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The present study examines the antecedents of burnout and job satisfaction among counselors employed in workplace settings. Workplace counselors face the unique demands of managing dual client relationships (individual and organization) within the counseling setting. Antecedents of the job‐related outcomes of burnout and satisfaction are likely to vary from other counseling settings as a function of these unique demands. Survey results from 82 workplace counselors indicated that role conflict was a significant predictor of the experience of burnout and that intrinsic job satisfaction was significantly predicted by the counselors' perceptions of job challenge, as well as by the level of organizational knowledge.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among the job satisfactions and job activities of 168 school counselors. An intercorrelational matrix was developed using personal data, 8 job-satisfaction dimensions, and 6 job-activity areas. Establishing and maintaining staff relationships and providing guidance services to individual students were the activities most related to the job-satisfaction dimensions. Promoting the general program was not significantly related with any job satisfaction. Some differences between men and women counselors were found in both job satisfactions and activities. The student-counselor ratio was relevant to the activities of the counselors but not related to their job satisfactions.  相似文献   

The relationship of role conflict and role ambiguity to job satisfaction and other variables was examined in a national sample of 506 employment counselors. A survey was mailed to USES counselors in ten states. Regression analysis showed that the 11 personal and organizational variables included in the study accounted for only a small amount of the variance in role conflict or role ambiguity. On the other hand, role conflict and role ambiguity were negatively and significantly related to job satisfaction of the counselors. These stress variables were related positively and significantly to counselors' propensity to leave the agency. Privacy of counseling facilities and time spent in counseling activities were two variables contributing most to explaining variance in role stress. Both related negatively and significantly to role conflict and role ambiguity.  相似文献   

The authors used a cluster analysis procedure and the Counselor Burnout Inventory (S. M. Lee et al., 2007) to identify professional counselors' burnout types. Three clusters were identified: well‐adjusted, persevering, and disconnected counselors. The results also indicated that counselors' job satisfaction and self‐esteem were good discriminators between the 3 clusters. Implications for counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors interviewed 25 lesbians with physical disabilities about their counseling experiences. Using a phenomenological qualitative approach, the authors identified 9 themes. Five themes addressed participants' perceptions of their counselors: general satisfaction or dissatisfaction, counselors' general effectiveness, counselors' awareness and education regarding sexual orientation and/or disability, discrimination and bias, and counselor identity. Three themes related to the participants' attempts to negotiate the counseling process: coming out or self‐disclosure, self‐advocacy, and accessibility/accommodations. The final theme related to depression.  相似文献   

The unique set of dynamics found in the substance abuse field (i.e., recovering and nonrecovering counselors and supervisors) calls for a separate examination of the supervisory relationship within this context. The authors examined differences in counselors' perceptions of the supervisory relationship based on counselor and supervisor recovery status, and the match or mismatch of counselor and supervisor recovery status. Substance abuse counselors (N = 547) working in a statewide public mental health system located in the Southeast rated satisfaction with supervision and reported perceptions of various dimensions of the supervisory relationship. Results of the 2 (counselor recovery status: nonrecovering and recovering) × 2 (supervisor recovery status: nonrecovering and recovering) multivariate analysis of variance indicated no significant differences in ratings of satisfaction or relationship dimensions based on either the counselors' or supervisors' recovery status. A significant interaction effect for counselor and supervisor recovery status (i.e., match or mismatch of recovery status) was found for all satisfaction and relationship measures.  相似文献   

Two forms of clinical peer supervision were provided for a sample of 29 practicing school counselors. Pre- and posttest measures were used to assess the counselors' level of job satisfaction, counseling self-efficacy, and counseling effectiveness (including empathic responding, adaptability and flexibility in counselor response, and client behavior change). The sample was divided into 3 groups (2 treatment and 1 control). Each supervision treatment lasted 9 weeks. None of the analyses of covariance examining treatment effects were significant. However, these individually nonsignificant results showed movement in the hypothesized direction in each instance, indicating small but pervasive effects of treatment. Participants' qualitative session evaluations also supported the helpfulness of clinical peer supervision for school counselors. Implications for future research and the practice of school counselor supervision are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined counselors' behaviors and attitudes regarding friendships and sexual relationships with former clients. A random sample of 96 members of the American Mental Health Counselors Association responded to our survey. Although a minority of counselors (33%) believed that posttermination sexual relationships might be acceptable 5 years after termination, only 4% admitted to engaging in such relationships. In contrast, 70% of the counselors believed that posttermination friendships were acceptable 2 years (on average) after termination and 33% acknowledged that they had engaged in such friendships. Potential harm to the client was the most important concern expressed by the counselors. Ethical and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

In this archival study the authors sought to determine the relationship, if any, between counseling outcomes and the topical focus in career counseling. Twenty-two counselors saw 46 adult clients at a community-based clinic for an average of eight sessions. Counseling outcome and topical focus (the extent to which the actual content of counseling sessions reflected relatively more vocationally or personally focused topics) were assessed from follow-up questionnaires to former career clients and from trained raters' evaluations of the counselors' written progress notes. Results showed that, from the counselors' perspective, outcomes were better when the focus of the sessions was relatively more vocational than personal and when relatively more interviews were held. Client satisfaction, on the other hand, was predictable only from the counselor's level of experience. Satisfaction with occupational status was not associated with any of the client, counselor, or treatment factors. Discussion focuses on the contribution of the results to career counseling practice and on the feasibility and validity of retrospective, archival research.  相似文献   

Although researchers have suspected that rehabilitation counselors may often experience different success rates with different kinds of clients, little effort has been made to determine the best methods of assigning clients to counselors. Our study represents an attempt to provide insight into the desirability of assigning clients to counselors with a high proportion of successful closures with members of the clients' disability group. The criterion of desirability was the Cooper-Rubin suitability-of-placement index. Results indicated no positive relationship between counselors' proportion of successful closures and their average Cooper-Rubin index scores.  相似文献   

In a random survey of counselors working with socioracial minority clients (N = 256), multicultural ethical dilemmas were rated according to frequency encountered and significance. Comparisons of counselors' ratings of multicultural ethical dilemmas determined specific dilemmas relevant to counselors in various professional settings. En una encuesta hecha al azar de consejeros/as que trabajan con clientes de minorías socioraciales (N = 256), se clasificaron dilemas éticos multiculturales de acuderdo con su frecuencia y significancia. Las comparaciones de las clasificaciones de los dilemas éticos multiculturales subrayaron aquellos dilemas específicamente importantes para consejeros/as en varios escenarios profesionales.  相似文献   

The critical incident technique was used to examine how counselors' religion and spirituality help and hinder counselor empathy toward clients. Twelve counselors holding Christian beliefs identified 242 helping and 25 hindering incidents that formed 14 helping and 3 hindering categories. Categories reflected counselors relying on a natural connection to their spirituality, drawing from empathic roots in their religion or spiritual experience, and using commonalities shared with clients as a means of empathizing. Implications for research, counselor education, and counseling practice are discussed.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that beginning counselors experience interview-related anxiety that affects counselor performance. Two kinds of videotaped modeling—an expert model approach and a coping model approach—were compared as to the relative effectiveness of each method in reducing beginning counselors' anxiety toward a counseling interview. Those persons who viewed expert models significantly reduced situationally related anxiety following participation in an analogue interview. Persons who viewed coping models had nominal but nonsignificant reductions in anxiety. In neither group was anxiety significantly related to counselor performance. A modicum of anxiety may be a desirable attribute in beginning counselors. The relative merit of each kind of modeling strategy is discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty employment counselors appraised personal and job-related attributes of rehabilitation counselors using a 67-item semantic differential stereotype scale. Thirty rehabilitation counselors rated themselves and also how they believed employment counselors would rate rehabilitation counselors on the same scale. The rehabilitation counselors' self-ratings revealed a generally positive self-portrait; however, the self-ratings, when compared to how they believed employment counselors perceived rehabilitation counselors, yielded statistically significant negative relationships on 60 scales. Comparison of perceived versus actual ratings of rehabilitation counselors by employment counselors showed statistically different ratings on 49 scales, all in a positive direction. That employment counselors perceived rehabilitation counselors much more positively than the latter expected helps explain why placement functions and team cooperation are limited among these professionals, and should therefore be increased.  相似文献   

A study of 320 counselors in four states revealed substantial and significant correlations between tested personality characteristics and rated job performances. The Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI) was used to discriminate counselors rated as highly effective, as average in effectiveness, or as ineffective on a 28-point Satisfaction with Performance Blank (SWPB). Effectiveness ratings were completed for each counselor by three supervisors. Rated counselor effectiveness was positively correlated with the Social and Artistic codes of the VPI and negatively correlated with Realistic and Conventional scores. A regression formula with a cross-validation procedure was used to explain the variance of the supervisory ratings. Employment level—elementary, middle, or high school—was not related to other factors studied. Sex, age, certification, and degree status were of no significance in predicting rated effectiveness. Highly rated counselors had a group Holland code of Social-Artistic-Investigative (SAI) whereas counselors rated as ineffective had a Realistic-Coventional-Enterprising (RCE) group code. Individual variations were uncommon.  相似文献   

Chaos and complexity theory can help counselors to assist clients in new and unique ways. Chaos and complexity theory do not need to replace other counseling theories but can provide an alternative view. Using chaos theory in counseling requires, however, a revaluation of counselors' assumptions about the world, particularly about linearity, prediction, and control. This article uses a case study to illustrate how counselors can use chaos and complexity theory in their work with clients. This theory can offer an alternative framework to assist counselors in conceptualizing their clients and their practice.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the relationships between clients' early premature termination of counseling and ratings of their counselors' expertness, trustworthiness, and attractiveness and the extent to which clients believed that they were understood by their counselors. A follow-up survey was conducted to assess the clients' reasons for terminating prematurely. Participants were 148 students who sought individual counseling at a university counseling center. The two groups did not differ on the variables investigated. Most of the participants who terminated prematurely reported that they did so because they did not have time for further sessions, did not need further sessions, or forgot their appointments.  相似文献   

This field study of 327 hospital nurses investigated the relationship between perceived satisfaction with organizational communication and job satisfaction and job performance. The researcher developed a research model incorporating nine dimensions of communication satisfaction and hypothesized their varying relationships with job satisfaction and job performance. Correlation, multiple regression, and canonical correlation analyses revealed significant positive relationships between communication satisfaction and job satisfaction, and communication satisfaction and job performance. The communication satisfaction-job satisfaction link was stronger. The same facets of communication—supervisor communication, communication climate, and personal feedback—were found to be most strongly related to both job satisfaction and performance. Although the importance of the superior-subordinate communication relationship was confirmed, top management communication also was substantially related to job satisfaction and, to a lesser degree, job performance. Rank-order correlation results of this study were compared to several other studies and some congruent patterns were found.  相似文献   

Researchers of this study questioned: Are clients (male or female) with self-reported “masculine” versus “feminine” role orientations viewed more favorably by counselors? Which is more predictive of the counselor's impressions: the client's gender or his or her sex role orientation? Results suggested that highly masculine and highly feminine clients (regardless of gender) are perceived as more socially skilled and likely to experience a positive therapeutic outcome. Gender did not uniquely predict counselors' impressions. Highly feminine women clients, however, were viewed as more socially skilled than were highly feminine men. On average, clients were viewed as friendly and submissive.  相似文献   

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