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Quatre-vingt seize sujets de 7 à 9 ans et de 13 à 15 ans ont travaillé sur un texte dans deux conditions d'implication (ego versus tâche). Après avoir été crédités de feedback de compétence ou d'incompétence, ils furent requis d'inférer leur niveau d'effort, d'évaluer leurs affects (fierté, embarras et culpabilité) et de donner leurs raisons de l'effort mis en jeu (stratégies d'auto-handicap). Les résultats confirment que les adolescents se réfèrent à une conception différenciée de la compétence et de l'effort en situation d'implication de l'Ego, et utilisent une conception moins différenciée dans des conditions d'implication dans la tâche. Les affects résultent eux-mêmes de ces conceptions. Mais les buts d'implication de l'Ego, qui accentuent les menaces pour l'estime de soi, suscitent en retour des stratégies de protection de soi que les individus appliquent effectivement à eux-mêmes.  相似文献   

L'objectif de ce travail était d'appliquer le paradigme expérimental du croisement des catégories à l'étude des relations entre des sujets de nationalités différentes. Dans cette perspective, une expérience a été menée avec 28 sujets américains et 28 français. Comme attendu, en situation de catégorisation simple chaque groupe de sujets Américains ou Français a évalué positivement son groupe et dévalorisé l'autre. Ces effets ont été annulés en situation de catégorisation croisée. Cependant, cette annulation ne persiste pas lors d'un post-test réalisé trois semaines plus tard. Une discussion de ces effets a été établie.  相似文献   

Relative deprivation (RD) theory usually distinguishes between interpersonal and intergroup comparisons, but neglects intrapersonal comparisons. This research reveals that the comparisons between the actual and the future selves lead to relative gratification (RG) feelings which in turn are related to self‐esteem. A first study (N = 581) confirms that intrapersonal RG positively contributes to self‐esteem. A second study, involving students with a disability (n = 31) and without (n = 50), reveals that if disabled students exhibit a higher level of self‐esteem than nondisabled ones, this preservation is only explained by intrapersonal RG. Finally, intergroup RD and intrapersonal RG are two distinct predictors of militancy in favour of disabled people These results testify to the importance of differentiating comparison levels.  相似文献   

Research accomplished in this field indicates clearly that of all the members of the stepfamily, it is the stepmother that encounters the most difficulties in adapting to the stepfamily situation. Furthermore, the same research also shows that the stepmother/stepdaughter relationship appears to be the most challenging of all dyads. This analysis also enables us to identify the results that appear most significant and to propose different hypotheses for future research.  相似文献   

The psychological works of Charles Bonnet of Geneva (1720–1793) have customarily been read as part of the mentalistic traditions of associationism or Leibnizianism. They are better understood as part of a campaign—directed against the radical Enlightenment —to reclaim the human body for religion by the paradoxical strategy of incorporating a materialist conception of the human mind into the framework of divine providence. Bonnet's embodied psychology treats the soul as an intrinsically indeterminate force, and attributes the capacity of the mind to organize experience to highly specialized fibers, providentially constructed to correspond to the created world.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the intensity of facial emotional prototypes influences the process of their categorization in children and young adults. Two facial prototypes, one of happiness and one of disgust, including action units of three different intensities, were shown to 30 children and 30 adults who were submitted to a categorization task. As predicted, categorization accuracy was found to increase, in general, as a function of the intensity of action units. Adults were better than children but only for the categorization of disgust when the action unit intensity was weak. The happiness prototype was better categorized than the disgust prototype, and two types of errors were clearly more frequent than the others in the categorization of the disgust prototype: disgust/anger and disgust/sadness. The results are discussed in relation to the regulative processes involved in the socialization of emotion.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to test a knowledge-based simulation model, elaborated in a previous longitudinal research in order to explain reading errors produced by first-grade children. This model relies on two assumptions: (1) in the beginning of the grapho-phonological acquisition, the child tries to extract, from the series of letters which forms a word, graphic patterns corresponding to an oral syllable; (2) these patterns are stored either in an ordered representation or in a non-ordered representation. Permutation errors, often pointed out in this phase of reading acquisition, would then be the mark of a non-ordered representation of the graphic patterns. Two experiments were proposed to new first-grade children, in the middle of the school year. In experiment 1, they had to detect an oral syllable in written pseudo-words in which the first trigram did or did not correspond to the legal order. In experiment 2, they had to read aloud trisyllabic pseudo-words in which the first trigram was presented in four different orders. Reading errors correspond to the predictions our model allows. Moreover, the absence of correlation between the two tasks suggests that the knowledge activated depends on the type of activity.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to examine the impact of various connectives such as causal, adversative, additive on sentence comprehension and memory for young, elderly and for subjects suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD). The three groups (N = 48) read pairs of clauses linked or not by a connective at their own rhythm and they performed different tests: verb recognition, comprehension and inferential questions and completion. Results show that whatever the type of connective, its presence has few effects on young and elderly performances. We note an increase of connectives reading times for AD subjects, suggesting that the presence of connectives seems to be a cue for interclausal integration. Moreover, the treatment of the adversative is more difficult for them than the treatment of causal and additive.  相似文献   

We proposed that the condition truth be understood as the result of a decision about the values taken on by the conditions for fulfilment of the act of referencing in a mental model. Our cognitive model of propositional truth attribution (Baudet, Jhean-Larose, & Legros, 1994) is built on the assumption that the truth value of a proposition is determined by the ability of that proposition to fit into the theory of the field to which it refers. The experimental results proved to be compatible with the proposed model. They validate the first phase of our model: the selection of incoherent subset of truth candidates. This selection is operated thanks to the attribution of plausibility value. This value is determined by explicit index of the pledging of the sender as for the truth of proposals contained in the text sentences. According to these results, the epistemic modalisers of the type “I know” and the type “I believe”, commit the transmitter in different ways as to the truth of propositions. They determine degrees of plausibility and relative coherence between assertions and the mental model in operation. The main function of the enunciation operators such as “I know” in a text, is:

A sample comprising 41 couples and their adolescent daughters participated in a study on the association between marital conflicts and mother‐daughter communication. Observational measurements and questionnaires were used to evaluate the level of the quality of communication between the couple, the marital satisfaction of the parents and the quality of the communication between mother and adolescent daughters. The results show that: (a) conflicts observed between the parents are positively associated with the level of confrontation observed between the mother and the daughter and (b) the marital satisfaction of the mothers plays a mediatory role between the conflicts in the couple and the level of mother‐daughter confrontation. The marital satisfaction of the mothers would be the link in the process of propagation of the affects and the negative behaviour of the couple and the mother‐adolescent daughter relationship.  相似文献   

Luck is perceived by some people as a quality of the person (as opposed to the situation) that can be used to maximize the outcome of chance games. This paper reviews empirical studies that examine the conditions under which perceptions of personal luck can be experienced, and how it might facilitate the increase of gambling behavior to pathological levels. Specifically, the opportunity for choice and the experience of near outcomes in games of chance are considered as ways to affect the extent to which perceptions of personal luck are experienced. The ease of facilitating these perceptions suggests that personal luck may be an overlooked factor in the emergence of gambling pathology. As such, implications for gambling behavior and treatment of problem gamblers are discussed.  相似文献   

Cet article porte sur la perspective future (PF) et rapporte les résultats d'une enquête auprès de 351 personnes âgées en perte d'autonomie fonctionnelle vivant chez elles ou en résidence pour personnes âgées. Les aspirations, buts ou projets, éléments constitutifs de la PF, sont recueillis au moyen de la technique des phrases à compléter. Les réponses sont classées selon leur contenu et leur extension temporelle. L'exploration du contenu révèle que la santé constitue la préoccupation principale des personnes âgées et que les aspirations à l'actualisation de soi de même que les motivations à caractère altruiste diminuent avec la perte d'autonomie. L'extension de la PF n'est pas affectée par les deux types d'habitation considérés dans cette recherche, mais elle subit une réduction avec la baisse de l'autonomie fonctionnelle.  相似文献   

This exploratory study concerns the sibling's bonds, and the bonds with extrafamilial peers, in the perspective of people with intellectual disability. Four adults with intellectual disability, who are siblings, are included in this research, associating a half-directive interview and the Family Apperception Test administration. The results signed the increased presence of positives affects. Identification and differenciation process are identified, but implied a work about the normality by the people with a disability. Finally a co-occurrence between the configuration of sibling system and of social bond is observed. This bond has to be studied, but before, researchers have to work on methodological aspects for this research.  相似文献   

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