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以社会认同理论为基础,通过对制造业22个团队的331名员工进行问卷调查,探讨一线员工在团队内的社会身份差异(性别差异和地域差异)对其职场欺负感知的影响,以及团队认同在这一影响中的中介作用。结果表明,员工的社会身份差异对其职场欺负感知的五个维度均有显著性影响,团队认同在社会身份差异对权利剥夺型欺负的影响中未起到中介作用;而在性别差异对社会排斥型欺负的影响中,团队认同起到完全中介作用。。  相似文献   

采用麦克阿瑟梯子启动方法对个体的社会地位比较进行启动,主要探讨社会经济地位和社会计量地位对年轻人和老年人主观幸福感作用的年龄差异。120名年轻人(27.26±4.80岁)和120名老年人(65.12±6.49岁)参加了正式实验。实验首先测量被试的主观幸福感,3~7天后启动社会地位比较,随后再次测量主观幸福感。社会地位比较分为4种启动条件,即经济上行比较、经济下行比较、计量上行比较和计量下行比较,被试被随机分配到其中一种启动条件。结果发现:年轻人的主观幸福感更容易受到社会经济地位比较的影响,而老年人的主观幸福感更容易受到社会计量地位比较的影响。由于原有的等级评定方式并未验证启动的有效性,补充实验通过对麦克阿瑟梯子进行改进降低了锚定化的影响,为启动的有效性提供了直接的证据。本研究验证了主观幸福感悖论,并从社会比较的角度解释了老年人维持主观幸福感的机制,同时改进了麦克阿瑟梯子等级评定方法使其适用于中国情境。  相似文献   

以职场“冷”暴力理论为切入点,采用层级回归和拔靴法对327份样本数据进行分析验证了职场负面八卦对科技人员创造力的影响机制。结论:职场负面八卦对科技人员的创造力有显著的抑制作用,人际信任在上述关系中起到中介作用;情绪智力在调节职场负面八卦和人际信任之间关系的同时,也调节了人际信任的中介作用,而且当科技人员的情绪智力水平较低时,人际信任的中介作用更为显著。  相似文献   

在“工具人”“打工人”“社畜”等流行语风靡职场的当下,职场物化已待关注。而随着人工智能尤其是机器人在职场中的使用日益增多,其产生的职场效应也值得探究。本研究旨在探讨在人工智能飞速发展的当今社会,人们知觉到机器人的威胁是否会产生或加重职场物化现象。8个递进子研究(N=3422)探究了感知机器人威胁对职场物化的影响,并探索其潜在机制和边界条件。结果发现:第一,感知到机器人的威胁会增加人们在职场中物化他人的倾向,并且感知到机器人认同威胁(即对人类自身独特性的威胁)造成的影响更强;第二,控制感在感知机器人威胁(主要是认同威胁)影响职场物化中起中介作用,感知机器人认同威胁越高,控制感越低,职场物化越严重;第三,补偿控制的另外三种策略,即加强个人能动性、支持外部能动性以及肯定特定结构,能够调节感知机器人威胁对职场物化的影响。研究结果揭示了机器人对人际关系的负面影响及其心理机制,有助于更好地理解、预警与应对机器人负面社会结果。  相似文献   

自我调节是个体为了实现目标并适应不断变化的环境而监控和调节自己的认知、情绪和行为的能力, 在成就、人际交往和健康等各个领域发挥着作用, 被视为是人类成功和幸福的关键。然而, 大量研究发现个体的社会经济地位越低, 自我调节能力越差。为了提高低社会经济地位者的自我调节能力, 必须深入考察低社会经济地位影响自我调节的机制。神经科学为此提供了独特而重要的信息:低社会经济地位改变了背外侧前额叶皮层、扣带回、腹内侧前额叶、杏仁核、海马体、腹侧纹状体的结构和功能, 进而影响了自我调节的各个成分(认知调节、情绪调节、行为调节)。未来研究除了对神经机制中每条因果链进行更严格地考察外, 还应将神经生物学与发展心理学联系起来深入揭示不同发展阶段低社会经济地位对自我调节的独特影响机制, 并关注低社会经济地位者在神经和行为层面特定反应的适应性, 在此基础上开发出系统、持续、有效的干预方案。  相似文献   

现代社会认知理论框架下的偏见研究及其走向   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
王沛 《心理科学》1998,21(5):445-448
0引言半个多世纪以来,许多心理学家、社会学家、人类学家和历史学家都纷纷描述或解释影响偏见(prejudice)形成及其发展的可能性因素,其中社会心理学家的研究最为集中且卓有成效。社会心理学领域内的偏见研究最早始于本世纪二、三十年代有关民族态度及种族偏见的问卷调查;四、五十年代则集中探讨偏见以及歧视的改变;从五十年代末到六十年代,其间的工作主要是设计各种有关偏见起源的个体或社会水平的理论模型;随着认知加工范式的勃兴,偏见社会认知理论开始出现并得到了持续发展。迄今为止,偏见领域的一般研究都非常强调认…  相似文献   

本研究探讨了大学生主观社会地位在客观社会经济地位与自尊间所起的作用。采用客观社会经济地位问卷、Rosenberg总体自尊量表、大学生主观社会地位问卷, 对1066名大学本科生进行调查。结果发现:大学生主观社会地位和客观社会经济地位均与自尊呈显著正相关;大学生主观社会地位在客观社会经济地位和自尊之间起显著中介作用(中介效应值为0.34)。  相似文献   

李超平  毛凯贤 《心理科学进展》2018,26(10):1734-1748
本研究基于资源保存理论, 采用动态追踪设计与双向影响设计, 通过文献研究和追踪问卷调查研究等方法, 揭示服务型领导对个人及团队工作繁荣影响的跨层作用机制、边界条件以及服务型领导与下属的双向影响过程, 从而增进对服务型领导作用机制的理解, 深化对领导本身动态变化本质的理解, 拓展工作繁荣前因变量的研究, 也为各类组织改善领导方式、提高领导效能、促进员工工作繁荣提供指导。  相似文献   

催产素(oxytocin)被称为“社会键(social bonds)荷尔蒙”, 时刻影响着社会行为和认知, 其中包括情绪识别。目前, 关于催产素对情绪识别的影响主要有3种观点:(1)催产素选择性地促进个体对积极情绪的识别、减慢对消极情绪的识别; (2)催产素选择性地增强对消极情绪的识别; (3)催产素提高对所有情绪的识别, 与情绪效价无关。催产素影响情绪识别神经机制的研究主要集中在3个方面:情绪效价、性别差异和精神疾病。此外, 还运用社会显著假说解释催产素对情绪识别的作用。催产素可能对情绪识别障碍类精神疾病有潜在的治疗效果, 未来的研究应深入探究催产素与情绪效价的关系, 考虑性别等个体因素的影响, 进一步探讨催产素的临床应用并拓展研究范围。  相似文献   

本文基于资源保存理论,探讨职场不文明行为对组织公民行为的影响机制及作用边界。通过问卷调查315份员工和领导的配对样本数据,结果表明:职场不文明行为负向预测组织公民行为,情绪耗竭、组织自尊中介了职场不文明行为与组织公民行为间的关系;心理韧性调节了情绪耗竭、组织自尊在二者间的中介作用。  相似文献   

职场孤独感是个体在工作场所中体验到的孤独感,包括情感和社交两个维度。在介绍其定义、结构和测量后,根据现有研究总结出职场孤独感的前因与后果。在群体层面上,职场孤独感的前因变量包括组织规模、地位和气氛;结果变量包括团队绩效、领导成员交换和团队成员交换。在个体层面上,职场孤独感的前因变量包括人格特征、职场排斥、工作倦怠、工作过载、经济地位和教育水平等;结果变量包括工作绩效、工作压力感、工作满意度、离职倾向和组织承诺等。  相似文献   

A growing body of literature explores religious expression in workplaces, but comparatively little research examines how religious expression might be shaped by inequality in workplace status. We hypothesize that perceived work autonomy and socioeconomic status (SES) both function as mediating links between organizational status and religious expression. Drawing on a sample of employed adults from a nationally-representative survey in the United States (n = 8611), we examine three modes of religious expression at work: displaying faith, feeling comfortable talking about faith, and expressing views when observing unfair work practices that conflict with faith. Results revealed that workers at the bottom of their organizations express their religiosity less than those at the top. Religious expression in the workplace is thus not simply a reflection of individual religiosity or religious identity, but also workplace power. Although perceived work autonomy mediated the relationship, SES buffered the relationship. Findings have important implications for workplace policy.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the moderating effects of social support on the link between workplace bullying and burnout. This correlational study includes 222 employees recruited from various industry sectors. Participants completed the Revised Negative Acts Questionnaire, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and the Social Support Scale. Colleague and supervisor support moderated the relationship between both work- and person-related bullying with burnout, whereas family and senior management support moderated the links between burnout and person-related and physically intimidating bullying, respectively. High levels of emotional support were associated with greater emotional exhaustion in work-related and overall bullying. Different forms of social support moderated the links between different forms of workplace bullying and different components of burnout. The present findings may inform anti-bullying prevention programs and interventions supporting bullying victims.  相似文献   

本文根据埃里克森、玛西娅、加藤厚等人的自我同一性理论,对某中学初一至高三学生的自我同一性及情绪表达进行问卷调查研究。研究发现,中学生自我同一性发展各个维度总体呈"低-高-低-高"的发展趋势。高一是自我同一性发展的转折时期,在现在的自我投入上处于低谷,与其他各年级存在显著性差异。同时自我同一性度数分布也存在显著性差异。中学生的正性情绪表达在性别上存在显著差异。从初一至高三,学生的情绪表达三个维度都呈下降趋势,高二、高三学生的正性情绪表达、负性情绪表达、情绪表达强度显著低于初一、初二学生。中学生现在的自我投入和将来自我投入的愿望与正性情绪表达呈显著正相关。  相似文献   


This study examined the moderating role of gender in the relationship between perceived workplace fairness and reported level of emotional exhaustion among a sample of Nigeria police. A total of 214 participants took part in the cross-sectional survey. Results of the moderated hierarchical regression analysis provided support for gender as a moderating variable in the relationship between perceived workplace fairness and emotional exhaustion, such that perceived workplace fairness was a stronger predictor of emotional exhaustion among male police than for female police. The practical implications for the management of emotional exhaustion in general, and for the Nigeria police in particular, were emphasized.  相似文献   

In the sociological tradition, status characteristics and patterns of interpersonal relations within a social network are considered important in explaining organizational behaviour (e.g. influence, cooperation). In the social identity tradition, perceptions of shared psychological group membership and group prototypicality are considered important in explaining many of the same organizational behaviours. The present paper explores core variables within each of these perspectives as predictors of advice seeking among supervisors in a manufacturing facility. Dyadic measures of group assignment are found to better predict advice seeking than measures taken at the individual level. Identification with work groups predicted advice seeking from those perceived to be in the same group, and also from structural equivalents. Implications for theory and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Existing measures of Emotional Intelligence (EI), defined as the ability to perceive, understand, and manage emotions for productive purposes, have displayed limitations in predicting workplace outcomes, likely in part because they do not target this context. Such considerations led to the development of an ability EI measure with work-related scenarios in which respondents infer the likely emotions (perception) and combinations of emotion (understanding) that would occur to protagonists while rating the effectiveness of ways of responding (management). Study 1 (n = 290 undergraduates) used item-total correlations to select scenarios from a larger pool and Study 2 (n = 578) reduced the measure—termed the NEAT—to 30 scenarios on the basis of structural equation modeling. Study 3 (n = 96) then showed that the NEAT had expected correlations with personality and cognitive ability and Study 4 (n = 85) demonstrated convergent validity with other ability EI measures. Last, study 5 (n = 91) established that the NEAT had predictive validity with respect to job satisfaction, job stress, and job performance. The findings affirm the importance of EI in the workplace in the context of a valid new instrument for assessing relevant skills.  相似文献   

This study examined the mediating effect of ethical leadership on the relationship between workplace ethics culture and work engagement among employees in a railway transport organisation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The sample consisted of permanently employed staff in a railway organisation in the DRC (n = 839; females = 32%). The employees were required to complete the Ethical Leadership Scale (ELS), the Ethical Corporate Virtue model (ECV) and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES). Mediating regression analyses were conducted to predict work engagement from workplace ethics culture, partialling out ethical leadership. The results show that workplace ethics culture had a significantly positive effect on work engagement. The results further indicated that workplace ethics culture, through the mediation of perceived ethical leadership, had a significantly positive effect on the work engagement dimensions of vigour, dedication and absorption. The findings provide evidence that ethical leadership plays a crucial role in shaping workplace ethics culture and employees’ level of work engagement in an emerging country work setting.  相似文献   

The existing literature on jihadist terrorism has extensively documented the importance of networks, yet the interpersonal element of the networks and how this links to the social identity dynamics of a mujahid have been scarcely explored. It also is still unclear how specific social contexts such as prison, neighbourhood, and home may play a role in the link between interpersonal networks and social identity dynamics. Drawing insights from the social identity perspective, this article examines the relationships between social context, interpersonal networks, and identity dynamics of a mujahid based on a single case of terrorist recidivism in Indonesia. Our analyses showed how transitions across social contexts were related to the subject's opportunities and constraints for the participation in different interpersonal networks that influenced the process of identity negotiation as a mujahid versus alternative identities of family member and belonging to a neighbourhood. It is argued that analysis of the dynamics of a mujahid's identity in local social contexts are an important part of assessing risks of their recidivism.  相似文献   

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