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本文首先提出了“人因科学”这一创新的学科群概念来表征工程心理学、人因工程、工效学、人机交互等相近领域。尽管这些领域的研究角度不一样,但是它们分享共同的研究理念、对象以及目的。我们近期的研究表明,人工智能(AI)新技术带来了一系列新的人因问题,而作为人因科学研究对象的人机关系呈现出从“人机交互”向“人智组队式合作”的跨时代演进。这些变化对人因科学研究提出了新问题和新挑战,需要我们重新审视基于非智能技术的人因科学研究范式和重点。在此背景下,本文梳理人因科学研究范式取向跨时代的演进,总结我们近5年所提出的一系列用于丰富人因科学研究范式的新概念模型和框架,其中包括人智协同认知系统、人智协同认知生态系统以及智能社会技术系统的模型和框架。本文进一步从人因科学研究范式取向的角度进一步提升这些概念模型和框架,提出智能时代人因科学研究的三种新范式取向,分析相应的应用意义,并展望今后的研究方向。同时,针对智能时代人因科学研究重点的跨时代转移新特征,本文从“人智交互”“智能人机界面”“人智组队合作”三个方面展望了今后人因科学的研究重点,揭示出人因科学新研究范式取向对未来研究重点的作用。我们认为,人因科学的研...  相似文献   

许为 《应用心理学》2020,(2):108-128
综述人因学在人-自动化交互、人-自主化(autonomy)交互以及人机组队(human-machine teaming)方面的研究,梳理了自动化与自主化的人因学特征和问题,通过建立一个自主化、自动化与人工干预三者之间关系的概念模型来表征自主化人因学的问题空间。总结了智能自主化技术所带来的新型人机合作关系,促使采用新的人因学研究和应用范式,重新评估现有的人因学理论、方法以及今后的研究。针对自主化技术的应用,分析当前自动驾驶车设计中的人因学问题。呼吁在自动驾驶车研发中要重视人因学问题,人因学要提供学科支持和完整的人因学解决方案。  相似文献   

许为 《应用心理学》2024,(2):99-117
基于“以用户为中心设计”理念的用户体验(UX)领域正在迈向智能时代,但是现有的UX范式主要针对非智能系统,缺乏针对智能系统UX的系统化方法。纵观UX的发展历程,UX范式呈现出跨技术时代的演进特征。当前,智能时代对UX范式提出了新要求。为此,本文从UX范式出发,提出智能时代的“UX 3.0”范式框架以及相应的方法体系。“UX 3.0”范式框架包括五大类UX方法:生态化体验、创新赋能体验、AI赋能体验、人智交互体验、人智协同合作体验方法,其中每一类方法都包括相应的UX范式取向。“UX 3.0”范式的提出有助于提升现有UX方法,为智能系统UX研究和应用提供方法论支持。最后,本文展望“UX 3.0”范式今后的研究和应用。  相似文献   

智能时代已然来临。智能技术的发展正加速推动组织的智能化进程。越来越多的企业在生产和管理中采用智能技术以提高竞争力。在此背景下, 人机协同工作日益普遍, 人机协同决策成为新型组织决策方式。然而, 当前智能组织中的人机协同决策还面临信任度低、可控性低、透明度低、协同度低等一系列问题, 它们阻碍了决策质量、效率和体验的提升。本项目认为, 人机兼容性, 特别是人机内部兼容性, 如认知兼容性、情感兼容性、价值兼容性等, 或是影响人机协同决策绩效的根本原因。因此, 本项目基于人机内部兼容性理论视角, 综合采用决策心理学、认知科学、组织行为学等多学科理论与方法, 通过一系列现场研究和模拟实验, 力图揭示人机协同决策中存在的问题及其成因, 探究人机协同决策中内部兼容性的影响因素和作用机制, 进而提出若干人机协同决策优化方法。项目研究成果将有助于促进人机协同决策理论与人机兼容性理论的发展, 提升人机协同决策绩效, 推进组织决策的智能化进程。  相似文献   

许为 《应用心理学》2022,(4):291-313
本文从“以用户为中心的设计”理念出发,在概述大型商用飞机自动化驾驶舱人因问题和基于“以人为中心自动化”理念的人因工程研究基础上,综述基于“以人为中心人工智能”理念的智能化飞机驾驶舱人因工程初步研究,并且展望未来的人因工程研究。根据作者提出的智能人机交互人因工程模型以及协同认知生态系统框架,提出针对大型商用飞机单人飞行操作的人因工程初步解决方案,并且展望今后的人因工程研究。  相似文献   

刘钊  强薇 《美与时代》2014,(12):33-33
现以工业设计心理学为基础,结合现有材料和前沿科学技术,打破现有的建筑与设施设备独立思维、分别建造的传统观念,创建一种新的建筑架构,探索和研究出一种更符合人们生活习惯、心理活动、人机关系的和逸性智能办公空间。  相似文献   

郭永积 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1222-1229
摘 要 为了促进中国本土化心理学体系建设和心理学学科的整体发展,从中国与发达国家心理学学科管理制度的比较中发现中国心理学学科归属所存在的问题,并在反思中探讨形成问题的原因。通过心理学在现有学科归属中的局限性,心理学成为独立学科门类的可能性,心理学成为独立学科门类后学科新体系的系统性,心理学成为独立学科门类的社会性四个方面的分析与讨论,研究了使心理学成为独立学科门类与学位类别的必要性与可行性。特别是从建设和谐社会的角度对心理学的学科归属、心理学的未来发展、现代社会发展及心理学与其它学科的广泛联系等需要的讨论中,指出中国心理学在专业设置方面隶属于理学和教育学的不足之处,认为这种隶属关系将会制约心理学的发展和学科成熟。提出应该在现有学位体系中增加心理学学科门类与学位类别,使心理学作为一个与理学和教育学并列的独立学科门类。通过改进学位体系让心理学在更大的学科背景中,建设中国本土心理学自身体系,使心理学研究方法更加多样化,为产生众多边缘学科和更好地发挥社会应用功能创造条件,也为今后心理学发展带来许多发展机遇,并在此基础上为展望心理学未来发展提供新的视角。  相似文献   

从组织心理学在其工作领域、价值和研究方法等三方面存在的问题入手,分析了西欧组织心理学所面临的任务和机遇,提出组织心理学应运用微观和宏观的双重理论框架,使研究适合于本国的国情,在密切联系实际的新领域展开研究。强调了非参数统计方法和纵向研究设计的重要性,提出了组织心理学研究的一些新方向。  相似文献   

一、問題 在現代生产技术中,人和机器可以看作是一个統一的系統。这一系統的中心环节是人。人凭借自己的感官从仪表和信号得到有关机器的运轉状态和生产过程的变化的信息,經过一系列的思惟活动,然后作出判断,并通过操作活动对机器和生产过程进行控制和調节。关于人和机器的这一方面的关系,以及关于机器、仪表、信号和操纵装置的設計如何适应人的感知、思惟和运动的特点,以便使“人机系統”达到最高效率的研究,已經形成一个新的学科分支,即“工程心理学”。本研究所涉及的閃光信号的頻率选择問題,就是属于工程心理学的范围。  相似文献   

贾林祥 《心理学探新》2007,27(2):16-18,43
潘菽对心理学的研究对象、心理学的学科性质、心理学的研究方法、心理学的理论研究与应用研究的关系等问题进行了系统、深刻的分析,为人们正确地进行心理学研究提供了重要的理论启示;他对心理学未来发展的预测,揭示了心理学与社会发展之间的关系,对心理学研究者也是一种莫大的鼓励。文章对这些问题进行了较为详细的分析。  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a revolutionary and overwhelming technology that is yet to immature. While profoundly changing and shaping people and society, AI also splits into its own opposites and develops into a new external alien force. As the basic technical support of the entire society, intelligent technology entails the overt or covert domination of human beings, who are becoming the “vassals” and “slaves” of this high-speed intelligent social system. Various intelligent systems are constantly replacing human work, so that the “digital poor” gradually lose the opportunities and values offered by labor and hence are excluded by the global economic and social system, rendering their existence empty and absurd. The rapid development of intelligent robots has blurred the boundary between humans and machines and had a strong impact on the nature of man and his position as a conscious agent, making “What is man?” and the human-machine relationship prominent issues for our times, challenging the commonplaces of philosophy. We must face up to the existing or imminent risk of alienation, expand our theoretical horizons, innovate theories of alienation in the era of intelligence, take constructive action in terms of the construction of an ideal society and the evolution of man himself, build an ecological system for the joint evolution and growth of human beings and intelligent machines, and achieve liberty of man and the all-round and free development.  相似文献   

Although the relationship between research and clinical psychology has at times been conflicted, it has also been productive. Psychologists from both specialties have benefited from each others' work. The area of psychotherapy outcome research represents an important interface between the fields of clinical and research psychology. In an era of scarce resources and demands for accountability, there is pressure for researchers to justify the value of clinical practices. Recently, numerous articles have appeared recommending changes to the way psychotherapy research is conducted. The authors of these articles emphasize with urgency the importance of conducting and reporting research in a manner that will influence the decisions of policymakers and sanction funding for psychotherapy services. This article is an exploration of the impact of these recommendations, whose objective appears to be the promotion of psychological techniques for inclusion in clinical practice guidelines. It is argued that such recommendations may be in conflict with the philosophy and methods of science and may adversely affect public perception, perhaps leading psychologists to be seen as political lobbyists rather than clinicians and researchers.  相似文献   

A number of research projects related to new uses for computers in mental health service delivery are presented. These projects include work on software psychology, new computer applications in mental health care, and studies relating to the successful implementation of technology in mental health settings. Emphasis is placed on developing a better understanding of appropriate uses of technology rather than merely describing new applications.  相似文献   

Personality psychology studies how psychological systems work together. Consequently, the field can act as a unifying resource for the broader discipline of psychology. Yet personality's current fieldwide organization promotes a fragmented view of the person, seen through such competing theories as the psychodynamic, trait, and humanistic. There exists an alternative--a systems framework for personality--that focuses on 4 topics: identifying personality, personality's parts, its organization, and its development. This new framework and its view of personality are described. The framework is applied to such issues as personality measurement, psychotherapy outcome research, and education. The new framework may better organize the field of personality and help with its mission of addressing how major psychological systems interrelate.  相似文献   

建设本土化的工程心理学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了三个问题 :1把 3 0年来我国工程心理学的发展分为三个阶段 :60年代前期为初兴期 ;70年代中期至 80年代初为恢复期 ;80年代中期开始为发展期。2阐明建设中国本土化工程心理学的意义 ,并提出工程心理学本土化的标准。3强调只有加强应用研究 ,才能加速建立适合我国国情的工程心理学。  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(3):191-205
A symposium entitled, The Ecology of Human-Machine Systems, was held at the Fifth International Conference on Event Perception and Action. This sympo- sium examined the challenges that human-machine systems hold for an ecological approach to perception, cognition, and action and the promises that an ecological approach holds for problems that traditionally have been the domain of human factors psychology. The presenters from this symposium have been invited to submit articles about an applied ecological psychology to Ecological Psychology. Articles that are accepted for publication will be appearing in future issues of this journal. It is hoped that these articles will stimulate productive interaction between ecological and human factors psychology. This correspondence reflects the natural affinity between ecological and human factors psychology. It examines some of the issues that distinguish basic and applied research. It also considers the contribution that ecological physics can make for improving tradi- tional approaches to task analysis. Finally, this article speculates about emerging areas of research in which the ecological approach may contribute to the design of human-machine systems.  相似文献   

自动驾驶是当前智能汽车发展的重要方向。在实现完全自动化驾驶前, 驾驶员和自动驾驶系统共享车辆控制权, 协同完成驾驶任务。在该人-机共驾阶段, 人对自动驾驶系统的信任是影响自动驾驶中人机协同效率与驾驶安全的关键要素; 驾驶员对自动驾驶车辆保持适当的信任水平对驾驶安全至关重要。本研究结合信任的发展阶段与影响因素提出了动态信任框架。该框架将信任发展分为倾向性信任、初始信任、实时信任和事后信任四个发展阶段, 并结合操作者特征(人)、系统特征(自动驾驶车系统)、情境特征(环境)三个关键因素分析不同阶段的核心影响因素以及彼此间的内在关联。根据该框架, 信任校准可从监测矫正、驾驶员训练、优化HMI设计三类途径展开。未来研究应更多关注驾驶员和人机系统设计特征对信任的影响, 考察信任的实时测量和功能特异性, 探讨驾驶员和系统的相互信任机制, 以及提升信任研究的外部效度。  相似文献   

Teachers of introductory courses in psychology and those who wrote the textbooks for the courses at the start of the 20th century represented the new psychology that replaced the old psychology of mental philosophy. Teachers and texts presented psychology as a natural science of the mind and mental processes, described its methods, and suggested its potential applications to practical concerns. Textbooks and teachers varied in their approaches to psychology, their priorities among its methods, and their emphases on applying psychology. The introductory course in psychology accurately reflected the state of the discipline at the turn of the century.  相似文献   

A review of the decades of research shows that Chinese philosophy of science and technology, on the strength of carrying forward traditions and blazing new trails, has made progress in the construction of discipline system and development of institutions, teaching materials and periodicals, with deepening the discussion on discipline orientation. In academic system construction, driven by efforts to update the academic framework and deepen research on the philosophy of nature, philosophy of science, philosophy of technology, science, technology and society, as well as other traditional fields, achievements have been made in ethical reflections on high technology, engineering ethics, big data and artificial intelligence philosophy, responsible innovation and other emerging, frontier and crosscutting fields. In the construction of discourse system, work has been done to make China’s voice heard on the international stage, excavate and elucidate the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and build disciplines with Chinese characteristics. In short, the achievements of the Chinese philosophy of science and technology have not come easily. Though a diverse and dynamic academic pattern has been formed, and wonderful and unique Chinese discourse has been created, we still face some problems. To accelerate the construction of “Three Systems” of the philosophy of science and technology with Chinese characteristics by building on existing achievements, we should carry forward the tradition of dialectics of nature and strengthen the guidance of Marxism, consolidate the foundation of philosophy and support interdisciplinary interaction and cooperation, track the frontiers of science and technology, and pay attention to the social operation of science and technology.  相似文献   

杨贤  何汉武 《心理科学》2017,40(5):1248-1252
--用户认知具有主观性、模糊性、进化性及多维性等不确定性特点,难以编码与度量。提出以概念外延表达的集合论方法与模糊数学把研究用户认知转换成研究代表它的因素集合;提出用数据驱动的互联网文本挖掘获取因素集,采用TF-IDF与模糊统计求解因素的隶属度,完成用户认知的数学表达,为进一步研究提供数学基础;最后以海信智能冰箱项目进行论证。由于用户认知属于典型的不确定性复杂对象,论文所用方法适用于所有复杂对象的建模与求解。  相似文献   

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