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近年来,辱虐管理引起了组织行为研究者的重点关注。已有的研究主要在个体层次上分析辱虐管理对于下属的作用机制及消极影响,但组织层次上的研究还鲜有学者涉及。从领导、受害者和旁观者等多个视角,基于道德排除理论,分析梳理了辱虐管理对于组织公平的作用,整合构建了多层次辱虐管理对下属影响的组织公平作用机制模型,并分别从组织层次、个体层次以及组织层次对个体层次交互作用的角度,深入探讨了辱虐管理对下属产生的负面作用。建议未来的研究考虑辱虐管理中的文化因素,进一步在其他组织公平的维度上研究辱虐管理的作用机制,改进并完善现有的研究方法,探索辱虐管理的积极应对策略,并从工具性的视角关注领导实施辱虐管理的动因。  相似文献   

辱虐管理, 作为负性领导的典型代表, 对员工的心理、行为和绩效乃至组织的发展均会产生显著负性影响。因此, 如何有效应对和预防辱虐管理是学者和管理实践者共同关注的课题。基于自我调节理论, 以正念为切入点, 系统考察正念在员工应对辱虐管理负性影响以及预防上司辱虐管理行为发生中的作用。一方面, 采用情境实验、大样本问卷调查和干预实验检验员工正念和正念训练对上司辱虐管理影响员工负性情绪、偏差行为和绩效的调节作用; 另一方面, 采用日志研究考察上司正念对辱虐管理行为的抑制作用, 并进一步通过干预实验来验证上司正念训练不仅可以预防辱虐管理行为的发生, 而且还可以随之改善员工的负性情绪、偏差行为和绩效。预期研究成果将有助于深入理解正念在辱虐管理研究中的作用, 推进辱虐管理应对和预防研究的发展, 同时对组织制定相关的培训计划起到一定参考作用。  相似文献   

辱虐管理会对组织和员工造成一系列消极影响, 因此探究辱虐管理的成因对于减少和预防辱虐管理十分必要和重要。现有研究认为辱虐管理与主管的个人特征有关, 或是主管自我损耗或社会学习的结果, 也与受害者的特征有关。在回顾现有研究的基础上, 基于情感事件理论提出了新的研究框架, 并指出未来研究应关注主管对辱虐管理的态度、组织内关于辱虐管理的规范以及主管自我控制资源的恢复在辱虐管理产生过程中的作用。  相似文献   

王震宋萌 《心理科学》2014,37(3):723-728
新近研究发现辱虐管理对下属互动公平感的负向影响受下属权力距离调节:对低权力距离下属来说这种影响相对较强,反之较弱。基于社会交换理论,本文对现有研究做了两方面拓展。首先,引入下属针对领导的总体公平感,考察权力距离在辱虐管理与总体公平感之间的调节作用,扩展那些仅关注互动公平感的研究。其次,引入领导-部属交换,解释权力距离具体是如何在辱虐管理与下属总体公平感之间发挥调节作用的。以296名企业员工为被试,研究发现:(1)下属权力距离在辱虐管理与下属总体公平感之间有调节作用;(2)这种调节作用是通过领导-部属交换的中介作用实现的,即对不同权力距离的下属来说,辱虐管理对领导-部属交换有不同作用,进而对下属总体公平感产生不同影响。  相似文献   

刘超  刘军  朱丽  武守强 《心理学报》2017,(7):966-979
基于规则适应及资源依赖理论的解释视角,本研究考察了下属工作绩效与政治技能对上级辱虐的影响。通过对采集自两家企业的243对领导-下属的配对问卷进行分析,本研究的多项式回归与响应面分析表明,当下属的工作绩效(遵循做事显规则)与政治技能(遵循做人潜规则)在较高水平上保持一致时,其遭受的上级辱虐最少。但这种较高水平的一致只能维持在特定范围内,当两者过高时,反而易遭致上级的辱虐行为。同时,在工作绩效与政治技能存在差异的情境下,相比于"高工作绩效,低政治技能"的下属,"低工作绩效,高政治技能"的下属遭受的上级辱虐要更少。文章分析并证明了遵循不同规则的下属会导致不同程度的上级辱虐。  相似文献   

针对辱虐管理给建言构成的负面作用,目前少有研究从员工管理认知的应对角度去考虑如何消减这一影响。本研究基于认知失调理论,在洞察互动公平与辱虐管理二者关系的基础上,提出深层调节这类基于认知调整的情绪劳动策略会帮助削弱辱虐管理对员工互动公平的不利作用。由于互动公平将直接影响员工向领导建言的动机,进而预测,深层调节与辱虐管理的交互会通过互动公平的中介影响员工建言(防御性和亲社会性建言)。通过对103个国企团队中530名员工分三阶段的调研,研究假设均得以验证。本文从员工基于调节认知以管理情绪的策略启发,揭示了深层调节这一对策的有效性,拓展了辱虐管理的应对视角,丰富了辱虐管理与建言领域的研究。  相似文献   

基于情感事件理论,通过3个实验考察了同伴辱虐管理对旁观者行为的内在机制和边界条件。结果发现:同伴辱虐管理可能通过道德愤怒正向影响维护者行为,负向影响局外人行为;也可能通过幸灾乐祸负向影响维护者行为,正向影响局外人行为。同伴关系正向调节同伴辱虐管理与道德愤怒的关系,负向调节同伴辱虐管理与幸灾乐祸的关系,并分别调节了道德愤怒、幸灾乐祸的中介作用。研究对扩展旁观者视角的辱虐管理研究及减少其对员工的负面作用有一定的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

基于工作要求-资源模型,探讨挑战性压力源在什么情况下能够促进创新。将领导-成员交换与辱虐管理作为工作资源,辱虐管理作为影响领导-成员交换是否可以被视为工作资源的情境因素,挑战性压力源作为工作要求,检验了领导-成员交换、辱虐管理对挑战性压力源与员工创新行为关系的三维调节作用。基于两个领导-下属配对样本的分析结果表明:挑战性压力源、领导-成员交换和辱虐管理对员工创新行为有显著三维交互作用,即领导-成员交换水平高、辱虐管理水平低时,挑战性压力源与员工创新行为正相关,在其他条件下,挑战性压力源与创新行为不相关或者负相关。本研究验证了工作要求-资源模型在解释挑战性压力源与创新行为之间关系的有效性,说明资源在挑战性压力源激发员工创新行为中扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

近年来, 辱虐管理与员工创造力的关系受到越来越多研究者的关注。在以往研究的基础上, 本研究构建了一个有调节的中介作用模型, 以探讨中国文化情境下辱虐管理影响员工创造力的中介心理机制及边界条件。采用多阶段-多来源的策略, 以93名主管和369名员工为对象, 通过多水平结构方程建模技术对三阶段主管-员工配对调查所获取的数据进行分析, 结果表明:主管的辱虐管理行为会通过心理契约破坏的中介作用, 对员工创造力产生间接的消极影响; 但该负向的间接关系的强度对高中庸思维者而言较弱。本研究有助于揭示辱虐管理影响员工创造力的心理机制及边界条件, 研究结果对企业员工创造力及创新行为的管理实践也有一定启示。  相似文献   

朱金强  李海 《心理科学》2018,(4):942-948
现有研究主要探究领导风格对员工行为影响的直线效应,而对两者之间的曲线关系研究不足。基于激活理论,实证检验了辱虐管理与员工建言行为的曲线关系。研究结果表明辱虐管理对员工建言行为具有倒U型的影响,即上级主管辱虐不足或过度都不利于员工建言行为,只有适度的辱虐才能最有效地激发员工建言,性别调节了上述关系。这一研究发现表明适度的辱虐管理能够给组织带来积极效果,深化了人们对辱虐管理与员工建言关系的认识。  相似文献   

Using spillover and crossover theory, we examined how subordinate's experience of abusive supervision impacts both subordinate's and partner's family domains. Specifically, a model was proposed and tested that examined the fallout from abusive supervision through 2 types of strain, work‐to‐family conflict and relationship tension, on family satisfaction of the subordinate and on family functioning of the partner. Using a matched set of 280 subordinates and partners, this study found that abusive supervision contributes to the experience of work‐to‐family conflict and relationship tension. Further, family satisfaction for the subordinate and family functioning for the partner were diminished through the experience of relationship tension. Interestingly, although the experience of work‐to‐family conflict contributed to relationship tension, it did not directly impact the family outcomes. We discuss the study's implications for theory, research, and practice while suggesting new research directions.  相似文献   

组织中的不当督导及相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不当督导是指员工对于主管持续地表现出语言性或非语言性敌意行为的程度的知觉。相关的实证研究表明主管的不当督导行为对员工心理及行为反应、员工工作态度以及绩效等诸多变量均存在一定的影响;而主管的心理契约违背及不公正知觉、下属的某些特征以及行业环境的不确定性等因素则对不当督导具有一定的预测力。今后的研究还有必要加强对不当督导的预防和干预等六方面问题的探讨。  相似文献   

Results of a study using data collected at 2 points in time, separated by 6 months, suggested that subordinates resisted their supervisors' downward influence tactics with greater frequency when their supervisors were more abusive and that subordinates' personality moderated the effects of abusive supervision. The relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates' dysfunctional resistance was stronger among subordinates who were lower in conscientiousness than among subordinates who were higher in conscientiousness, but this effect emerged only for subordinates who were also lower in agreeableness. The relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates' constructive resistance was stronger among subordinates who were higher in conscientiousness than among subordinates who were lower in conscientiousness. The study's implications for theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   



We examine how supervisor stress is associated with employee-rated abusive supervision. In addition, we test the premise that higher levels of physical exercise by supervisors can buffer the negative effects of stress on their relationship with their subordinates.


A matched sample of 98 employed individuals and their direct supervisors was used to test our hypotheses.


Results suggest that increased levels of supervisor-reported stress are related to the increased experience of employee-rated abusive supervision. We also find that the relationship between supervisor stress and abusive behavior can be diminished when supervisors engage in moderate levels of physical exercise.


While the current economic conditions and a host of other trying workplace factors mean that supervisors are likely to experience workplace stress, we found evidence that they do not necessarily have to transfer these frustrations onto those they supervise. Our study supports a link between supervisor stress and employee perceptions of abusive supervision, but this is a link that can be loosened if supervisors engage in moderate levels of physical exercise.


The results of this study add to the modest number of antecedents to abusive supervision that have been discovered in existing research. In addition, this is the first study to examine how exercise can buffer the relationship between supervisor stress and employee perceptions of abusive supervision.  相似文献   

Prior research linking employee performance to abusive supervision suggests that supervisors have instrumental and non-instrumental reasons for engaging in abuse while dealing with low performers in the workplace. Drawing on social comparison theory, we argue that high-performing subordinates can make supervisors envious, which in turn leads to abusive supervisory behavior. Furthermore, we hypothesize supervisor social comparison orientation as a key boundary condition for the indirect positive effect of subordinate performance on abusive supervision through supervisor envy; that is, supervisors are more likely to abuse high performers when the supervisors’ social comparison orientation is high. A multi-source, multi-wave field study was conducted with data collected from supervisor-subordinate dyads (N = 95 supervisors and 385 subordinates). The data supported a positive indirect effect of employee performance on abusive supervision through supervisor envy. Moreover, the indirect effect was statistically significant for supervisors with high social comparison orientation but it was not significant for supervisors with low social comparison orientation. Implications of these findings for reducing abusive supervision are discussed.  相似文献   

A developmental-contextual model of couples coping with chronic illness is presented that views chronic illness as affecting the adjustment of both the patient and the spouse such that coping strategies enacted by the patient are examined in relation to those enacted by the spouse, and vice versa. The developmental model emphasizes that dyadic coping may be different at various phases of the life span, changing temporally at different stages of dealing with the illness as well as unfolding daily as spouses interact around dyadic stressors. In addition, couples engaged in dyadic coping are affected by broad sociocultural factors (culture and gender) as well as more proximal contextual factors (quality of the marital relationship and the specific demands of the chronic illness). The model provides a framework for understanding how couples coping with chronic illness may together appraise and cope with illness during adulthood and for determining when spousal involvement is beneficial or harmful to both patient and spousal adjustment. The developmental-contextual model to dyadic appraisal and coping has numerous research implications for the field, and the authors conclude with specific recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

Abusive supervision and subordinates' organizational citizenship behavior   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The relationship between subordinates' perceptions of abusive supervision and supervisors' evaluations of subordinates' organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) was explored among a sample of 373 Air National Guard members and their military supervisors. As predicted, the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates' OCB was stronger among subordinates who defined OCB as extra-role behavior (compared with those defining OCB as in-role behavior), and this effect was fully mediated by the interactive effect of procedural justice and OCB role definitions. The study's implications for theory and research are discussed, its limitations are identified, and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   



To test a moderated mediation model where a positive relationship between subordinates’ perceptions of a dangerous world—the extent to which an individual views the world as a dangerous place—and supervisory abuse is mediated by their submission to authority figures, and that this relationship is heightened for more poorly performing employees.


Data were obtained from 173 subordinates and 45 supervisors working in different private sector organizations in Pakistan.


Our model was supported. It appears that subordinates’ dangerous worldviews are positively associated with their perceptions of abusive supervision and that this is because such views are likely to lead to greater submission to authority figures. But this is only for those employees who are performing more poorly.


We highlight the possibility that individual differences (worldviews, attitudes to authority figures, and performance levels) may lead employees to become victims of abusive supervision. As such, our research informs organizations on how they may better support supervisors in managing effectively their subordinate relationships and, in particular, subordinate poor performance.


We add to recent work exploring subordinate-focused antecedents of abusive supervision, finding support for the salience of the previously untested constructs of individual worldviews, authoritarian submission, and individual job performance. In so doing we also extend research on dangerous worldviews into a new organizational setting. Finally, our research takes place within a new Pakistani context, adding to the burgeoning non-US based body of empirical work into the antecedents and consequences of abusive supervision.

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