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以特质激发理论和工作绩效理论为基础,通过对27家中国跨国企业派驻海外分公司的119名中高层外派经理及其上级的问卷调查,本研究探讨了跨文化情境下外派经理的经验开放性与跨文化管理有效性的关系。结果显示外派经理的经验开放性会通过文化智力的中介作用正向预测其跨文化管理有效性,而文化距离在中介作用的前后阶段起到不同方向的调节作用:文化距离强化了经验开放性与文化智力的正向关系,却弱化了文化智力与跨文化管理有效性的正向关系。  相似文献   

文化混搭指"不同文化在同一时空中呈现"的现象,是全球化背景下心理学中文化研究的新热点。文化混搭研究代表了继跨文化心理学、文化心理学和多元文化心理学之后,心理学文化研究的第四个阶段——文化会聚主义心理学,并从不同方面延伸与拓展了传统的多元文化研究。已有文献从文化混搭对个体心理和行为的影响、个体对文化混搭的反应及心理机制等角度展开了实证研究。未来研究应进一步明晰文化混搭的概念定义和研究范畴、提炼和比较其不同表现形式、探究既有研究结论中的不一致性、比较文化元素的混搭与非文化元素的混搭的异同、采用多学科多层次的研究方法和手段。  相似文献   

随着社会的急剧变迁与多元文化的相互融合与碰撞, 少数民族的压力应对问题已经变得日益重要。对少数民族压力应对与文化的关系进行全面的审视与探讨, 能够更好地理解多元文化交融下少数民族压力应对的心理机制, 促进民族团结与社会和谐。文章总结了少数民族压力应对研究的4种文化视角, 包括压力应对的跨文化研究、文化适应的压力应对研究、宗教应对研究、中国传统文化的应对思想研究, 并对不同研究视角进行了评述。未来中国少数民族压力应对研究应该综合多学科、多元文化视角的研究思路, 加强量与质的研究范式的整合, 进一步扩展少数民族压力应对的研究领域与研究范围, 从我国民族地区社会变迁的实际情况出发, 加强对少数民族不同社会群体的压力应对研究。  相似文献   

随着全球化发展的深入, 越来越多的企业领导者具有多元文化经历。多元文化经历是指个体具有直接或间接与外国文化元素或人群进行交互的经历。拟从领导者发展(leader development)和领导力发展(leadership development)两个层面, 全面地探讨多元文化经历对企业领导者能力形成及发展的影响:第一, 探讨多元文化经历对领导者能力发展(包括个人层面、关系层面和社会层面能力)的影响及内部机制; 第二, 探讨多元文化经历对领导力发展(包括领导力涌现、领导力选拔和领导力效能)的影响及内部机制。项目成果不仅能够丰富领导者能力形成与发展等组织管理相关理论, 还能为企业的全球化管理及国际化人才培养实践提供建议。  相似文献   

多元文化论与跨文化心理学的发展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
多元文化论强调文化因素对心理学研究的重要性。它主张文化的多元性和平等性,反对跨文化心理学研究中的“文化帝国主义”倾向。在多元文化论的影响下,跨文化心理学开始摆脱“欧美中心主义”偏见,出现了普遍性研究策略和特殊性研究策略相结合、跨文化心理学与文化心理学、本土心理学相结合的趋向。  相似文献   

双文化个体的文化框架转换:影响因素与结果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文化与跨文化心理学的研究兴趣已经从关注文化差异转移到文化与心理如何相互影响。基于动态建构主义取向的文化框架转换(cultural frame switch,CFS)模型认为:个体完全可以同时拥有两种及其以上的文化构念网络,它们具有动态性,受情境线索所驱动,个体可以在不同文化之间根据情境需要进行文化框架的转换。CFS受到个体的种族内隐观和双文化认同整合的影响;CFS所积累的多元文化经验可以提高创造性和认知复杂性,也可能产生文化刻板化,导致对外来文化的排斥。未来研究可以探讨CFS的适用范围,进一步细化研究,考察主流群体成员的CFS,重视整合视角的研究,运用多元研究方法。借鉴该领域的研究思路对于考察我国的少数民族等多元文化个体的文化认同和文化适应具有重要启示。  相似文献   

跨文化协同增效研究的3种典型视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济全球化进程的加速,跨国公司日益重视运用多元文化来创造国际竞争优势。论文首先讨论了“跨文化协同增效”的内涵以及达成跨文化协同增效的标准,然后介绍了跨文化协同增效研究的3种典型视角:加拿大研究者Adler的研究视角、德国研究者Krewer的研究视角和印尼研究者Tjitra的研究视角。3种不同的视角体现出研究者自身文化的特点。前两种视角是从西方文化出发,认为必须创造“第三种文化”来达成跨文化协同增效,而后一种视角则是从东方文化出发,针对本国文化的独特性进行跨文化协同增效理论研究。最后在比较分析3种不同研究视角基础上,认为应借鉴国外学者的研究思路,针对独特的中国文化进行跨文化协同增效研究  相似文献   

引言 如何在外语教学中进行文化知识的讲授从而培养学生的跨文化交际能力已成为学者和外语教师越来越关注的问题.以吕必松,张占一等为代表的学者将外语教学中的文化内容分为"交际文化"和"知识文化".  相似文献   

余霞  钟年 《心理学探新》2019,(5):393-399
文化心理学是最近二三十年来心理学中发展最快的领域之一,作为一门典型的交叉学科,它有人类学、心理学、传播学等多种学科取向,是一门有胸怀、有气度、能包容的学科。文化心理学与跨文化传播研究诞生在相同的社会历史文化背景中,拥有共同的学科渊源,这种天然的关系决定了跨文化传播研究中运用文化心理学的正当性、必然性。文化心理学的全球化研究视角为跨文化传播研究提供了参照; 文化的观念、文化适应理论、文化敏感性和文化冲突理论等文化心理学的概念和理论为跨文化传播研究提供了理论支撑; 文化心理学还为跨文化传播现象和问题的具体研究提供了分析工具。反之,跨文化传播研究不仅为文化心理学提供了鲜活的案例,还为其理论建构提供了重要资源。  相似文献   

随着全球化的深入,各国间的交往日益频繁,跨文化交际也被列为了一门独立学科,说明了其对于当代社会的重要性。在跨文化交际中,由于双方拥有不同的历史文化,社会背景,接受不同的教育,因而,在思维方式、语言表达、生活习惯等诸方而都存在着差异,交际时不可避免会发生一些冲突。因此,本文就中西方文化间的差异所出现的问题,提出相应的应对手段和策略,为积极地促进不同国家和民族之间的合作和交流提供有益的建议。  相似文献   


This paper explores the cross-cultural organisational adaptation of host religious organisations through their interaction with non-Christian Chinese international students in the UK. Grounded in Kim’s integrative adaptation theory, the research employed the methods of participant observation, interviews and document analysis to examine the interaction of international students with two specific churches (part of the Church of Scotland). The study found that in order to provide international engagement, the churches in question underwent cross-cultural organisational adaptation and transformation with a consideration of the cultural differences and the needs of Chinese students in intercultural communication, including in terms of multicultural team building, the improvement of intercultural competence and adaptive religious practices. These adaptive transformations or ‘customised services’ attracted and engaged large numbers of Chinese students in the intercultural interaction surrounding congregations. The cultural adaptation of host congregations contributes to the quality of social support for international students as well as the intercultural expansion of Christian values and beliefs throughout the trend of student mobility.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop a UK instrument measure of counsellors’ multicultural competencies. Also, it intended to analyse to what extent multicultural competencies have an influence in counselling practice in terms of processes and interventions.

The study was an expansion of the American multicultural competencies model, which related cultural competence to a combination of three factors: cultural beliefs, cultural knowledge and cultural skills. Results partially supported the hypothesis, which predicted that counsellors would present high correlation rates between cultural skills, cultural knowledge and cultural beliefs when self-evaluating their levels of multicultural competence.

The study's findings present alternative three-dimensional multicultural models that indicated how counsellors perceived multicultural competence based on both societal (e.g. race, class, patriotism) and functional (e.g. family, social norms and groups). It also discusses the correlations between cultural skills, cultural knowledge and cultural beliefs and how they played a part in helping counsellors to further understand their multicultural competencies and limitations. Finally, it is proposed that future research should investigate the possibility of developing multidimensional or multi-axial models as an alternative way of further developing the counsellors’ multicultural competencies models which emerged from this study.  相似文献   

The phenomenal growth of information technology and globalization promises a future where education about diversity and difference will be very significant. In this information age where existing knowledge and technology are constantly being replaced in an ever changing interdependent global environment, the fundamentals of education are also changing. Education will focus on building new knowledge rather than passing on existing knowledge. The increasing interconnectedness between cultures and their concomitant intermixing as a result of globalization requires that pedagogies about cultural diversity also focus on creating new knowledge and meanings about cultures as they change. In this article, we discuss sociocultural theory as an alternative educational pedagogy that situates the teaching and learning of cultural diversity within rapidly changing local and global conditions. We argue that features of this theory are especially relevant to providing a guiding pedagogy for valuing difference in inclusive environments. We engage the literature on cross-cultural communication and collaboration between culturally diverse professionals and parents of children with disabilities to illustrate sociocultural perspectives on conceptualizing cultural differences and their interaction, and the possibilities for creating culturally inclusive partnerships and communities.  相似文献   

The psychologists in the western world, including Australia, are required to be culturally competent because of the cultural diversity of these societies. Previous studies conducted in North America and Europe have found multicultural teaching, clinical experience with culturally diverse clients, and discussion of multicultural counselling issues in supervision to be related to the practitioner's cultural competency. The present study examined factors contributing to trainee psychologists' perceived level of cultural competence. It was hypothesised that multicultural teaching, clinical experience, and supervision would be related to students' level of cultural competence. One hundred twenty‐seven postgraduate clinical psychology students completed an online survey battery that included demographic information, a social desirability measure, and the Multicultural Mental Health Awareness Scale. This hypothesis was partially supported. Clinical experience and supervision focusing on multicultural issues were found to be related to participants' perceived cultural competence; however, multicultural teaching was not. These results provide insight into how universities around Australia can facilitate future psychologists' competence in working with clients from different cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

Cultural homelessness (CH) is the authors' term to describe unique experiences and feelings reported by some multicultural individuals. Ethnically related concepts found in the cross-cultural and multiethnic literature (e.g., marginality, intercultural effectiveness, ethnic enclaves, reference group) are used to explain how CH may arise from cross-cultural tensions within the ethnically mixed family and between the family and its culturally different environment, especially due to geographic moves. CH is conceptualized as a situationally imposed developmental challenge, forcing the child to accommodate to contradictory and changing norms, values, verbal and nonverbal communication styles, and attachment processes. Culturally homeless individuals may enjoy a broader, stronger cognitive and social repertoire because of their multiple cultural frames of reference. However, code-switching,complexities may lead to emotional and social confusion, which, if internalized, may result in self-blame and shame. Culturally encoded emotion labeling may be disrupted, leading to alexithymia.  相似文献   

为探讨来华留学生个人-表现认同差异、个人-关系认同差异在跨文化沟通能力与抑郁之间的中介作用,采用跨文化智力问卷、个人-表现认同差异问卷、个人-关系认同差异问卷、抑郁量表对301名来华留学生进行调查。结果发现:①相关分析表明跨文化沟通能力与个人-表现认同差异、抑郁呈显著负相关;个人-表现认同差异、个人-关系认同差异与抑郁两两呈显著正相关。②链式中介效应检验显示,跨文化沟通能力不能直接影响抑郁,但存在两条间接路径:个人-表现认同差异的单独中介以及个人-表现认同差异和个人-关系认同差异的链式中介。本研究表明,身份认同差异在跨文化沟通能力与来华留学生抑郁的关系中起重要的中介作用,研究结果能为来华留学生抑郁的预防和干预提供有益启示。  相似文献   

Many practices aimed at cultivating multicultural competence in educational and organizational settings (e.g., exchange programs, diversity education in college, diversity management at work) assume that multicultural experience fosters creativity. In line with this assumption, the research reported in this article is the first to empirically demonstrate that exposure to multiple cultures in and of itself can enhance creativity. Overall, the authors found that extensiveness of multicultural experiences was positively related to both creative performance (insight learning, remote association, and idea generation) and creativity-supporting cognitive processes (retrieval of unconventional knowledge, recruitment of ideas from unfamiliar cultures for creative idea expansion). Furthermore, their studies showed that the serendipitous creative benefits resulting from multicultural experiences may depend on the extent to which individuals open themselves to foreign cultures, and that creativity is facilitated in contexts that deemphasize the need for firm answers or existential concerns. The authors discuss the implications of their findings for promoting creativity in increasingly global learning and work environments.  相似文献   

Cultural intelligence (CQ) – the capability to function effectively in intercultural settings – has gained increasing attention from researchers and practitioners due to its contemporary relevance to globalization, international management, and workforce diversification. Research‐to‐date demonstrates that CQ predicts a variety of important outcomes in intercultural contexts, such as cultural adaptation, expatriate performance, global leadership, intercultural negotiation, and multicultural team processes. Moving beyond past research that tends to focus on the four primary factors of CQ – metacognitive CQ, cognitive CQ, motivational CQ, and behavioral CQ, we introduce an expanded conceptualization of CQ that delineates sub‐dimensions for each of the four factors. We briefly review psychometric evidence supporting the proposed second order 11‐factor structure and convergent/discriminant validity of the sub‐dimensions. We propose that the next wave of CQ research should be guided by a deeper understanding of each of four factors of CQ.  相似文献   

Increasing trainees' multicultural counseling competence (MCC) has been a hot topic in counseling. Scholars have identified predictors (e.g., race/ethnicity, color-blindness) of MCC, and educators provide multicultural training for trainees. Using a sample of 370 psychology trainees, this study examined whether multicultural training (a) moderated racial/ethnic differences on MCC and (b) changed the relationship between color-blindness and MCC. Results indicated a significant interaction effect of race/ethnicity (i.e., White vs. ethnic minority) and multicultural training on multicultural awareness, but not on multicultural knowledge. Specifically, at lower levels of training, racial/ethnic minority trainees had significantly higher multicultural awareness than their White counterparts; at higher levels of training, no significant difference was found. Described differently, more training significantly enhanced Whites' multicultural awareness, but did not enhance racial/ethnic minority trainees' awareness. Additionally, there was a significant interaction effect of color-blindness and multicultural training on multicultural knowledge, but not on multicultural awareness. The association between color-blindness and multicultural knowledge was stronger at higher levels of multicultural training than at lower levels of training. Alternatively, the effect of training on enhancing knowledge was stronger for those with lower color-blindness than for those with higher color-blindness.  相似文献   

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