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刘嘉麒,中国科学院院士、火山地质与第四纪地质学家。1965年毕业于长春地质学院,1986年获得中国科技大学研究生院理学博士,曾任中国科学院地质研究所所长,中国第四纪科学研究会理事长:现为中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所研究员,中国科普作家协会理事长。承担并完成过多项国家级和国际合作项目,对中国东北、西北、青藏高原和南、北极等地区进行过广泛地质环境调查,  相似文献   

人生在世,相对于悠远的历史长河来说,只不过是稍纵即逝的浮光掠影而已。但对于每一个个体而言,却又是一段充满强烈个性体验和况味十足的漫漫旅程。  相似文献   

吴阶平,著名科学家、教育家、社会活动家,中国泌尿外科的奠基人和中国性教育的开创者。1917年1月出生于江苏常州,1942年毕业于北平协和医学院。1947年,吴阶平经著名泌尿科专家、归国华侨谢元甫教授推荐,赴美国芝加哥大学进  相似文献   

2007年4月26日,本刊记者采访了中国科学院院士李启虎研究员。李院士是水声信号处理和声  相似文献   

我和赵经农主教认识是在上个世纪80年代,曾多次拜访他,我在甘肃工作期间还经常和他在一起。主教渊博的学识、宽大的胸怀、谦卑和蔼的人格魅力,以及对信仰的忠诚和对祖国的真挚情感,给我留下了至深的记忆。谨以此文怀念敬爱的赵主教。  相似文献   

吴有生院士是中国船舶科学研究中心的名誉所长,是中国造船工程学会的常务理事,曾任国际船舶实用设计大会主席、国际船舶结构大会常委(代表包括台湾在内的整个中国地区)、中国力学学会副理事长、中国振动工程学会副理事长和中国造船学会船舶力学委员会主任,是一个从事了40年船舶科学技术研究的专家。多年来,吴有生院士一直关心科学事业的发展,关注科学界发生的事件,尤  相似文献   

朱晓东院士是我国著名心脏外科专家,从事心脏外科临床研究与实践整整50年,在基础科研方面对血液动力学、心脏外科解剖学以及人工心脏瓣膜等有深入研究。他在国内首先研制并成功应用生物瓣膜(心包瓣)进行心脏瓣膜替换手术,并积极推动国内技术协作与学术交流,在建设中国胸心血管外科学会和专业杂志方面也作出了贡献。2006年6月15日,本刊记者采访了朱晓东院士,请他谈了自己的研究工作、心脏外科的发展趋势以及如何看待当前的医患关系等问题。记者:您能谈谈您在心脏外科主要研究的是什么?朱院士:我是一个心脏外科医生。心脏外科领域也很广,包括…  相似文献   

(一)“女性诺贝尔奖”奖项下首次写上中国人的名字 2003年2月27日晚。法国巴黎。联合国教科文组织总部亮出盛大节日的华彩,在国际上有“女性诺贝尔奖”之称的“欧莱雅——联合国教科文组织世界杰出女科学家成就奖”第五届颁奖典礼在这里举行.来自非洲、亚太地区、欧洲、拉美和北美的五位女科学家有幸获得殊荣。  相似文献   

2003年10月29日,中国工程院院士戚发轫研究员就“神舟五号”载人飞船成功发射、胜利返航接受了本刊记者采访。戚院士长期从事航天技术研  相似文献   

Feeling, for any animal, is a faculty of comparing objects or representations with regard to whether they promote its vital powers (pleasure) or hinder them (displeasure). But whereas these comparisons presuppose a species-concept in non-rational animals, nature has not equipped the human being with a universal principle or life-form that would determine what agrees or disagrees with it. As humans, we must determine our mode of life for ourselves. Contrary to other interpretations, I argue that this places the human capacity for pleasure and displeasure outside of nature and in a realm of spirit.  相似文献   

Topey  Brett 《Philosophical Studies》2019,176(7):1725-1752
Philosophical Studies - Truth by convention, once thought to be the foundation of a uniquely promising approach to explaining our access to the truth in nonempirical domains, is nowadays widely...  相似文献   

Two major components of parenting have been identified: warmth and control. There has been a great deal of work on the measurement of control, but there are not many measures of parental warmth. As part of an attempt to develop better measures of warmth, we developed a scale measuring parents' pleasure in carrying out routine caretaking acts with their children. This measure was then related to other measures of positive support such as observation, observer ratings and questionnaires. As there is evidence in the literature that quality of the environment interacts with parenting, we related the measure to measures of stress, observer ratings of quality of the home, marital interaction and parental mood. Finally, we examined the relation of child variables (attachment classification, temperament rating and observed behaviours) to the parents' ratings of pleasure in the child.  相似文献   

The two fundamental dimensions assumed to underlie emotional experience—pleasure and arousal—are considered to be independent across individuals. We present evidence from an experience sampling study demonstrating that this independence does not necessarily hold when considering the affective experiences of a single individual. Participants (N = 80) reported how they were feeling in terms of pleasure and arousal nine times a day for seven days. The data showed that, although on average pleasure and arousal were independent, within-person pleasure–arousal associations substantially varied and ranged from strongly positive to strongly negative. This finding demonstrates that pleasant/unpleasant feelings usually co-occur with high arousal for some (reflecting joy/stress), but with low arousal for others (reflecting relaxation/sadness) and that persons differ in whether arousal is usually pleasant or unpleasant. These differences were found to be related to dispositional reward responsiveness, with high reward responsive individuals being characterized by a positive relation between pleasure and arousal and vice versa.  相似文献   

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