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In a pilot study we compared two groups, one of inpatients and one of day clinic patients who were treated between January 1999 and December 2001 at the Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapeutic Medicine in Freiburg/Germany. Both settings offer a similar, multimodal and intensive psychotherapy program on a psychodynamic background. In a first explorative data analysis (sociodemographic data, SCL-90-R, IIP-C) we studied differences in severity of initial symptomatology and differences in outcome (prae/post). Patients with anorexia nervosa and a very low weight were preferentially treated in the inpatient setting. In addition the inpatient group of patients with a somatoform disorder showed higher degrees of somatization, as compared to patients with a somatoform disorder in the day clinic. Therapeutic change with respect to psychopathology however did not differ between the two settings: both groups showed a significant improvement during the course of therapy.  相似文献   

Disturbances of body-images in women with anorexia and bulimia nervosa are described at the behavioral, perceptional and affective-cognitive level. The disturbances of body image, which are often accompanied by personality-structural deficits and have a decisive influence on the course of disease, can be reached only in part by verbal forms of therapy. Considering these facts, we present an integrative clinical procedure in which the application of body-related therapy modules play a central role in supplement to cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic forms of therapy. Process-oriented body-perception therapy in an individual setting and a communicative movement group therapy are used and their relevance to the in-patient therapy process examined from the patient’s point of view. The study reveals a high value of body-psychotherapy, wherebydifferences were observed between anorexia (15) and bulimia (27) patients in the course of the process. The results suggest an indication for the application of combined individual and group body-psychotherapy for hospitalized anorexia patients. A communicative body therapy in group form is also very important in the in-patient treatment of bulimia patients, but there is a differential indication with regard to individual body therapy.  相似文献   

This study examines post-treatment outcomes (6 and 12 months post-release) of a multimodal child and adolescent psychiatric and psychotherapeutic inpatient treatment program for boys and girls diagnosed with substance use disorders (n=71) in 2 centres. Up to now there has been a lack of outcome research in this field in Germany. Outcome measures included drug use patterns and psychopathology. The greatest reductions in prevalence at 1 year follow-up occurred for cannabis, methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin use. Additionally the patients and their parents also reported significant improvements in adolescent’s psychopathology at the 1 year follow-up. The results underline the importance of disorder-specific, multimodal inpatient programs for the treatment of children and adolescents with substance use disorders.  相似文献   

Multiple chemical sensitivity describes a syndrome of unspecific bodily complaints accompanied by the conviction that these are caused by the presence of chemicals in so small doses that normal persons would tolerate them without any problems. On the basis of a single case study of a patient with self reported MCS, we demonstrate the usefulness and necessity of developing an individual approach towards understanding the patients symptom complex. This approach allowed to plan the treatment steps and as a result the patient became symptomless and reached an improved feeling of general well-being in an eight week multimodal inpatient treatment. Factors that could have affected the outcome of the treatment are discussed. The focus of the treatment was the coping with anxiety induced by physical complaints. Change achieved is reflected in the GBB and SCL-90-R scores, the effects of working on interpersonal problems and dysfunctional relationship patterns are demonstrated by the IIP- and the RPQ-data respectively.  相似文献   

E. Branik 《Psychotherapeut》2002,47(2):98-105
Inpatient psychotherapy of children and adolescents occurs in a tangle of reciprocal psychodynamic effects. It comprises the individual level of each patient, the dynamics within the group of the patients and within the staff on the ward and as well the influence of the institution and its structure. The psychopathology of the patients will be coloured by these interactions. They have to be cared for and analysed to prevent the repetition of patients' traumatic experiences and the failing of the goals of the treatment directed on autonomous functioning of the patients outside of the hospital. The statements are illustrated by case vignettes.  相似文献   

The documentation system for a psychosomatic-psychotherapeutic ward must integrate and process medical and psychotherapeutic treatment in a way that allows, over and above transparence and completeness, the constructive use of the collected information. But how to describe the increasingly complex picture of the patient during a stay on the ward, and how to utilize it effectively for his treatment? The search for satisfying answers has led the Department of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy of the Clinic of the University of Münster to develop a new documentation system that will meet such demands. The system is innovative in visualizing and using the progression of the different therapeutic offers, in addition to introducing a “synopsis” of the dysfunctional relationship patterns and the individual psychodynamic background, which permits a swift overview of a patient’s treatment during his whole stay. This allows optimization of the multimodal treatment concept.  相似文献   

Psychotherapeutic day clinics increasingly take over responsibility for the treatment of patients who cannot be cared for satisfactorily, respectively, at all in an inpatient setting. Psychotherapy in a day clinic setting is a treatment in its own right which has progressively established itself between inpatient and outpatient treatment. Empirically raised up to date data prove the efficacy and the efficiency of psychotherapeutic treatment in day clinics. Accordingly, the goal of the present study is to investigate the outcomes of psychotherapeutic treatment in a day clinic with a psychodynamic concept. Since 1996 the psychotherapeutic day clinic Basel empirically assesses the treatment course of all admitted patients. Patients and therapists fill in questionnaires upon admittance, two months into the course of treatment and upon discharge (SCL-90-R, PSKB-Se-R, OPD etc.) Our results indicate that significant improvements of symptoms as well as of socio-communicative competency can be achieved during treatment which remain stable even after discharge (first follow-up three months after discharge). Comparing outcome data of patients treated in full-time inpatient setting and of patients who undergo partial hospitalization we found that outcome was at least equivalent. Additionally we found that the diagnosis of a personality disorder influenced treatment results significantly in some symptom specific spheres.  相似文献   

This article gives a review of the options for psychodynamic treatment of patients with psychoses. The various settings for individual treatment as well as group and family therapy will be presented with a special emphasis on modified analytical long-term therapy. For a psychodynamic understanding, which is the basis for this treatment, the most important psychoanalytical models for psychotic disorders will be presented. In addition the current empirical results of non-explicit psychodynamic-oriented research will be referred to, which emphasize the significance of traumatic events in the early phases of life and the importance of narrative elements, whereby the psychodynamic approach experiences both complementation and confirmation.  相似文献   

Two important books and a psychotherapeutic quality study published in 2011 serve as background for the examination of the polar conditions that determine psychotherapeutic work: the laws of the narrative, i.e. of relating, which provides the contents of the psychotherapeutic work and quality assurance as the canon of the scientific, politically correct and governmental controls of psychotherapeutic practice. The narrative is a composition formally characterized by a course scheme and in terms of contents as an enactment of the first person narrator and a narrated first person. Different from daydreams it seeks public attention and the listener in order to evoke concern and identification. It transports wishes, anxiety, fulfillment and catastrophes. The narrative is the phenomenology of speech logic and interpersonal coherence and can be linked to different theories, above all psychoanalytical ones. For psychotherapy it opens the world of the ??I??, with its conflicts, assessments and stabilizing efforts in the interpersonal context. Quality control is also a scientifically based steering of practical work which is increasingly being manifested in psychotherapy as well as in medicine and other areas of life. A study of the Techniker Krankenkasse (Technical Health Insurance) concluded in May 2011, confirms the uselessness of time-consuming and costly control procedures in psychotherapy and emphasizes the importance of good training and further education, for which the study has attested a high quality for Germany.  相似文献   

Former fundamental social structures are disappearing and, especially by the economization and industrialization of medicine, the self-understanding of patients, doctors and hospitals has changed. From these developments psychotherapy gets into a strange area of tension, not only in the society as a whole, but also within medicine: on the one hand psychotherapy is needed more than ever, but on the other hand it finds itself in an outsider position. Thereby, the reality constructions of patients and psychotherapists are affected as well, mostly gradually, so that the consequences for the relationship between psychotherapists and patients escape attention. Dealing with these problems in a considered and transparent manner can avoid damaging the therapeutic work.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der Kopfschmerz ist ein h?ufiges Leiden, das sich vor allem auch beim praktischen Arzt, und nicht nur beim Facharzt, findet (5 % in der Allgemeinpopulation). Der Kopfschmerz hat mehrfache Ausformungen und Mitursachen-Faktoren. Es ist daher kontraproduktiv, hierbei nur auf eine Art der Behandlung oder eine Ursache abzuzielen. Nur in der multifaktoriellen Betrachtungsweise unter gezieltem Einsatz sinnvoller therapeutischer Kombinationen wird man mit dieser Crux der Patienten und der ?rzte bestm?glich weiterkommen. Es werden immer noch Problempatienten übrig bleiben. Diese müssen psychotherapeutisch begleitet werden. Man darf sie nicht in die Hoffnungslosigkeit und/oder den Abusus versinken lassen, sondern muss immer wieder versuchen, Weiteres zu probieren, und sie auf dem therapeutischen Pfad zu halten (Abb. 1a).   相似文献   

From the evidence reported in the recent guidelines [Heinrichs et al. (2009) Evidenzbasierte Leitlinie zur Psychotherapie der Panikst?rung mit und ohne Agoraphobie. Hogrefe, G?ttingen] the following conclusions can be drawn with respect to the treatment of panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, as well as for agoraphobia without panic disorder:
  1. Every psychotherapy should be preceded by suitable diagnostics and a case formulation.
  2. The effectiveness of every psychotherapy should be evaluated with well established measures.
  3. For the treatment of panic disorder without agoraphobia, cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) and applied relaxation have been shown to be effective (evidence grade 1).
  4. For panic disorder with agoraphobia, CBT, combination treatment (CBT plus medication), as well as panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy in the outpatient setting have shown short-term effectiveness (evidence grade 1). Longer lasting effects have been documented for CBT (evidence grade 1).
  5. For agoraphobia without panic disorder, CBT with a focus on situational exposure can be recommended (evidence grade 1).

The psychoanalytic interactional therapy proposed by Heigl-Evers and the transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) suggested by Kernberg are two established methods for the treatment of patients with personality disorders in general, and especially of Borderline patiens. These approaches are often compared with each other due to several important similarities we may consider as specific for those disorders. They include among others the active involvement of the therapist, the use of clarifications and confrontations, a greater attention to the setting of the treatment, and the working in the “here and now.” According to current literature, a more exact analysis of the two procedures and of their development as well as of their implicit metatheories reveal that in spite of the recent rapprochement of interactional therapy to psychoanalysis there are still important theoretical and technical differences between these two treatment methods. This observation is demonstrated here by some typical examples of the particular interventions though without discussing a possible differential effectivity of the two methods. Basically, the two treatments are not fully comparable, because the interactional therapy was developed for groups and TFP was designed for the individual setting. In the final analysis, the “answer” principle of the interpersonal, partly on the neo-psychoanalysis and ego-psychology oriented interactional therapy and the “interpretation” principle of the on object-psychology oriented TFP cannot be considered equivalent. Beside that interactional therapy may bear more risks for becoming pedagogical as TFP does.  相似文献   

Relations between social support as an informal helping system on one hand and psychological intervention on the other are outlined. Starting from an overview of approaches to define and conceptualize social support, common aspects of informal and professional help are derived. These are then illustrated by two intervention contexts which mark the transition between support and psychological intervention. Furthermore, effects of the individuals’ support network on utilization, maintenance, and outcome of psychotherapy are summarized. Finally, interventions to optimize the individual support situation are discussed.  相似文献   

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