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传统注意研究多基于单个注意焦点和采用静态视觉信息。由Pylyshyn(1988)提出的多目标追踪范式则基于动态场景,是研究同时追踪多个目标的容量有限的注意机制比较常用的范式。在多目标追踪基础上发展起来的多身份追踪范式中的对象带有身份信息,涉及到较复杂的认知机制,如注意、视觉工作记忆等。探讨以上两种视觉追踪的认知加工机制对真实或模拟情境中动态信息的认知加工活动有重要的理论价值和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

王紫乐  张琪 《心理科学进展》2022,30(10):2206-2218
生物的视觉搜索能力对适应外部复杂环境具有非常重要的生存意义。注意模板可以在搜索任务的过程中增强相关信息和抑制无关信息, 从而快速找到目标。总结近期研究结果主要有以下发现:在建立注意模板的过程中并不能明确是基于语义信息还是视觉特征信息; 注意模板不仅可以存储在工作记忆中, 也可以存储在长时记忆中; 不同类型注意模板的神经机制存在差异。未来的研究应关注注意模板在建立过程中内部信息如何传递, 并关注不同人群注意模板的神经机制, 以及解决拒绝模板抑制机制的理论争议。  相似文献   

定向网络是注意网络的重要组成部分, 主要包括视觉定向与视觉搜索两大任务。对于这两大注意任务, 正常个体在神经机制上存在较大的重叠, 然而, 孤独症个体却表现出截然相反的行为证据。研究者从非社会信息的注意视角发现, 一般而言, 在视觉定向上, 孤独症个体注意转移不存在缺陷, 而注意脱离存在困难, 但该结论仍有争议; 在视觉搜索上, 孤独症个体存在视觉搜索优势, 但该优势发生的阶段及原因仍需进一步探究。未来研究应进一步考察孤独症个体在视觉定向任务中左右视野的不对称性、视觉搜索优势的内在机制及两大注意任务之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

视觉搜索中多目标追踪的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在视觉信息的选择加工过程中 ,只有很少信息能够通过注意系统得到进一步的认知加工 ,其中视觉搜索起着十分重要的作用。本研究基于动态视觉信息注意追踪的研究 ,采用 3× 2× 2的实验设计 ,从如下三方面对注意追踪的规律进行了探讨 :(1)分心物数量 (1,5和 9)的变化对多目标注意追踪的影响 ;(2 )目标的显著性 (特征变化和特征不变 )对多目标注意追踪的影响 ;(3)目标运动形式 (目标随机运动和目标运动形式不变 )对多目标注意追踪的影响。研究结果表明 :(1)分心物数量的增加对目标的注意识别没有抑制作用 ;(2 )特征变化目标的注意识别速度显著高于特征不变的目标 ;(3)运动形式不变的目标较运动形式变化目标的注意识别速度快。  相似文献   

视觉工作记忆在视觉搜索中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
视觉工作记忆在视觉搜索中的作用远比偏向竞争模型所描述的要复杂,个体能根据当前任务要求灵活地利用工作记忆来引导注意选择。在系统回顾已有研究的基础上,从客体工作记忆、空间工作记忆和执行工作记忆3个方面探讨了视觉工作记忆在视觉搜索中的作用。根据近期的研究,文章在最后对视觉工作记忆在视觉搜索中的作用做了7点总结,并对已往研究中存在的若干问题给予了解释,指出未来应该从前瞻记忆和内隐记忆等角度对视觉搜索中所涉及的视觉记忆进行深入研究  相似文献   

张豹 《心理科学进展》2012,20(2):228-239
视觉搜索是人类从作用于视觉系统的大量信息中选择相关信息进入信息加工系统的一种认知功能, 同时也是研究选择性注意的一种常用范式。工作记忆作为一种服务于当前任务信息的存储与加工的认知系统, 在视觉搜索过程中扮演着关键角色。为了深入了解工作记忆在视觉搜索过程中的作用机制, 在梳理已有成果的基础上, 分别从工作记忆对靶子模板的储存、视觉搜索项目与靶子模板在工作记忆中的匹配及工作记忆对已检测过搜索项目的记忆三个方面进行综述。最后结论表明工作记忆确实在视觉搜索过程中起作用, 但其作用机制仍存在较多争议。  相似文献   

孙龙  常若松  高远  马伶 《心理科学进展》2014,22(11):1733-1739
驾驶中, 有效的视觉注意模式是驾驶员搜索与识别潜在道路危险的先决条件。通过分析驾驶员视觉注意对危险识别的影响, 提出情境意识假设与心理负荷假设。情境意识假设认为, 情境意识的质量决定了驾驶员视觉注意模式的灵活性, 进而影响危险识别。心理负荷假设认为, 心理负荷水平提高, 驾驶员视觉注意趋于集中, 不利于危险识别。建议未来研究可以在比较不同驾驶员情境意识的认知兼容性, 应用汽车驾驶自动化技术降低心理负荷以及检测并区分情境意识与心理负荷的影响等方面加以深入。  相似文献   

背景线索效应揭示了个体在视觉搜索过程中对刺激之间具有的稳定空间关系(刺激间不变的相对空间位置)的学习能够提高搜索效率。本文基于经典背景线索效应在内隐习得空间布局的机制下结合真实场景视觉搜索的相关理论,对真实场景背景线索效应的实验范式、学习性质与内容进行归纳梳理,将真实场景视觉搜索中影响背景线索效应的视觉信息分为低水平物理特征及高水平语义信息两个维度进行论述。虽然当前研究涉及真实场景背景线索效应在不同场景维度信息的加工机制,但对于发挥作用的场景信息类别以及作用阶段还较少涉及,未来研究仍需进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

注意控制探讨个体以何种方式选择性地注意外界信息。本研究从发展角度探讨视觉工作记忆对自上而下注意控制的影响。研究采用记忆任务与视觉搜索任务相结合的范式,以小学三、四、五年级学生为被试,从视觉工作记忆中信息性质和视觉工作记忆负荷两个角度考察了视觉工作记忆对自上而下注意控制影响的发展特点。结果发现,(1)自上而下注意控制能力存在年级差异,小学五年级学生的成绩显著优于小学三年级学生;(2)视觉工作记忆内容影响自上而下注意控制,目标相关信息促进目标搜索,而目标无关信息干扰目标搜索;(3)视觉工作记忆负荷影响自上而下注意控制,高视觉工作记忆负荷条件下的反应时显著长于低视觉工作记忆负荷。  相似文献   

邵志芳  王小佳 《心理科学》2006,29(4):898-900,893
轮廓是图形识别的重要线索,在平行加工形成轮廓的基础上,进一步的特征搜索会与轮廓有关。本研究通过3个实验探讨轮廓对于搜索顺序的作用。实验一的目的在于确认轮廓因素在视觉搜索中的关键作用,实验结果进一步验证了视觉搜索中存在“可能目标”的心理表征。实验二结果显示,图形的重叠虽然可以产生新的特征,但是未必提高搜索速度。由此引入关于轮廓与视觉搜索顺序的关系问题,提出了在轮廓形成的基础上搜索区别性特征的顺序为轮廓外区→轮廓本身→轮廓内区的假设。实验三进一步检验这个假设。  相似文献   

In visual search, items defined by a unique feature are found easily and efficiently. Search for a moving target among stationary distractors is one such efficient search. Search for a stationary target among moving distractors is markedly more difficult. In the experiments reported here, we confirm this finding and further show that searches for a stationary target within a structured flow field are more efficient than searches for stationary targets among distractors moving in random directions. The structured motion fields tested included uniform direction of motion, a radial flow field simulating observer forward motion, and a deformation flow field inconsistent with observer motion. The results using optic flow stimuli were not significantly different from the results obtained with other structured fields of distractors. The results suggest that the local properties of the flow fields rather than global optic flow properties are important for determining the efficiency of search for a stationary target.  相似文献   

Visual search asymmetries in motion and optic flow fields.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In visual search, items defined by a unique feature are found easily and efficiently. Search for a moving target among stationary distractors is one such efficient search. Search for a stationary target among moving distractors is markedly more difficult. In the experiments reported here, we confirm this finding and further show that searches for a stationary target within a structured flow field are more efficient than searches for stationary targets among distractors moving in random directions. The structured motion fields tested included uniform direction of motion, a radial flow field simulating observer forward motion, and a deformation flow field inconsistent with observer motion. The results using optic flow stimuli were not significantly different from the results obtained with other structured fields of distractors. The results suggest that the local properties of the flow fields rather than global optic flow properties are important for determining the efficiency of search for a stationary target.  相似文献   

A successful vision system must solve the problem of deriving geometrical information about three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional photometric input. The human visual system solves this problem with remarkable efficiency, and one challenge in vision research is to understand how neural representations of objects are formed and what visual information is used to form these representations. Ideal observer analysis has demonstrated the advantages of studying vision from the perspective of explicit generative models and a specified visual task, which divides the causes of image variations into the separate categories of signal and noise. Classification image techniques estimate the visual information used in a task from the properties of “noise” images that interact most strongly with the task. Both ideal observer analysis and classification image techniques rely on the assumption of a generative model. We show here how the ability of the classification image approach to understand how an observer uses visual information can be improved by matching the type and dimensionality of the model to that of the neural representation or internal template being studied. Because image variation in real world object tasks can arise from both geometrical shape and photometric (illumination or material) changes, a realistic image generation process should model geometry as well as intensity. A simple example is used to demonstrate what we refer to as a “classification object” approach to studying three-dimensional object representations.  相似文献   

Four experiments were directed at understanding the influence of multiple moving objects on curvilinear (i.e., circular and elliptical) heading perception. Displays simulated observer movement over a ground plane in the presence of moving objects depicted as transparent, opaque, or black cubes. Objects either moved parallel to or intersected the observer's path and either retreated from or approached the moving observer. Heading judgments were accurate and consistent across all conditions. The significance of these results for computational models of heading perception and for information in the global optic flow field about observer and object motion is discussed.  相似文献   

Rushton SK  Bradshaw MF  Warren PA 《Cognition》2007,105(1):237-245
An object that moves is spotted almost effortlessly; it "pops out". When the observer is stationary, a moving object is uniquely identified by retinal motion. This is not so when the observer is also moving; as the eye travels through space all scene objects change position relative to the eye producing a complicated field of retinal motion. Without the unique identifier of retinal motion an object moving relative to the scene should be difficult to locate. Using a search task, we investigated this proposition. Computer-rendered objects were moved and transformed in a manner consistent with movement of the observer. Despite the complex pattern of retinal motion, objects moving relative to the scene were found to pop out. We suggest the brain uses its sensitivity to optic flow to "stabilise" the scene, allowing the scene-relative movement of an object to be identified.  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(4):335-343
Rapid progress in the understanding of the perception of spatial layout is credited to J. J. Gibson's (1979) concept of information. Ecological research has focused on the wealth of information based in the continuous change and invariant structures of optic flow, information that can specify events and the stable properties of objects. Recent demonstrations that have shown that instantaneous optic flow not only contains informative structure but also controls perception suggest that previous claims that static displays are necessarily impoverished and ambiguous were exaggerated. Future research efforts should consider the potential of both instantaneous and ongoing optic flow to provide information about the world and even about the dynamics of events.  相似文献   

This study examined the detection of collision events when multiple moving objects were present in the scene. Observers were presented with displays simulating a 3-D environment with multiple moving objects. The authors examined the ability of observers to detect collisions using a signal-detection paradigm and a visual search paradigm. The results indicated that, overall, observers were quite accurate at detecting collisions. Observers used both expansion information and static position to detect collisions, with expansion information being the more important source. Singleton search conditions were not processed in parallel, and conjunction search conditions had poorer performance than singleton search conditions. In addition, reaction times were greater for target-present trials as compared with target-absent trials. The results are interpreted in terms of 4 visual search hypotheses for collision detection when multiple moving objects are present.  相似文献   

The top-down guidance of visual attention is one of the main factors allowing humans to effectively process vast amounts of incoming visual information. Nevertheless we still lack a full understanding of the visual, semantic, and memory processes governing visual attention. In this paper, we present a computational model of visual search capable of predicting the most likely positions of target objects. The model does not require a separate training phase, but learns likely target positions in an incremental fashion based on a memory of previous fixations. We evaluate the model on two search tasks and show that it outperforms saliency alone and comes close to the maximal performance of the Contextual Guidance Model (CGM; Torralba, Oliva, Castelhano, & Henderson, 2006; Ehinger, Hidalgo-Sotelo, Torralba, & Oliva, 2009), even though our model does not perform scene recognition or compute global image statistics. The search performance of our model can be further improved by combining it with the CGM.  相似文献   

Visual exploration in infants and adults has been studied using two very different paradigms: free viewing of flat screen displays in desk‐mounted eye‐tracking studies and real‐world visual guidance of action in head‐mounted eye‐tracking studies. To test whether classic findings from screen‐based studies generalize to real‐world visual exploration and to compare natural visual exploration in infants and adults, we tested observers in a new paradigm that combines critical aspects of both previous techniques: free viewing during real‐world visual exploration. Mothers and their 9‐month‐old infants wore head‐mounted eye trackers while mothers carried their infants in a forward‐facing infant carrier through a series of indoor hallways. Demands for visual guidance of action were minimal in mothers and absent for infants, so both engaged in free viewing while moving through the environment. Similar to screen‐based studies, during free viewing in the real world low‐level saliency was related to gaze direction. In contrast to screen‐based studies, only infants – not adults – were biased to look at people, participants of both ages did not show a classic center bias, and mothers and infants did not display high levels of inter‐observer consistency. Results indicate that several aspects of visual exploration of a flat screen display do not generalize to visual exploration in the real world.  相似文献   

The visual system has been suggested to integrate different views of an object in motion. We investigated differences in the way moving and static objects are represented by testing for priming effects to previously seen ("known") and novel object views. We showed priming effects for moving objects across image changes (e.g., mirror reversals, changes in size, and changes in polarity) but not over temporal delays. The opposite pattern of results was observed for objects presented statically; that is, static objects were primed over temporal delays but not across image changes. These results suggest that representations for moving objects are: (1) updated continuously across image changes, whereas static object representations generalize only across similar images, and (2) more short-lived than static object representations. These results suggest two distinct representational mechanisms: a static object mechanism rather spatially refined and permanent, possibly suited for visual recognition, and a motion-based object mechanism more temporary and less spatially refined, possibly suited for visual guidance of motor actions.  相似文献   

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