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This paper analyzes demographic and other pretreatment characteristics, measures of treatment services received, and treatment outcomes of participantsin the National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study (NTIES), a large-scale longitudinal study of substance abuse treatment (D. R. Gerstein et al., 1997; R. A. Johnson & D. R. Gerstein, 2000). The focus here is those treated primarily for cocaine powder or crack-cocaine dependence, compared with those in treatment for other substances, particularly heroin. Crack-dependent users tend to be female and black, older than primary marijuana or alcohol users but younger than those in treatment for heroin. Primary cocaine powder or crack users are likely to have entered treatment under pressure from the criminal justice system. After treatment there are substantial reductions in use of cocaine powder and crack, especially among participants with fewer prior treatment episodes and lower pretreatment intensity of use. Longer duration and intensity of treatment result in greater reductions in cocaine and crack use.  相似文献   

Anxiety and depression are highly prevalent and disabling mental health disorders, with comorbidity often posing as a barrier to successful treatment outcomes, thus creating a need for more intensive treatment options. Outpatient clinicians are more likely to refer patients with severe symptoms of anxiety and depression to inpatient hospitalizations rather than partial hospital programs (PHPs) or intensive outpatient programs (IOPs), despite evidence that inpatient hospitalization is associated with high costs and other risks following discharge. The present study reviews two case studies of patients who received cognitive-behavioral therapy/dialectical behavior therapy (CBT/DBT)-based IOP treatment in a private New York clinic. We evaluated treatment outcomes for 73 adult patients (50.7% female) with a mean age of 29.10 years (SD = 10.30). At intake, patients averaged 2.15 diagnoses (SD = 0.94, range = 4) and the majority (80.8%) were prescribed psychotropic medication. Treatment was structured and individually tailored, with patients receiving an average of 21.77 hours (SD = 15.06) of psychotherapy over 12.63 treatment sessions (SD = 9.76), across 12.21 days (SD = 9.61). We observed a clinically and statistically significant change in symptoms of anxiety (t = 6.24, p < .001), depression (t = 5.55, p < .001), and suicidality (t = 2.32, p < .05) over the course of the IOP. After completing treatment, 68.1% of participants tapered down to once-weekly treatment. The present study highlights the clinical utility of an IOP and suggests that this approach can be effective for adult patients presenting with severe symptoms of anxiety and/or depression.  相似文献   

This report presents an analysis of National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study data describing the characteristics and treatment experiences of clients entering treatment for alcohol problems. Three client groups were contrasted—those entering treatment for alcohol only, for alcohol plus other drugs, or for other drugs only. Clients using alcohol only were more often white, male, and currently employed. Alcohol only clients were treated predominantly in outpatient settings. Alcohol only clients were frequently referred to treatment by the criminal justice system, and less often self-referred. In all 3 study groups, employment, general health, and mental health outcomes were improved following treatment. Illicit drug use increased marginally for the alcohol only group following treatment. No significant posttreatment reductions in reports of total abstinencefrom alcohol were found for any of the groups. Findings are discussed as they relate to research, treatment practice, and policyareas.  相似文献   

Research on wraparound services has been generally positive, but has failed to include data regarding treatment integrity. Without such data, conclusions drawn from such studies are weakened. This study followed 28 children and adolescents receiving wraparound services in rural central Pennsylvania. Treatment integrity was defined as the percentage of service hours prescribed vs. received, and behavioral outcomes were defined as Total Problem Behavior T Scores on the Child Behavior Checklist. Preliminary analyses failed to reveal significant differences in sample means between included subjects and those excluded due to missing data. Outcome behavior ratings were significantly improved over baseline ratings. Regression analyses, however, failed to find a significant effect for treatment integrity when used in an outcome prediction equation for Therapeutic Support Staff, Mobile Therapy services, or Behavioral Specialist wraparound services. These results suggest that adherence to prescribed treatment hours may not be related to behavioral outcomes in a wraparound service setting.  相似文献   


This pilot study (N = 18) explored the effectiveness of focusing and expressive arts therapies intervention on the quality of life of women with breast cancer. The format was a 2-day (7 hours per day) retreat/support group in which complementary treatments (focusing, writing, art, and movement) were provided in an intensive format. Our hypothesis was that an integrated approach of multimodal expressive arts therapy would result in improvements in several measures of the participants' qualities of life. There was a 6-week post-group follow-up telephone interview, during which several participants reported positive results. This suggests that the intervention was beneficial.  相似文献   

How different amounts and components of treatment affect substance abuse treatment outcomes is fundamentally important to evaluating current treatment practices and recommending improvements. Through a secondary analysis of data from the National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study (NTIES), the present study examined the relationships between treatment components, client-level factors, and positive treatment outcomes. Several components were shown tohave significant effects on the odds of a positive outcome, over and above the effects of client background characteristics. Depending on treatment modality, these included length of stay; whether or not clients reported seeing their treatment plan hours per month in group and individual counseling; utilization ofeducational, vocational, and other ancillary services; use of antianxiety and drug and alcohol medications; and client matching. Several interactions between client-level factors and treatment components were also observed. Studylimitations are discussed, followed by implications for policy and practiceand suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

This study examines outcomes of a women's substance abuse treatment program based on empowerment, choice, and client/therapist collaboration. The program was assessed through qualitative and quantitative research methods. The article includes extensive quotes from six client interviews as well as data from pre-post surveys of 50 women in the treatment program. Results show that the women felt they benefited from the collaborative treatment approach. Benefits to the women included feeling more empowered and learning to take responsibility for their lives. The importance of taking a broad view of recovery that includes ongoing evaluation of positive changes in various areas of the clients' lives is discussed.  相似文献   

Nita Lutwak 《Group》1998,22(3):129-143
This paper addresses gender-related experiences of shame, focusing on the shame-prone woman. Specifically the varied manifest behaviors, dynamics, and defenses commonly observed in shame-prone women are described. It is recommended that the addition of group therapy to individual treatment, once the client is ready, can expedite progress for these patients, as they are more able to integrate previously disowned and shamed aspects of themselves. A number of potential problems when working with these patients in group are identified and explored.  相似文献   

Childhood sexual abuse is a major aetiological factor in the development of mental health difficulties experienced by women. Although this conclusion is supported by two decades of extensive research, it has had little impact on the provision of mainstream mental health services. It remains exceptional for there to be specialist therapy or counselling provision for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse within statutory mental health services. This represents a serious gap in service provision and, it is argued, results in extended and inappropriate treatment for women survivors using mental health services. In this article, the development of a multi-agency approach to the provision of groupwork for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse within mental health service is described. A women-centred model of groupwork is outlined. Evaluation and funding are discussed. It is argued that, as a time-limited and effective treatment option, groupwork for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse should form a central part of service provision within statutory adult mental health services.  相似文献   

Despite severe functional impairment, only 35% to 40% of individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) seek treatment, and fewer than 10% receive evidence-based treatment. The current study examined the characteristics of 525 individuals who contacted the clinic of the Center for the Treatment and Study of Anxiety at the University of Pennsylvania to inquire about OCD treatment and completed a phone screen. Callers who were deemed appropriate for the clinic (n = 396, 75%) were invited to participate in an in-person intake evaluation. Only 137 (35%) of the eligible individuals completed the intake evaluation (“treatment intake group”) whereas the majority (n = 259, 65%) did not (“phone screen–only group”). Compared to individuals in the phone screen–only group, those in the treatment intake group were younger, less likely to endorse depressed mood, and more likely to have received a diagnosis of OCD, to have previously sought psychological services, and to have taken psychotropic medication. The findings suggest that familiarity with their diagnosis and past contact with mental health professionals enhance openness to explore yet another treatment. In contrast, lack of awareness about the problem and depressed mood may reduce openness to seek treatment.  相似文献   

Anxiety of childhood is a common and serious condition. The past decade has seen an increase in treatment-focussed research, with recent trials tending to give greater attention to parents in the treatment process. This review examines the efficacy of family-based cognitive behaviour therapy and attempts to delineate some of the factors that might have an impact on its efficacy. The choice and timing of outcome measure, age and gender of the child, level of parental anxiety, severity and type of child anxiety and treatment format and content are scrutinised. The main conclusions are necessarily tentative, but it seems likely that Family Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (FCBT) is superior to no treatment, and, for some outcome measures, also superior to Child Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CCBT). Where FCBT is successful, the results are consistently maintained at follow-up. It appears that where a parent is anxious, and this is not addressed, outcomes are less good. However, for children of anxious parents, FCBT is probably more effective than CCBT. What is most clear is that large, well-designed studies, examining these factors alone and in combination, are now needed.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3):27-36

Managed care has changed the way that mental health care is provided. These insurers manage such factors as length and type of therapy made available, access to therapy, and level of payment for therapy. Women, as the majority of those insured by managed care and as consumers of mental healthcare, are differentially affected by these changes.  相似文献   

Smoking rates among young sexual minority women (YSMW) are disproportionately high as compared to heterosexual populations. While this disparity has commonly been attributed to the sexual minority stress process, little empirical work has explored what may protect YSMW from high rates of smoking. Using data (N = 471) from a cross-sectional study designed to investigate YSMW’s (age 18–24) smoking behaviors and correlates; we explore the relationship of LGBT community connections, YSMW’s social network characteristics, and stress to smoking behaviors (i.e., status, frequency, amount). Through this analysis, we find support for LGBT community connection as well as friendships with other sexual minorities as protective in relation to YSMW’s smoking behaviors. We discuss the implications of our results, highlighting the need for future longitudinal research and interventions designed to bolster YSMW’s connections to the LGBT community and their social networks.  相似文献   

Coping effectiveness training (CET), based on R. S. Lazarus and S. Folkmans (1984) theory of stress and coping, teaches appraisal and coping skills. It has been adapted for use with people with spinal cord injuries and the effect of this intervention on coping, anxiety and depression and self perception has been investigated. Using data from P. Kennedy, J. Duff, M. Evans, and A. Beedies (2003) study, the psychological characteristics of people who benefited from CET (no increase in depression and anxiety at the end of CET and 6 weeks after) were compared with those who did not benefit. Coping strategies were not predictive factors but differences in some self-perception items were found between the two groups. Age, gender, level, and type of injury were not shown to be predictive but time since injury was, suggesting that the effectiveness of a CET programme could be maximized by reducing the time between onset of injury and the start of CET.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(1):11-22
Emotion regulation and interpersonal psychotherapies that do not require trauma memory processing have been shown to be effective in treating posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This study used a novel method to assess in vivo outcomes in a randomized clinical trial with women (N = 147; ages 18–54; 61% of color; 94% low income) with full (79%) or partial (21%) PTSD. Participants were assigned to affect regulation or interpersonal therapy, or wait-list, and completed daily self-reports for 2 to 4 weeks at baseline and up to 30 days at posttest. Mixed model regression analyses tested pre-post change on five factor analytically derived aggregated daily self-report scores. Emotion regulation-focused therapy was associated with reduced PTSD symptoms, dysregulation, and negative affect, and improvement in adaptive self-regulation and positive affect. Interpersonal-focused therapy was associated with reduced PTSD symptoms and dysregulation. Although both therapies were associated with reduced PTSD symptoms, whether this was due to nonspecific factors rather than the treatments per se could not be determined. Daily self-report data warrant further investigation in psychotherapy research with disorders such as PTSD, in order to assess affective and interpersonal dysregulation and adaptive regulation as they occur in daily life.  相似文献   

《The Ecumenical review》2019,71(1-2):32-55
A consultation commemorating the 20th anniversary of the culmination of the Ecumenical Decade of the Churches in Solidarity with Women took place in Kingston, Jamaica, in October 2018 to reflect on the achievements and challenges in building a just community of all people in church and society, and to strengthen ecumenical collaboration in reading the signs of the times. The Decade was launched in 1988, following a decision of the central committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC). It was “addressed to churches and to women at the local level to empower women to challenge structures and to respond to the issues in the society around them” and focused on “the situation of women in the churches as well as the churches’ participation in improving the conditions for women in society.” It concluded in December 1998 with a festival held in Harare, Zimbabwe, immediately before the WCC’s 8th Assembly. The global consultation in October 2018, hosted by the Jamaica Council of Churches, gathered intergenerational women and men from WCC member churches and their theological institutions and ecumenical partners. Below we document several of the contributions at the Jamaica consultation as well as the report of the event.  相似文献   


This article considers the Catholic Church's rejection of female sexed bodies as capable of symbolizing Christ in the Eucharist of God's agency in the world. The theories of René Girard provide a useful resource for analyzing the fear of female sexuality within Catholicism. They reveal that an obsessive focus upon sex has been the means through which the male tendency towards sacrificial violence, forbidden within Christianity, has continued to exert a powerful influence. A recognition of this substitutory process would not only enable a revisioning of the roles women and men might play within the Church, but also enable the Church to more effectively oppose the ‘culture of death’ which endangers us all.  相似文献   

Sexual minority women (SMW) experience an elevated risk of mental health problems compared to heterosexual women. However, knowledge gaps remain regarding whether cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) interventions meet SMW’s mental health needs. Further, virtually no studies have integrated stakeholder (i.e., researchers with content expertise in SMW’s health and clinical providers who work with SMW) and community member (i.e., SMW) perspectives to identify CBT approaches that address SMW-specific issues. This study used qualitative data gathered from 39 SMW who reported depression, anxiety, suicidality, and heavy drinking in the past 3 months and 16 content experts and clinical providers to obtain information relevant to enhancing CBT for SMW. In addition, we used thematic analysis to identify themes related to the adaptation and delivery of CBT for SMW. Building on prior literature, this study’s findings revealed seven considerations for delivering mental health services to SMW: (1) attending to SMW’s diverse gender identities and expressions; (2) focusing on SMW’s nonbinary stressors; (3) formulating SMW’s gender-based stressors within a feminist framework; (4) applying intersectionality frameworks; (5) incorporating issues of diversity, multiculturalism, and social justice; (6) addressing the role of trauma exposure; and (7) addressing the role of alcohol use in SMW’s lives. These considerations are reviewed in terms of their implications for clinical practice, with a focus on enhancing applications of existing CBT interventions to best respond to the unique needs of this population.  相似文献   


In 2 studies, the authors investigated impression formation as influenced by category-based stereotypes associated with ethnicity and social class. The participants in Study 1 made judgments about 1 target woman, described as interested in running for office in the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) of her children's school. The hypothetical woman was presented to the respondents along with her photograph and information about her ethnic background (Anglo-Saxon, Latina, or Jewish) and occupation (middle class or working class). In Study 2, the authors changed the context and presented a younger target woman (also varied by ethnicity and social class) to the respondents as the new girlfriend of their older brother or cousin. In both studies, judgments were assessed by the participants' responses to 45 bipolar adjectives that, in each case, yielded 8 component factors. In both hypothetical contexts, social class was a powerful trigger for a variety of negative expectations: With respect to ethnicity, the Latina women were judged to be more unsuitable for the job of PTO vice president than were the Anglo-Saxon or Jewish women. The authors discussed potential psychological and social consequences of such category-based judgments.  相似文献   

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