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提高教师课堂教学能力方法的实验研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
从教师课堂教学能力、教师能力自我概念、学生对教师课堂教学能力的评价及学生的思维品质等方面探讨了角色改变、摄象自我评价、现场指导三种方法对提高教师课堂教学能力的有效性、结果表明:角色改变、摄象自我评价、现场指导三种方法的合理结合是提高教师课堂教学能力的较好方法;教师课堂能力的不同维度其发展速度不同,依次为:认知能力、操作能力和监控能力;教师课堂教学能力的发展是受其自我概念发展水平影响的;教师课堂教学能力的提高促进了学生思维的深刻性、灵活性、独创性、批判性等思维品质的发展。  相似文献   

I evaluated the influence of two training manuals on latch-key children's acquisition of home safety and survival skills. The widely used, discussion-oriented “Prepared for Today” manual was compared with a behaviorally oriented “Safe at Home” manual. Data were scored by response criteria developed by experts and by parents' and experts' ratings of children's spontaneous answers. With both methods of scoring, three behaviorally trained children demonstrated clear and abrupt increases in skill following training in each of seven trained modules, and these increases largely persisted in real world generalization probes and at 5-month follow-up. Smaller and less stable increases in skill were found in the three discussion-trained children across the seven modules; lower skill levels were also seen in real world generalization probes and at follow-up. Neither group of children demonstrated skill increases in home safety areas that were not explicitly trained. Both training methods produced small decreases in children's self-report of general anxiety and anxiety concerning home safety. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for cost-effective training of latch-key children.  相似文献   

该研究对不同类型教师的教学策略、成就目标和人格特征的关系进行了探讨,结果表明,新手型教师的教学策略与成绩目标存在显著的负相关,其中成绩——回避目标是其教学策略的有效预测变量,而熟手型教师和专家型教师则与任务目标存在显著的正相关:精神质是新手型教师教学策略的有效预测变量,内外向是熟手型教师教学策略的有效预测变量,而专家型教师的神经质对其教学策略存在着重要的影响。  相似文献   

In a comparison of incidental teaching and traditional training procedures, three language-delayed autistic children were taught expressive use of prepositions to describe the location of preferred edibles and toys. Traditional highly structured training and incidental teaching procedures were used in a classroom setting, and generalization was assessed during free-play sessions. Results clearly indicate that incidental teaching promoted greater generalization and more spontaneous use of prepositions. These findings have important implications for language programming and teacher training, suggesting that incidental teaching should be included as a standard component of language development curricula for autistic and other developmentally delayed children.  相似文献   

开发儿童创造力的实验研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张景焕  陈泽河 《心理学报》1996,29(3):277-283
采用吉尔福特的智力结构模型,结合现代心理学对创造力的研究观点,编出一套实验教材,为学生开设每周2课时的创造活动课,对学生进行创造力的全面培养。研究结果表明,创造活动课促进了学生智力和创造力的发展,同时也促进了学生其它学科的学习。  相似文献   

在教学有效性的框架下,从学生评价的视角,编制了《初中生评价教师教学有效性问卷》。首先,在理论研究的基础上,通过项目的收集,结构化问卷调查,项目的重要性分析三个过程形成初测问卷。然后,进行初测问卷的施测,通过区分度分析和验证性因素分析删除项目,最终形成《初中生评价教师课堂教学效果问卷》的正式问卷。最后,对所编制的问卷的心理测量学指标进行了检验,结果表明该问卷具有良好的结构效度、交叉效度和较高的内部一致性信度。  相似文献   

We compared the effects of sensory and edible reinforcers on resistance to satiation in three autistic children while learning visual discrimination tasks. Within-subject designs were used to compare a single sensory reinforcer with a single edible reinforcer and to compare multiple sensory reinforcers with multiple edibles. Results indicated that multiple sensory reinforcers maintained responding over more trials than did multiple edible reinforcers; however, the use of single sensory reinforcers and single edibles resulted in about equal numbers of trials to satiation. Both multiple and single sensory reinforcers produced higher percentages of correct responses than edible reinforcers. The findings are discussed in terms of the advantages of sensory reinforcers in teaching autistic children.  相似文献   

Child abduction is a serious problem; therefore, it is essential that researchers evaluate the efficacy of commercially available abduction‐prevention programs. A multiple baseline design across participants (ages 6 to 8 years) was used to evaluate the effects of a training program, The Safe Side. Experimenters assessed safety responses in situ in two different situations (knock on the door and interaction by a stranger in public). Results revealed that participants did not demonstrate the safety skills following Safe Side training. All participants subsequently received in situ training (IST) implemented by the parent. Additional assessments and IST were conducted until each participant performed the skills to criterion. All participants demonstrated criterion performance following IST and maintained the skills over time.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a growing controversy surrounding gentle teaching. This paper explores the nature of this controversy with particular reference to the relationship between gentle teaching and applied behavior analysis. Advantages and disadvantages of this approach are discussed, and it is suggested that gentle teaching and applied behavior analysis need not be regarded as mutually exclusive approaches to working with persons with mental retardation.  相似文献   

The behavioral research on teaching individuals who have profound multiple handicaps is reviewed. The primary focus is on determining the degree to which behavioral research has demonstrated the teaching of meaningful skills to this population. Results of the review indicate that investigations have demonstrated, albeit inconsistently, that behavior change has resulted from contingency management interventions with persons who have profound multiple handicaps. However, there is little evidence that such interventions have resulted in meaningful behavior change according to currently accepted criteria for beneficially affecting the quality of life of persons with serious handicaps. Potential explanations for the lack of such evidence are offered, including the relative lack of research attention given to this issue, the possible ineffectiveness of the components of the technology applied, and possible ineffective application of the potentially effective technology. Suggestions for future research are discussed in terms of developing more effective educational and habilitative services for persons with profound multiple handicaps. In particular, we suggest research on a wider variety of behavioral teaching procedures, providing more comprehensive evaluations of the applications of procedures and developing treatment programs that do not focus solely on traditional skill acquisition.  相似文献   

Self-control procedures as used by children to affect their own behavior were reviewed. Particular emphasis was placed on self-instruction, self-determined criteria, self-assessment, and self-reinforcement. Self-punishment, comprehensive programs, and innovative self-control procedures (distraction and restatement of contingencies) were also evaluated. Basic effectiveness, comparisons with similar externally imposed interventions, maintenance, and the augmental value of the procedures were assessed. Important problems for future research were identified.  相似文献   

成子娟  戚碧玉 《心理科学》1999,22(4):331-334
本研究从儿童心理发展的特点和数学学习之间的内在规律出发,综合考查了各类教学法在学前施教的利弊;同时,在活动教法、指导操作法、演示法和讲授法之间做了对比实验,并设计了一整套以指导操作法为主的学前数学教法,以演示为主的数学教法之间进行了长期、深人的跟踪对比实验。结果表明,在其他变量基本被控制的条件下,指导操作法优于其他的教法;实验班儿童的智能发展,特别是数学能力的发展,明显好于对照班的儿童。这个优势一直持续到小学毕业。  相似文献   

This study developed and evaluated a social skills training program for institutionalized mildly or moderately retarded and dually diagnosed individuals. Social skills were conceptualized as requiring an action or reaction within six skill areas: compliments, social interactions, politeness, criticism, social confrontation, and questions/answers. The program taught social skills using a commercially available table game, Sorry, and a specially designed card deck. Each card represented one of the skill areas and was designed to train either an actor or reactor response. The program featured response specific feedback, self-monitoring, individualized reinforcers, and individualized performance criterion levels. A multiple baseline across two groups (N = 3 per group) revealed that the game contingencies increased social skills in all targeted areas. After training, the subjects displayed their newly learned skills at or above their trained levels in two different settings with novel persons present. Although untargeted, the complexity of the subjects' responses increased across conditions, since there was a steady increase in the number of words they used per response. The program appears to be a viable means of training social skills since it uses standardized training procedures, requires only one facilitator, and is in itself a social situation that may encourage interactions with peers, cooperation, competition, and politeness.  相似文献   

对高校大学生心理健康教育教师队伍构建的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大学生是年龄、经历、文化程度都比较接近的特殊社会群体,其心理健康问题越来越受到社会和学校的关注。目前我国高等学校急需构建一支相对稳定的专兼职结合的大学生心理健康教师队伍,来帮助大学生提高心理健康水平,促进其人格的和谐发展,增强社会适应能力。该文就高校心理健康教育师资队伍的构建提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of a retrospective review of generalization in the context of social skills research with preschool children. A review of studies from 22 journals (1976 to 1990) that assessed generalization as part of social interaction research provided information concerning the prevalence of studies that have assessed generalization, common practices concerning the production and assessment of generalization, and the overall success of obtaining generalization and maintenance of social behaviors. A comparison of the most and least successful studies, with respect to generalization, revealed some differences concerning the practices employed by studies within each group. Differences differentially related to the production of generalization are discussed and recommendations are provided to guide and support future research efforts.  相似文献   

This study examined classroom-based instruction in restauranting skills for handicapped persons. Three male students were taught each of four skill components in sequential order: locating, ordering, paying, and eating and exiting. Training was implemented in a multiple baseline design across subjects and consisted of modeling and role playing in conjunction with photo slide sequences and a simulated ordering counter. The use of a menu containing general item classes and a finger matching procedure for identifying errors in the delivery of change greatly reduced the reading and math skills necessary to enter and complete the program. Periodic probes were conducted in a McDonald's restaurant prior to, during, and up to one-year following the termination of training. In addition, two probes (overt and covert observation) were conducted in a Burger King restaurant to assess further generalization to a location different from the one depicted throughout training. Results showed that students' performance on restaurant probes improved as a result of training, generalized to novel settings, maintained over an extended period of time, and was comparable to that of a normative sample of nonretarded persons.  相似文献   

Although the awareness of autism in the general public has increased significantly over the past 20 years, much of the widely disseminated information is not fully grounded in scientific fact. In The Science and Fiction of Autism (2005), Laura Schreibman addresses a series of debates and controversies in areas ranging from diagnostic practices and etiological theories to effective clinical practices. This book provides an overview of the field of autism that is suitable for well‐educated parents and new professionals in the field.  相似文献   

Since a major task of childhood is learning to get along in a group without disrupting other children's activities, caregivers need explicit guidelines for gentle but effective procedures for dealing with disruptive behaviors in child-care settings. In a day-care center for normal 1- and 2-yr-old children, an effort was made to develop a procedure that appeared sufficiently humane and educational to be acceptable to parents and daycare workers, and yet effective in reducing disruptive play behaviors. Caregivers used the occasion of disruptive behavior to instruct the child in appropriate alternatives, then had the child sit on the periphery and observe the appropriate social behavior of the other children, “sit and watch”, for a brief period before inviting him or her to rejoin the play activities. The effectiveness of this procedure was compared with a method commonly recommended for use with young children: instructing the child, then distracting or redirecting the child to an alternative toy or activity. Contingent observation, combining instruction with a brief timeout (from being a participant in an activity to becoming an observer of the activity), proved considerably more effective in maintaining low levels of disruptions and was considered by caregivers and parents to be an appropriate and socially acceptable method of dealing with young children's disruptive behaviors. Therefore, contingent observation can be recommended for general use in day-care programs for young children.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of a voice output communication aid (VOCA) and naturalistic teaching procedures on the communicative interactions of young children with autism. A teacher and three assistants were taught to use naturalistic teaching strategies to provide opportunities for VOCA use in the context of regularly occurring classroom routines. Naturalistic teaching procedures and VOCA use were introduced in multiple probe fashion across 4 children and two classroom routines (snack and play). As the procedures were implemented, all children showed increases in communicative interactions using VOCAs. Also, there was no apparent reductive effect of VOCA use within the naturalistic teaching paradigm on other communicative behaviors. Teachers' ratings of children's VOCA communication, as well as ratings of a person unfamiliar with the children, supported the contextual appropriateness of the VOCA. Probes likewise indicated that the children used the VOCAs for a variety of different messages including requests, yes and no responses, statements, and social comments. Results are discussed in regard to the potential benefits of a VOCA when combined with naturalistic teaching procedures. Future research needs are also discussed, focusing on more precise identification of the attributes of VOCA use for children with autism, as well as for their support personnel.  相似文献   

We assessed whether 2 preschoolers with autism learned to discriminate between the sounds of musical instruments more rapidly than the spoken names of the instruments. After the children learned the sound‐object relations more rapidly than the name‐object relations, we then evaluated a prompt‐delay procedure for transferring stimulus control from the sounds to the names of the instruments. The prompt‐delay procedure facilitated the acquisition of name—object relations for both children.  相似文献   

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