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认知方式与教学策略对英文教学效果影响的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李寿欣  张忠华 《心理科学》2003,26(3):519-520
1 引言认知方式是个体在信息加工与完成任务过程中个性特征的具体表现,也是一个人在感知、记忆与思维过程中所特有的稳定方式在认知活动中的体现。Witkin把个体的认知方式分为场依存型与场独立型。长期以来,Witkin和其他许多研究者都认为场依存一独立认知方式有重要的教育意义。自九十年代以后,英国心理学家Riding与Cheema综合考察了以往研究资料,把场独立(FI)与场依存(FD)划分到整体  相似文献   

采用认知测试、查阅人类学资料、现场调查和谈话等多种方法,探讨了我国不同生产方式、不同地区和不同民族460名成人的具体认知、抽象认知和认知方式及其与生态文化因素的关系。研究结果基本支持了我们理论上所假设的社会文化因素与具体认知操作、抽象认知操作、认知方式的关系,即狩猎和城市社会的生态环境和生产方式对人施加一种生态压力,增进其个体的具体的和抽象的认知,促使其抽象型认知方式的形成;而在捕鱼、游牧和农耕社会的生态环境和生产方式的作用下,个体倾向于较低水平的具体和抽象认知操作以及具体型的认知方式。紧密的社会结构和强调服从的社会化过程,与其个体较低水平的具体和抽象认知及具体型的认知方式相关联;而松散的社会结构和强调自主性的社会化过程,与较高水平具体和抽象认知操作、抽象型的认知方式相联系。正规教育等现代化因素是促进人认知,特别是抽象认知的有力因素。  相似文献   

认知方式及其相关理论的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知方式是连接认知和个性的理想桥梁之一。认知方式与认知策略、学习方式之间的含义是有本质区别的。斯腾伯格对认知方式进行了多年的研究,并提出了富有创意的认知方式理论一心理自我控制理论。  相似文献   

张康之 《学海》2022,(4):106-117
人的一切认知都是为了行动,而行动则是为了人的生活和生存的需要。想象是人的认知活动中的一种重要的方法,或者说是人的认知活动的一条重要路径。在工业社会中,想象在科学认识和社会生活、生产实践中遭到了排斥,只是在日常生活领域以及文学艺术活动中才得以认可。人的认知活动需要在具体的条件和历史场境中来加以理解,在人类历史的不同阶段中,形成了不同的认知体系。在工业社会所拥有的认知体系中,分析性思维处于主导地位,通过分析、抽象、推理等方式而实现认识,并将认识成果作用于实践。在风险社会及其高度复杂性和高度不确定性条件下,能够适应合作行动要求的认知方式是与相似性思维联系在一起的,而想象则是相似性思维的构成要素和重要环节。对于人的行动而言,想象意味着创造、创新。因而,在人类历史转型的过程中,在遭遇了风险社会的时候,我们在致力于思维方式重建的任务时,需要突出想象的功能。  相似文献   

认知操作、认知方式与外倾性人格特质的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张利燕  郑雪 《心理科学》2007,30(3):604-608
对28名外倾被试和28名内倾被试进行实验性认知测试,以考察认知操作、认知方式与外倾性人格特质的关系。结果表明,内外倾被试在含有社会认知操作、非社会认知操作的认知任务的测试总分上没有差异,而在社会认知一非社会认知方式的评价分数上存在显著差异。外倾被试更多地倾向于社会认知型认知方式,内倾被试更多地倾向于非社会认知型认知方式。研究结果支持了外倾性与智力关系的假设:外倾性与社会认知一非社会认知的认知方式存在相关关系,而与认知操作测试总分无关。  相似文献   

近年来,心理学家对认知方式给予了很大关注,成为当代研究个别差异与人格问题的一大趋势。所谓认知方式,是人们对信息和经验进行组织和加工时所表现出来的个别差异,是个人在感知、记忆和思维过程中经常采取的、习惯化的态度和风格。大量研究指出,认知方式的影响遍及一个人心理活动的全部领域,它不仅表现在认知过程中,也反映到个性心理特征方面。在这个研究领域贡献最大的是美国著名心理学家H·A·威特金(Herman A·Witkin)。威特金的工作开始于四十年代对垂直知觉的实验室研究。他通过棒框测验(Rod-Frame  相似文献   

我国传统认知方式现代化的思考陈爱华我国传统文化是伦理型文化,在此氛围中形成的认知方式具有情理的特征。重感通、直观和类推。在运作过程中,注重“以情动人,以理服人”;注重从事物的整体和联系中把握其规定性;较注重经验与实用。这些优点又蕴涵了它自身的缺陷,如重情理感通而鄙视实证分析;重整体直观而轻理性探索;重实用经验,忽视理论升华。与情理认知方式形成鲜明对照的古希腊文化则注重探索自然规律,发展科学技术,其文化的价值取向和认知方试都统一于理性。在运作过程中显示的特征是:求索性、实证性、理论性与系统性。情理认知方式应吸取理性认知方式中的合理因素,在原有基础上进行扩充、深化和重组,从而实现认知方式的现代化。首先,将情理感通完善化。对原有的“情”和理的内涵加以扩充,将人伦之情与理性之情相融合,将伦理之“理”与理性之“理”相容并蓄。既要进一步探索协调人际关系的伦理原则和规范,又要积极探索自然、社会、思维的规律性,注意人一社会一自然这一超大系统协调运转。其次,情理直观的分析化。在情理直观中引进分析和理论论证的机制。通过对事物内在结构的观察,进而通过分析、抽象、归纳和理性升华,达到对事物的全面、真实、精确的认识。再者,类推进的理  相似文献   

学生认知方式与性格特质相互关系的跨文化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王春雷  张锋 《心理科学》2001,24(6):757-758
场独立性认知方式(Field Independent Cognitive Style)是威特金最早用来把性格特征与认知过程统一起来的一个基本概念。他从长期的实证研究结果中发现,场独立性认知方式对人的各种活动(包括知觉过程、心理能力、情绪问题和人际关系)具有普遍的影响,是广泛起作用的个别差异变量,是性格的重要维度。那么这种性格维度究竟是性格特征在认知过程中的特有表现,还是它本身就是性格结构中的一个独立维度呢?  相似文献   

自我认知类型引导认知方式的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖凤林  车文博 《心理科学》2005,28(3):541-543
对自我的认知引导认知和行为。本研究用与自我有关的语义内容启动场独立型和场依存型自我认知,随即让被试做与场独立或场依存认知方式有关的认知作业,探讨自我认知类型是否引导认知方式,即启动场独立自我认知是否比启动场依存自我认知诱发更多场独立的认知方式;同样,启动场依存自我认知是否比启动场独立自我认知诱发更多的场依存的认知方式。结果是肯定的。  相似文献   

认知过程及其脑机制是心理学研究的重要内容。社会认知是人们在社会生活中对他人行为的意图及情感的认识,是人际互动的重要方面,具有深刻的理论和实践意义。本文全面深入地对社会认知和基础认知中自动加工过程进行了研究综述,对基础认知与社会认知的研究方式进行了比较。自动加工过程是社会认知和基础认知中都存在的重要过程,从脑机制研究角度,相关的电生理学指标(如N400等)都可以作为研究的指标来考察社会认知中的自动加工过程。本文从社会认知与基础认知的比较入手,介绍了各种领域的研究方法,特别是事件相关电位技术等认知神经科学研究方法。  相似文献   

杨慧芳 《心理科学》2011,34(4):915-919
采用问卷法对个性心理因素中的人格、决策模式与非理性金融行为的关系进行了研究。研究结果表明:人格、决策模式对非理性金融行为有显著影响,不同人格类型、不同决策模式的个体的非理性金融行为差异显著。研究发现,人格、决策模式对各类非理性金融行为以及各类非理性金融行为总和的预测力皆达显著,并且对不同的非理性金融行为有不同预测力;理智型、即时型、依赖型的决策模式与感觉-直觉人格维度对非理性金融行为总和的预测力显著。  相似文献   

Pathological Gambling (PG) is the inability to resist recurrent urges to gamble excessively despite harmful consequences to the gambler or others. A cognitive-behavioral Pathways Model of PG (Blaszczynski & Nower, 2002) suggests individual differences in rash impulsivity and reward sensitivity, together with a cognitive style that promotes poor decision making, as risk factors. These individual differences were examined in a community sample of experienced slot machine players (N = 100), who were classified into Low, Moderate, and Problem gambling groups according to the Problem Gambling Severity Index (Ferris & Wynne, 2001). There were significant group differences on rash impulsivity as measured by the Eysenck Impulsivity scale, and on reward sensitivity as measured by the BIS/BAS Drive scale. For cognitive style, there were differences on Actively Openminded Thinking (AOT), but not the Rational Experiential Inventory. Hierarchical regression analyses found that impulsivity and AOT predicted severity of PG, but that AOT mediated the effect of BAS Drive. A thinking style that promotes erroneous cognition may correlate with PG, but individual differences in rash impulsivity and reward-seeking play a more critical role in the etiology of PG. The individual characteristics of Pathological Gamblers are similar to those of people with Substance Use Disorders.  相似文献   

采用2Wingdings 2MC@2Wingdings 2MC@2混合设计和相关分析法,考察个体的分析性认知风格对其在完成有、无冲突的推理判断任务时的逻辑反应倾向和冲突探查过程的影响。结果表明分析性认知风格不会直接影响被试完成推理任务的逻辑反应倾向性,高、低分析性认知风格倾向组被试在逻辑反应正确率上不存在显著差异; 但对个体的冲突探查过程会有影响,高、低认知风格倾向组被试在反应自信率上存在显著差异,且冲突探查大小与分析性认知风格显著负相关,这一结果表明那些高分析性认知风格倾向的个体在完成冲突任务时,更可能探查到刻板反应与遵从逻辑规则做出的反应之间的冲突。  相似文献   

Two studies examined the relationship between authoritarianism, cognitive style and heuristic processing. Focusing on Epstein’s (2003) cognitive-experiential self-theory, Study 1 shows that authoritarianism is related to Epstein’s dimension of faith in intuition, but not need for cognition, even when controlling for individual differences in need for structure. Study 2 confirms that authoritarianism is related to greater heuristic processing. The discussion suggests ways in which individual differences in cognitive style and heuristic processing may account for established effects of authoritarianism.  相似文献   

The current study examines the degree to which individual differences in cognitive ability and cognitive style (rational thinking vs. experiential thinking) uniquely and jointly account for differences in religiosity. Using an array of measures of religiosity, results show that cognitive ability has a medium to large negative effect on various aspects of religiosity. Though also negatively related to religiosity, rational thinking style did not add significant unique effects, nor did it convey a significant indirect effect from cognitive ability. Experiential thinking was generally unrelated to ability but was positively related to some aspects of religiosity. Overall the results confirm that those with higher cognitive ability are less likely to accept religious doctrine or engage in religious behaviors and those with lower ability are more likely to accept religious doctrine and exhibit higher levels of fundamentalism. Cognitive style appears to play a lesser role in explaining individual differences in religiosity than cognitive ability.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a general approach to accounting for individual differences in the extreme response style in statistical models for ordered response categories. This approach uses a hierarchical ordinal regression modeling framework with heterogeneous thresholds structures to account for individual differences in the response style. Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for Bayesian inference for models with heterogeneous thresholds structures are discussed in detail. A simulation and two examples based on ordinal probit models are given to illustrate the proposed methodology. The simulation and examples also demonstrate that failing to account for individual differences in the extreme response style can have adverse consequences for statistical inferences.The author is grateful to Ulf Böckenholt, an associate editor, and three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments, and Kristine Kuhn and Kshiti Joshi for providing the data.  相似文献   

诊疗决策最优化的过程,本质上是针对特定的患者,制定最适合其个体差异的决策过程。对个体差异认知方式,经验医学基于对个体的不完全归纳,循证医学基于对群体随机、双盲、对照、大样本,人类基因组学基于对人类基因的差异表达、单核苷酸多态和复制变异的研究。最优化的治疗方案应体现关注患者心理、社会差异、关注生命质量、远离趋利性等人文特征;体现针对个体病患生物学特性差异、个体病程病期和个体最佳疗效差异等科学特征。  相似文献   

Individual differences in emotional reactivity or affective style can be decomposed into more elementary constituents. Several separable of affective style are identified such as the threshold for reactivity, peak amplitude of response, the rise time to peak and the recovery time. latter two characteristics constitute components of affective chronometry The circuitry that underlies two fundamental forms of motivation and and withdrawal-related processes-is described. Data on differences in functional activity in certain components of these are next reviewed, with an emphasis on the nomological network of surrounding individual differences in asymmetric prefrontal The relevance of such differences for understanding the nature affective dysfunction in affective disorders is then considered. The ends by considering what the prefrontal cortex “does” in certain of affective style and highlights some of the important questions for future research.  相似文献   

In this study, similarities and differences in learning outcome associated with individual differences in cognitive styles are examined using the traditional (face-to-face) and web-based learning modes. 140 undergraduate students were categorized as having analytic or holistic cognitive styles by their scores on the Style of Learning and Thinking questionnaire. Four different conditions were studies; students with analytic cognitive style in a traditional learning mode, analytic cognitive style in a web-based learning mode, holistic cognitive style in a traditional learning mode, and holistic cognitive style in a web-based learning mode. Analysis of the data show that analytic style in traditional mode lead to significantly higher performance and perceived satisfaction than in other conditions. Satisfaction did not differ significantly between students with analytic style in web-based learning and those with holistic style in traditional learning. This suggest that integrating different learning modes into the learning environment may be insufficient to improve learners' satisfaction.  相似文献   

Temporal individual differences are an under-explored, but research-worthy form of diversity in teams. Although persistent differences in how members think about and value time can profoundly influence team performance, the compositional impact of time-based individual differences is regularly overlooked. Optimal or suboptimal team performance can result because the composition of time-based individual differences is matched or unmatched (respectively) to task demands. Therefore, we offer a detailed presentation of how the configuration of four time-based individual differences (time urgency, time perspective, polychronicity, and pacing style) interact with two task typologies (task type and task complexity) to specify when elevation (mean) and diversity (dispersion) of temporal differences is helpful or harmful to team performance.  相似文献   

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