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本研究基于情绪的认知评价理论,探讨了不合规任务对新员工工作投入的动态影响机制。通过收集分析71名新员工连续5个工作日的追踪数据发现,不合规任务会诱发新员工的不愉快情绪,进而影响其工作投入,工作成长观能够有效缓冲这一负面影响。以上结论拓宽了不合规任务的影响后果,并为如何干预不合规任务给新员工带来的消极影响提供了启示。  相似文献   

邹艳春  章惠敏  彭坚  聂琦  王震 《心理学报》2023,(9):1529-1541
不合规任务是超出员工预期工作范围并侵犯其职业身份的工作任务。面对不合规任务,员工会作何反应?基于趋避模型,本研究提出了员工面对不合规任务的差异化应对方式,即高趋近倾向的员工实施主动变革,高回避倾向的员工展现工作拖延。研究1采用情景模拟实验(N=350),结果表明不合规任务与趋近倾向正向交互影响主动变革行为(趋近应对),不合规任务与回避倾向正向交互影响工作拖延行为(回避应对)。研究2采用基于三阶段问卷调查的相关研究(N=207),不仅再次验证了研究1结果,还揭示了建设性变革责任感在员工趋近应对过程中的中介作用,工作疏离感在员工回避应对过程中的中介作用。上述结果有助于全面揭示不合规任务的应对模式,启发组织精准管理不合规任务。  相似文献   

通勤压力作为一种新型压力源,近年来逐渐成为组织管理领域的前沿话题。通勤压力是指个体在通勤过程中所遭遇的压力事件以及所产生的紧张反应,它对员工的工作态度、工作状态以及工作行为均会产生一定的负面影响,影响强度取决于员工的个人特征、家庭压力以及所处的工作情境。资源保存理论和控制理论是解释通勤压力消极影响的主要理论。未来研究可进一步完善测量工具,考察不同通勤模式的差异化影响效应,丰富边界机制等。  相似文献   

工作拖延是当今职场人士面临的普遍困扰之一。基于资源保存理论,本研究从不合规任务视角探究工作拖延行为的成因。对196位员工的两时点调查数据进行层次回归分析,结果表明:不合规任务正向预测员工工作拖延行为,自我损耗在不合规任务与工作拖延行为之间起着中介作用,主动性人格负向调节不合规任务与自我损耗的正向关系以及自我损耗的中介效应。以上结果对预防或降低工作拖延行为具有启发意义。  相似文献   

基于141篇文献的149项独立研究, 研究样本总人数达46261人的数据, 对挑战性-阻碍性二元压力及其亚组与员工创新的关系进行了元分析, 并检验了文化差异(权力距离、长-短期导向、个人-集体主义)、数据来源以及数据收集时间点的调节作用。结果表明: (1)挑战性压力及其亚组工作复杂性、任务冲突对员工创新存在显著正向影响, 阻碍性压力对员工创新存在显著负向影响。(2)文化差异性(个人-集体主义)对挑战性压力与员工创新的关系有调节作用, 文化差异性(权力距离高低、长-短期导向、个人-集体主义)对阻碍性压力与员工创新的关系有调节作用。(3)数据来源对二元工作压力与员工创新的关系有调节作用, 当员工创新数据来自自我评价时, 挑战性压力、阻碍性压力与员工创新关系的强度更强。(4)数据收集时间点仅对挑战性压力与员工创新的关系有调节作用, 横截面研究设计下, 挑战性压力与员工创新的关系更强。  相似文献   

职场内外部死亡提醒对员工绩效具有双刃效应已得到诸多研究的支持,但该现象背后的统一理论解释缺乏深入探讨。基于压力交互理论构建的模型指出,死亡提醒通过压力源认知评估与状态死亡意识的链式中介影响员工绩效。具体而言,员工对死亡提醒这一压力源的威胁性评估与挑战性评估分别影响其状态死亡焦虑与状态死亡反思,进而对任务绩效、组织公民行为和反生产行为产生双刃效应。最后,基于模型梳理了个体资源与情境资源等相关边界条件,并提出未来可探析死亡提醒双刃效应的过程机制、边界条件以及组织干预策略。  相似文献   

全球经济转型给工作特征带来的重大改变之一就是任务互依性大大增强,在这一新工作情境下,组织如何更好地激发员工建言行为是本文关注的研究问题。根据工作要求—资源模型的观点,任务互依性对工作者带来的影响作用并不显而易见,不同特质的员工对于任务互依性的认知评价和行为反应有所不同,因此需要加入对工作者人格特质的考虑。基于两个时间点收集的435份领导员工匹配样本数据的实证分析,研究结果表明:对于尽责性低或情绪稳定性低的员工而言,任务互依性对建言行为有显著正向影响作用。研究结论不仅丰富了建言行为前因变量的现有研究,而且也有助于鼓励管理实践者更好地从任务互依性等工作特征出发,思考如何调动不同特质的员工为组织发展建言献策的积极性。  相似文献   

卢红旭  周帆  吴挺  严进  邵闫  刘艳彬 《心理学报》2019,51(12):1375-1385
以往研究普遍从建言行为的建设性意图特征出发, 探讨其关键前因、产生机制和情境因素, 但却较少关注建言行为的工具性目的。基于资源保存理论, 本研究构建了有调节的中介模型以探讨工作压力影响员工建设型建言和防御型建言的作用机制和边界条件。通过对某建筑企业386名员工进行两阶段调查, 结果表明:工作压力与防御型建言存在正向相关关系, 与建设型建言存在负向相关关系, 自我损耗在其中起中介作用; 另外, 领导开明性正向调节自我损耗和建设型建言的负向相关关系, 并正向调节工作压力通过自我损耗影响建设型建言的间接效应。  相似文献   

本研究考察物质主义价值观和时间压力对个体风险决策的影响。根据被试在物质主义问卷上的得分,以27%为标准筛选出高低物质主义倾向被试,采用有无时间压力情境下的爱荷华赌博任务和仿真气球冒险任务对高低物质主义价值观被试的风险决策行为进行研究。实验结果显示,在两种决策任务中,物质主义倾向和时间压力间均存在显著的交互作用,有时间压力的情境下高物质主义倾向个体比低物质主义倾向个体表现出更多的风险寻求,无时间压力情境下,高低物质主义倾向个体在风险决策上无显著差异。时间压力增加了高物质主义倾向个体的风险寻求。时间压力对风险决策的影响与决策任务有关,在仿真气球冒险任务中,时间压力使决策者表现出现风险规避;在爱荷华赌博任务中,时间压力使决策者表现出风险寻求。  相似文献   

本研究考察物质主义价值观和时间压力对个体风险决策的影响。根据被试在物质主义问卷上的得分,以27%为标准筛选出高低物质主义倾向被试,采用有无时间压力情境下的爱荷华赌博任务和仿真气球冒险任务对高低物质主义价值观被试的风险决策行为进行研究。实验结果显示,在两种决策任务中,物质主义倾向和时间压力间均存在显著的交互作用,有时间压力的情境下高物质主义倾向个体比低物质主义倾向个体表现出更多的风险寻求,无时间压力情境下,高低物质主义倾向个体在风险决策上无显著差异。时间压力增加了高物质主义倾向个体的风险寻求。时间压力对风险决策的影响与决策任务有关,在仿真气球冒险任务中,时间压力使决策者表现出现风险规避;在爱荷华赌博任务中,时间压力使决策者表现出风险寻求。  相似文献   


Illegitimate tasks are tasks that violate norms about what an employee can reasonably be expected to do. Representing a relatively recent stressor concept, illegitimate tasks have been linked to strain, but so far have been assessed only by self-report. The current multisource study investigates to what extent supervisors’ assessments of illegitimate tasks converge with incumbents’ self-reports of illegitimate tasks and predict three kinds of strain, namely psychological strain (incumbent report of exhaustion), behavioural strain (supervisors report of incivility), and family strain (partner report of work-family conflict). Low convergence between assessments was expected due to idiosyncratic appraisals but also to differing perspectives of supervisors and incumbents due to their roles, as described by the newly developed roles-as-perspectives theory proposed in this paper. Data from 166 triads were analysed by structural equation modelling and Relative Weight Analysis. Results showed that convergence between incumbent and supervisor reports of illegitimate tasks was rather low; it was higher when the supervisor had a limited span of control. Illegitimate tasks were associated with all three types of strain for both self- and supervisor reports of illegitimate tasks, indicating that the detrimental effects of illegitimate tasks cannot be explained by common method biases alone and that incumbents and supervisors have overlapping but not identical concepts of illegitimate tasks.  相似文献   

Despite repeated calls for the inclusion of leadership in research on illegitimate tasks, little is known about what supervisors can actually do to mitigate negative effects of illegitimate tasks. We propose transparent leadership behavior as an effective means that buffers detrimental effects of illegitimate tasks. We further propose reciprocal effects between illegitimate tasks and job dissatisfaction. Based on a short panel study with four surveys across four consecutive weeks, data of 347 employees were analyzed using multiple group structural equation models. For the two facets of illegitimate tasks, results were more consistent for unnecessary than for unreasonable tasks. We found main and moderating effects in both the normal causal and the reversed causal direction for unnecessary tasks, with more consistent main effects in the reversed direction and stronger moderating effects in the normal direction: Job dissatisfaction rather led to unnecessary tasks than vice versa; while high transparency particularly buffered the effects of unnecessary tasks on job dissatisfaction. Thus, by means of transparent leadership behavior, supervisors are able to effectively intervene in the vicious circle between illegitimate tasks and employees’ job dissatisfaction and thereby benefit working conditions for leaders and followers alike.  相似文献   

赵小云  郭成 《心理科学》2014,37(1):190-196
工作重塑是组织行为学中新近出现的一个热点话题,是指员工通过自己对工作进行重新建构来形塑自己的工作认同以及工作角色,其核心目的就是员工对他们的工作进行再设计以获得较高的工作意义感、工作投入以及工作满意度等,进而快乐地工作。在系统梳理有关工作重塑的理论与实证研究文献的基础上,从工作重塑概念的解读、工作重塑的方式与方法、工作重塑的预测因素、工作重塑对个体与组织的影响以及工作重塑的培养策略等方面进行了综述,以便人们更深入地体会其丰富的理论内涵和实践价值;最后,该文指出未来工作重塑的研究应继续注重理论建构的丰富与完善、关注工作重塑的个体与群体差异性以及深化工作重塑与组织之间的关系研究。  相似文献   

组织中的社会交换:由直接到间接   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周明建  宝贡敏 《心理学报》2005,37(4):535-541
社会交换理论被引用来研究组织中的两种交换:员工与所在组织之间的交换——“感受组织支持”(POS)和员工与直接上司之间的交换——“领导—成员交换”(LMX)。以往的研究侧重于“直接交换”,即:从POS和LMX到员工工作产出的直接回归。该文以员工的组织情感承诺和工作满意感为中介变量,考察POS和LMX对员工工作产出的间接影响。在919份有效问卷的基础上,通过结构方程模型的比较,结果发现:组织情感承诺和工作满意感的确可以在POS和LMX与员工工作产出之间承担全部或部分中介的角色。这说明,员工与组织之间、上司与下属之间的交换只有小部分是“直接交换”,大部分则属于“间接交换”。最后,作者讨论了这些新发现的理论意义和实践意义,并指出了该研究的不足之处。  相似文献   

This study proposed and tested a theoretical model of the organizational identification process using a sample ( N = 198) of electric utility employees. Based upon a longitudinal design, results indicated that the antecedents of perceived role-related characteristics and construed external image were related to employees' identification with their organization, while perceived motivating job characteristics were not. Additionally, organizational identification was positively related to the employees' intention to remain within the organization. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Research shows that challenging jobs stimulate employee learning and retention. Nevertheless, empirical knowledge on what influences the amount of challenging tasks employees perform in their job is lacking. In this study, we examined the extent to which the performance of challenging tasks is related to employees' and supervisors' goal orientations. We found a positive relationship between employees' mastery-approach orientation and the performance of challenging tasks. Furthermore, if supervisors had authority over the tasks of their employees, supervisors' goal orientations were related to employees' task challenge. Performing challenging tasks was negatively related to supervisors' performance-approach orientation and positively related to supervisors' performance-avoidance orientation.  相似文献   

Very little research has focused exclusively on the workplace experiences of transsexual employees. Studies that have been done are either qualitative case studies (e.g., Budge, Tebbe, & Howard; 2010; Schilt & Connell, 2007), or aggregate transsexual individuals with lesbian, gay, and bisexual employees (e.g., Irwin, 2002). The current study focuses on this underexamined population and examines general workplace experiences, and both individual and organizational characteristics that influence transsexual employees' job attitudes. Results reveal that organizational supportiveness, transsexual identity centrality, and the degree to which they disclose to individuals outside of work all predict transsexual employees' disclosure behaviors in the workplace. These disclosure behaviors are positively related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and negatively related to job anxiety. These relations are mediated by coworker reactions. This research expands knowledge about diverse employee populations and offers both theory and some of the first large-scale empirical data collected on the workplace experiences of transsexual employees.  相似文献   

Quality circles have repeatedly been suggested as a technique for enhancing employees' involvement in and satisfaction with their work. This study explored the relationship between employees' participation in quality circle (QC) activities and their reactions to their jobs. Specifically, the relationship of participation in QC activities and employees' perceptions of the influence they have on their jobs, the characteristics of their jobs, and their overall job satisfaction were examined. Four hundred and fifty-five (455) QC members and 305 non-QC members, all employees of a large electronics manufacturer, were surveyed. The effect of QC membership as well as tenure in quality circles on the above variables is reported. Involvement in a quality circle was found to have a significant relationship to employees' perception of influence, as well as to some job characteristics. No significant effect of QC membership on job satisfaction was found. The results are discussed in the context of the need for further validation of many arguments heard about quality circles.  相似文献   

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