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The aim of this review is to integrate research on the pharmacological mechanisms of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and the following effects on fetal brain development and child cognitive function seen in children with prenatal exposure to SSRIs. As antidepressants are transferred from the mother to the fetus through the placenta, the fetus is vulnerable to alterations in neurotransmission and possibly altered neural functioning. Because of this risk, pregnant women suffering from depression are often advised to discontinue their use of antidepressants during pregnancy. Though, maternal untreated depression may also have negative consequences for the fetus and child after birth. In the present review, we find a distinction between studies of early versus late development. Studies on early cognitive development indicate no negative effects, while studies on later development report some cognitive difficulties and behavioral problems, indicating latent effects of exposure. However, the reviewed studies are not all converging, and it is not clear whether and to what extent prenatal SSRI exposure affects cognitive development.  相似文献   

Despite widespread acceptance that prenatal symptoms of depression in mothers are detrimental to infants’ long-term emotional and cognitive development, little is known about the mechanisms that may integrate outcomes across these domains. Rooted in the integrative perspective that emotional development is grounded in developing cognitive processes, we hypothesized that prenatal symptoms of depression in mothers would be associated with delays in neural maturation that support sociocognitive function in infants, leading to more problematic behaviors. We used a prospective longitudinal study of mothers (N = 92) and their infants to test whether self-reported symptoms of depression in mothers during the second and third trimesters were associated with neural development and infant outcomes at 4 months of age. While controlling for postpartum symptoms of depression, more prenatal symptoms of depression in mothers predicted less neural maturation in the parietal region of 4-month-old infants. Less neural maturation, in turn, was associated with greater infant negativity, suggesting neural maturation as a putative mechanism linking maternal symptoms of depression with infant outcomes. Differences in neural regions and developmental timing are also discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined relationships among prenatal characteristics of 121 adolescent mothers-including cognitive readiness for parenting, intelligence, social support, and personal adjustment-and intellectual-linguistic development, social-emotional functioning, and adaptive behavior in their children at three years of age. Only 28% of the children scored within normal ranges on all three types of outcomes. Intellectual and linguistic delays were predicted best by prenatal measures of maternal Performance IQ and social support from extended family. Socioemotional problems were predicted best by maternal internalizing problems and social support from partner and friends. Adaptive behavior was associated with parenting style. Implications for the early identification of high-risk children--and associated intervention programs--are discussed.  相似文献   

Separate literatures have demonstrated that mothers’ experiences with trauma during childhood or pregnancy are associated with maternal prenatal health risks, adverse childbirth outcomes, and offspring internalizing and externalizing disorders. These literatures largely align with the intergenerational transmission or fetal programming frameworks, respectively. However, few studies have tested the effects of maternal childhood and prenatal trauma simultaneously on mothers’ and infants’ health outcomes, and no studies have examined these effects on newborn neurobehavioral outcomes. Thus, in the present study, we examined how the developmental timing of pregnant women’s traumatic life experiences associated with their physical health and psychopathology (Aim 1) as well as their newborns’ birth and neurodevelopmental outcomes (Aim 2; for pre-registered aims and hypotheses, see https://osf.io/ygnre/?view_only=cbe17d0ac7f24af5a4d3e37e24eebead). One hundred and fifty-two 3rd trimester pregnant women (Mage = 29 years; 17.1% Hispanic/Latina) completed measures of trauma history and psychopathology. Then, 24–48 h after birth, trained clinicians conducted newborn neurobehavioral exams (n = 118 newborns; 52.6% female). Results indicated that lifetime traumatic experiences associated with multiple prenatal maternal health outcomes, including depression, anxiety, emotion dysregulation, and pregnancy complications. Pregnant women’s experiences with childhood trauma, but not adulthood or prenatal trauma, predicted higher neurobehavioral attention scores among female newborns. Our discussion highlights the importance of considering the developmental timing of maternal trauma on perinatal outcomes and contextualizes our findings within the intergenerational transmission and fetal programming literatures.Data AvailabilityData pertaining to R01MH119070 (MPIs Crowell & Conradt) and that support these findings are uploaded to the NIMH repository.  相似文献   

Through the clinical history of a little girl, this paper explores some possible traumatic prenatal experiences of children who have autistic features from birth. It establishes a tentative connection between the precocity of the onset of pathology and potentially traumatic prenatal situations such as threats of miscarriage or pathological mental states in the pregnant mother. It is suggested that a psycho-physical retreat from the auditory experience of the mother's voice, which normally stimulates foetal proto-mental activity and may lead to the development of a 'sound-object', might contribute to the later autistic child's isolation and non-mental clinging to tactile sensations.  相似文献   



To describe an immobility reaction (IR) that was not previously reported at or immediately after birth in human newborns.


We analyzed 31 videos of normal term vaginal deliveries recorded from Time 0 of birth defined as the as the moment that lies between the birth of the thorax and the pelvis of the infant. We searched for perinatal factors associated with newborn's IR.


IR at birth was observed in 8 of the 31 newborns. The main features of their behavior were immobilization, frozen face, shallow breathing and bradycardia. One of the 8 newborns had sudden collapse 2 h after birth. We found significant relationships between maternal prenatal stress (PS) and IR (p = .037), and a close to significant one between infants’ lividness at Time 0 and IR (p = .053). The first breath of the 31 newborns occurred before and was not associated with the first cry (p < .001).


The main features of IR at birth are similar to those of the universal most severe response to severe stress or danger. The relationship with PS suggests that children who had IR at birth might be at risk for similar disorders as those associated with PS. Sudden neonatal collapse of one of the IR newborns needs further research to determine if they are at risk for sudden infant death syndrome.


This first report of an IR reaction at birth in human infants could open up new paths for improving early neonatal care. Further research is needed for maternal PS, stress hormones, umbilical cord blood pH measurements in IR newborns. The challenge of education and support for parents of IR newborns is outlined.  相似文献   

Relatively little work has examined potential interactions between child intrinsic factors and extrinsic environmental factors in the development of negative affect in early life. This work is important because high levels of early negative affectivity have been associated with difficulties in later childhood adjustment. We examined associations between infant frontal electroencephalogram (EEG), maternal parenting behaviors, and children’s negative affect across the first two years of life. Infant baseline frontal EEG asymmetry was measured at 5 months; maternal sensitivity and intrusiveness were observed during mother-child interaction at 5 and 24 months; and mothers provided reports of toddler negative affect at 24 months. Results indicated that maternal sensitive behaviors at 5 months were associated with less negative affect at 24 months, but only for infants with left frontal EEG asymmetry. Similarly, maternal sensitive behaviors at 24 months were associated with less toddler negative affect at 24 months, but only for infants with left frontal EEG asymmetry. In contrast, maternal intrusive behaviors at 5- and 24-months were associated with greater toddler negative affect, but only for infants with right frontal EEG asymmetry at 5-months. Findings suggest that levels of negative affect in toddlers may be at least partially a result of interactions between children’s own early neurophysiological functioning and maternal behavior during everyday interactions with children in the first two years of life.  相似文献   

In a community-based sample of 104 infants and their mothers, we hypothesized a pathway from postnatal maternal symptoms of depression to child emotion dysregulation, and tested at 6 months of age the mediation role of alpha asymmetry at frontal and parietal sites. We recorded infant resting-state EEG at 6 months of age. Child emotion dysregulation was measured at 24 months by the Child Behavior Checklist Dysregulation Profile derived from the CBCL 1½-5. Maternal depression symptoms were scored 6 months after the delivery by the Anxious/Depressed scale of the Adult Self-Report. We used structural equation modeling to test the mediation model from maternal depression symptoms to child emotion dysregulation mediated by frontal and parietal alpha asymmetry. The mediation model provided an excellent fit to the data [χ2(3) = 3.088, p = .378; RMSEA = .017, CFI = .1.00; SRMR = 0.040] and explained 23.3% of the variance in child emotion dysregulation. The indirect path via parietal alpha asymmetry was significant (β = .065; SE = .033; 95% CI = .001–.139; p = .048), i.e. greater levels of maternal depression symptoms predicted left parietal alpha asymmetry, which predicted higher levels of child emotion dysregulation. The direct effect, i.e. the pathway linking maternal depression symptoms and child emotion dysregulation above and beyond the indirect effects, was also significant. We found evidence for a partial mediation role of left parietal alpha asymmetry in a longitudinal pathway from postnatal maternal symptoms of depression to child emotion dysregulation, providing support for left parietal asymmetry as an index of biological vulnerability to emotion dysregulation in the first years of life.  相似文献   

Learning disabilities (LD) are one of the most frequent problems for elementary school-aged children. In this paper, event-related EEG oscillations to semantically related and unrelated pairs of words were studied in a group of 18 children with LD not otherwise specified (LD-NOS) and in 16 children with normal academic achievement. We propose that EEG oscillations may be different in LD NOS children versus normal control children that may explain some of the deficits observed in the LD-NOS group. The EEGs were recorded using the 10/20 system. EEG segments were edited by visual inspection 1000ms before and after the stimulus, and only correct responses were considered in the analysis. Time-frequency (1-50Hz) topographic maps were obtained for the increases and decreases of power after the event with respect to the pre-stimulus average values. Significant differences between groups were observed in the behavioral responses. LD-NOS children show less number of correct responses and more omissions and false alarms than the control group. The event-induced EEG responses showed significant differences between groups. The control group showed greater power increases in the frequencies 1-6Hz than the LD-NOS group from 300 to 700ms. These differences were mainly observed in frontal regions, both to related and non-related words. This was interpreted as a deficit in attention, both to internal and external events, deficits in activation of working memory and deficits in encoding and memory retrieval in the LD-NOS children. Differences between groups were also observed in the suppression of alpha and beta rhythms in the occipital regions to related words in frequencies between 8 and 17Hz from 450 to 750ms. LD-NOS children showed shorter durations of the decreases in power than the control group. These results suggest also deficits in attention and memory retrieval. It may be concluded that LD-NOS children showed physiological differences from normal children that may explain their cognitive deficiencies.  相似文献   

智力的脑电生理学研究近年来蓬勃发展。文章分析了EEG、ERP这两种主要的电生理学技术在智力差异探究中的应用,在智力水平与大脑激活程度的负相关受到任务难度、内容以及被试性别的影响等方面的研究所取得的进展;指出了以往个体智力差异脑电生理学研究中存在的ERP智力差异研究采用的任务略显简单、难以体现智力活动的本质等问题;认为今后利用多种脑电技术结合研究个体智力差异的趋势日趋明显。  相似文献   

The control of postural sway depends on the dynamic integration of multi-sensory information in the central nervous system. Augmentation of sensory information, such as during auditory biofeedback (ABF) of the trunk acceleration, has been shown to improve postural control. By means of quantitative electroencephalography (EEG), we examined the basic processes in the brain that are involved in the perception and cognition of auditory signals used for ABF. ABF and Fake ABF (FAKE) auditory stimulations were delivered to 10 healthy naive participants during quiet standing postural tasks, with eyes-open and closed. Trunk acceleration and 19-channels EEG were recorded at the same time. Advanced, state-of-the-art EEG analysis and modeling methods were employed to assess the possibly differential, functional activation, and localization of EEG spectral features (power in α, β, and γ bands) between the FAKE and the ABF conditions, for both the eyes-open and the eyes-closed tasks. Participants gained advantage by ABF in reducing their postural sway, as measured by a reduction of the root mean square of trunk acceleration during the ABF compared to the FAKE condition. Population-wise localization analysis performed on the comparison FAKE - ABF revealed: (i) a significant decrease of α power in the right inferior parietal cortex for the eyes-open task; (ii) a significant increase of γ power in left temporo-parietal areas for the eyes-closed task; (iii) a significant increase of γ power in the left temporo-occipital areas in the eyes-open task. EEG outcomes supported the idea that ABF for postural control heavily modulates (increases) the cortical activation in healthy participants. The sites showing the higher ABF-related modulation are among the known cortical areas associated with multi-sensory, perceptual integration, and sensorimotor integration, showing a differential activation between the eyes-open and eyes-closed conditions.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to examine associations of mother and infant salivary cortisol, measured three times over the course of a day, and assess whether these varied by breastfeeding status.MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional study of 54 mothers and their infants aged 4–11 months. Mothers collected their own saliva and that of their infants upon awakening, 30 min after waking and at bedtime. Breastfeeding status was reported by mothers and cortisol level was measured in saliva in μg/dl using standard techniques. We used generalized linear models to evaluate relationships between maternal and infant cortisol levels, and assessed whether the relationship differed by breastfeeding status: formula only compared to partial and full breastfeeding, adjusting for infant sex, race, age, maternal education, and family income.ResultsThirty-four infants received formula only and 20 were either partially or fully breastfed. Breastfeeding was associated with higher household income, higher maternal education, and white race. Cortisol levels were higher among breastfed infants at all three time points. After adjustment, maternal cortisol levels were related with infant cortisol at bedtime only (regression estimate 0.06; 95% CI: 0.10, 1.1; p = 0.02). The adjusted association between bedtime maternal and infant cortisol was stronger among breastfeeding dyads than among formula-feeding dyads (regression estimate 1.0; 95% CI: 0.1, 2.0; p = 0.04 vs. 0.6; CI: −0.1, 1.3; p = 0.10). In addition, we assessed the influence of maternal education and household income in our adjusted model; income strengthened the observed association, whereas maternal education did not change the estimate.ConclusionsBreastfeeding mothers and infants had significant correlations for cortisol at bedtime, while formula-feeding dyads did not. These data suggest that several factors may contribute to cortisol synchrony observed in mother/infant dyads, including the transfer of cortisol in human milk, physical interaction such as skin-to-skin contact, and shared environment. In addition, our findings support household income as a possible contributor.  相似文献   

Disruptive Behavior Disorders (DBD), including Oppositional-Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), are fairly common and highly impairing childhood behavior disorders that can be diagnosed as early as preschool. Prenatal exposure to testosterone may be particularly relevant to these early-emerging DBDs that exhibit a sex-biased prevalence rate favoring males. The current study examined associations between preschool DBD symptom domains and prenatal exposure to testosterone measured indirectly via right 2D:4D finger-length ratios. The study sample consisted of 109 preschool-age children between ages 3 and 6 (64% males; 72% with DBD) and their primary caregivers. Primary caregivers completed a semi-structured interview (i.e., Kiddie Disruptive Behavior Disorder Schedule), as well as symptom questionnaires (i.e., Disruptive Behavior Rating Scale, Peer Conflict Scale); teachers and/or daycare providers completed symptom questionnaires and children provided measures of prenatal testosterone exposure, measured indirectly via finger-length ratios (i.e., right 2D:4D). Study results indicated a significant association of high prenatal testosterone (i.e., smaller right 2D:4D) with high hyperactive–impulsive ADHD symptoms in girls but not boys, suggesting that the effect may be driven by, or might only exist in, girls. The present study suggests that prenatal exposure to testosterone may increase risk for early ADHD, particularly hyperactivity–impulsivity, in preschool girls.  相似文献   

Principles of quantitative electroencephalography (EEG) relevant to neurotherapy are reviewed. A brief history of EEG, the general properties of human EEG, and the issues and obstacles associated with quantitative methods are discussed. Fourier analysis is also described.  相似文献   

电针影响脑电和睡眠及心境的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究的目的是.探讨电针对脑电和被试主观感觉(困倦、心境)的影响。我们对24位健康志愿者施以电针.4—6小时后脑电测量表明.θ波的相对功率在额、颞区呈增加趋势.其中Fp1、Fp2、F3、F4、C3、C4,F7、F8、T5显著增加;α波的相对功率呈减少趋势,其中αI相对功率在左侧额、颞区Fp1、F3、F7、T5显著减少;α2.在F4、C3、C4,O1和T3显著减少;β频段的相对功率有增有减.其中β1在C3、C4显著减少,在O2、T3、T4显著增加;β2的相对功率在F3、C3显著减少,O1、O2T4、T5、T6显著增加。电针后的问卷调查表明,多数被试有困感,电针对睡眠深度、睡眠时间、醒来次数以及晨间心境有不同程度影响。  相似文献   

临床诊断中的脑电图分析方法可归为两大类:线性分析法与非线性分析法。本文介绍了这两类方法中常用的算法如谱估计、小波分析、混沌分析方法等,分析了这两类方法的特点、优势以及存在的不足。同时讨论了在临床应用中选取这两类方法所出现的问题。提出了将人工势场法用于脑电图分析的新思路,并对研究方案进行了可行性分析。  相似文献   

Electroencephalographic (EEG) frontal alpha asymmetry (FAA) and frontal midline (FM) theta have been suggested as biomarkers for depression and anxiety, but have mostly been assessed in small and non‐clinical studies. In a clinical sample of 79 adults with depression (ICD‐10: F32), resting EEG and scales of depression (MADRS) and anxiety (HADS‐A) were measured at intake and after 3 months. FAA and FM theta values were referenced to a normative population database. Internal consistency, test‐retest reliability, and correlations with psychiatric tests were examined. Reliability was sufficient. However, FAA and FM theta values were close to the general population, and correlations with psychiatric tests were mostly small and non‐significant, with the exception of FAA on F7–F8 z‐scores and HADS‐A. We conclude that the validity of FAA and FM theta and therefore their potential as biomarkers for depression and anxiety remain unclear.  相似文献   

Parent-infant interactions are one of the most critical and enduring aspects of infants’ experience. Qualities of parent-infant interactions are related to social-emotional and cognitive developmental outcomes, yet how parent-infant interactions shape the functional organization of the brain is only beginning to be understood. Functional connectivity provides information about how brain regions communicate. Patterns of functional connectivity, thus far understudied in infants, have emerged as markers of abnormalities in the organization of the brain in at-risk infants as well as individuals with neurodevelopmetnal and neurodegenerative disorders. The current study sought to inform our understanding of relations between qualities of parent-infant interactions and functional connectivity. We report relations between responsiveness, reciprocity, and emotional tone and functional connectivity in theta, alpha, beta, and gamma in infants ranging from 6 to 11 month of age (N = 51). Results showed frontal-posterior connectivity in theta was inversely related to all three dimensions of parent-infant interactions. Gamma and alpha connectivity were positively associated with responsiveness and emotional tone, respectively. Results are discussed in the context of the experience-dependent nature of brain development, emphasizing how parent-infant interactions might be leveraged to structure early organization of the brain to foster healthy social-emotional and cognitive developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

该研究采用EEG法探究音乐对悲伤情绪舒缓作用。选取中国古典、流行、摇滚及班得瑞音乐及悲伤影片。播放影片诱发悲伤情绪后,用音乐进行舒缓,同步采集脑电,分析得脑电功率谱(PS)及重心频率(GF)。结果表明,影片显著降低了GF及α频段PS;古典音乐GF最高,且诱发的α段PS最高,摇滚乐最低;脑对音乐加工的性别差异显著,半球差异不显著;主观体验悲伤度与α波PS显著负相关。所选音乐均具情绪舒缓作用,中国古典音乐最佳;α波PS,可作为反映悲伤-快乐情绪体验变化的脑电指标。  相似文献   

EEG相干反映了EEG信号在各个脑区之间的信息传递,可以揭示各种认知加工过程中不同功能网络的协同工作方式。首先介绍了这一方法的基本原理,然后从词语和句子两个水平上阐述了EEG相干分析在语言理解研究中的应用。在词语水平上涉及一般认知加工过程、语法加工和语义加工三个方面;在句子水平上,从句子的语义整合角度进行了介绍。最后指出了这一方法的优缺点,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望  相似文献   

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