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In recent years there have been several reports on duality in vector optimization. However, there seems to be no unified approach to dualization. In a previous paper by the author a geometric consideration was given to duality in non-linear vector optimization. In this paper a relationship between duality, stability (normality) and condition of the alternative will be reported on the basis of some geometric consideration. In addition, Iserman's duality in linear cases will be derived from the stated geometric approach.  相似文献   

Coherence in conversations and in texts can be partially characterized by a set of coherence relations, motivated ultimately by the speaker's or writer's need to be understood. In this paper, formal definitions are given for several coherence relations, based on the operations of an inference system; that is, the relations between successive portions of a discourse are characterized in terms of the inferences that can be drawn from each. In analyzing a discourse, it is frequently the case that we would recognize it as coherent, in that it would satisfy the formal definition of some coherence relation, if only we could assume certain noun phrases to be coreferential. In such cases, we will simply assume the identity of the entities referred to, in what might be called a “petty conversational implicature,” thereby solving the coherence and coreference problems simultaneously. Three examples of different kinds of reference problems are presented. In each, it is shown how the coherence of the discourse can be recognized, and how the reference problems are solved, almost as a by-product, by means of these petty conversational implicatures.  相似文献   

Most arguments against active euthanasia, as do most arguments in applied ethics generally, take place within the framework of what can broadly be referred to as a modern, as opposed to an ancient, approach to moral theory. In this paper, I argue that this fact works to the disadvantage of opponents of active euthanasia, and that if there is a successful argument against active euthanasia, it will be of the latter sort. In Part I, I attempt to clarify thedistinction between modern and ancient approaches with which I am concerned. In Part II, I attempt to show that any argument against active euthanasia that is of the first sort is bound to fail. In Part III, I propose an argument against active euthanasia of the second sort that I believe has a better chance for success. In Part IV, I consider some objections that can be raised against this argument and attempt to show how they can be overcome.  相似文献   

Almost every formal model of explanation thus far proposed has been demonstrated to be faulty. In this paper, a new model, proposed by Raimo Tuomela, is also demonstrated to be faulty. In particular, one condition of the model is shown to be too restrictive, and another condition of the model is shown to be too permissive.This research was supported by a grant from the Killam Foundation, administered by the Canada Council.  相似文献   

In the process of fitting a probabilistic knowledge structure to data, standard goodness-of-fit statistics only partially describe the correctness of the fitted model. Irrespectively of how good the fit is, a too-high value of the error rates (careless error and lucky guess probabilities) might be a symptom of a misspecification of the model. In this situation, it could be critical to interpret those values as error rates. A more reasonable solution would be to hypothesize that some modifications have to be introduced in the model. In this paper, we show that in specific cases, these modifications yield basic local independence model parameterizations that are not identifiable. The applicative consequences of the theoretical results are displayed by means of an example carried out on a set of clinical data collected through the Maudsley Obsessional-Compulsive Questionnaire.  相似文献   

Wise DD  Felker A  Stahl SM 《CNS spectrums》2008,13(8):647-662
Compared with men, women are at increased risk of depression, especially at several reproductive-related lifecycle points. This may be partially due to changing levels of estrogen, a hormone that can affect levels of neurotransmitters and neural proteins. As estrogen levels vary throughout the lifespan, risk of depression in women also varies, and not all treatments are appropriate or effective at all times. In adolescence, onset of depression may be associated with onset of puberty, but treating underage girls with antidepressants can risk suicidality. In females of childbearing age, mood disturbances associated with menstrual cycles signal a risk for later full-blown major depressive disorder. In depressed pregnant and postpartum women, risks of treatment versus risks of nontreatment are intricate and require case-by-case evaluation. In perimenopause, vasomotor symptoms may be harbingers of oncoming depression and also may signal the presence of dysregulated hormones and neurotransmitters. Relieving vasomotor symptoms may be a necessary dimension of treating depression. In postmenopause, response to selected antidepressants may depend on whether the patient is also taking hormone-replacement therapy. To attain optimal outcomes, modern psychopharmacologists must tailor treatment of depression to a woman's reproductive stage of life.  相似文献   

Pain may be seen as a problem to be healed or as a means for healing. The secular biomedical view of pain is that it is to be avoided and alleviated; its only meaning is as a symptom of underlying disease. In contrast, there have been throughout history other views of suffering—as redemptive or as transformative, for example. This paper considers the disparity between these perspectives, examining the role of the emotions and the underlying neurobiological processes though which pain and suffering come to be experienced as meaningful, then analyzes interview material exploring how religion and religious beliefs help people cope with suffering or with pain. The experience of pain is subjective, enculturated experience; the meaning that pain or suffering holds within a given cultural context affects the experience of pain and suffering. In a context where pain and suffering are understood to be valuable, those experiences can be used for spiritual transformation and integrated within a meaningful identity. In contrast, in a context where pain and suffering are not understood to have value, that attitude can create more suffering, even in conditions meant to alleviate suffering, such as in biomedical situations.  相似文献   

In this paper, I want to discuss the relation between ambivalence and the unity of the self. I will raise the question whether a person can be both ambivalent about his own will and nevertheless be wholehearted. Since Harry Frankfurt’s theory is my main point of reference, I briefly introduce his account of the will and the reasons for his opposition towards ambivalence in the first section. In the second section, I analyse different interpretations of ambivalence. In the third section, I provide a narrative account of a diachronic integration of the self that allows for the integration of volitional ambivalence. Finally, I scrutinise different meanings of the unity of the self, since disintegration, not ambivalence, seems to be bad for us. I conclude that persons can indeed be wholeheartedly ambivalent.  相似文献   

In 2002 Sissela Bok re-published her book “Common Values”, first published in 1995, about her search for a minimal set of values to be respected all over the world. In her view such a set of values is needed to facilitate international communication and cooperation. Values already recognized in every society can be included as a starting point. In her book “Exploring happiness”, published in 2010, she explains why she finds happiness unfit to be included. She observes that there are discordant claims about what happiness is. Any particular vision can lead to practical choices that either adhere or violate the values she prefers. In my view subjective happiness should be included, because there are no discordant claims about the meaning of subjective happiness, and subjective happiness is simultaneously attractive as a moral value and as an object of scientific research. Subjective happiness can function as a bridge between science and morality. The only discordant claims are about ‘objective’ happiness, as a wider interpretation of well-being in the context of some specific morality or ideology.  相似文献   

The tip-of-the-tongue state (TOT) is the phenomenological experience that a word is on the verge of being recalled. Most research has been directed at TOT etiology and at retrieval processes occurring during a TOT. In this study, TOT phenomenology was examined. In Experiment 1, strong TOTs were more likely than weak TOTs to be followed by correct recognition, and resolution (later recall) of TOTs was higher for strong than for weak TOTs, but only for commission errors. In Experiment 2, emotional TOTs were more likely to be resolved and recognized than nonemotional TOTs. In Experiment 3, imminence was defined as the feeling that retrieval is about to occur. Imminent TOTs were more likely to be followed by resolution and recognition than were nonimminent TOTs. Illusory TOTs (TOTs for unanswerable questions) tended to be weaker, less emotional, and less imminent than TOTs for answerable questions.  相似文献   

Workplace bullying is a serious hazard in every day working life that needs to be assessed carefully. In order to achieve such a goal, both victims of severe bullying as well as targets of less intensive bullying need to be identified, the latter in order to prevent further escalation into severe bullying. Previous research has mainly offered simple and crude measures of who is and who is not a victim of bullying. In this article we show how cutoff scores for the scale Negative Acts Questionnaire–Revised (NAQ-R) can be calculated. Based on a representative sample of the Norwegian workforce, we formulated 2 cutoff points or thresholds for the NAQ-R with a Receiver Operation Characteristic curve. Employees with a score lower than 33 are not bullied, employees with a score between 33 and 45 may be considered as being bullied occasionally, and employees who score above 45 can be considered to be victims of workplace bullying. As the NAQ-R is used in more than 300 research projects worldwide, we hope to inspire other scholars to define similar cutoff points. In addition, we hope that clear cutoff scores may be of assistance to practitioners for designing interventions regarding workplace bullying in line with the identified problems.  相似文献   

It is a well documented finding that letter identification may be impaired by the presence of neighboring characters. There is much less agreement about the exact nature of such lateral interference. Evidence has been obtained for feature-specific interference, and even feature-specific facilitation. Santee and Egeth (1980) suggested that feature-specific interference will mainly be observed in data-limited situations where stimuli are presented for short durations and positional uncertainty is involved. They further suggested that interference would be revealed in accuracy rather than latency measures.In our first experiment, similar exposure conditions were used to those suggested by Santee and Egeth. In a second experiment, however, a longer exposure duration was used, and latency measurements were also collected. In a third experiment, positional uncertainty was removed by foveal presentation, and with this high quality stimulus presentation only latency measurements could be obtained.In all these experiments clear evidence for feature-specific interference was found, both in accuracy and latency data, and these results also held up under the detectability/criterion analysis proposed by Estes (1982). From these findings it can be concluded that feature-specific interference occurs under a wide range of conditions, including those representative of normal reading.  相似文献   

In two experiments (Experiment 1: N = 180, Experiment 2: N = 150), we investigated the anecdotal observation that school age children are assumed to be experts in spatial associate learning. In the first experiment, second graders, sixth graders, and adults learned the associations between 32 pictures and either a position or a word. 16 pictures had each to be associated with one position in a 4-by-4 grid of squares (spatial condition); the other 16 pictures had each to be associated to one of 16 monosyllabic words (verbal condition). After a 3 min distractor interval the associated position or word had to be retrieved with the pictures as cues. In Experiment 2, the results were replicated in principle with modifications in the experimental details. Performance improvement as a function of age turned out to be substantially larger in the verbal condition compared to the spatial one. The results are traced back to the idea that spatial associate learning is a cognitive function maturating early during life span.  相似文献   

Pain may be seen as a problem to be healed or as a means for healing. The secular biomedical view of pain is that it is to be avoided and alleviated; its only meaning is as a symptom of underlying disease. In contrast, there have been throughout history other views of sufferingdas redemptive or as transformative, for example. This paper considers the disparity between these perspectives, examining the role of the emotions and the underlying neurobiological processes though which pain and suffering come to be experienced as meaningful, then analyzes interview material exploring how religion and religious beliefs help people cope with suffering or with pain. The experience of pain is subjective, enculturated experience; the meaning that pain or suffering holds within a given cultural context affects the experience of pain and suffering. In a context where pain and suffering are understood to be valuable, those experiences can be used for spiritual transformation and integrated within a meaningful identity. In contrast, in a context where pain and suffering are not understood to have value, that attitude can create more suffering, even in conditions meant to alleviate suffering, such as in biomedical situations.  相似文献   

In this paper I have presented a brief outline of some of the more important issues regarding transference. To summarize I shall restate ten transference issues heretofore discussed: What should be included in the definition of transference? Should it be defined narrowly or broadly? In what ways can transference be usefully viewed in relation to reality? What merit is there in distinguishing the working alliance from transference? Should self and object transference be differentiated? Should transference neuroses be discriminated from transference reactions on the one hand and from transference psychoses on the other? In addition to sexual and aggressive transferences, should sexualized and aggressivitized transferences, respectively, be distinguished? How may transference be conceived of as a vehicle of cure and yet also as a resistance to cure? What is to be said for the relative merit of the "here and now" versus the "there and then?" What is the role of transference in relation to insight on the one hand and to the therapeutic object on the other? What are some of the basic issues in countertransference?  相似文献   

Ab Mooijaart 《Psychometrika》1984,49(1):143-145
FACTALS is a nonmetric common factor analysis model for multivariate data whose variables may be nominal, ordinal or interval. In FACTALS an Alternating Least Squares algorithm is utilized which is claimed to be monotonically convergent.In this paper it is shown that this algorithm is based upon an erroneous assumption, namely that the least squares loss function (which is in this case a nonscale free loss function) can be transformed into a scalefree loss function. A consequence of this is that monotonical convergence of the algorithm can not be guaranteed.  相似文献   

Any perceived or imagined object will have various properties: for example, it may be of a particular size, shape, and colour. In this paper it is argued that when two objects are perceived or imagined to be interacting, they are likely, as a result, to have properties that may, in part, mediate paired associate recall. In Experiments 1 and 2 it was shown that if the object to be named in recall has properties that are the same as the object named by the cue, then recall is greater than when the properties differ. In Experiment 3 it was shown that if the object to be named in recall has properties that are relevant to a relation between the two objects, then recall is enhanced, as compared with conditions in which this is not the case. In discussion, it is argued that, by means similar to those operating in these experiments, a representation of properties may contribute to recall in experiments in which subjects use interactive imagery.  相似文献   

David King 《Ratio》1999,12(3):271-278
In this paper I examine a recent scientific claim that travel into the past, so long as a 'consistent' trajectory is followed, may be possible. I then argue that the possibility of such travel has unexpected implications for the free will-determinism debate. In particular, human existence may be, at best, determinate but uncaused.  相似文献   

In studies of verbal memory span individual differences in speech rate have been found to predict the number of items that can be recalled in order. This is thought to happen because overt speech rate is related to the rate of internal verbal rehearsal. For spatial span there may also be an internal rehearsal system linked to overt responding, and if there is a strong analogy to be drawn between the verbal and spatial domains, then movement time between spatial targets should predict the number of spatial locations that can be recalled. In the first study reported, none of the six measures of movement time did predict spatial span, but, as expected, speech rate predicted verbal span. In addition, speech rate predicted spatial span. In a second study the use of articulatory suppression during span presentation showed that verbal span dropped, but was still predicted by speech rate. Spatial span was again predicted by the time it took to say digits rather than the time it took to make movements to spatial targets. There would not seem to be any simple analogy between the limitations on verbal span and those on spatial span. In addition, the relationship between speech rate and sequential memory performance may be more complex than previous studies have suggested.  相似文献   

In Experiments 1 and 2, subjects were exposed to letter strings that followed a pattern—the second letter was always the same. This exposure was disguised as a test of immediate memory. Following this training, subjects could discriminate new letter strings following the pattern from letter strings not following the pattern more often than would be expected by chance, which is the traditional evidence for concept learning. Discrimination was also better than would be predicted from subjects' explicit report of the pattern, demonstrating the co-occurrence of concept learning and implicit learning. In Experiment 3, rules were learned explicitly. Discrimination was worse than would be predicted from subjects' explicit report, validating the implicit learning paradigm. In Experiment 4, deviations from a prototypical pattern were presented during training. In the test of discrimination, prototypes were as familiar as old deviations and more familiar than new deviations, even when considering only implicit knowledge. Experiment 5 found implicit knowledge of a familiar concept. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the distinguishing features of a concept can be learned implicitly, and that one type of implicit learning is concept learning.  相似文献   

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