯者的临床技术--宽恕治疗,现有研究支持了其在西方文化中的有效性.而有研究表明,宽恕是一个受文化制约的心理现象,因此,在跨文化应用时,需要考虑其文化制约性,该文在介绍西方宽恕治疗临床应用的基础上,进行文化方面的比较与讨论,并就宽恕治疗的跨文化应用提出一些思考,据此提出在中国文化背景下的宽恕治疗构想.  相似文献   

文化人类学具有跨文化研究的学科优势,其理论与方法逐渐在中医研究中得到关注,文化人类学在中医经典著作的《黄帝内经》的研究中理应发挥作用。理顺了法、英、美等西方有影响力的人类学家的理论与方法,并将其运用到《内经》研究中,分析了《内经》冠以“黄帝”书名的缘由、“祝由”治病、对重视“脏腑”功能的理解以及对所蕴含的传统文化思想的解读等相关内容,不仅拓宽了《内经》的研究领域,而且对于社会文化传播、《内经》国际化的学术交流以及教学都是有益的。  相似文献   

心理学中的文化意识在跨文化心理学、文化心理学、文化建构主义心理学中经历了3次重大衍变。跨文化心理学视文化为心理规律的干扰因素,认为理论研究应力求“去文化”;文化心理学认为心理是文化的“投射”,寻求理论的“文化敏感”;文化建构主义心理学则认为心理与文化是相互灌注、相互建构的关系,因而更加关注“心理”、“意义”与“现实”的双向建构过程。本文详细分析了上述几种不同的文化意识形态的主要特点,并结合历史背景,对其各自的意义、问题做了简要讨论。  相似文献   

人格结构的中西方差异与中国人的人格特点   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
该文旨在通过对中西方人格结构的比较和分析揭示文化与人格结构的关系,并探寻中国人人格结构的文化意义。根据词汇学假设进行的中西方人格结构的研究结果表明,人格结构的形成是建立在对行为归类的基础之上的,中西方人格结构的差异最直接的原因就在于中西方对行为归类的差别。中国文化比较强调整体性、联系性以及评价性是造成中国人与西方人行为归类差异的原因,而更深层次的原因则是中西方文化中对人性看法的差异。中国人人格量表有着比较理想的预测效度,而且与西方大五人格量表相比更高的预测效度,这些均表明中国人人格结构的合理性。文中还提出了进一步研究的展望  相似文献   

The issue of whether personality changes as a function of language is controversial. The present research tested the cultural accommodation hypothesis by examining the impact of language use on personality as perceived by the self and by others. In Study 1, Hong Kong Chinese-English bilinguals responded to personality inventories in Chinese or English on perceived traits for themselves, typical native speakers of Chinese, and typical native speakers of English. Study 2 adopted a repeated measures design and collected data at three time points from written measures and actual conversations to examine whether bilinguals exhibited different patterns of personality, each associated with one of their two languages and the ethnicity of their interlocutors. Self-reports and behavioral observations confirmed the effects of perceived cultural norms, language priming, and interlocutor ethnicity on various personality dimensions. It is suggested that use of a second language accesses the perceived cultural norms of the group most associated with that language, especially its prototypic trait profiles, thus activating behavioral expressions of personality that are appropriate in the corresponding linguistic-social context.  相似文献   

T his paper presents the results of three studies that investigated the nature of forgiveness, its measurement, and personality correlates in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Study 1 involved in‐depth interviews with 27 PRC cultural scholars about the concept of forgiveness and factors influencing the tendency to forgive in Chinese philosophy and everyday life. The respondents supported the relevance of this concept for Chinese societies and were able to give examples both from classical Chinese texts and their own lives. However, they also considered that preserving group harmony was the main reason to forgive and discounted the personality or religious influences commonly reported in the Western literature. Study 2 reported the adaptation of a Western forgiveness questionnaire for use with PRC respondents. Study 3 involved administering this questionnaire together with measures of self‐esteem, anxiety, impression management, and culturally appropriate constructs of face, relationship orientation, and harmony to 336 college students and 432 teachers from the PRC. As predicted, it was the latter two constructs that had the strongest correlations with the tendency to forgive in both samples. It was concluded that, in the PRC, willingness to forgive is influenced largely by social solidarity needs rather than the individualistic personality variables or religiosity reported in Western research. We hypothesize that this is due to the collectivist nature of PRC society and the results may well generalize to other collectivist cultures.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to (a) compare the response bias tendencies of U.S. and Philippine college students and men and women in each culture when responding to personality measures, (b) examine the comparability of different measures of the same response biases, (c) examine the stability or consistency of response biases across instruments, (d) examine the extent to which controlling for response biases affects cultural mean comparisons in personality variables, and (e) test hypothesized personality correlates of response biases. The results did not support the presence of large cross-cultural or gender differences in response biases. Moderate to high agreement was found between different indexes of the same biases. Participants' response bias tendencies were moderately stable across instruments. Controlling for response biases led to trivial changes in effect sizes; in most cases, conclusions about cultural differences in personality constructs did not change. Most hypotheses relating personality variables to response biases were not supported.  相似文献   

This research presents the first evidence of cultural differences in self-verification and the role of naïve dialecticism in mediating these differences. Chinese, Asian-American, and non-Asian American students completed a series of personality tests, and were presented with bogus feedback that was either self-consistent or self-discrepant, and either positive or negative. Whereas non-Asians self-verified (i.e., tended to exhibit resistance), mainland Chinese and Asian-American participants tended to adjust their self-views when they received (either positive or negative) feedback that contradicted their prevailing self-conceptions. Mediated moderation analyses showed that naïve dialecticism, mediated cultural differences in self-verification.  相似文献   

The individualism-collectivism dimension cuts across the East and the West. It explains the differing values and cultural breeding that are necessary in acculturating people's affective and cognitive behaviours in accordance with the culture to which they belong. Many empirical studies have investigated the effects of personality traits on job satisfaction and work strain. The personality of individuals affects how they perceive the impact of job satisfaction and work stress. Furthermore, personality traits are influenced by cultural background. This study surveyed 626 nurses from collectivist and individualist societies to find out the possible difference in the role of affective dispositions in self-reported job satisfaction and work strain between these two cultural orientations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to test the external validity of the short dark triad (SD3) and see whether the dark triad (DT) framework is replicable in Asian societies. In three independent studies involving 443 participants from South Korea, China, and the Philippines, we extend short measures of the DT and the big five framework as well as conduct confirmatory factor analysis to test various models of the SD3 in each country. We also test for measurement invariance, report intercorrelations, alpha coefficients, and gender differences within each sample. Except for Machiavellianism, all models failed configural invariance. Despite failing configural invariance across all three countries, males consistently reported higher means on all DT traits, with psychopathy the lowest, and DT constructs were significantly intercorrelated with each other across all three samples, demonstrating a pattern of consistency with previous DT literature and findings. As the DT continues to gain in popularity and is beginning to surface in cross‐cultural research, we contribute to discussions concerned with the construct's external validity. Our study's findings question what, if any, meaningful interpretations can be made from extending Western‐based personality instruments to Asian (foreign) societies. Limitations and contributions of this study are outlined, and recommendations for future research are summarized.  相似文献   

Personality, in terms of both strict personality traits (five factors) and their cultural adaptations (e.g., values), has systematically been found to predict religion. This article focuses on three issues that still remain unclear: predictiveness of personality facets versus the five factors; predictiveness of values versus personality; and similarities and differences between religiosity and spirituality in their associations with personality and values. We administered the NEO-PI-R, the Schwartz Value Survey, and religious measures to Spanish students (N = 256). The personality facets provided additional and subtler information than the five factors on individual differences in religion and spirituality. When the overlap between personality and values was controlled for, values were almost unique predictors of these differences. Spirituality shared with religion both a prosocial tendency (with even some intensification) and conscientiousness, but not the emphasis on conservation versus openness to change and to experience.  相似文献   

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