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着眼于长期收益的跨期决策风格如何影响当下不诚信行为是决策研究的重要主题之一。研究着意探讨未来自我连续性对不诚信行为的规约作用及其条件。结果发现,(1)未来自我连续性高的人,更不能容忍不诚信行为,不诚信行为的意向更弱;(2)考虑未来后果在未来自我连续性与不诚信行为之间起中介作用,未来自我连续性越高的人,越多考虑行为的未来结果,不诚信行为的概率越低;(3)熟人/陌生人情境对未来自我连续性与考虑未来后果间关系发挥调节作用,熟人情境下,未来自我连续性高的人也会更多考虑行为的未来后果。这些发现对于理解自我连续性的行为规约功能和基于个体跨期选择助推诚信环境营造具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

摘要 鉴于当今空气污染问题日益严峻,如何激发员工的环保行为成为了各界关注的话题。本研究基于情感事件理论,从主动的视角来探讨人们在空气污染情境中产生消极情绪后的积极应对行为。运用经验取样法,对68名在职员工进行了为期14天的跟踪调查。研究发现:(1)个体每日因空气污染引发的消极情绪与每日的环保行为正相关;(2)风险感知和环保激情在个体因空气污染引发的消极情绪与环保行为之间存在链式中介作用;(3)调节焦点调节了个体每日因空气污染引发的消极情绪对每日的环保行为的影响,防御焦点弱化二者间的关系,而促进焦点的调节作用不显著。以上成果丰富了人们对空气污染触发的消极情绪动态影响机制的认识,为后续研究提供了良好的研究视角和基础,为企业可持续发展的经营管理提供了的实践启示。  相似文献   

陈颖  李锋盈  李伟健 《心理学报》2019,51(2):154-162
本研究考察个体关于加工流畅性的信念对学习判断(Judgment of learning, 简称JOL)的影响, 探讨字体大小效应的产生机制。研究通过两个实验分别考察个体关于“字体大小影响加工流畅性” (实验1)以及“加工流畅性影响记忆效果” (实验2)等信念对字体大小效应的影响。结果发现: 1)当人们相信大字体更流畅(实验1)或者越流畅越好记(实验2)时, 他们在大字体项目上的JOL值显著高于小字体项目上的JOL值; 2)当人们相信小字体更流畅(实验1)或者流畅性与记忆无关(实验2)时, 他们在大字体和小字体项目上的JOL值无显著差异, 字体大小效应消失。上述结果表明, 个体关于加工流畅性的信念是字体大小效应产生的重要原因, 是人们进行学习判断的重要线索。  相似文献   

空气污染对行为影响的研究日渐丰富, 且大致分为两个方向:一是与环境健康有关的直接行为, 二是与之无直接相关的社会行为(溢出行为)。基于此, 在回顾空气污染对两种行为影响研究的同时, 进一步综述了用于解释直接行为产生机制的计划行为理论和健康行动过程取向模型, 以及用于解释社会行为机制的焦虑与自我损耗。而更全面的探究现象背后的机制有助于发现更多有效应对空气污染的举措, 未来的研究可以采用更多纵向的研究范式、增加对行为机制的探究, 从而改善人们的风险应对行为。  相似文献   

从诚信的“诚实”和“守信”两个维度来探讨黑白隐喻表征对诚信行为的影响。实验1使用信息传递-接收任务范式,发现任务信息呈现在白色背景上时个体会表现出更多的诚实行为;实验2采用改编的“信任游戏”范式,发现白色背景同样会促进守信行为。本研究从具身认知角度对此进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

张恩涛  王硕 《心理科学》2020,(2):459-464
采用两个实验探讨了权力和地位对信任和不信任行为的影响。实验1首先通过角色分配法操纵被试的权力感(高vs.低),然后采用信任和非信任博弈任务来测量被试的信任和不信任行为。结果发现,在信任行为上,高权力者比低权力者存在更低的信任水平;但在不信任行为上,二者不存在显著差异。实验2同时操纵被试的权力和地位水平,探索二者对信任和不信任行为的影响。结果发现:在信任行为上,高权力者比低权力者存在更低的信任水平,与之相反,高地位者比低地位者存在更高的信任水平,并且权力和地位的交互作用不显著;而在不信任行为上,权力和地位的效应均不显著。该研究结果说明,(1)权力负向影响信任行为,而地位正向影响信任行为;(2)权力和地位对信任的影响是独立的。  相似文献   

基于期望-效价理论探讨了期望(关系修复可能性)和效价(关系重要性)对工作场所排斥后应对行为的影响。研究1采取回忆范式证实了遭遇工作场所排斥后个体将以积极、消极或不作为行为进行应对,而期望和效价对应对行为有显著预测作用;研究2在研究1基础上,通过情境问卷对期望和效价进行操纵,进一步验证了期望、效价与应对行为之间的因果关系,即关系修复可能性越大、关系越重要,个体越倾向以积极而非消极行为进行应对。  相似文献   

说谎,作为人性的一方面,已经成为心理学、生物进化学、实验经济学等多学科的关注点。说谎会受到多种文化的谴责,说谎行为也是人们所不支持的。但是国外的研究发现,在普通人群中,不诚实行为也是普遍存在的,而且这种不诚实行为并没有影响被试诚实的自我概念。因此了解这种不诚实行为的发生、发展过程,对人们认识和识别不诚实行为,提高人际互动质量至关重要。本文从不诚实行为的发生、发展过程出发,重点介绍了不诚实行为的研究范式、认知神经机制和影响因素。并针对已有研究的不足:(1)实验结果的解释水平低;(2)变量操纵不严谨;(3)研究方法局限; 提出了可能的解决方案。  相似文献   

通过对286名员工的问卷调查,探讨高层管理者的伦理型领导对员工工作结果(离职倾向、反生产行为)的作用。研究发现:(1)高层伦理型领导与员工工作结果负相关;(2)组织诚信在上述关系中起中介作用;(3)组织集体主义氛围调节了组织诚信与员工工作结果之间的关系,即组织集体主义氛围越高,组织诚信与员工工作结果之间关系越强;(4)组织集体主义氛围调节了组织诚信对高层伦理型领导—员工工作结果的中介作用。  相似文献   

以公平启发理论为基础,结合不确定管理理论,采用情境实验法(实验1)和行为实验法(实验2),探讨了不确定感这一工具性动机在他人的程序公正与自我的合作行为之间的中介作用。研究结果发现:(1)他人的程序公正会促进自我的合作行为的出现;(2)不确定感降低了自我的合作行为的出现;(3)不确定感中介了他人的程序公正对自我的合作行为的影响。  相似文献   


People are easily tempted to engage in dishonest behavior when an incentive is given and when full anonymity is provided. In the present work, we investigated existential threat as a motivational factor that might reduce dishonest behavior. Research based on terror management theory has found that mortality salience increases the motivation to fulfill salient values of one’s cultural worldview. Assuming the concept of honesty is important to human societies, we hypothesized that mortality salience will reduce dishonest behavior when the concept of honesty is salient. In two experiments, we assessed dishonesty under full anonymity by applying a die-under-the-cup paradigm with the expected value serving as a stochastic baseline for honest behavior. Both experiments provided support for our hypothesis. Given an incentive to cheat, when the concept of honesty was cognitively activated by a word-search puzzle (Study 1) or by the name of the dice game (i.e., “honest game”; Study 2), mortality salient participants showed not only less dishonest behavior but actually honest behavior.


Research has shown that greater degrees of sunshine experienced directly are associated with greater amounts of compliance and tipping. This paper describes two studies that investigated beliefs about sunshine and tipping. The studies were conducted at a casino hotel in Atlantic City; a male server who delivered food and drinks to guests' rooms acted as the confederate. In Study 1, the server reported to guests the actual sky conditions: sunny, partly sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Tip percentages increased linearly from the worst to the best conditions. Study 2 used an experimental design. The server informed guests that the weather was either warm and sunny, cold and sunny, warm and rainy, or cold and rainy. Guests were gullible because their rooms shielded them from the actual conditions. Belief in sunny skies produced greater tip percentages. The temperature belief manipulation had no effect. This research extended previous research by showing that beliefs about weather, in addition to actual weather, can affect behavior.  相似文献   

Lying is deep‐rooted in our nature, as over 90% of all people lie. Laypeople, however, do only slightly better than chance when detecting lies and deceptions. Recently, attachment anxiety was linked with people's hypervigilance toward threat‐related cues. Accordingly, we tested whether attachment anxiety predicts people's ability to detect deceit and to play poker—a game that is based on players' ability to detect cheating. In Study 1, 202 participants watched a series of interpersonal interactions that comprised subtle clues to the honesty or dishonesty of the speakers. In Study 2, 58 participants watched clips in which such cues were absent. Participants were asked to decide whether the main characters were honest or dishonest. In Study 3, we asked 35 semiprofessional poker players to participate in a poker tournament, and then we predicted the amount of money won during the game. Results indicated that attachment anxiety, but not other types of anxiety, predicted more accurate detection of deceitful statements (Studies 1–2) and a greater amount of money won during a game of poker (Study 3). Results are discussed in relation to the possible adaptive functions of certain personality characteristics, such as attachment anxiety, often viewed as undesirable.  相似文献   

We investigated the relation between appearance-based impressions of honesty and individuals' willingness to engage in deceptive behaviors. The data reveal that people who were thought to look dishonest were more likely to volunteer to participate in research that was described as requiring deception on their part than were individuals who were perceived to look honest. The data are consistent with the predictions of a self-fulfilling prophecy model of social behavior, as well as recent research that documents a kernel of truth in appearance-based impressions. The results further suggest that naive judgments of deception are more accurate than has been supposed.  相似文献   

People routinely engage in dishonest acts without feeling guilty about their behavior. When and why does this occur? Across four studies, people justified their dishonest deeds through moral disengagement and exhibited motivated forgetting of information that might otherwise limit their dishonesty. Using hypothetical scenarios (Studies 1 and 2) and real tasks involving the opportunity to cheat (Studies 3 and 4), the authors find that one's own dishonest behavior increased moral disengagement and motivated forgetting of moral rules. Such changes did not occur in the case of honest behavior or consideration of the dishonest behavior of others. In addition, increasing moral saliency by having participants read or sign an honor code significantly reduced unethical behavior and prevented subsequent moral disengagement. Although dishonest behavior motivated moral leniency and led to forgetting of moral rules, honest behavior motivated moral stringency and diligent recollection of moral rules.  相似文献   

Facial expressions and vocal cues (filtered speech) of honest and deceptive messages were examined in posed and spontaneous situations. The question of interest was the degree to which nonverbal cues transmit information about deception. Results indicated that (a) for both the facial and vocal channels, posing (as compared to spontaneous behavior) produced a higher level of communication accuracy; (b) facial expressions of deceptive (as compared to honest) messages were rated as less pleasant, while vocal expressions of deception were rated as less honest, less assertive, and less dominant, particularly in the posed condition; (c) the sender's ability to convey honesty was negatively correlated with his/her ability to convey deception, suggesting the existence of a demeanor bias—individual senders tend to appear and sound consistently honest (or dishonest) regardless of whether they deliver an honest or a deceptive message; (d) in the posing condition, the sender's abilities to convey honesty/deception via facial and vocal cues were positively and significantly correlated, whereas in the spontaneous condition they were not; and (e) senders whose full (unfiltered) speech indicated more involvement with their responses were judged as more honest from both their vocal (filtered speech) and facial cues, in both the honest and deceptive conditions.  相似文献   

Impression management or social desirability scales have been used widely to assess and control for self-favoring biases in self-reports, both in low and high demand situations. Recently, however, substantive interpretations of impression management scores have surfaced, including the simple but troubling proposition that high scores in impression management scales actually reflect honesty rather than dishonest responding. In line with findings indicating that respondents answer to personality questionnaires rather accurately in typical low demand situations, we herein suggest that high impression management scores indeed reflect true virtues rather than dishonesty under such conditions. We found support for this idea by replicating previous correlations between impression management scores and virtue-related basic personality traits (including honesty–humility), and additionally provided conclusive behavioral evidence: We linked scores on an impression management scale administered under typical low demand condition to behavior in an incentivized, anonymous cheating task. The results clearly indicate that low scores in impression management are associated with more cheating. That is, high – and not low – scores on the impression management scale of the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding are aligned with more virtuous, honest behavior.  相似文献   

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