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The paper examines the problems concerning psychotic transference that are discussed controversially, including what are the structural and dynamic features, what is the significance for the therapeutic process and what importance is placed on working through psychotic transference.  相似文献   

Most psychotherapists and researchers agree that a good relationship essentially contributes to therapeutic change. The psychoanalytic concepts transference and countertransference which describe fundamental aspects of the psychotherapeutic relationship have now become integrated into behavior therapy. These concepts, however, are used differently in psychoanalysis as well as in behavior therapy. This makes the communication between psychotherapists coming from different orientations difficult. Therefore, a research approach which describes the important verbal and nonverbal elements of a helpful therapeutic interaction independently from therapeutic orientation could help to evaluate their effectiveness in different psychotherapeutic methods. In this way a culture of integration into psychotherapy could be encouraged.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. Freud hat die Handhabung der übertragung als das schwierigste wie das wichtigste Stück der analytischen Technik bezeichnet. Mit Handhabung meinte er nicht den Umgang mit der übertragung im allgemeinen einschlie?lich der übertragungsdeutungen, sondern etwas Spezifischeres und Zupackendes, das sp?ter den Ruch des Nicht-Analytischen bekam. Der Autor zeigt den wichtigen Stellenwert des Terminus bei Freud und untersucht seine Entwicklung von der Ichpsychologie über Ferenczi und A. Balint bis hin zu Gill und Thom?. Er konstatiert eine erhebliche Bedeutungsverschiebung und -erweiterung. W?hrend Freud damit das energische Eingreifen des Analytikers an dramatischen Wendepunkten der Analyse gemeint hatte, schl?gt der Autor vor, die Handhabung der übertragung heute als eine ubiquit?re Dimension des analytischen Arbeitens zu betrachten. Sie bezieht sich auf den Handlungsaspekt des analytischen Tuns und nicht auf das Deuten im engeren Sinn. Damit wird der Beitrag des Analytikers zur Interaktion thematisiert. Wenn wir diesen Beitrag, d.h. alle Aspekte des Analytikerverhaltens, als Handhabung der übertragung qualifizieren, so erschlie?en wir sie als Elemente des intersubjektiven Geschehens und der übertragungsbeziehung und machen sie der Deutungsarbeit zug?nglich. Die Handhabung der übertragung ist der genuin Freud’sche Ausdruck für das, was Balint und Loch die psychoanalytische Beziehungskunst genannt haben – komplement?r zur Deutungskunst.
The handling of transference
Summary. In Freuds opinion the handling of transference is the most difficult and important part of psychoanalytic technique. By handling he did not mean dealing with transference and transference-interpretations in general but something more specific and grasping, that has been regarded as non-analytic later on. The author shows, how important the term was to Freud, and explores its development from ego psychology, Ferenczi and A. Balint to Gill and Thom?. He finds a lot of changes and conceptual clarification. Whereas Freud used the term for the vigorous interventions of the analyst at dramatic turning points of analysis, the author suggests to consider the handling of transference as a ubiquitous dimension of analytic work. It refers to the aspect of action in analysis, not to interpretation, and therefore means the contribution of the analyst to interaction. In qualifying this contribution, that is all aspects of the analysts be- haviour as a handling of transference, we make them accessible as elements of the intersubjective process and the transference relationship, and with that we become able to analyse them. The handling of transference is the genuine Freudian term for what Balint and Loch called the art of relating (Beziehungskunst) – complementary to the art of interpretation (Deutungskunst).

The authors investigate Freud's concepts of transference, transference neurosis and their mutual relationship. They discuss the current criticism made on the concept of transference neurosis and raise the question, why patients accept the analyst's interpretations? They suggest understanding transference neurosis as conscious manifestations of transference referring to the analyst which are the outcome of successive interpretations of the type "just-like" followed, changed, and removed again by "just-like-it-was"-interpretations. They conclude that the patient does accept these interpretations not for reasons that are rational, but for reasons pertaining the transference situation.  相似文献   

Seahwa Kim 《Philosophia》2011,39(1):105-110
Gilmore proposes a new definition of ??dead?? in response to Fred Feldman??s earlier definition in terms of ??lives?? and ??dies.?? In this paper, I critically examine Gilmore??s new definition. First, I explain what his definition is and how it is an improvement upon Feldman??s definition. Second, I raise an objection to it by noting that it fails to rule out the possibility of a thing that dies without becoming dead.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Traum und Übertragung sind die beiden Grundpfeiler der Erkenntnis in der Psychoanalyse. Sie stammen aus einer gemeinsamen Matrix und können als zwei verschiedene Ausdrucksformen des unbewussten Denkens über die analytische Beziehung beschrieben werden. Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Frage, wie die jeweils aktive Übertragungsform sich auf die Art und Weise des Träumens auswirkt. Sie stellt zwei unterschiedliche Übertragungsmodi als Pole in einem Kontinuum dar, die mit zwei unterschiedlichen Modi des Träumens einher gehen, die wiederum mit den beiden Grundformen des Gedächtnisses — explizit bzw. implizit — verknüpft sind. Wenn die Übertragung vorwiegend prozedurales Erfahrungswissen aus dem impliziten Gedächtnis aktiviert, dann enthält der Traumbericht Zeichenträume als Hinweise auf archaische Ich-Zustände. Diese sind sind der Prototyp der niederstrukturierten Träume. Wenn die Übertragung aber außerdem Erinnerungswissen aus dem deklarativen Gedächtnis aktiviert, enthält der Traumbericht Geschichten als unbewusste Kommentare über die psychoanalytische Begegnung. Solche höherstrukturierten Träume sind vor dem Hintergrund der klassischen neurotischen Übertragung zu betrachten.
Transference as a matrix for dream generationOn high and low structured dreams
Dream and transference are the two substantial ways in psychoanalysis towards the understanding of the unconscious. Both are rooted in a common matrix and can be regarded as two different modes of expressing unconscious thinking about the analytical relationship. This contribution studies the question of how the respectively active form of transference effects the way of dreaming. There are two different modes of transference as the poles of a continuum, which are combined with two different modes of dreaming and which in turn are connected to the two basic forms of memory — the explicit and the implicit memory. If transference mainly activates procedural information from the implicit memory, then the dream report contains sign dreams which indicate digitally computed, presymbolic archaic ego-states. Those are the prototype of lower structured dreams. If transference in addition activates information from the declarative memory, the dream report contains analogically computed, symbolic episodes as unconscious comments on the psychoanalytical encounter. Such high structured dreams are to be regarded on the background of the classical neurotic transference.

Zum 10-jährigen Bestehen des DPG-Instituts für Psychoanalyse Frankfurt am Main am 25.11.2004.
Michael ErmannEmail:

Nanotechnologies produce many different types of images but are characterized by the ones that allow us to ??see the atoms?? despite the fact that objects at the nanoscale are smaller than the wavelength of light and hence are ??invisible??. Images from scanning probe microscopy (SPM), like ??The Beginning??, have played an emblematic role in the constitution of the field and are also more likely to be used in communication outside the scientific field. These images are made, selected, modified and evaluated with respect to the information that they communicate. The ??life cycle?? of these images implies the transduction of this information. Outside of the scientific field, however, they are no longer defined by this information, nor according to technical and scientific criteria, but by their aesthetic power, and they become associated with other images from other fields (art, advertisement, entertainment). This process creates a psycho-social ??halo?? about ??nano?? in the public perception, and raises ethical issues about nanotechnological communication via images. We will analyze the halo of the nano in this respect and propose a strategy for a reflexive ??accommodation?? to the images at the nanoscale.  相似文献   

This work is based on two interview studies with psychoanalysts from the German Psychoanalytic Society (DPG) and the German Society for Analytical Psychology (DGAP) belonging to the war children generation. In one study the focus was on how childhood in war can be dealt with in teaching analysis and in the other, whether experience of childhood in war had contributed to choosing psychoanalyis as a profession. A theoretical overview on questions of teaching analysis and choosing psychoanalysis as a profession is given, the results of the interview studies and detailed excerpts from an interview are presented.  相似文献   



Countertransference is seen as an instrument of research into a patient’s unconscious and is therapeutically useful in furthering psychodynamic work. For inpatient psychodynamic psychotherapy, where patients are treated by a team of psychotherapists, countertransference is much more complex and makes consideration and integration of different countertransference feelings necessary. Using the first German translation of the countertransference questionnaire (CTQ, Zittel Conclin and Westen, the countertransference questionnaire, 2005) an attempt was made to identify differences in countertransference phenomena in a team of psychotherapists and to show the impact countertransference has on therapy outcome.

Materials and methods

A total of t multiprofessional teams of psychotherapists (15 physicians, 5 psychologists and 9 body and art therapy psychotherapists) took part in the study and completed the CTQ for 137 patients (100 female, 37 male) at the beginning and at the end of inpatient psychotherapy. In addition, the patients completed two questionnaires, the Symptom Check List Revised 90-R (SCL-90) for the severity of symptoms and the Assessment of DSM-IV Personality Disorders Questionnaire (ADP-IV) for personality disorders.


Body and art therapy psychotherapists expressed more positive, protective and involved countertransference feelings whereas psychotherapists for single and group therapy expressed more aggressive and hopeless feelings. Countertransference has an impact on therapy outcome and feelings of a lack of interest, aggression and resignation at the beginning of therapy can point to a poor outcome. Patients with personality disorders activate more negative countertransference reactions than patients without personality disorders but at the same time they may also evoke parent-like feelings of protection.


Using the CTQ it is possible to differentiate countertransference phenomena in a team of psychotherapists treating inpatients with psychodynamic psychotherapy. The timely perception and integration of countertransference feelings has a positive influence on the therapeutic process and therapy outcome.  相似文献   

The author presents a counter-transferential dream of the director of a flat sharing community for mentally disabled persons. On the one side she realizes hereby a tension between the performances which have to be presented for external quality assurance and the “work which is not to be seen”, i.e. the coping with emotions and phantasies of the caring staff. On the other side she discovers, motivated by Freud, Morgenthaler and most of all by Elisabeth Lenk, in this dream a mimetic (ecstatic, sexual) dimension which may become a threat for the coherence of the subject. An attempt at interpretation leads to the extremes of exhibitionism and voyeurism as they are activated in the care work. Institutions produce their own counter-transferences steeped in the phantasms prevailing in these institutions (here: mental disability). In the counter-transference dream analyzed here the author discovers elements of the primal scene and examines the relevance of the associated phantasies in the constitution of the subject of the caring staff, of the cared-for persons and of the author herself.  相似文献   

In the current dialogue of “science and religion,” it is widely assumed that the thoughts of Darwinists and that of atheists overlap. However, Jerry Fodor, a full-fledged atheist, recently announced a war against Darwinism with his atheistic campaign. Prima facie, this “civil war” might offer a chance for theists: If Fodor is right, Darwinistic atheism will lose the cover of Darwinism and become less tenable. This paper provides a more pessimistic evaluation of the situation by explaining the following: Fodor’s criticism of adaptationism (as the backbone of Darwinism), viz., his refutation of any counterfactual-supporting laws on the macro-evolutionary level, implies that a law-maker is dispensable on this level. This will either encourage skepticism against the omniscience (at least that concerning the future of macro-evolution) of the Creator, or render the notion of God less appealing.  相似文献   

The concept of the terms “competent position” and “identifying with superiority” are introduced to give a better explanation for the mental procedures occurring within the analytical therapist in cases of boundary violations during treatment. In part two attention is called to the latent preventive exculpating tendency in known theories of countertransference.  相似文献   

Research on biased information seeking demonstrates that after decisions, people show a preference for supporting rather than conflicting information (confirmation bias). In a laboratory study (N?=?86 German undergraduates), we examined the interactive effects of different decision types and gender on the confirmation bias. Our study revealed that women showed less confirmation bias when the decision concerned themselves and their mate (interdependent decision) compared to a decision concerning only themselves (independent decision). In contrast, men showed less confirmation bias when they made an independent compared to an interdependent decision. Results were discussed in terms of self-construal differences between men and women leading to different motivations (defense vs. accuracy) during the information seeking depending on the decision type.  相似文献   

Chinese philosophy was transmitted to Europe in the 18th century through “Deism,” “organic philosophy,” “pure reason,” “absolute idea,” etc., and was absorbed by modern European philosophers. Chinese philosophy has also, via German classical philosophy, directly as well as indirectly influenced Marx and been absorbed into his philosophy. There is a cultural-psychological reason for the Chinese acceptance of Marxism. However, due to the influence of Occidentalism, this period of history has long been neglected.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. Der Umgang mit Tr?umen in der psychoanalytischen Behandlung ist seit Freuds fundamentalen theoretischen und technischen Schriften zur Traumdeutung weitgehend unver?ndert geblieben. Er ist durch traumzentrierte Assoziationen und ihre Deutung in Hinblick auf Trauminhalt und übertragung gepr?gt. Im Kontext der heutigen, beziehungsorientierten Behandlungstechnik wirkt dieses Vorgehen wie ein Fremdk?rper, der eine zus?tzliche Integrationsaufgabe schafft und zum Kristallisationspunkt von Widerst?nden werden kann. Diese Arbeit betont die Bedeutung, die das Erz?hlen von Tr?umen als Geschehen in der aktuellen analytischen Beziehung hat, und gelangt zu der Konsequenz, Tr?ume im Rahmen der interaktionellen gegenw?rtigen Behandlungstechnik gleichartig wie alle anderen Einf?lle in der Behandlungsstunde zu handhaben, d. h. ihre Bedeutung als unbewu?te Aussagen im Proze? der analytischen Beziehung in das Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit zu rücken. Die leitenden Fragen der Beziehungsanalyse von Tr?umen sind: Warum erz?hlt der Analysand an dieser Stelle der Begegnung gerade einen Traum, und warum erz?hlt er diesen Traum und nicht einen anderen?
Telling dreams and the transference. The interactional function of dream reports as free associations
Summary. Since Freud's Dream Interpretation and his additional writings on the analysis of dreams, technique of handling a dream report within the analytic session has nearly been unchanged. It is characterized by dream centered associations and their interpretation in regard to dream contents and to transference. This approach constitutes an alien element within contemporary interactional psychoanalytic technique and tends to provoke resistances in the analytic dialogue. This article stresses the function of reporting of dreams during the session in respect to the interactional process. It comes to the conclusion that sufficient attention should be drawn to interactional analysis of dream reporting following the questions: Why does the patient at this point of the process tell a dream, and why does he tell this very dream instead of another?

This article describes a logic of distinction and succession within the late-twentieth-century Leningrad-St. Petersburg cultural field, whereby consecutive intelligentsia mainstreams were replaced by their avant-garde peripheries. In this dynamic picture of socio-cultural transformations, I propose a working hypothesis of a repeated stratification of the field into an ??official??, an ??unofficial??, and a third ??non-aligned?? intelligentsia. This hypothesis is tested in reference to the ??non-aligned?? groups founded by the avant-garde artist and ideologue Timur Novikov (1958?C2002). Three major shifts are described: from the politicized late-Brezhnevite early 1980s to the apolitical radicalism of Novikov??s New Artists; from this anarchistic underground, through the perestroika era, to the playful ??classicism?? of the New Academy of Fine Arts in the 1990s; and from this postmodern international orientation to an arch-reactionary, neo-imperial posturing at the turn of the 2000s. Lastly, this ??non-aligned?? intelligentsia is suggested as a possible precedent, or, indeed, a model for understanding other historically significant avant-garde peripheries, which commonly seek to distinguish themselves from (often mutually-exclusive) centres.  相似文献   

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