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Squirrel fish were captured, maintained for 2 days and then tested for their responses to stimuli in laboratory aquaria. A tap on the side of the aquarium or a shadow moving overhead elicited an arousal response involving a reduction in opercular movements, movement of the pectoral fins, and erection of the spiny dorsal fin. This latter response, when regularly provoked by a moving shadow at 15-s intervals, decreased in duration and habituated. When fish were restricted in a wire mesh trough and the stimulus was the onset of illumination to one eye at 15-s intervals, responses were quantitatively similar although shorter in duration. A series of stimuli delivered to one eye until habituation followed by a series to the other eye reduced the duration of initial responses and the number of trials for habituation of responses to stimuli delivered to the second eye. Responses were equivalent regardless of which eye (left or right) was first presented with stimuli. Section of the telencephalic anterior commissure considerably restricted the transfer of information about experience of stimuli presented to the first eye. Commissural section, combined with unilateral lesions in the posterior-medial telencephalon, severely impaired habituation of responses to the contralateral eye. Lateral lesions had no effect. The results are discussed in relation to the visual projection in Holocentrus and telecephalic involvement in arousal and its habituation in teleosts as a whole.  相似文献   

Aversive conditioning to explicit and contextual cues was examined in Gulf War veterans with and without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by use of the startle reflex methodology. Veterans participated in a differential aversive conditioning experiment consisting of 2 sessions separated by 4 or 5 days. Each session comprised two startle habituation periods, a preconditioning phase, a conditioning phase, and a postconditioning extinction test. In contrast to the non-PTSD group, the PTSD group showed a lack of differential startle response in the presence of a conditioned stimulus with or without an unconditioned stimulus in Session 1 and an increase in the baseline startle response during Session 2. The PTSD group also exhibited normal differential conditioning following reconditioning in Session 2. These data suggest that individuals with PTSD tend to generalize fear across stimuli and are sensitized by stress.  相似文献   

The lack of empirical evidence for faster habituation with the regular presentation of stimuli suggests that it is not the constancy of presentation of stimuli, but rather the rate of stimulation--defined as the reciprocal of the harmonic mean of the interstimulus intervals--that determines the speed of habituation. Using alternation of 10-70 and 30-50 sec and a constant sequence of 40 sec, three different rates of stimulation were realized. The hypothesis of faster habituation of skin conductance reactions with higher rates of stimulation was not confirmed. However, a consistent pattern of skin conductance reactions, with an increase in reaction after long intervals and a decrease after short intervals, was found, especially in the group with alternating intervals of 10 and 70 sec. The analysis of an additional group with a random sequence of intervals showed that the response pattern did not result simply from the expired time since last stimulus, i.e., a simple mechanical effect. The possibility of anticipating the stimuli and differing information content of the stimuli are discussed as possible determining factors.  相似文献   

We compared results obtained in two previous studies on reinforcer identification (Fisher et al., 1992; Pace, Ivancic, Edwards, Iwata, & Page, 1985) by combining methodologies from both studies. Eight individuals with mental retardation participated. During Phase 1, two preference assessments were conducted, one in which stimuli were presented singly (SS method) and one in which stimuli were presented in pairs (PS method). Based on these results, two types of stimuli were identified for each participant: High-preference (HP) stimuli were those selected on 75% or more trials during both preference assessments; low-preference (LP) stimuli were those selected on 100% of the SS trials but on 25% or fewer of the PS trials. During Phase 2, the reinforcing effects of HP and LP stimuli were evaluated in reversal designs under two test conditions: concurrent and single schedules of continuous reinforcement. Two response options were available under the concurrent-schedule condition: One response produced access to the HP stimulus; the other produced access to the LP stimulus. Only one response option was available under the single-schedule condition, and that response produced access only to the LP stimulus. Results indicated that 7 of the 8 participants consistently showed preference for the HP stimulus under the concurrent schedule. However, when only the LP stimulus was available during the single-schedule condition, response rates for 6 of the 7 participants were as high as those observed for the HP stimulus during the concurrent-schedule condition (1 participant showed no reinforcement effect). These results indicate that, although the concurrent-schedule procedure is well suited to the assessment of relative reinforcement effects (preference for one reinforcer over another), absolute reinforcement effects associated with a given stimulus may be best examined under single-schedule conditions.  相似文献   

Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) were studied from scalp locations Cz and Oz on 37 adults aged 20–22 years during sensori-sensorial association of a weak sound (S) and a strong flash of light (L). After sound alone repetition (habituation), S-L association modified AEP: first, it caused a generalized orienting response expressed as increasing of Cz and Oz amplitude AEPs. Then, this pattern gave way to an activation limited to the Oz lead: the increase of amplitude was then concomitant with shortened latencies when compared to sound-alone-habituated responses. Inter-individual differences were observed since these occipital modifications were recorded only on 26 subjects. The other 11 subjects did not exhibit any occipital modifications following S-L association. For them, the main modification was a strong decrease of Cz AEP induced by S-L association. These two groups also differed in their capacity to ignore irrelevent stimuli which is higher in the first group (AEP amplitude habituation with sound-alone repetition) than in the second one (no AEP habituation).  相似文献   

A visual danger stimulus elicits an escape response in the crab Chasmagnathus that declines after repeated presentations. Previous results report that such waning may be retained as context-signal memory (CSM) or signal memory (SM): CSM is long lasting, associative, and produced by spaced training, while SM is an intermediate memory, nonassociative, and produced by massed training. The performances of both spaced and massed trained crabs are here examined, using video analysis to determine topographic changes in the behavioral response during and after training. During spaced training, escape vanishes and is mainly replaced by freezing, while during massed training, escape decreases over trials without being replaced by any defensive response. After 24 h, the marked proclivity to freezing persists in spaced trained crabs, while a high level of escaping is shown by massed trained crabs. The long-lasting freezing preference of spaced trained crabs proves to be context-specific and apparent from the very first presentation of the danger stimulus at testing, though freezing is not triggered by the sole exposure to the context. We conclude (a) that freezing preference is the acquired response of the CSM process; (b) that CSM can be properly categorized as an instance of contextual conditioning and SM of classical habituation; (c) that CSM and SM are not two phases of a memory processing but two distinctly types of memory; and (d) that therefore, the temporal distribution of training trials has a drastic effect on crab's memory, more dramatic than that previously described. The possibility that massed and spaced presentations of the same stimulus may represent two different stimulus types is discussed.  相似文献   

Orienting response (OR) theory predicts that amount of information in the stimulus, or stimulus complexity, should be an important determinant of OR elicitation and habituation, more intense and more slowly habituating ORs being expected to complex than to simple stimuli. This prediction was tested in an experiment where subjects were exposed to simple and complex visual stimuli in randomized order, while heart-rate and skin conductance were measured. Complex stimuli evoked a more pronounced deceleratory heartrate response than did simple stimuli. However, the two conditions did not differ in rate of habituation of this response. For skin conductance responses, on the other hand, the complex stimulus took more trials than the simple stimulus to reach habituation, whereas the two conditions did not differ in response magnitude. Thus, the hypothesis of more intense orienting to complex stimuli was supported by the heart-rate data, and that of slower habituation to complex stimuli, of the skin conductance data.  相似文献   

The Baddeley and Hitch (1974) formulation of short-term or working memory embodied a phonological store within the articulatory loop component of the model. Later formulations specifically postulated an acoustic filter that endowed only speech-like stimuli with obligatory access to this phonological store. This paper presents evidence that this phonological store may have two filters, one of which is subject to habituation and can therefore attenuate the entry of irrelevant speech, thus undermining the obligatory access assumption of the model. An experiment is reported in which subjects were presented with a habituation period comprising 20 min of irrelevant speech--speech to be ignored by the subject--before a test phase in which a visually presented serial recall task with concurrent irrelevant speech was performed. The effect of irrelevant speech, which impairs performance on the primary task when there is no habituation phase, is reduced markedly in those conditions where the speech used in the habituation phase is the same as that used in the test phase, if the irrelevant speech is in a language different from that presented during the subsequent trials or if the habituator is a hummed version of the irrelevant speech passage. When a nonspeech sound (pink noise) is used in the habituation phase, a large irrelevant speech effect is found in the test phase. Morris, Quayle, and Jones (1989) found that humming did not produce an irrelevant speech effect, which suggests that the first filter is permeable to humming but that the second filter is not.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Investigations using invertebrate species have led to a considerable progress in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying learning and memory. In this review we describe the main behavioral and neuronal findings obtained by studying the habituation of the escape response to a visual danger stimulus in the crab Chasmagnathus granulatus. Massed training with brief intertrial intervals lead to a rapid reduction of the escape response that recovers after a short term. Conversely, few trials of spaced training renders a slower escape reduction that endures for many days. As predicted by Wagner’s associative theory of habituation, long-term habituation in the crab proved to be determined by an association between the contextual environment of the training and the unconditioned stimulus. By performing intracellular recordings in the brain of the intact animal at the same time it was learning, we identified a group of neurons that remarkably reflects the short- and long-term behavioral changes. Thus, the visual memory abilities of crabs, their relatively simple and accessible nervous system, and the recording stability that can be achieved with their neurons provide an opportunity for uncovering neurophysiological and molecular events that occur in identifiable neurons during learning.  相似文献   

The main question was addressed by studying three groups of non-psychiatric subjects who experienced intrusive and distressing thoughts. The effects of one of three forms of habituation training (massed, spaced and spaced combined with relaxation) on selected thoughts were assessed on a range of measures including latency, duration, discomfort, fading and so on.It appears that intrusive thoughts are subject to habituation. Broad decrements of significant magnitude were observed after each of three forms of habitation training. However, the occurrence of unpredicted decrements attributable to practice effects and to relaxation, presents some problems of interpretation.  相似文献   

Responding on concurrent schedules produced a conditional discrimination (Phases 1 and 2), asking either which peck produced the event, or which color the keys were when the event was produced. In Phases 3 and 4, reinforcer delivery or a delay in blackout was interpolated between responding and the conditional discrimination. In Phase 1, location versus color discrimination accuracy was controlled by the relative reinforcer frequency for correct responses to these questions (divided stimulus control). In Phases 2 to 4, relative reinforcer frequency for correct responses to these questions was .5, and the relative frequency with which concurrent‐schedule responses produced the questions was varied. This variation had no clear effect on the accuracy of reporting Location or Color. These results are consistent with the model of divided control suggested by Davison and Elliffe (2010). Arranging a 3‐s reinforcer between responding and choice decreased both color and location accuracy, but a 3‐s delay only decreased location accuracy. Thus, in concurrent‐schedule performance, both ambient stimuli prior to a reinforcer and the location of the just‐reinforced response are available as discriminative stimuli following the reinforcer. Control of postreinforcer responding is divided between these according to their association with the relative frequency of subsequent reinforcers.  相似文献   

The role of discriminative stimuli in concurrent performances   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Key pecking in pigeons was examined under concurrent and parallel arrangements of two independent and simultaneously available variable-interval schedules. Pecks on the changeover key alternated the schedule of reinforcement for responses on the main key. Under concurrent schedules, discriminative stimuli were paired with the reinforcement schedule arranged in each component and changeover responses also alternated these stimuli. Under parallel schedules, changeover responses alternated the effective reinforcement schedule, but did not change the discriminative stimulus. On concurrent procedures, changeover response rate was inversely related to the difference in reinforcement rate between the two components, whereas on parallel schedules no consistent relationship was found. With both schedules, absolute response and reinforcement rates were positively related, although for a given set of reinforcement frequencies, rates were often higher on the concurrent schedules. On concurrent schedules, relative response rates and relative times were equal to relative reinforcement rates. On parallel schedules these ratios were positively related, but response and time ratios were much smaller than were obtained with comparable concurrent schedules. This inequality was most pronounced when absolute reinforcement frequencies were lowest.  相似文献   

In a divided attention situation, preliminary response activations produced by stimuli on one channel were revealed through their effects on responses to stimuli on a secondary probe channel. Subjects performed concurrent but independent four-choice reaction-time tasks using the same four response fingers (middle and index fingers on both hands). In the main task, targets were large and small Ss and Ts, and medium-sized Ss and Ts sometimes appeared as distractors. Targets in the probe task were squares differing in location. A response to a probe square was faster if a distractor letter presented just before it had the same name as the target letter corresponding to that square (i.e., assigned to the same response key) than if the distractor letter had a different name--a result indicating that distractor letters cause partial response preparation. The timecourse of the effect demonstrated that preparation was based on preliminary information about distractor name that was available before distractor size had been determined. The results support models in which response preparation can sometimes begin before stimulus recognition has finished.  相似文献   

Reactivity and habituation patterns were examined in the offspring of anxious and non-anxious parents. Although no differences emerged for magnitude of response to either fear-relevant visual or auditory stimuli, offspring of anxious parents displayed significantly more electrodermal activity during resting baseline and during the inter-trial intervals of these stimulus presentations. Differences also were observed for the number of children per group achieving habituation to the fear-relevant visual and auditory stimuli, where offspring of anxious parents were less likely to habituate to either stimuli. The same pattern of group differences emerged after excluding children diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, indicating that even offspring of anxious parents who did not have an anxiety disorder differ from offspring of normal controls with respect to their pattern of psychophysiological reactivity. It is hypothesized that these features might serve as an indication of anxiety proneness and risk for the development of anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Sidman (1994, 2000) suggested that responses as well as stimuli can join equivalence classes, a hypothesis difficult to test because differential responding typically requires different stimuli. The present experiments describe a procedure with pigeons that avoids this potential confounding effect. In Experiment 1, spacing two responses 3 s apart (a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate [DRL] schedule) to a white stimulus on some trials produced food or the comparison stimuli in a matching task, whereas pecking 10 or more times with no temporal restrictions (a fixed-ratio [FR] schedule) produced the same effect on other trials. Completing the alternative (unscheduled) requirement terminated the white stimulus and repeated the trial. Following such errors, pigeons learned to switch to the alternative response pattern on the repeat trials. In addition, the correct response pattern functioned as a conditional cue for comparison choice. In Experiment 2, mixed DRL-FR training was preceded by two-sample/two-alternative matching-to-sample with DRL and FR sample-response requirements. In a subsequent transfer test in which the correct response pattern to white served as the sample, pigeons preferentially chose the comparison previously reinforced following that pattern in the baseline task. This "unsignaled response" procedure may be useful for assessing whether differential responses can be members of acquired equivalence classes.  相似文献   

Four experiments tested priming in short-term memory as a model for latent inhibition and habituation. The model postulates that the two phenomena results from reduced processing when a representation of the target stimulus is already active (primed) in short-term memory at the time of its presentation. Priming is assumed to depend on the integrity of an association formed between the contextual stimuli and the conditional stimulus (CS) during exposure. Using a procedure that should have overshadowed the context, Experiment 1 found that latent inhibition and habituation were nevertheless maintained when a second CS of either equal or shorter duration overlapped with the target during exposure. Experiments 2, 3, and 4 showed that sensory preconditioning as well as habituation and latent inhibition were obtained with compound exposure, providing reasonable evidence that the added CS was indeed processed along with the target during exposure. These results are interpreted as being inconsistent with the priming model.  相似文献   

Using the shortening reflex of the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis we examined stimulus generalization of habituation learning. Preparations received mechanosensory stimulus at two positions on the leech body wall, one site used to carry out habituation training and a second novel site to test for generalization of habituation. After training, the specific mechanosensory neurons activated by each stimulus were assessed using intracellular recordings. As expected, the closer the two sites were to each other, the greater the degree of generalization of habituation at the novel site and the more sensory cells were shared. However, a form of behavioral facilitation was observed at the trained site that resembled behavioral sensitization, but differed from the standard sensitization process in several respects. (1) Facilitation was induced by stimulation of the novel site before habituation training at the trained site, although the stimulus intensity at the novel site was equivalent to the training stimuli and was not the strong, noxious stimuli that normally induce sensitization. (2) The magnitude of the facilitating effect was proportional to the proximity of the novel and trained stimulation sites. (3) Although behavior at the trained site was facilitated, behavior at the novel site was habituated, indicating that the induced behavioral facilitation did not generalize throughout the animal, as normally occurs during sensitization, but was limited to a single stimulus–response pathway.  相似文献   

Habituation and the human evoked potential   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Habituation of human scalp-recorded cerebral evoked potentials was studied in response to auditory and visual repetitive stimuli of different intensities. Changes in magnitudes of evoked potentials with stimulus repetition were examined according to the parametric characteristics of habituation, generalization, and dishabituation. In addition, tests of the predictions of two theories of habituation were made regarding the degree and direction of intensity generalization of habituation. Both auditory and visual evoked potentials exhibited decrements in response magnitudes across the repetitive stimuli consistent with the parametric criteria of habituation. Early evoked potential peak components showed a pattern of intensity generalization of habituation consistent with the predictions of the dual-process theory of habituation. Intensity generalization of late evoked potential peak components occurred in a manner more consistent with the predictions of the stimulus comparator theory of habituation. These results provide further evidence that evoked potentials can be used as electrophysiological indexes of plasticity in humans.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Two experiments are described in which short-term "habituation" of the auditory evoked response (AER) was examined using discrete trains of click stimuli and averaging across trains. In the first study, the stimuli consisted of randomly interspersed trains of regular clicks, at 3 or 10 sec interstimulus interval (ISI). In the second study, the ISIs were also short or long but were irregular varying between 2.4 and 3.6 sec in the former case and 6 to 12 sec in the latter. The N1-P2 component of the AER diminished within the 3 sec trains especially for the regular stimulation; no such development occurred with the longer ISI. The total voltage in the background EEG and the reaction-times to the stimuli showed essentially similar changes. The possible mechanisms governing the response decrement are discussed and it is concluded that the data may be interpreted in terms of the Groves and Thompson dual-process theory of habituation.  相似文献   

A series of 10 tone stimuli was presented to rats at intervals of 1/4, 1/2, 1, 1 1/2, 2, 2 1/2, or 3 min or 24 h. The next day a test tone was presented and the distraction to this measured. There was less habituation (i.e. greater distraction) at shorter inter-stimulus intervals, but this effect asymptoted at 2 min and thereafter there was no further increase in habituation, even with inter-stimulus intervals of 24 h. A second independent variable was the stimulus duration which did not affect the rate of habituation, nor did it interact in any way with the inter-stimulus interval.  相似文献   

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