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The study examined the performance of 250 British volunteer mineworkers on Rotter's Internal-External Locus of Control Scale. Scores for this group are provided and compared with those presently available for other samples.  相似文献   

This article describes the construction and preliminary validation of a new scale of weight locus of control, the Dieting Beliefs Scale. The 16-item scale demonstrated moderate internal consistency and high test-retest reliability in a sample of undergraduate women. Principal-components analysis suggested three factors. The three factors were interpretable and had distinct relations with a variety of weight-related and psychological variables. The results suggest that weight locus of control is a multidimensional construct, and they provide a possible explanation for the inconsistent findings concerning the relation between weight locus of control and dieting success, implications for the study of dieting relapse and for the construction of treatment programs are discussed.  相似文献   

西方诚信度测验研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诚信度测验是指在招聘和选拔过程中用于评价应聘者的诚实、诚信、可依靠性,从而预测他们的偷盗、违反纪律、反工作行为以及今后工作业绩的以纸笔测验为主的测验工具。文章对西方诚信度测验的发展和应用现状做出了综述,指出诚信度测验具有较好的信度和效度。大五人格模型中的责任感、宜人性和情绪稳定性是诚信度测验潜在的测量内容,但诚信度测验与大五人格模型以外的其它人格维度也存在较高的相关性。诚信度测验对反工作行为和整体工作绩效具有良好的预测效度。文章在总结诚信度测验存在的一些争议和问题的基础上,提出了它在中国企业员工招聘和选拔中应用的若干建议  相似文献   

A growing number of studies have supported the use of unidimensional psychometric test instruments administered via the Internet; however, support for the use of multidimensional scales is weak. The present study compares paper and Internet administrations of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC) Scale (Wallston & Wallston, 1981). In terms of reliabilities and factor structures, the Internet data were found to be at least as good as the paper data. MHLC scores were comparable for paper and Internet administrations, although the Internet sample scored significantly lower on the Powerful Others subscale. Overall, the results show that administration of the MHLC Scale via the Internet can produce data comparable to that obtained by pen-and-paper methods. However, it is concluded that generalization of these findings beyond the psychometric test instrument and sampling procedures used here is not warranted.  相似文献   

This article presents counseling and communication techniques for giving external expectancies the internal direction necessary to facilitate behavior change. Locus of control expectancies provide a useful concept for assessing and influencing the behavior of “unmotivated” students and clients.  相似文献   

Wheeldon and Monsell (this issue) found that production of a word in response to a definition had a large and long-lasting facilitatory effect on latency for later production of the same word to name a pictured object, and that this priming effect was not due to repeated production of the phonological word-form per se. This paper reports a further test of the locus of the effect. Welsh-English bilinguals named pictured objects in Welsh. Half the words were primed either by their earlier production in Welsh in response to Welsh definitions or by production of their equivalents in English in response to English definitions. Substantial facilitation resulted from prior production in the same language, none from prior production in the other language—provided that the equivalents differed in phonological form. Given that priming results neither from repeated activation of a meaning when different phonological forms are produced, nor from repetition of the same phonological form in response to different meanings, the priming effect must be localized in the connection between a word's meaning and its phonological form. We also put forward an account of bilingual lexicalization that accommodates this result together with some evidence indicating that production of words in one language is not wholly insulated from the “availability” of words in the other.  相似文献   

The Nowicki-Strickland Internal-External locus of control scale and the Hostility and Direction of Hostility Questionnaire were administered to 35 male and 35 female college students. In both the total sample and the female sample, significant correlations were observed between locus of control and hostility with an external locus of control being associated with greater hostility. Although locus of control was significantly related to all of the hostility scores in the female sample, the male sample generally showed no significant relationship between locus of control and hostility. The sex differences in the data and the possibility of item overlap between the locus of control and hostility measures are discussed.  相似文献   

Locus of control is demonstrated as being an important individual belief for counselors to consider in their work. Western cultural bias that has influenced the research with locus of control, and may influence how counselors conceptualize clients' problems, is the notion that internal control is always more desirable than external control. Several areas of locus of control theory are reviewed, including sociocultural influences in the formation of the theory, cultural differences in locus of control, and differing conceptualizations of the construct. In addition, selected research with locus of control and mental health is briefly reviewed. Finally, important implications for practitioners are suggested.  相似文献   

大学生择业控制点的结构及现状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
尝试建立择业控制点的内部-外部两维结构,并以此为基础了解当代大学生择业控制点现状。被试为石家庄的507名理工科大学生。验证性因素分析结果表明,择业两维控制点模型的数据拟合达到优良水平,提示内部、外部控制点可能不是一个连续体的两极;此外,择业控制点6个测量指标(其中专业能力、个人努力和选择能力为内部指标;专业运气、关系依赖和性别依赖为外部指标)的数据结果显示,高校学生的择业普遍存在外控特点,提醒高校应当对学生及早进行职业指导,强化学生对自身择业的责任感。  相似文献   

To learn more about the dimensionality of locus of control, I developed a new internal-external (I-E) scale for French students. Four criteria were used for the construction of the scale: causal explanation and orientation of behavioral outcomes, situational contents, and control ideology. Questionnaires were administered to 200 male and female undergraduates in psychology. A principal-components analysis and a nonmetric multidimensional scaling were used. The hypothesis of the unidimensionality of locus of control was confirmed.  相似文献   

The Rotter I-E scale was administered to college juniors in education under five different instructional sets. Subjects were asked to complete it (a) as they would ordinarily (self-perception), (b) as they believed an average person of the same sex would, (c) as an average person of the opposite sex would, (d) as an ideal person of the same sex would, and (e) as an ideal person of the opposite sex would. As hypothesized, subjects saw the ideal person of both sexes as significantly more internal than themselves, while they saw the average person of both sexes as more external than themselves. These results suggest the general desirability of being perceived as internally oriented.  相似文献   

Person-environment fit (P-E fit) was initially espoused as an important construct in the field of community psychology; however, most of the theoretical and empirical development of the construct has been conducted by the industrial/organizational (I/O) psychologists and business management fields. In the current study, the GEFS-a P-E fit measure that was developed from organizational perspectives on fit-was administered to 246 attendees of an annual convention for residents and alumni of Oxford House, a network of over 1,400 mutual-help addiction recovery homes. The authors conducted confirmatory factor and convergent construct validity analyses with the GEFS. The results suggested that the theoretical factor structure of the measure adequately fit the data and provided limited support for the measure's validity. Sufficient supply of resident needs by the Oxford House and similarity between residents and their housemates predicted satisfaction with the recovery home, but only perceived similarity to housemates predicted how long residents intended to stay in the Oxford Houses.  相似文献   

In multinational surveys, mixed‐mode administration modes (e.g. combining Internet and paper‐and‐pencil administration) are increasingly used. To date, no studies have investigated whether measurement equivalence exists between Internet data collection and data collection using the conventional paper‐and‐pencil method in organisational surveys which include a large number of countries. This paper examined the measurement equivalence of a truly global organisational survey across Internet and paper‐and‐pencil survey administrations. Data from an organisational survey in 16 countries (N = 52,461) across the globe were used to assess the measurement equivalence of an organisational climate measure within each country in which the survey was administered. The empirical data provided strong indications which support the measurement equivalence of the multi‐item survey instrument across Internet and paper‐and‐pencil surveys in virtually all countries in which the survey was conducted. These findings suggest that merging data obtained through Internet and paper‐and‐pencil data administration in a particular country is legitimate as no evidence was found for differential effects across both modes of data collection. Dans les enquêtes internationales, les modalités d’administration mixtes, c’est‐à‐dire combinant les solution Internet et papier‐crayon, sont de plus en plus utilisées. Jusqu’à présent, on ignore si le recueil de données par Internet est méthodologiquement équivalent au recueil traditionnel sur papier dans les enquêtes organisationnelles qui couvrent un grand nombre de pays. Dans cet article, on analyse l’analogie des mesures d’une enquête organisationnelle véritablement universelle utilisant à la fois une administration Internet et papier‐crayon. Des données provenant de seize pays (N = 52,461) répartis sur l’ensemble de la planète ont été exploitées pour évaluer l’équivalence méthodologique d’une mesure du climat organisationnel dans chacun de ces pays. Les résultats empiriques sont en faveur de l’équivalence méthodologique de l’ensemble des items pour les recueils Internet et papier‐crayon dans pratiquement tous les pays retenus pour l’enquête. Ces résultats montrent qu’il est légitime de traiter ensemble les données obtenues par Internet et par papier‐crayon dans un même pays puisque rien ne nous permet d’affirmer l’existence d’un effet différentiel dû aux deux modes d’administration.  相似文献   

Doss  Brian D.  Hopkins  J. Roy 《Sex roles》1998,38(9-10):719-741
The Multicultural Masculinity Ideology Scale(MMIS) measures an individual's adaptation andinternalization of a culture's norms about how menshould act. This study extends previous research onmasculinity ideology by generating a scale representingmultiple cultural perspectives using 190 Chilean, 283Anglo-American, and 296 African-American undergraduates.The psychometric properties of the MMIS were established using principal components analysis, convergentvalidity tests, and internal-consistency and test-retestreliability. Two components consistent across culturesemerged: Hypermasculine Posturing and Achievement. In addition, there were culturally-specificcomponents: Toughness, Pose, and Responsibility amongChileans; Sensitivity among Anglo-Americans; and SexualResponsibility among African-Americans. Results indicate that the MMIS can be useful forexamining a variety of research questions relating toculture and masculinity.  相似文献   

Combining and extending previous conceptions of the construct of perceived control, a self-report measure based on a proposed multidimensional model was developed and validated. The Belief in Personal Control Scale (BPCS), measures of locus of control, depression, mania, anxiety, self-esteem, and social desirability were administered to several samples. A factor analysis revealed three interpretable components of the control construct: a general External Control factor, an Exaggerated Internal Control factor, and a God-Mediated Control factor. The results of this article provide preliminary support for the model and for the BPCS as a multidimensional measure of perceived control with reliable and valid subscales. Consistent with the proposed model of control, the three factors correlated differentially with the various measures of psychological adjustment. Of particular interest is the positive correlation between the Exaggerated Internal Control factor and a measure of mania.  相似文献   

This study examined the factor structure, internal consistency reliability and construct validity of the multidimensional health locus of control (MHLC) instruments developed by K. A. Wallston, B. S. Wallston, and DeVellis (1978) and Lau (Lau, 1982; Lau & Ware, 1981), Both measures were administered to a sample of Veterans Administration (VA) medical outpatients (N = 181). Only minimal evidence of convergence was found between corresponding scales of the two MHLC instruments. Low convergent validity appears attributable to the poor internal consistency reliability of the Lau-Ware subscales. Moreover, results of factor analysis largely supported the a priori factor structure of the K. A. Wallston et at. (1978) MHLC instrument but failed to support the factor structure of the Lau-Ware instrument, Health locus of control (HLC) dimensions that emerged from simultaneous factor analysis of both instruments were most consistent with a three-dimensional typology (i.e., Personal Control, Professional Control and Chance) rather than the four-dimensional typology proposed by Lau (Lau, 1982; Lau & Ware, 1981). Implications for HLC conceptualization and measurement are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the psychometric properties of a newly developed Cultural Adaptation Pain Scale. This scale is designed to assess the degree of subjective pain, social distance, and discouragement that may be related to cultural adaptation. Factor analyses revealed 4 factors in the scale that had an overall Cronbach's alpha of .85. Implications for multicultural counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

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