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时间信息的加工一直是当代阅读心理研究的热点。以往研究对时间信息表征的性质、维度特征、提取机制等问题存在诸多争论, 主要表现为强印象假设与场景理论的冲突。我们认为, 文本阅读中时间信息的加工包括两个阶段:加工时间词以及低水平的更新情景模型阶段和通达与整合先前信息阶段, 强印象假设和场景理论争论的实质在于前者解释的是加工的第一个阶段, 而后者解释的是加工的第二个阶段, 因此, 总是难以调和。本项目首先在更高的理论层面上将二者加以整合, 然后采用经典的认知心理学研究方法与现代的眼动研究技术相结合的方法, 通过对文本阅读中时间信息表征性质、加工的维度特征、提取过程的激活与抑制特征等问题的探讨, 为本项目提出的时间信息加工的二阶段模型提供行为实验与眼动实验证据, 从而解决该领域中强印象假设与场景理论的长期争论。本项目的理论构想与研究技术对文本阅读其他问题的探讨具有重要的方法论意义。  相似文献   

邱丽景  王穗苹  陈烜之 《心理学报》2012,44(10):1279-1288
采用眼动技术,本研究探讨了阅读理解中代词的加工机制.读者阅读包含代词的文本,代词的性别与先行词的性别刻板印象一致或违背,同时其和先行词间的距离或远或近,记录被试阅读文本的眼动轨迹.结果发现,与一致条件相比,违背条件的加工时间更长.当代词和先行词间距离较近时,一致性效应在关键代词区的反映早期加工的眼动指标上即出现,而当二者间距离较远时,一致性效应在更后的位置(代词后那一区域)出现,并且只出现在反映晚期加工的眼动指标上.此外,与远距离一致条件相比,近距离一致条件下代词后那一区域的阅读时间更长.上述结果表明,性别刻板印象以及距离在代词加工皆发挥重要作用,而且性别刻板印象产生的影响在时程上因距离的不同而不同.这一结果在一定程度上为语言理解的交互作用理论提供了证据.  相似文献   

为了在语篇的层面上从浅层的语词加工和深层的情境加工两个角度考察时间参照加工的特点,采用单因素4水平重复测量实验设计,使用EyelinkⅡ型眼动仪比较了时间参照与时间转换的眼动指标。结果显示,时间词区:远参照与短时转换的眼动指标接近,近参照与长时转换的指标接近;关键事件区:远参照与长时转换的指标接近,近参照与短时转换的指标接近。结果表明时间参照表现出类似时间转换的特点,其特点与能否维系语篇的因果连贯性相关。  相似文献   

研究采用眼动随动显示技术,通过操控提示正确/错误词边界线索的延迟时间,考察汉语阅读中汉字、词汇加工与词切分的时间特性。实验1发现,提示词n+1边界不影响总阅读时间,但能积极影响词兴趣区内的眼动数据,这种影响随着提示延迟时间的增加而逐步减弱;提示错误的词n+1的边界线索对总阅读时间的影响则随提示延迟时间的增加呈现倒"U"型的变化趋势。实验2发现,提示词n边界不影响总阅读时间,但却消极影响词兴趣区内的眼动数据,这种消极影响并没有随着提示延迟时间的增加而减弱;提示错误的词n边界对总阅读时间和眼动数据均产生消极的影响,且这种影响都随着提示延迟时间的增加而减弱。综合两项实验的结果可以推测,单一的向上反馈假设和整体假设都不能全面解释阅读中的字词加工过程,汉字加工与词汇加工间存在交互激活过程。  相似文献   

本研究采用眼动法,探讨了被试在理解层次分隔歧义句时,逗号作为书面韵律边界所起到的作用,以及书面韵律边界与词汇信息如何共同影响句子加工。研究选取了裸视视力或矫正视力均正常的母语为汉语的成人,完成一个在自然情境下阅读层次分隔歧义句的句子理解实验,同时记录他们句子阅读时的眼动数据。结果发现:有逗号解歧的句子的阅读时间明显少于没有逗号解歧句子的阅读时间;逗号偏向类型和词汇偏向类型之间存在交互作用,即两者在三种眼动指标上都达到了显著性水平,研究所选的三种眼动指标为首次注视时间、第一遍阅读时间和总注视时间;此外,当逗号偏向将句子结构确定为形容词修饰整个短语结构时,词汇偏向会对语义理解进行调整,表现在三种眼动指标的显著性上。实验结果支持内隐韵律假设,书面韵律信息对歧义句歧义消解的作用从句子加工早期开始,书面韵律信息与词汇偏向的交互作用也发生于句子加工早期。  相似文献   

应用EyelinkⅡ眼动仪, 通过两项消失文本实验分别考察了汉语阅读过程中眼跳的目标选择单元以及词汇加工方式。实验一操纵注视点上字和词的呈现方式, 发现中文读者以词为基本单元对注视点及其右侧文本信息进行加工, 且保持词的视知觉完整性对词内再注视眼跳和词间眼跳都有着非常重要的作用; 汉语阅读的眼动模式符合认知控制模型的预测。实验二操纵注视点左侧和右侧单词的呈现与消失, 结果显示在对词n注视持续50~55 ms后词n-1消失将严重影响被试的阅读, 词n+1和词n+2的消失均不影响总阅读时间, 但会导致读者的眼动模式发生改变, 说明中文读者可以并列加工阅读知觉广度内的词汇。  相似文献   

阅读研究中的主要眼动指标评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
眼跳和注视是阅读过程中的两种基本眼动现象.目前在对阅读的眼动研究中分析指标主要包括两类,一类是与眼睛何时移动有关的时间维度的眼动指标,具体包括以字或词为兴趣区的眼动指标,如单一注视时间、首次注视时间、第二次注视时间、凝视时间、离开目标后的首次注视时间、回视时间和总注视时间等,以及以短语或句子为兴趣区的眼动指标,如第一遍阅读时间、向前阅读时间、第二遍阅读时间、回视路径阅读时间、重读时间等.另一类是与眼睛移动位置有关的空间维度的眼动指标,具体包括眼跳距离、注视位置、注视次数、跳读率、再注视比率和回视次数等.在使用眼动指标时,需要注意眼动指标的分类、原始数据的删除标准以及眼动指标的选择等问题.  相似文献   

记叙文时间转换机制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
冷英  莫雷  韩迎春  黄浩 《心理学报》2004,36(1):9-14
采用实时窗口阅读技术和再认探测技术,探讨了间断性时间短语与场景跨度的关系对时间转换的影响,对Zwaan提出的强印象假设与Anderson提出的场景模型进行检验。实验1探讨在与Zwaan实验材料相似长度的场景中人们是否会忽略对较短的非连续性时间标记的处理;实验2探讨在时间跨度较大的场景中,与Zwaan实验材料相似长度的间断性时间标记是否会引起时间的转换。结果表明时间信息的间断性只是产生时间转换的必要条件之一,而不是充分条件;读者在处理间断性的时间短语进行时间转换时还会参照时间短语的跨度与场景跨度的比例。  相似文献   

用EyelinkⅡ眼动仪记录23名母语为汉语的英语专业大学生阅读汉语和英语对照材料的眼动情况。结果发现:(1)被试阅读汉—英对照材料时,理解率没有差异,但汉语材料的阅读速度、阅读时间和阅读效率等明显优于英语材料的;(2)在注视次数、平均注视时间、注视频率、平均眼跳幅度和回视入次数等指标上,被试阅读汉语材料的成绩明显高于英语材料的;(3)对汉—英同义目标词加工的眼动特点分析发现,相对于英语目标词,被试对相同像素汉语目标词的加工更难。  相似文献   

为了探查理解单个他人心理与解读互动心理的差异机制, 在实验一和实验二中分别采用眼动和事件相关电位技术来测评个体解读中文四字成语中的单个他人心理和互动心理的加工过程。眼动实验发现, 单人成语第二个字的总阅读时间显著长于物理成语; 随后, 互动成语前三字的凝视时间显著长于单人和物理成语。脑电实验发现, 在成语呈现后500~700ms, 解读单人和互动成语诱发的额区晚期正成分(LPC)平均波幅显著大于解读物理成语; 之后在700~800ms, 解读互动成语诱发的额中区LPC平均波幅显著大于解读单人和物理成语。眼动注视模式和脑电证据共同印证了理解单个他人的心理与理解多人的互动心理存在时间和强度上的差异。相对于物理表征和单人心理的加工, 理解更为复杂的互动心理需要更长的加工时间和更强的神经活动。  相似文献   

In exploring the possibilities for creating a model of the creative cosmos, it is important to seek mathematical models that can express the common relationships unifying the sciences of matter, life and mind. Current candidates for such all embracing mathematical models come from the burgeoning fields of non‐linear dynamics that are described under varying labels as Chaos Theory, Self‐Organization Theory and Adaptive Complexity Theory. In this paper we will limit ourselves to only one mathematical model called, “The Feigenbaum Scenario.” A major virtue of The Feigenbaum Scenario is that it is relatively easy to understand by non‐mathematicians and it has led to new depths of profound understanding in a wide variety of the physical and biological sciences. Everything from purely mechanical systems, fluid dynamics and the weather to the patterns of biological growth in nature and the dynamics of heart, hormone and brain rhythms have been found to exhibit aspects of the Feigenbaum scenario. We explore the possibility that the Feigenbaum scenario can be extended to experiences of mind, sensation, perception and human behavior as well. We conclude that a major function of consciousness may be to transform the non‐linear, irrational, unconscious and difficult to predict dynamics of unconscious nature into the more linear, rational and predictable psycho‐dynamics that make human experience and social life possible.  相似文献   

Two assumptions commonly made by choice reaction time (RT) models are (1) that certain experimental tasks can be found that cause an extra processing stage to be inserted into the cognitive process and (2) that the duration of one or more processing stages is random with an exponential distribution. Few rigorous tests of either assumption exist. This paper reviews existing tests and presents several new results that can be used to test these assumptions. First, in the case in which the duration of an inserted stage is exponentially distributed, it is shown that the observable RT density functions must always intersect at the mode of the density requiring the extra processing stage. Second, when only the first assumption (Assumption 1) is made, it is shown that the cumulative RT distribution functions and, in many cases, the hazard functions must be ordered. Finally, when only Assumption 2 is assumed, it is shown that, under fairly weak conditions, the taft of the RT density function must be exponential. The first two results are applied to data from a memory scanning experiment, and the two assumptions are found to receive tentative support  相似文献   

Using evidence‐based guidelines to interview children is an important means to obtain complete and accurate accounts. In the current study, we examined the quality of child investigative interviewing in the Netherlands. To examine this, we compared the Dutch Scenario Model with the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Protocol and interviews from countries that did not follow a specific protocol. Our principal result was that Dutch child interviewers rarely asked recommended open prompts that are known to elicit detailed and accurate testimonies from children. Furthermore, we found that the scenario model contained the highest number of directive questions compared with interviews from other countries. Our findings show that the Dutch Scenario Model is not well aligned with current research‐based recommendations for interviewing children.  相似文献   

We investigate macrocontextual antecedents of national levels of Social Dominance Orientation (SDO). The majority of previous research, in contrast, has tended to focus on individual‐level correlates of SDO. We extend research on Social Dominance Theory by modelling national‐level differences in institutional discrimination, macroeconomic development, and value ideologies as broad situational factors affecting SDO mean levels in previous studies. Our hypotheses were tested in a three‐level meta‐analysis of aggregate data from 50,971 individuals in 95 samples from 27 different societies. Strong effects for hierarchy‐attenuating legitimizing ideologies and gender empowerment were found. Aggregate discrimination against arbitrary‐set groups was less consistently linked to SDO, suggesting that these hierarchies are context‐specific. Using mixed‐effects three‐level modelling, the patterns can be generalized to new contexts and suggest a particular institutional and social climate that fosters high SDO.  相似文献   

I argue that judgments of what is ‘true in a fiction’ presuppose the Reality Assumption: the assumption that everything that is (really) true is fictionally the case, unless excluded by the work. By contrast with the more familiar Reality Principle, the Reality Assumption is not a rule for inferring implied content from what is explicit. Instead, it provides an array of real-world truths that can be used in such inferences. I claim that the Reality Assumption is essential to our ability to understand stories, drawing on a range of empirical evidence that demonstrates our reliance on it in narrative comprehension. However, the Reality Assumption has several unintuitive consequences, not least that what is fictionally the case includes countless facts that neither authors nor readers could (or should) ever consider. I argue that such consequences provide no reason to reject the Reality Assumption. I conclude that we should take fictions, like non-fictions, to be about the real world.  相似文献   

Enrico Moriconi 《Topoi》2012,31(1):67-75
The aim of this paper is to reconsider several proposals that have been put forward in order to develop a Proof-Theoretical Semantics, from the by now classical neo-verificationist approach provided by D. Prawitz and M. Dummett in the Seventies, to an alternative, more recent approach mainly due to the work of P. Schroeder-Heister and L. Halln?s, based on clausal definitions. Some other intermediate proposals are very briefly sketched. Particular attention will be given to the role played by the so-called Fundamental Assumption. We claim that whereas, in the neo-verificationist proposal, the condition expressed by that Assumption is necessary to ensure the completeness of the justification procedure (from the outside, so to speak), within the definitional framework it is a built-in feature of the proposal. The latter approach, therefore, appears as an alternative solution to the problem which prompted the neo-verificationists to introduce the Fundamental Assumption.  相似文献   

和平心理学把提升人的幸福与尊严、促进社会和谐进步、实现世界和平作为终极研究目标。但在研究领域内部,不同流派存在的观点并不一致,也难以统一到同一个理论框架中。关于和平心理学的相关理论,大致可以归结为三类模型:积极和平心理理论模型、和平文化心理理论模型、和平进化心理理论模型。以上三种研究模式都认同回归心理学的和平价值,挖掘个体和平潜能,建立星球公民责任感。未来的和平心理学需要克服现有人性观的片面性,树立全面的人性观; 克服过分强调积极和平的倾向,建立全面的和平心理学研究观; 超越零和思维,深入学习“人类命运共同体”深刻内涵,推动我国和平心理学研究发展。  相似文献   

We examine Charles S. Peirce's mature views on the logic of science, especially as contained in his later and still mostly unpublished writings (1907–1914). We focus on two main issues. The first concerns Peirce's late conception of retroduction. Peirce conceived inquiry as performed in three stages, which correspond to three classes of inferences: abduction or retroduction, deduction, and induction. The question of the logical form of retroduction, of its logical justification, and of its methodology stands out as the three major threads in his later writings. The other issue concerns the second stage of scientific inquiry, deduction. According to Peirce's later formulation, deduction is divided not only into two kinds (corollarial and theorematic) but also into two sub-stages: logical analysis and mathematical reasoning, where the latter is either corollarial or theorematic. Save for the inductive stage, which we do not address here, these points cover the essentials of Peirce's latest thinking on the logic of science and reasoning.  相似文献   

Surprisingly, little theoretical attention has so far been paid to the ‘Comparative Assumption’: the attempt to extrapolate from species to species in psychology (and particularly to the human species). This paper examines the problems and the possibilities inherent in the Comparative Assumption. Perhaps the most important conclusion of the paper is that much more work is needed on this intriguing question.  相似文献   

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